EA6500 - Device List is full of networ kdevices that are offline

This is very frustrating to manage. And I can't remove them by clicking the X

Don't hold your breath for firmware updates. Cisco broke their promise to keep the Classic firmware updated and now Cisco is selling Linksys. Who knows what the future holds for these routers.

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    I have a Curve 8300.  With OS v4.5.0.81.  And I am on a BB Social network plan through my cell providor "Fido".
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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    The 8300 is not listed in the device upgrade table for Blackberry device OS v5.0. The newer versions of apps like Twitter and Facebook require device OS v5.0 to run correctly. Might be time to consider a new device!
    BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 main support page
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
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    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • I receive the error "axError.gifSorry, your device does not meet the system requirements that are needed to support BlackBerry App World

    Hi My name is Tibor Madarasi i purchased a Blackberry 8900 brand new i can't install app world i instaled the updates for this phone (v4.2.0.85)still can install app world i receive the error "axError.gif Sorry, your device does not meet the system requirements that are needed to support BlackBerry App World." I'm using O2 network in London UK Please advice me Regards
    Message Edited by MichelleK on 06-15-2009 09:53 AM

    ffbizz wrote:
    I hate this bold 9700 series 2 no carrier and find it to be a pathetic product backed up by even more pathetic support so I have decided to use it as a torch. There is an app for this but it requires app world first. Are you trying to say that I MUST have a carrier and they will resolve this issue but otherwise RIM cannot do anything about their own product?
    Hello and Welcome to the Forums!
    We are so sorry that you are having so many difficulties. While many experience the same (a search here will reveal that fact), there are also many who have very positive experiences with their BB. Not every device is suitable for everyone -- which IMHO is why there are so many choices.
    In addition, but for AppWorld, front line support for BB's is, by contract, not provided by RIM. The carriers and authorized resellers are responsible for front line formal support to end users. It is possible to bypass your carrier and seek assistance direct from RIM, but such involves fees since you are bypassing your support agreement with your carrier. The "Support and Services" tab toward the top of these forum pages provide information about that. But, if you do go through your carrier for support, they can escalate into RIM at no fee to you if they so choose to.
    As to AppWorld Support (beyond what we volunteer to provide in these forums), that is available via this portal:
    If you choose to submit to them in this manner, then please use, in the "Please select a component:" field, the AppWorld Billing/Payment selection. Any other selection will simply route you back anonymously to these public forums.
    As to your question, RIM and the carriers both participate in AppWorld. My suspicion is that the carriers get a portion of the costs for the apps that are vended via AppWorld -- but that's just my suspicion. Hence, the use of AppWorld indeed requires a carrier (and, indeed, the proper data plan level from them).
    But, AppWorld is merely a portal, vending apps that are (for the most part) developed by others. As such, it is not the only portal in the world for BB apps. There are a few, I think, apps that are exclusively vended via AppWorld...but I think that number is rather small. Consequently, if you desire an app that will allow your BB to function as you desire, you should seek out alternative vending portals. There are plenty.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • EA6500 Device List

    Is there a way in which to reset the Device List on the EA6500...? because it has ghost devices in the list which are no longer attached and/or the names of the devices have been changed which kind of screws everything up and it then has an identity crisis and shows devices which are not actually connected.
    The only way in which I can think to resolve this would be a factory reset. this should reset the Device List back to a state of normality, in theory but I am not sure.
    Thanks in advance

    A factory reset would certainly clear the device list, along with all other settings of course. But, if it's only showing them on the list, and not showing them as being currently connected, you can just click the x in the top right of the device to remove them. If it's glitched out thinking they're still connected and therefore won't let them be removed, rebooting should fix that. In which case you'll be able to remove them after rebooting.
    As for changed names, rebooting may also fix that I believe, otherwise you can manually change them through the device list by clicking on them and clicking "edit". Additionally, removing them from the list while they aren't connected should also fix it since the router will then get the new information when it reconnects.
    Again, a reset would similarly "fix" both of these since it'll clear the list, but a reboot and/or renaming is certainly easier if you use a bunch of custom settings.
    A side note: My EA6500 hasn't really had any issues like this in a while, so if you don't have the current firmware installed you might want to consider updating.

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    Go to Solution.

    When you go to Troubleshooting > Diagnostics > Router configuration and clicked on Backup it is actually letting you save a backup of your configuration. It should prompt you where to save the file for you to use it later to reconfigure the router settings by loading it back on the router itself. I suggest that you do a hard reset on the router itself – push and hold the reset button using a pin or paper clip for 10-15 seconds then wait for the cisco light to go solid. Once the cisco light will turn solid access the router page again by typing in in the address bar and load the backup that you have saved. Just go back to Troubleshooting > Diagnostics > Router configuration and click on Restore option. It will ask you to look for the backup config file that you have save and open it and the settings should be restored on the router. Check then if the same problem (device list) will be experienced.

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    Hello dbar2530,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    iOS: Device not recognized in iTunes for Windows
    Best of luck,

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    SSIS question

    Hi Tom,
    What you are saying makes sense, if the compatibility level is 90 then the old ANSI joins are expected to be rectified.
    I wrote a script to check - it's an easy exercise, all you need is to loop through the catalog views and for each SP or scalar function run this command:
    set fmtonly on exec <object> set fmtonly on and in the catch block handle the error related to compatibility.
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    The devices section appears in the middle of the left hand pane of iTunes when you plug your Shuffle in.

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    Hi Erin,
    As the footage is from iPhoto, the clips will appear in the item "iPhoto Videos" in iMovie's Events Browser. When you click on the heading iPhoto Videos, the clips will appear in the thumbnails panel to the right of the heading - these will be in chronological (date) order. This is unlike other videos, which are listed in the Events by individual name and grouped by disk and by year.
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    That means:
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    The Find my iPhone service has been turned off
    The phone has been wiped.
    The bottom line is, it means you're probably never going to be able to locate it unless you can physically find it.

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    If you have problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 5.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the Firefox Profile Folder, so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Raghu Iyer

    well, i solved my 'Days Overdue' OR 'elapsed days' in a crude way (see my method given below), if anyone has got a better & accurate method, please do share it with the beginners like me.
    available values :
    Field_167 is the 'Ageing Date' (a text field in Page Header Area)
    Field_036 is the 'Due Date' (a text field in Repetitive Area)
    requirement :
    to print 'Days Overdue' (Field_167 - Field_036 + 1) along with 'Due Date' in repetitive area.
    even after browsing through this forum & other some materials provided in SAP Service Market place, i could not find a function/method to get the elapsed number of days between two dates. so, i went about in around about way to arrive at the 'Days Overdue'. given below is my method that gives the elapsed days, though a close one but not accurate, since i took a month as 30 days. otherwise, this seems to work fine, i need to check it out thoroughly.
    in the repetitive area:
    defined a new hidden field Field_187 as Formula : (Month(Field_167)*30)+Day(Field_167)
    defined a new hidden field Field_188 as Formula : (Month(Field_036)*30)+Day(Field_036)
    defined a new field Field_189 for 'Days Overdue' as Formula : ((Year(Field_167)-Year(Field_036))*365)(Field_187-Field_188)1
    Raghu Iyer

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    Network Provider: 02
    Network Plan: Pay As You Go

    Hi, thanks. Is this something my provider can activate free of charge or does this come at a monthly payment?
    Can someone provide a bit of information about this please.

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