ECL Viewer "Tools" missing

We have SAPECC 6.0 in use. We have a problem with the ECL viewer because we are not able to use the layer functionality. When you open the ECL Viewer there should be a toolbar where you can choose for example the function add layer but we cannot see this toolbar.
Can anybody help us with this problem?
Thank you.

The tools tab would be visible in ECL viewer only when you are in the change mode of the document. Please check.

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    Hit the '''Alt''' key to show the Menu bar, then open View > Toolbars and select Menu bar and Navigation bar, so they have a check-mark.

  • How to add the toolbar for ecl viewer in BSP

    i took help of the following link
    the 3D image in opening properly.
    My question is, is it possible to add the TOOLBAR in the Internet explorer which get normally in Ecl Viewer which has the options like file tools etc
    Edited by: Amit Sawant on May 28, 2008 1:03 PM

    the control doesnt come with the toolbar. in ABAP they are implemented using the methods in the dll. similarly you have to create the toolbar for your webapp as well.

  • Does SAP ECL viewer has drag and drop functionality...

    Does ECL viewer has drag and drop functionality for example we can drag and drop file from windows sever to SAP. So that it can be used later on using BDN.

    Implement this program,  it is a cut/paste solution.  Again, you must have the ECL component installed on your SAPgui.
    report zrich_0001 .
    parameters: p_check type c.
    at selection-screen output.
      data: dockingleft   type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
            dockingright  type ref to cl_gui_docking_container,
            ecl_viewer   type ref to cl_gui_ecl_2dviewer,
            html_viewer  type ref to cl_gui_html_viewer.
      data: repid type syrepid.
      data: url(2048) value 'c:'.
      repid = sy-repid.
      check dockingleft is initial.
      create object dockingleft
                  exporting repid     = repid
                            dynnr     = sy-dynnr
                            side      = dockingleft->dock_at_left
                            ratio     = 50
                            extension = 1000.
      create object html_viewer
                parent    = dockingleft.
      call method html_viewer->show_url
                url       = url.
      check dockingright is initial.
      create object dockingright
                  exporting repid     = repid
                            dynnr     = sy-dynnr
                            side      = dockingright->dock_at_right
                            ratio     = 50
                            extension = 1000.
      create object ecl_viewer
             parent             = dockingright
             cntl_error         = 1
             cntl_system_error  = 2
             create_error       = 3
             lifetime_error     = 4
             others             = 5.
         call method ecl_viewer->create_toolbar
                close_button      = ' '
                tools             = 'X'
                viewer            = 'X'
                navigation        = 'X'
                options           = 'X'
                viewer_openfile   = 'X'
                viewer_savefile   = 'X'
                tool_measurement  = 'X'
                remove_document   = ' '
                cntl_system_error = 1
                cntl_error        = 2
                cntb_btype_error  = 3
                dp_error          = 4 .
    Now drap a PDF file from the left container, and drop in the right side.  Slick, right?
    The ECL doesn't handle every file type,  but PDF works good.
    Rich Heilman

  • Opening more than 1 ECL Viewer window from EasyDMS

    I have found that I can open more than one EasyDMS window as long as I am in 2 different directories, much like normal Windows operates. But when I double click on an image, in the first EasyDMS window, the image will open the image but I am unable to open an ECL  Viewer window if I double click on an image from the second EasyDMS window. The request seems to hang until I close the ecl viewer from the first EasyDMS window.
    Is this a limitation of EasyDMS / ECL Viewer or do I have something not configured correctly?
    I am using the Z_EASYDMS_ECL_OPEN_DOCUMENT function module.

    We have seen reports about a Community Toolbar extension causing this issue with not being able to open a new tab.
    So if you have such a toolbar then start with disabling it.
    *Tools > Add-ons > Extensions

  • Adding Custom buttons to ECL Viewer

    Hello Everyone,
    We have a requirement where I need to add a custom button on the Redlining section of the ECL Viewer. Like currenty, SAP provides tools like Drawing a line or Square or Rectangle and also Insert Image kind of functionality when doing Redlining. So, the question is in this section along with SAP buttons, can I add a custom button out there which helps to provide my own functionality like adding custom drawing tools?
    Please let me know if thats possible or does it requrie modifying some of the SAP DLL files.

    Dear Shashidhar,
    regarding your request I have to inform you that the ECL Viewer is developed by a third-party vendor company and so from SAP point of view there is no chance to enlarge the buttons for redlining in the ECL Viewer.
    Best regards,

  • ECL Viewer - Open Local File

    If I open a tiff image using cv03n and display it in the ECL Viewer. Then I save as a local file. Is there a way to re-open the local file using "open local file" - that option is greyed out. Is this controlled by an authorization object or something is DMS configuration I have missed.

