EarPods skipping, rewinding, moving through songs, without command.

SInce last night, my Earpods have been skipping songs, fast forwarding, playing, and stopping without my command.
Has anyone else had this issue? What should I do?
Thank you so much!

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    Hi everyone,
    *Since I upgraded my iPod Touch* to the latest available software update +(for the 1st Gen is 3.1.3)+, it has become *unable to properly play any music encoded above 128kbps*. Before the upgrade, my iPod could play music encoded in any higher bitrates like a champ! All the way to 320kbps, variable, even Apple Lossless format used to play flawlessly.
    Suddenly after the last *firmware update*, most of the songs in my iPod Touch would *skip, glitch and garble, making electronic glitches and annoying noises* for no apparent reason. On occasion, the iPod would even *add several second of silence in the middle of random songs*. It's bizarre!
    It definitely took me a while to figure it out, and spent weeks testing and researching what could be the problem. It was truly driving me nuts! The result of all these tests was clear: the *iPod Touch now CHOKES on any music file encoded higher than 128 kbps ACC*. Truly pathetic for such an expensive little jukebox. Even the early MP3 players I owned 10 years ago were able to play variable rate MP3 files without a glitch. *_This is a major bug that needs to be solved_*.
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    There is one temporary solution to this mess, but it involves reducing the quality of your music files: The only way I can now play my music collection in my iPod Touch without skips and glitches is by downconverting my files to the now *obsolete 128kbps*. Only when I converted my music to 128kbps, the annoying skips and glitches stopped. For an audiophile like myself, this was an absolutely painful decision, as I can tell the *obvious loss in quality and nuance in my music files since i had to downconvert them*.
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    To make a long story short, all your *music that's encoded above 128 kbps gets corrupted when you transfer it to your Touch from iTunes through your USB 2.0 connection*. That's where the problem is!
    I performed this simple test:
    *PART 1 - WIFI*
    - I connected my iPod Touch via Wi-Fi to the iTunes Store. Bought an album encoded at a very high bitrate (Coldplay's "Viva la Vida", encoded at 256KBPS).
    - Downloaded the Coldplay album directly to my iPod Touch via Wi-Fi.
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    *PART 2 - USB 2.0*
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    - I tested every song in the album. Guess what: most of them are corrupted, skipping, glitching, making garbled noises.
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    Tap center of screen (album art) to bring up those controls again.

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    You can actually transfer your iPod songs to your computer.
    First, you'll need to prevent iTunes from automatically syncing your iPod. To do that, follow these steps:
    1 - Open iTunes.
    2 - Connect your iPod to your computer.
    3 - Basically as soon as your iPod begins to display "Do Not Disconnect", begin to press and hold the Ctrl and Shift keys together.
    Continue to do this for perhaps about 20 seconds after your iPod appears in the Source List of iTunes (the left area).
    After you've prevented iTunes from auto-syncing your iPod, click on it in the Source List, and under the "Summary" tab, select the option: "manually manage content on iPod".
    Also, go to the Music, podcasts, etc. tabs, and deselect all check-boxes that say "Sync", to sync music, or podcasts.
    Now, to save your changes, click the "Apply" button in the bottom-right corner of this screen.
    Now, to transfer your iPod songs to your computer, there are a few different methods, but perhaps the most straight-forward way to do it would be to download a third-party program which can do this for you.
    YamiPod is free, and commonly recommended for using with copying your iPod songs to your computer.
    After you have those songs copied to your computer sucessfully, restore your iPod in iTunes.

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    I have tried restarting the phone multiple times, powering it off, but it does not help... any ideas?

    So i fixed my problem.
    I tried restoring the software on the phone multiple times with no success. It was just restoring the phone with a previously corrupt back up file. So I went into the iPhone preferences in iTunes and erased all the backup files then restored it. This puts the phone back to how it was when you first bought it i.e. all presets reset: weather, stocks, etc. but if you have all your contacts saved on your computer they will sync right back in so it is not too bad. This fixed the problem (and even some other minor issues i was having).

  • Playlist skipping songs half way through song

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    Done! Thank you so much for your reply

  • Songs "skip" half-way through, or start half-way through

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    Is this a common issue? I've seen similar posts but not exactly like this (or I've simply missed them). Is there a fix?
    I've just noticed that Shake to Shuffle is "on", so I'll try turning that off and see if that helps at all.

    I have something similar and think I might know what is causing it but not how to fix it. I recently created a playlist in iTunes then copied to the iPod. While creating the playlist I listened to some of the songs for the first minute or so. Now I find that while playing the playlist on the iPod those songs that I previewed start from where I stopped listening to them in iTunes. If I go back into iTunes and play those songs again they do the same thing, start from where I left off the previous time. What I'm trying to figure out now is how to prevent this from happening but always have songs play from the start. I suspect that when copying the playlist to the iPod, it has also copied across information about where iTunes is expecting the song to start from when it's played again.
    If it's of any relevance (not sure yet) I recently started using Genius in iTunes although these songs were not picked through Genius

  • When I try to play a song on my iPod Touch, it shows the information screen for the song and then skips to a new song but then goes back to the main playlist page without ever playing a song! Help!

