ECG Data Acquisition

Hello LabVIEW Users,
I am trying to acquire ECG signal using a CONTONIUS ANALOG SINGLE CHANNEL INPUT VI in LabVIEW. I would like to know that will I be able to acquire the ECG waveform using this VI or will I need a CRO for this purpose I have not considered CRO because I understand that the heart beats at the rate of 96 beats / min so the signal is very slow varying. If you agree that the ECG can be acquired using the above mentioned VI then I would like to know about the scan rate which will be fit to do so. I must also tell you that the sampling rate for ECG is 300 samples / sec. So it would be nice if some one could please tell me about which VI will be perfect for acquiring the ECG

hhjjj --
Don't know what a CRO is but I will try my best to answer your question. Two things to consider when acquireing an ECG signal: 1. Resolution and 2. Sample Rate.
1. The output from standard ECG leads is in the milliVolt range (~1 to 3 if i remember correctly). The smallest voltage change the average NI data acquisition board will be able to detect is ~1 milliVolt. So, you will have to amplify and filter the signal from the leads to have a good enough signal to visualize in your VI.
2. The peak Hz in a ECG signal, the QRS complex, is around 17 Hz (again, my memory is a little fuzzy here) so, theoretically, you can sample data around ~34 samples/sec and get away with it. However, I would recommend a x10 sampling rate (~170 Hz). 300 sample
s/sec should be fine but don't oversample or you will introduce unwanted noise in your signal.
So, I think the VI you are using to display the ECQ signal should be fine. But, I think an emphasis should be placed on how you acquire the signal.
Hope this helps.
Product Development Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Architect

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    The data acquisition and state machine timer do not have to be equal, you should however have the same data write rate as you have data read rate, otherwise over the course of long running programs you can build up a large buffer of data to be written using a lot of memory, or lose data.
    Your data acquisition should be continuous, the most common way of doing this is every time you receive data write it to a queue, then when you are in other states except your data write stage you simply build up data in the queue that is to be written when you enter the write state again.
    Think of it as traffic reaching a set of lights:
    The traffic represents the data acquisition, there is a constant flow of it always coming through, the state of your state machine is the lights, green is the data write state clearing the queue, red is when in any other state, letting the traffic build up behind the lights.
    It is just important that the light is green long enough to let the traffic not build up too much, otherwise you have a jam.
    EDIT: For the basics of how queues work, look at the Queue basics example from the example finder. 

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    PS: Please find the attached file used for acquisition from a single load cell.
    Looking forward for your reply.
    test ‏102 KB

    Hi Manasa,
    If I understand what you are trying to do, it is relatively
    straightforward to configure your application to acquire data on two channels.
    I was unable to run your vi as it was missing some of the subVI’s
    from your application.  However, your
    attachment was sufficient to see what you are trying to do. 
    Here is how to add channels:
    In the I/O Channel Constant, you can add
    additional channels by using a comma or a semi-colon.  For example, to scan the first four channels
    you would put 0:3 in the constant (see attached screenshot ChannelConfig.jpg).  To scan the first and third channel you would
    put 0,2.
    The AI Single Scan VI will now read from
    multiple channels.  Often it easiest to
    configure the output of this VI for viewing by first putting the data into an
    array using the Build Array VI.  It can
    then be plotted in a waveform graph. (see attached screenshot ReadtoGraph.jpg
    and WaveFormGraph.jpg)
    Just a few notes about “simultaneous” sampling:
    Most of the NI data acquisition cards have a multiplexer
    between the various input channels and the Analog to Digital (A/D) converter
    creating a very small delay between each channel (usually ms range or
    smaller).  NI does make several data acquisition
    cards that can perform true simultaneous sampling, meaning that there is an A/D
    converter for each channel.
    For the large majority of applications, the small delay
    between channels is negligible.
    Jared T.
    ReadtoGraph.JPG ‏21 KB
    ChannelConfig.JPG ‏288 KB
    WaveFromChart.JPG ‏61 KB

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    At this point, it is difficult to determine exactly what is happening to your acquisition. Could you please provide some additional information by answering the following questions:
    What voltage are you reading with the 500 lb load cell?
    Would it be possible to connect your load cells to a DMM and see what voltage reading you receive? If so, what do you see?
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    I also noticed that you are using the Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) driver. I recommend upgrading to the NI-DAQmx driver.  Here are a couple of links with more information about DAQmx:
    Advantages of NI-DAQmx:
    Transition from Traditional NI-DAQ to NI-DAQmx:
    Learn 10 Functions in NI-DAQmx and Solve 80% of Data Acquisition Applications:
    Hal L.

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    Hello Bruce,
    I have a complete solution for this but I cannot give you the VIs because my customer has paied for it and all rights are transfered to him.
    What you need are two tasks.  One task is the analog in task. You must use the DAQmx and the DAQmx to set it up as needed. Or you create a task in MAX with this setup. The other task is a counter task just counting the pulses from the z-Index.
    Next you need a small state machine with the states:
    init, start, wait and stop.
    init will initialize and start the tasks
    start will read out the z pulse counter and wait for a change from 0 to 1
    wait will read out the z pulse counter or the available samples property, when the desired number of z pulses or samples are available read the buffer with DAQmx
    stop will stop both tasks and clear them.
     You will need two additonal counters which you don't have to check for lost A pulses and a external flip-flop electronic. The flip-flop will change it's state with each z pulse and the output will be used for gated counting. With each change of the z pulse counter you need to read out one of the additional counters to check if he had seen the correct number of pulses.
    Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
    Don't forget to give Kudos to good answers and/or questions

