E71 - Incoming name of callers not displaying

I transfered all of mobile numbers via nokia pc onto my new E71. Most of the numbers are on the phone memory as the sim card can take only a limited amount. However when I receive an incoming call from a number which is stored on the phone memory only the number appears on screen - not the name! Can anyone solve this problem? thanks
Go to Solution.

Hi guys,
I have the same problem you just described. However, I followed the suggested actions marked as solution and the problem hasn´t been fixed at all.
Although the suggestions make sense, they didn´t help me to remove the bug. First of all, I am sure my phone service provider is sending me the caller ID. I called them to confirm that. Also, when I install my Sim in another pophne, it works ok.
Later, I deleted ALL the contacts from my Sim AND the phone and I created just one. Then, I had my friend to call me and the phone didn´t showed his name on screen. Since there´s just ONE contact on the phone and NONE in the Sim, there´s no chance I had dups, however, it didn´t work. I thought maybe I can store my friend´s info in the Sim and delete it from the phone but I had no luck either. Also, I need to clarify that I run some tests using my friend´s number and later I added the full number (+ for international, including the country code 506 for Costa Rica) and I had no luck either. One more thing! I installed some caller ID programs and all of them shows ¨"Private call¨instead of the contact name (and I am SURE they are not private numbers!).
It´s funny that when I connect the phone to my computer, the Nokia PC Suite identifies the contact name in the log lists but the phone cannot do it (No number).
Finally, when I receive text messages, the phone is capable of identifying the contact from my list but it cannot do it for incoming calls.
I had spent a lot of time reading and researching at the Internet regarding this situation. At this point, I am convinced that this is indeed a BUG in the phone´s firmware. However, I am open to new suggestions, so I´ll appreciate if someone can post a new suggestion to try it.
Also, I´d like to know if the person from Costa Rica in the previews message had luck with this issue. I have the same firmware version (American one) and we share the same provider.

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    While not perhaps the same OS as you reveal (though you revealed SR, not OS), here is a KB that discusses that error:Article ID: KB35720 After upgrading to BlackBerry 10 OS version Caller ID is not linking to the Address BookHopefully it contains something useful! There also are multiple existing threads on this site that discuss that exact error...your review of those might prove useful, and a search of this site, using the error message, error code, or symptom, should reveal all applicable existing threads to you. Also:Article ID: KB23393 How to find the model number and OS version on a BlackBerry smartphoneYou will need to understand the difference between OS and SR if you proceed further...official methods use SR, while the unofficial methods (including discussions in this forum) rely on OS. The most common thing to do after an update that results in issues (or if the OS you have is not functioning correctly) is to perform an OS reload. Sometimes, the update processes have errors and such...with a reload often curing the issues. The official methods, which will be controlled as to what exact OS versions you are offered:http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/BlackBerry-10-Functions-and/How-to-Reload-your-Blackberry10-O...The unofficial methods, which are cleaner, and allow you to choose an OS version that perhaps your carrier (or whoever it is controlling your offers) has been slow to approve:http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/BlackBerry-10-OS-Device-Software/Upgrading-OS10-devices-using...http://forums.crackberry.com/bb10-leaked-beta-os-f395/bb10-os-archive-943672/Of course, before you start any of this you will want a good backup via LINK, a manual copy of your Device Memory to your PC, and full documentation of your configuration (account credentials, added apps, configurations, etc.). Sometimes, restoring from a backup returns to the device the very corruption one needs to eliminate, and reconfiguring from scratch can resolve that.
    Good luck and let us know!

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    This is inevitably caused by duplicate entry, (many posts already exist) check settings in options in contacts and make sure memory in use is phone memory. Then you need to go through contacts and make sure you don't have more than one name attached to each number  .
    Good Luck
    If I have helped at all, a click on the White Star is always appreciated :
    you can also help others by marking 'accept as solution' 

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    I take it you are no longer on OS X 10.7.2 ?
    The display of Names (and/or Pics) in Buddy Lists and the main Messages window (when in a  Chat)  in Mountain Lion is controlled from the View Menu > Buddy Names.
    To set this choice the window has to be the "Front" one.
    So the Messages window (CMD + 0 in the window Menu) gets brought to the Front when any sort of Text Chat is going On.
    the View Menu > Buddy Names items is selected and navigation to the choice you want.
    Full names is the First name, Last name as seen in the Contacts app (Formerly the Address Book)
    Short Names are Nicknames (normally set via Messages) or First name only if no Nickname exists.
    Handle is the Screen Names (If AIM), Jabber ID (If Facebook, GoogleTalk or other Jabber ID) or in the case of iMessages the current contact ID or iPhone number.
    You can do the same to any Buddy list that you also display.
    It can be used in Conjunction with the View Menu > Messages which has options to display Pics, Names or Pics and Names.
    (Names now refers to whatever is set in the "Buddy Names" option).
    8:49 PM      Friday; November 16, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.2)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    -l --locale Locale information (en_US)
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    According to your description, since this is SQL Server forum, as Olaf Helper’s post, could you get the correct result if you execute the following query in SQL Server Manager Studio (SSMS)?
    select UserName from aspnet_Users where UserId in(select FreindId from myFreinds where UserId in(select UserId from aspnet_Users where UserName = '<your typed name>'))
    If you cannot get the correct result in SSMS, I recommend to check the Transact-SQL statement. Apart from the error message, we also need to know the table structure, data, join relationships between tables for further analysis.
    However if there is no problem in SQL Server query, it will be an issue that regards ASP.NET and website deployment. I suggest you to post the question in the ASP.NET forums at
    http://forums.asp.net/ . It is appropriate and more experts will assist you.
    In addition, there is detail about listbox control in asp.net. You can review the following links:
    How to Bind/Load/Fill ListBox with Sql Server Database in asp.net:http://www.webcodeexpert.com/2013/07/how-to-bindloadfill-listbox-with-sql.html#.U5f75_6KCM9
    How to get multiple selected value in ListBox control - ASP.NET using C#:
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