Edge Animate Menu with Page Highlights

Is there a way to make a menu in Edge Animate so that when you are on a certain page, that page is highlighted on the menu?
I want to make it a server side include <!--#include virtual="/menu/included.html" -->

Move to Edge Animate CC

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    Dear all,
    I have an animation uploaded on wordpress with edge Suit;
    In the animation there are some links to the sections of the page, but they don't work.
    In my edge file I linked the elements to the wordpress sections just adding code "click ==> links ==> link in the same window -- window.open("http://mywebsite/#section", "_self");
    I am sure its really easy to solve it, but i have some Jquery lacks.
    thanks for your help
    Message was edited by: alessio Calveri

    I can only imagine how miffed Adobe's technical team must be and I don't want to add unnecessarily to any stress. For what it's worth, I really liked working with the Edge Animate interface and want things to work out because it would be my first preference - but of course not if I have to recreate content elsewhere for the iPad.
    Whether iOS7 has a bug or otherwise, I wonder if there are any simple workarounds. For example, there is an extension that outputs HTML5 from InDesign, including media overlays:
    Perhaps Adobe can create an updated step-by-step guide for inserting Flash canvas animations and Captivate HTML5 using this extension. Then maybe even show how to wrap the final content as EPUB3. This would be in lieu of this demo: https://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/2013/08/a-step-by-step-guide-to-create-an-interactive-eb ook.html. For people like me who use Adobe's products because of their front-end niceties (i.e. we don't want to dig too much into code), it would help resolve many issues here. DPS not an option - would rather go with PubCoder in that case.
    Good luck anyway!

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    Any advice would be invaluable.

    moved to the DPS forum....

  • How to create a menu with pages linked as sub menu in ADF?

    Hi Experts,
    I'm new to ADF and trying to create a menu like below in ADF.
    Actions Menu
    Option 1 -- A page with some static text and links.
    Option 2 - A different page with some static text and links.
    Have evaluated options like panelGroupLayout and menu components, requesting experts opinion on the best way to do it.
    Thanks in advance..

    Thanks AP.
    Not like outlook. Here's some more details on what I'm looking for.
    Create a menu bar.
    Create a menu called "Actions"
    Create two items under it called "Option1" and "Option2".
    When I move the mouse over "Option1", I want a page to be shown on the right (just like how a sub menu will be displayed usually).
    When I move the mouse over "Option2", I want to show a different page on the right (just like how a sub menu will be displayed usually).
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Muruhanantham C on Dec 28, 2012 12:51 PM

  • Edge Animate, Working with multiple audio tracks

    I'm having trouble with one of my animations.
    I have set up 8 animated symbols that will play when the user hovers over the symbol.
    When the user clicks on a symbol it will play an audio mp3 files.
    // insert code for mouse click here
    // Sets a toggle to play or pause the audio track
    var audio = sym.$("_1")[0];                            "_1" is the name of the audio file that is placed on the timeline.  The original MP3 file is named 1 but when it was dragged to the canvas it created a layer called "_1".
    if (audio.paused) {
    } else {
    But there are two problems, one more concerning than the other.
    The problems are below:
    I can not figure out the code to stop the audio when the symbol is clicked again instead of it being paused.  I tried to change audio.pause to audio.stop.  That did not help.  I would like the audio to stop if clicked again and then play from the beginning if clicked one more time.
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    Anyone have any suggestions?  Or help to provide.  Thanks in advance.

    Hi there,
    One quick answer to your question, and another that I will follow up on when I get a few minutes.
    Animate uses the HTML5 audio API to control audio elements, so you can only use methods and properties that are specified for audio elements in HTML5 browsers.
    To "stop" audio, you need to pause it and then set its currentTime property to 0, like so:
    sym.$("your_audio_element")[0].currentTime = 0;
    The next time you play this audio element, it will play back from the beginning.
    The other part of your question (stopping other playing audio when another symbol audio starts playing) can be done by getting all instances of the audio tag in jQuery and then pausing all audio. I don't have the exact syntax for that at hand as I reply, but I'll respond back with it soon.

  • Play Edge Animate content AFTER Page finishes loading

    Is there any way, either in Edge or Muse, to have the edge animations wait until the Muse page finishes loading before starting to play?

    I find no way within Muse to accomplish what you want.
    In An you can always just delay the start of your animation(s) for a specificed time.
    That may now work very smooth though because everyone's systems will load the pre-animation page at differing speeds.
    I'm NOT a js coder but I was looking at some of the generated js code and I have a feeling a good js person could make your animation do what you want.
    I see different 'load' perameters mentioned. Maybe one of those could be used.
    I'll bet your answer is somewhere in that *_edgePreload.js file.
    That video talks about turning off Auto Play in An and using js for control. It doesn't mention how to do it, just that it can be done.


    Please give me a suggestion...
    thank's attention...