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           Hi everyone,
    I want to acquire the radial run-out (radial small displacement) of a rotating spindle using a capacitive sensor. To do so I will use the LabView v. 7.1. The PCI-6036E card from National Instruments (NI) will be utilized for data acquisition. The spindle turns at 100 rpm and a rotational incremental encoder is fixed at rear of spindle. This encoder provides an index digital pulse per revolution. This pulse should be used to start and finish the sampling process. I want to sample on the basis of time, by means of sampling rate of the card (Ksamples/s). So, let us suppose that I want to acquire 500 data/rev. The spindle takes 0.6 sec to complete one revolution. Thus, the required sampling rate is Fs = 500 samples/0.6 s = 833 samples/s. So, I should set the VI in LabView so that it samples only 833 data/s. Therefore, I will have to reduce the sampling rate of the analog-input channels in use. For example, let us suppose that the card provides 100 Ks/s when operating in multiple channels. Let us admit that there are 4 analog-input channels in use. So, the scan rate per channel is 25 Ks/s. This is too much for this application. I only need 833 samples/s. So, I should program the VI so that the card provides that required sample rate. As said earlier, I need to start and end the sampling process at the same point. Thus, to do that the index pulse of the encoder will be used. Also, I want to sample during 5 consecutive revolutions of the spindle. So, by means of a loop in VI, I should count the index pulse of encoder until the number of pulses be equal to 5 (= number of revolutions). At this instant, the sampling process should be stopped. Note: 1) the sampled data should be put in a buffer. After the sampling process is finished, this data should be saved in a file of LabView; 2) In fact, the data acquired by the sensor are voltage analog input. Questions:1) Could you make a VI for this problem, please? Note: you can use the DAQ ASSISTANT EXPRESS VI or DAQmx TASK NAME CONTROL method2) What should I do to stop the data acquisition at the end of 5 revolutions using the index pulse of encoder?3) Could you send examples (VIs) similar to my problem above? In anticipation, thank you very much for any help. My e-mail: [email protected]                                                                                      

    duplicate post
    Continue in other thread
    Message Edited by smercurio_fc on 11-14-2008 09:10 AM

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    We have lots of code to gather data in all sorts of ways. Building measurement applications is what we do. Since you are lost when it comes to this, you would do well to hire a guide in the form of an Alliance Member company. We do this stuff every day.
    Your TI DAQ boards may do the trick, but you would have to show someone the specs for them. Also, you need to think about what kind of speed you require and where you want the position data to go. Table? Plot? Database? A good LabVIEW developer can set you up with some code that does exactly what you want.
    Daniel L. Press
    PrimeTest Corp.

  • Data acquisition from NI PXI 5152 using LabVIEW

        This might be really stupid question, I am new to LabVIEW and the Digitizer equipment. I was wondering if there are already any labVIEW based application available to read the data from PXI5152. I would be using both channels available and may be trigger. If there is no such application available, what would be port numbers I would be using for data acquisition. But, If I am to develop an acquisition software, I would be looking at every single specification of the equipment. I am assuming the output will be a digitized signal varying with the clock input, since It is used as oscilloscope. When working with labview how would I specify the port to read from and how would my PC recognize the port. I working on a pre-configured system and they won't let me unplug anything to check the configuration. Does NI provides a software to read into the signal fed into the channel and trigger inputs. I have tried looking into the different forum discussion but didn't find any that address my issue. May be it's too simple and stupid. But, it would be a great help if you could point out my misunderstanding.
    Thanks in advance.

    There are numerous examples. Help>Find Examples> Modular Instruments>Ni-Scope. There is a test panel available in MAX. On the Measurement I/O>NI-Scope palette, are all of the driver functions includeing the NI-Scope Express.
    I'm not quite sure I understand your references to 'port's. Once installed into the chassis, it should be listed in MAX. In the functions you will be using, there will be a dropdown menu that you will be able to select the scope resource name.

  • Data acquisition time of ocean optics spectrometer

    Hi, LVers,
    I has a S2000 multichannel fiber optic spectroscopy system. It includes two channels, master and slave. Additionally there is a channel labeled as 'LS-1'. I use labview and driver OOILVD32.dll to control this spectroscopy. In OOILVD32.dll, I use vi 'OOI SCAN' to acquire spectral data through master channel.
    In vi "OOI SCAN", I disable all slave channels (there are 7 slave channels) and enable master channel only. However, I find that the data acquisition time is always approximately two times of the "sampling frequency" we set. E.g. for sampling frequency of 75 ms (a small value), the spectral data acquisition time is approx. 160-170 ms; for a sample frequency of 4000 ms (a large value), the spectral data acquisition time is approx. 8300-8400 ms, so on and so forth.
    I am very confused with this phenomenon. I guess the most probable reason is that both master and slave channels are always enabled even one of them is software disabled. Because this product is discontinued, I can not find the manual. Anybody could advise me how this such a spectrometer works internally? Is there any multiplexing acquisitions inside?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Hello183,
    Unfortunately, I do not know how your specific device works, however, I did find the product page for this device on the Ocean Optics web site, which points to the USB4000-series Plug-and-Play Spectrometer for more details. There seems to be a operations manual for this device. Perhaps this can shine some light on how the sampling works for your device as well.
    Aaron P
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    CBR ‏206 KB
    CBR_Arduino.docx ‏15 KB

    Dear all,
    last week I had some limited time, which I could dedicate to my work with Labview. Unfortunately I'm not able to solve the problem with the Consumer/Producer architecture. It seems to be the appropiate solution, but due to my limited knowledge I'm not capable of doing that.
    I will add my modifications (CBR to give you an idea about what I've achieved so far. I appriciate any help of you, since this story is driving me crazy. Additionally, I attach a JPG showing the readout I'm obtaining with the old version (CBR, where the red circles indicate the problem with the "0" values.
    Thank you again,
    CBR ‏203 KB
    sensor read out.JPG ‏164 KB
    CBR ‏206 KB

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