Ebrochure Sites What are they using

Hello All
I was curious what technology these sites below are using to
convert pdf into "ebrochures".
Is this FlashPaper with tweaks in Flash? Are there any
samples/examples of this around or exchange gizmos that help move
the conversion along?

Try http://www.pressmo.com You can host ebrochures on your own domain/server, online versions (html), cd version (exe) ...and competitive price (25.0€/33$ for one digital brochure)
...and video tutorial, how to make...

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    Wrapper classes are used to enclose primitive data
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    As DrQuincy asks how is this of use over multiplying
    and dividing?In your processor there are often different instructions for shifting, multiplying, and deleteing. Typically the shifting instructions take less time to execute and so using the shifting operator will be faster than multiplying. This assumes the compiler doesn't recognize the situation and optimize it out though.
    The >>,<<,>>>, &,|,and ^ operators are mainly useful when you need to deal with individual bits of data. For instance if you are talking to another system (thats not java) that uses a different method of storing numbers (little endian/big endian etc.), or doing something such as creating parity data for error correction. There are lots of things to do, but most a low level and its rare when you need to use them.

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    Wrapper classes are used to enclose primitive data
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    Back-ups are what they are: a safety copy. If you feel you don't need them, you can trash them. They could be of a previous System if you upgraded, or something else. You wont get the full picture from looking at system profiler.
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             Can somebody tell me what is the main use of pooled table and where are they use,thanks!
    Moderator message - Please search before asking - post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Sep 1, 2009 9:11 AM

    Table pools are special table types in the ABAP Dictionary. The data from several different tables can be stored together in a table pool or table cluster. Tables assigned to a table pool or table cluster are referred to as pooled tables or cluster tables.
    This table are similar to the CLUSTER table types but these work on "LINEAR SEARCH" while CLUSTER TABLE uses "BINARY SEARCH to retrieve the data from the various tables and thsi is mainly used in the logical databases "LDB's" used in HR or ABAP-HR.
    A table in the database in which all records from the pooled tables assigned to the table pool are stored corresponds to a table pool.
    The definition of a pool consists essentially of two key fields (Tabname and Varkey) and a long argument field (Vardata).
    Table Clusters Several logical data records from different cluster tables can be stored together in one physical 
    record in a table cluster.
    A cluster key consists of a series of freely definable key fields and a field (Pageno) for distinguishing continuation records. A cluster also contains a long field (Vardata) that contains the contents of the data fields of the cluster tables for this key. If the data does not fit into the long field, continuation records are created. Control information on the structure of the data string is still written at the beginning of the Vardata field.

  • SCCM 2012 SP1 - Evil Folders in Reporting Services - What Are They and How to Remove Them

    Hello All,
    There are a lot of sub-folders in the http://CentralSiteSCCM/ReportServer. They are like:
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.0
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.1
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.10
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.100
    <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN.OLD.1000
    Only <dir> Config_Mgr_CEN is properly populated with the correct set of the default folders.
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    How to remove them?
    What to do in order for them not to appear any more?
    Thank you very much in advance!

    Hi Mike,
    I ran into an issue when I did the SP1 upgrade where a majority of our reports were duplicated. I created a script to delete these duplicate reports and I've adjusted it to work for your situation. You can find the original thread here, if you're interested:
    You'll need to know your SCCM site code and the server name to run this script.
    # SCCM2012SP1-RemoveDuplicateSSRSFolders.ps1
    # This script will connect to SSRS on a specified server and delete all folders that end with .OLD.*
    # Used for SSRS cleanup after SCCM 2012 SP1 installation
    # Script must be run from an account that has access to modify the SSRS instance
    # 3/22/2013 - Mike Laughlin
    # Resources used in writing this script:
    # Starting point: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178685/change-datasource-of-ssrs-report-with-powershell
    # API Documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165967%28v=sql.90%29.aspx
    # Previous script: http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/configmanagergeneral/thread/dc9aa3b4-cea9-4a07-87ca-2795a2dbc04e
    # Define variables
    $SiteCode = ""
    $serverName = ""
    # Set the value of $noConfirm to $True only if you don't want to manually confirm folder deletion. Use with caution.
    $noConfirm = $False
    # Safeguard
    If ( $SiteCode -eq "" -or $serverName -eq "" ) { Write-Host "Enter the required information for the SiteCode and serverName variables before running this script." -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black ; Exit }
    # Connect to SSRS
    $ssrs = New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://$serverName/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx?WSDL -UseDefaultCredential
    # Get a listing of all folders in SSRS
    $reportFolders = $ssrs.ListChildren("/", $True)
    # Find all folders containing .OLD.*
    $foldersToDelete = $reportFolders | Where { $_.Name -like "ConfigMgr_" + $SiteCode + ".OLD.*"}
    # Quit if no folders are found
    If ( $foldersToDelete.Count -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "No folders with .OLD.* found. Quitting." ; Exit }
    # Show a listing of the folders that will be deleted
    Write-Host "The following folders will be deleted from SSRS on" $serverName":`n"
    Write-Host "`nTotal number of folders to delete:" $foldersToDelete.Count "`n"
    # Get confirmation before deleting if $noConfirm has not been changed
    If ( $noConfirm -eq $False )
    $userConfirmation = Read-Host "Delete these folders from" $serverName"? Enter Y or N"
    If ( $userConfirmation.ToUpper() -ne "Y" ) { Write-Host "Quitting, folders have not been deleted." ; Exit }
    # Delete the folders
    $deletedFolderCount = 0
    Write-Host "Beginning to delete folders now. Please wait."
    ForEach ( $folder in $foldersToDelete ) { $ssrs.DeleteItem($folder.Path) ; $deletedFolderCount++ }
    Write-Host "Folders have been deleted. Total number of deleted folders:" $deletedFolderCount
    Standard disclaimer: While this script worked just fine for me in my environment, I make no guarantees that it will work anywhere else. I've attempted to make this script as user friendly and generic as possible, but it may require slight tweaking to work properly.

