E90 3G frequencies - when will they add US

I'm currently running around with an FI version of the 9500. I recently bought the N95-3 for my second line (currently in the shop; lost some pixels on the screen).
I would reeeeeeaaaaaaallly want to buy the E90 but since it doesn't support AT&T 3G (850/1900) I probably won't.
Anyone heard anything about Nokia adding those frequencies to the E90 anytime soon?
Why not stuff every phone with every frequency out there.. others do it.. *sigh*
Does anyone know if iUnlock.com is the only place where one can get the 9500 flashed to the newest version or are there shops in Colorado or in the L.A. area that can also do it?

AT&T's GSM AND 3G frequencies are 850 and 1900. I know the E90 would rock; I have two 9500's and I started with an 9200 - but data is excruciatingly slow. The E90 only supports 2100 for 3G. FYI the iPhone 2.0 supports 850,1900, and 2100 for 3G and all 4 for GSM (the new model that's hitting the stores on 7/11). I'd be happy to pay the TWO TIMES MORE it costs for the E90 IF it supported 850/1900 for 3G; alas it does not. But that was my post.. to figure out why does Nokia so selectively support frequencies and whether or not there was ever any plans to add frequencies to the 3G band in their phones.

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    Ralph Ellis

    >> Ascerbic Levine
    >>The reader is the one with the final control over how an EPUB looks, not the developer.
    >>The reader picks the fonts, the reader picks the size, the reader picks the orientation of the device.
    Nonsense.  The developer chooses the sizes and positions of the images, whether the text flows past images, the relative sizes of the text, the type of font, the italisation or boldness of fonts, whether the Greek and Hebrew fonts are presented correctly (as images!), the positions of hieroglyps in the text, the justification of headings and text, lines and line-spacing, the indentation of text  etc: etc: etc: etc:
    The developer can and will destroy the presentation and layout of a book in one easy move  -  and sorting out these many problems and errors at arms length, with someone who knows nothing about literature or publishing, is a nightmare of biblical proportions.
    >> This already exists. It's called "PDF" (a funny side note in that is that's an Adobe invention). There is no
    >>"straight translation" possible from book to e-book. If you think there is, use a PDF, because
    >>that is a flat out translation.
    Yes, and if Apple and Kindle had chosed PDFs as the standard file type for ebooks, there would be no problems.  We can control the layout of a PDF through InDesign, and the iPad will display a PDF book exactly as we design it  -  INCLUDING ALL OUR STRANGE FONTS AND HIEROGLYPS.   A pdf is the perfect solution, and there is only one small problem with this ebook Nirvana  -  both Apple and Kindle will not sell straight PDFs.....
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    >>reviewable, etc. etc., as Bob, possibly ascerbic or carping, but yet entirely correctly, remarks.
    >>It is a different kind of text, with its own set of features -- and limitations as well.
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    you mean a case (to protect the phone)  or the battery cover?
    there are many case makers around online, not sure if they ship to you or not yet.
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Nobody here will have any information about that here since the community is only made up of users like you or I. Anything else is mere speculation and speculation is not permitted here under the Terms of Use for these communities.
    If you believe that Apple's product may be enhanced in anyway you can leave feedback here.

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    You can create a bug for this at bugzilla.mozilla.org<br>
    Please be sure to include as much information as possible when submitting a bug.<br>
    Please read [https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=etiquette.html Bugzilla Etiquette] before posting a bug or posting on other bugs.

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