    When I try to play a song on my iPod Touch, it shows the information screen for the song and then skips to a new song but then goes back to the main playlist page without ever playing a song! Help!

    thats tough man, yeah exchanging it is the best option. But why do people always leave a message saying" i'll probably just by an ipod" and it's usually followed by, "even though i don't like apple or ipod" . I mean fine, if u feel like giving up on the zen micro thats fine, i personally don't care if you're going to buy an ipod. for god sakes ipod isn't even the next alternati've mp3 players, theres plenty. Are u just trying to get the creative people saying "oh man we lost another one to ipod" cuz i'm sure they don't lose sleep over u wanting to buy an ipod instead of a zen. *done ranting*
    Message Edited by bleakreserve on 02-3-2005 06:34 AM

  • I download exclusively from itunes and I have been having issues with the music stopping after about 25 seconds either skipping to the next song or just going silent and still moving as if it is playing? how do i fix this?

    I have an ipod nano, classic and Iphone4s...i download itunes, it says it is completely downloaded, i go to play it either on my pc or on one of my devices and it plays about 24 seconds of the song and skips to the next song. Sometimes it continues to "play" as in the timer is still moving but there is no sound or picture...how do i fix this? It is really frustrating...i let it go with one or 2 songs but when it is everything I download any more I'm getting fed up. I tried going into the info on the song and options and making sure it didn't have the stop time changed (the solution that apple support gave me) Any solutions? I want to actually listen to the music I download!!!

    I have an ipod nano, classic and Iphone4s...i download itunes, it says it is completely downloaded, i go to play it either on my pc or on one of my devices and it plays about 24 seconds of the song and skips to the next song. Sometimes it continues to "play" as in the timer is still moving but there is no sound or picture...how do i fix this? It is really frustrating...i let it go with one or 2 songs but when it is everything I download any more I'm getting fed up. I tried going into the info on the song and options and making sure it didn't have the stop time changed (the solution that apple support gave me) Any solutions? I want to actually listen to the music I download!!!

  • HT1725 When I download a song from iTunes into my library, it often says it has downloaded, charges me for it, and on the song in my library shows the full playing time. However, when I play the song, at around halfway through it skips to the next song?

    When I download a song from iTunes into my library, it often says it has downloaded, charges me for it, and on the song in my library shows the full playing time. However, when I play the song, at around halfway through it skips to the next song?
    i'm just wondering:
    a) why it does this
    and b) how to stop it doing this, because it still charges me for the song :/

    If your country's iTunes Store allows you to redownload purchased tracks, I'd delete your current copies of the dodgy tracks and try redownloading fresh copies. For instructions, see the following document:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Otherwise, I'd report the problem to the iTunes Store.
    Log in to the Store. Click on "Account" in your Quick Links. When you're in your Account information screen, go down to Purchase History and click "See all".
    Find the items that are not playing properly. If you can't see "Report a Problem" next to the items, click the "Report a problem" button. Now click the "Report a Problem" links next to the items.

  • 4 albums purchased from iTunes yesterday have songs not playing all the way through. They play for a period of time and skip to the next song. Everytime they are played. Can anyone help?

    Some songs I purchased last night are not playing all the way through. Several songs from the 4 albums I purchased play for a period of time then just skip to the next song. The songs that do this, do it everytime they are played at the exact same spot. The songs that are affected skip to the next on iTunes on my PC which is updated to the most current iTunes and my 160gb iPod classic. Everytime they are played at the exact same spot. However on my other device, iPhone 4s all songs play just fine. I have almost 7,000 songs on my iPod and this has never happened before and I have played it awhile since downloading those albums yesterday. This is only happening with the albums purchased yesterday. Can anyone help me figure out what is wrong?

    I'm having the same issue with a few songs I just downloaded. It skips randomly in the middle of the song.

  • I just bought the new ipod touch, but when I try to sync it I get told to use the cloud and download from there.  How do I sync it to my itunes so that I get all my songs without going through cloud? Otherwise if this isn't possible I am taking this back!

    I just bought the new ipod touch, but when I try to sync it I get told to use the cloud and download from there.  How do I sync it to my itunes so that I get all my songs without going through cloud? Otherwise if this isn't possible I am taking this back!

    Thanks for no help... but for anyone else, turn off itunes match on the ipod

  • All the time I plug my iPod Shuffle to my iTunes it says it needs to be restore and after I restored it and add music it only skips song after song without playing one completely. What should I do?

    All the time plug my iPod Shuffle to my iTunes it says it needs to be restore, and after I restored it and add music, it skips song after song without playing one completely. What should I do?

    Hello there, san blasted.
    The following page links to the iPod Troubleshooting Assistants. Feel free to review the recommendations for your particular iPod:
    Apple - Support - iPod Troubleshooting Assistants
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • While playing music on my iphone 5, i am now unable to play, pause, or skip songs while my phone is locked. I can still change the volume and slide the scrub through songs.  This has always worked for me until now. I have not changed any settings

    While playing music on my iphone 5, i am now unable to play, pause, or skip songs while my phone is locked. I can still change the volume and scrub through songs.  This has always worked for me until now. As far as i know, i have not changed any settings.  This is whle my phone is locked both on the slide up toolbar/menu interface and on the normal screen before i slide to unlock.

    I skimmed through this very long post but from what I read, this sounds much more like a coverage issue with your network than a device issue.  I have not seen or heard of this issue before and I do not have this issue personnally and & I use the music app quite frequently while working in the yard.
    The DND feature should not be a factor at all if you're sure it's turned off.  I always recommend restarting your phone by holding down the home button + the lock button for 10-12 seconds until the Apple logo appears.  Once the phone reboots, do a test to see if this has helped to resolve the issue.
    If not, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.  Then, test it out again.  Post back if neither of these solutions solve your issue.

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