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    Can someone tell me what the .itc files are that are stored in the Album Artwork Cache folder on the hard disk in the iTunes folder? I came across some while I was doing a search, thought they were something else and started to delete them. Now I have a bunch of them sitting in my trash and I'm not sure if I should permanently delete them or not. At the same time, I can't figure out which ones go in which folders if I were to try and put them back to their original location. If I delete them, will they be automatically generated again? Are they necessary for something? What are they?

    They are definitely downloaded pic files. I say pic files, because instead of album artwork, they are actually small picture files of classical music composers pulled from various sites on the web.
    I used "album artwork" in a loose sense inasmuch that you could put a photo of your dog into iTunes and call it album artwork.
    Anyway, I guess my next question is what to do now?
    Uh, I am disinclined to experiment with my iTunes, if you don't mind, so I'm not sure.
    Does the artwork still show up in iTunes because I haven't emptied the trash yet?
    I suspect those files need to be in specific locations in order to be seen.
    Since you downloaded these yourself vs. fetched with iTunes it may be they are embedded in the files and not just present in the artwork folders. I download artwork and then paste it onto my mp3s which means the artwork is actually in the file in addition to whatever file itunes may make based upon the folder. I also notice that if I have a mp3 from the same album but have not embedded artwork in the mp3 it still displays art for that album. I think iTunes is displaying this art using the itc it generated from the album that does have artwork. So it may not matter that you have deleted the itc file if the artwork is embedded in the file or there is another album file with the artwork.
    Is there a way to know where to replace them if I just pulled them out of the trash? That is what I can't figure out based on the names of the files. There doesn't seem to be any corresponding data in the file name as it would relate to the folder that it came from.
    iTunes works in mysterious ways its wonders to perform. I suspect you might be able to replace the files if you were to go into the itunes library files and browse through the entries trying to associate all the code identities from the various listings. Not my idea of fun.

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    Here is one thing I found googling for WebEx:
    (The x64 would most likely mean 64 bit). It may be a Windows based application/plugin, but since I had never heard of either, I'm only guessing there. If you do a search systemwide for it and don't find it plus don't know why it's there, I'd say throw it in the trash (don't empty it yet - make a note of the file path just in case you do have something installed that needs it so you can move it back).
    Glad to hear it's not a torrent; some people use those not realizing that quite often there is a price to pay for downloading stuff for free that costs money elsewhere - the software packages quite often include little "add-ons" = malware which you really don't want.

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        That's definitely strange, kzmidge. I want a working phone in your hands though. I noticed you mentioned you received the suggestion to complete a reset. Did you already do that? Is it working again? Are you receiving an error message?
    If you hesitated a little longer to complete the reset, you can try to place your phone into Safe Mode http://vz.to/rxg0ii and see if you can access mobile sites from your browser. This mode will stop 3rd party applications from running, so you won't be able to use the apps you mentioned but we may be able to narrow down the trouble in Safe Mode. If the mobile sites work, that means the trouble may be in a recently downloaded application and you may be able to avoid the reset my uninstalling some of your more recently installed applications. If it's still giving you trouble, the reset http://vz.to/18wzOCi is the next best step.
    Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/vzwsupport

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    Why do we use "open URL in default browser" function?  What are the uses of it?

    kdm7 wrote:
    So can we keep a web button to access the www.ni.com ? So that web site opens only when button pressed?
    P.S  I,m a newbie.
    Yes, you can also, e.g. include a help file or manual as html and open that in the browser.
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  • Yosemite 10.10.2 server app. FTP help. I have a program running in my local server enviroment that wants to FTP to my mac folder. It asks for the server , name, password, port and path. what are they?

    So I have set up a localhost area in my Mac. I have the new server.app and I am running yosemite 10.10.2 .
    I have a program running in my local server enviroment that wants to FTP to my mac .
    It asks for the server , name, password, port and path. what are they?
    I am pretty certain that the Serveris "localhost",
    Name is my macs name (like my-mac-min)
    password is "my login password"
    and they suggest port 21.
    But what is the file path, lets just say my site is set up http://localhost/siteftp and is actually at my Users/Sites/siteftp folder.
    Why cant this program connect to the mac.
    Is it because they are both operating in the same localhost enviroment,
    could it be my folder permissions are not correct on siteftp folder?
    Help please !

    I tried turning the computer off and then back on. The alerts don't show the notice to update as resolved. Hopefully this is not a problem or an indicator or another problem. Should I ignore or reload 10.10.1 from the app store to trigger a resolved check in a green circle?
    Interesting that I had to buy server software after my free Yosemite download. I would have hoped that the two pieces of software would have gone together without any complication. It is not positive to end up buying a problem. Ah well, time to move on.

Maybe you are looking for