    Hi Tom,
    unfortunately it is not possible to open the local saved file again in the ECL Viewer. This is designed that way because the
    ECL Viewer should be used to display original files which are stored in the SAP system and the idea is not to allow also the display of locally saved files in the ECL viewer within your SAP system.
    So the locally saved files has to be opened in a separate viewer.
    Best regards,

  • Adobe Employees: View Tools Print Production Convert Colors

    Totally don't get your View> Tools> Print Production> Convert Colors dialog.
    I would expect that if it was working that all Tagged files (left column) would display correctly.
    But in every test it appears all that happens is my profiles are stripped.
    Can you possibly let me know what I may be missing as no one else seems to be able to?
    Here is my control .pdf download:
    Here is how it displays Acrobat Pro 10.1.5 (as expected):
    Left column is Taggged as noted (displays proper as expected).
    Right column is Untaggged as noted (displays unmanaged).

    i had a revelation slugging this out:
    Acrobat Print Production> Convert Colors behaves nothing like i expected (accurately transforming Tagged source colors to a Destination profile)
    i am still interested if this is possible, but this is what i believe is happening (and it is easily proven in Photoshop on the monitor)
    During Acrobat's "Convert Colors" process (using my conversion settings):
    Acrobat IGNORES the profiles embedded in my RGB images.
    Acrobat "Assumes" its Working RGB profile (on all Tagged/Untagged images) and then
    Acrobat "Converts" everything to the Destination profile and embeds that profile.
    Here are my Acrobat Color Settings (Working RGB is ProPhoto RGB):
    Here is how those settings display my original .pdf:
    Note: This is totally predictable and how Photoshop displays Tagged and Untagged color (Photoshop properly "Converts" or transforms Tagged color to the monitor profile; and Photoshop, like Acrobat, "Assumes" its Working space on Untagged colors).  That means the left column containing all Tagged images are displaying the same as Photoshop, and the right column of Untagged images are each uniquely different.  In fact, the Untagged ProPhoto RGB is the only Untagged image displaying proper because Acrobat made the proper Assumption.
    Here are my Acrobat Convert Colors settings (my best guess for a simple Source> Destination conversion):
    Here is the result using the above Working RGB and Convert Colors settings:
    Note: This is crystal clear.
    To prove it in Photoshop one would merely have to open each of the original 10 files and Assign ProPhoto RGB to each file, then Convert each one of them to WhackedRGB (and this is exactly what I would expect to see).
    And here's the proof:
    I dragged the Converted .pdf into Photoshop and "Used the embedded Profile" (Whacked RGB) to open the ProPhotoRGB image -- as you can see -- Acrobat made a proper conversion to Whacked RGB, correctly embedded the Destination profile, and is displaying it proper.
    i am still really interested if Acrobat is capable of properly Converting multiple Tagged elements to a single tagged Destination profile -- i.e., my five tagged images in the left column display properly (like Photoshop displays them)...
    PS: I did the exact same series of tests/screenshots using WhackedRGB as my Acrobat Working RGB -- the results were as predicted (Whacked RGB was the only source space that properly converted).

  • No longer have taskbar access with file,edit,view tools etc.

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    '''''"My internet address bar is no longer present."'''''

  • ECL Viewer - how to disable options / buttons?

    Hi masters!
    ECL viewer installed and working properly.
    I wonder if it is to disable the menu options you have above the window, as a "viewer", tools and options.
    Or, just how to disable the option "save file" within the menu "viewer".

    as the ECL Viewer is a third-party product there is no customizing possibility in the SAP system to disable to option button.
    Best regards,

  • ECL Viewer - Save to local file option grey out

    Hello Experts,
    We have ECL viewer installed version 5.1.3 with SAP GUI 710 - 7100.2.7.1038.
    But, option under viewer --> save to local file  is grey out, how to enble this option.

    Hi all,
    in case the ECL Viewer is used in the ArchiveLink or GOS area the 'Save to local file' is not available.
    Basically it is possible to save the displayed document via the
    ECL Viewer menu in a local file. In DMS the users can go via the
    ECL Viewer menu 'Viewer -> Save to Local File' and create a local
    copy on this PC.
    This functionality, however, is not possible if the file is stored
    using the ArchiveLink. This is a restriction from the ArchiveLink
    If you are willing to do a modification just change the following
    coding within the constructor of class CL_DV_VIEWER_CONTROL_ECL.
    call method ecl_viewer->create_toolbar
      *     CLOSE_BUTTON      =
            TOOLS             = 'X'
            VIEWER            = 'X'
            NAVIGATION        = 'X'
            OPTIONS           = 'X'
            VIEWER_OPENFILE   = ' '
    *       VIEWER_SAVEFILE   = ' '         "<   delete
            VIEWER_SAVEFILE   = 'X'         "<   insert
            TOOL_MEASUREMENT  = ' '
            REMOVE_DOCUMENT   = ' '
            VIEWER_CLOSEFILE  = ' '
            TOOL_COMPARE      = 'X'
            TOOL_STAMP        = ' '
    If you are not willing to do a modification, it is even possible
    to make a copy of the whole class, change the coding within the
    copy, and make use of the copy by adding the according entries
    in table SDV_VCL_MIME_C (see SAP note 726158).
    For further question on this scenario I would kindly ask you to contact
    your local consulting organisation because in the standard this
    'Save as local file' is not available for ArchiveLink files.
    Best regards,

  • How to add toolbar to ecl viewer in bsp application

    i took help of the following link
    the 3D image in opening properly.
    My question is, is it possible to add the TOOLBAR in the Internet explorer which get normally in Ecl Viewer which has the options like file tools etc

    Hi Chinnu,
    First find decide in which tab you want to display the field. Find out the screen structure behind the field group and check whether the field is present in it.
    if yes all you need is to add this field in the field group structure other wise you have to add the field in the screen structure and then in the field group.
    Reward if helpful.

  • WHEN Illustrator is likely to be adding "rotate view" tool, (like they have in Photoshop) or are they NOT GOING TO?!

    Hi everyone, I am trying to find out WHEN Illustrator is likely to be adding "rotate view" tool, (like they have in Photoshop) or if they are not going to do this at all.
    I hope someone from Adobe Illustrator reads these forums and responds. There is an existing thread that has no official response from Adobe, and it has literally tens of thousands of views!? Please Adobe Illustrator, can you give people the official response they need so they can plan their workflow.
    Apparently Affinity Designer is going to be adding a Rotate View Tool shortly and their app is only $50 one-off payment too, so perhaps you ought to respond before other people start making the switch? The rotate view tool is something illustrators really need, we already have it in Manga Studio, and it makes life so much easier. You can't really draw on a CINTIQ in vector form without it, at least not as well as you should be able to.
    Can you please update your paying customers so we can make an informed decision.
    Look forward to receiving a response.

    Tell Apple
    Apple - iTunes - Feedback

  • Error Team Calendar : No Views found : Missing customization

    Hi ,
    User encounter the following error when he try to click on the team calender.  "No Views found : Missing customization "
    Any idea why and how to solve this Issue? this is happening  for 1 employee only?
    Table :
    In table V_TWPC_V, the view ESSDIR as follows
    Eval. Path for Root Objects SAP_MANG
    Evaluation Path Objects PTESSDIR
    Initial Evaluation Depth 0
    - the other fields and check boxes left blank.
    PTESS     ESSDIR     ESS: Direct Employees     0
    ATTEND     A_ALL     All Employees     1
    ATTEND     A_DIR     Directly Reporting Employees     2
    No entry and no data
    Thank you
    Edited by: Siri Sampada on Dec 28, 2010 10:52 AM

    Hi ,
    I checked that thread below is back-end info :
    why only one employee encounter this issue - No Views found : Missing customization:
    In table V_TWPC_V, the view ESSDIR as follows
    Eval. Path for Root Objects SAP_MANG
    Evaluation Path Objects PTESSDIR
    Initial Evaluation Depth 0
    - the other fields and check boxes left blank.
    PTESS ESSDIR ESS: Direct Employees 0
    ATTEND A_ALL All Employees 1
    ATTEND A_DIR Directly Reporting Employees 2
    No entry and no data

  • Error while installing ECL viewer 6.0

    Dear Gurus,
    I tried installing the ECL viewer 6.0 with followin steps...
    1. un installed the previous version by deselecting the viewer in "general add-ons" of the gui setup.
    2. Checked for the Webviewer2d.dll..... no trace
    3. installed the ECL Viewer 6.0.
    Now according to the note 866612, step 3, I could not find the
    eaisupport.jar,eaisupportS.jar,VisWeb.jar,VisWebS.jar files at location C:\Program Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\System\java
    Because of this, the viewer is not getting called up or throwing error.
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance!
    Ramesh Manoharan

    Error was resolved with new installation of 'SAP GUI 7.10 core'.
    ECL 6.0 viewer comes as an add-in in the gui.
    refer SAP note 1302717
    Ramesh Manoharan

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