    Check this link out:
    Receiving INPUT TEXT, making Forms from scratch.
    The idea is that a symbol is created and the input controls are created or attached to the symbol. For example, we create a rectangle on the stage, convert it to a symbol then name it "username". We can then do the following:
    sym.$("username").append('<input/>').attr({ type: 'text', name:'text', value:'text'});
    Add the above code in the stage compositionReady event. The above will add a text input control.

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    Thanks all!

    Hi jeremy
    Thanks for sharing the info. We'll look into this and get back.

  • Lesson for Adobe Edge Animate

    Hello Everyone.
    OK. Have been doing Edge Lesson's for quite nearly a year now, and wanted to share them with the community.
    If you have any request or questions, please feel free to post them to the video links below, or in here, and I will
    Try my best to assist you any way that I can.
    Edge Animate has really come a long ways, and with the new CC, it has taken on a life of its own.
    Look forward to what the future may bring with this awesome Adobe program release.
    Wayne Barron
    Dark Effects Production
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  • Edge Animate loading jquery twice. External jquery plugin error.

    I recently created an interactive map (http://www.lakesofbellaterra.com/Interactive_Map_Demo/Testing/test1.html) using Edge Animate CC  2014.1.1 Release. I used the zoom.min.js plugin from jQuery Zoom to achieve the zooming image effect present when you click on one of the map section and reveal the "section modal". Further more the zoom.js plugin uses jquery 1.7.1. I am deploying this Edge Animate project in a Business Catalyst site using a content holder. Even though the zoom.js plugin works with Internet Explorer 7+ and Firefox I initially was not able to get the zoom.js plugin to work in either browser. After changing the <meta> in the <head> to <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=10,chrome=1"> via suggestion from StackOverflow (internet explorer - What's the difference if <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> exists or not? - Stac…)  I was able to get the zoom image function to work in Internet Explorer 9+. So now I just need to get this function working in the current version of Firefox 35.0.1.  As of now when I click on the zoom image nothing happens. The console in firebug reports the following JS related errors:
    Using //@ to indicate sourceMappingURL pragmas is deprecated. Use //# instead jquery.min.js:1
    The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. LOBT-IxD-SectionMap_edge.js
    The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. jquery-1.7.1.min.js
    The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. jquery.easing.1.3.js
    The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. jquery.zoom-min.js
    The character encoding of a framed document was not declared. The document may appear different if viewed without the document framing it. jquery.zoom-min.js
    Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated.  Use defaultPrevented instead.
    After some research I found a lead (WordPress › Support » how to prevent jquery loading twice?) That suggested that Edge Animate may be loading jquery twice, and that may be the source of the errors. I need to find out why this animation is not working in Firefox.
    Here is a list of things I have already tried that did not work:
    -Changing the utf charset to : <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
    -Changing the version of jquery used from 1.7.1 to the latest release of 1.11.2
    -Changing the image source referenced in the zoom.js call from a .svg to a .png
    -Removing any scripts that may conflict with Edge Animate or zoom.min.js that are being called from within the Business Catalyst page template.
    -Running the project outside of Business Cataylst to see if the error persists (it does)
    Here a link to the Edge Animate project: Dropbox - LOBT Interactive Section Map
    As always any help is determining why Edge Animate projects with a zoom.js plugin do not work in Firefox 35.0.1 would be most appreciated.

    Hi jeremy
    Thanks for sharing the info. We'll look into this and get back.

  • Edge Animate needs vacation?

    How can i work mobile with Edge Animate? Why does Edge Animate start with a blank Screen?

    Ok...Sorry! If i work at Home everything is fine! If i try to work with Edge Animate in a open WIFI (Restaurant, University...) i can´t access the Program. It starts with a blank Screen. I can choose "Open" in the Menu...than a blank Stage appears, but it is not possible to change something. If i try to open an existing File the same clear Stage appears.

  • Responsive scaling of animation in Edge Animate

    I am inserting an animation into a responsive web page. I have gotten the design to scale in either direction (horizontally and vertically) in both Animate and a browser but cannot get the animation to scale in both height and width when the browser window size is just narrowed or the page is served up to a mobile device (tablet or phone.) I created a simple test comparison at this link: http://www.users.cloud9.net/~agoltz/edgeTest/animateTest.html  I've embedded the CSS styles in the document so they can be evaluated (be kind...I'm an amateur)
    If the browser window is narrowed the animation just gets narrower but doesn't scale vertically. The static image scales in both directions as the width of the window or device narrows. I'm looking for the same behavior with the animation. I hope I'm just missing something (not an unusual occurance) and not that this is a limitation of Animate since Flash is no longer a universal option. Any thoughts?  Thanks.

    Hi Rodlab2x
    Thank you for sharing your tests. Interesting to see comparison between Amazium and Bootstrap. Which is which by the way?
    I'm impressed, particularly with the first one (http://www.lab2x.com/pacificdental/) because it almost appears to be scale-to-fit in places. In fact, for a moment, you had me fooled and I thought you'd solved it!
    I think you've come up with probably the best possible solution at the moment.
    Let me just check that I've understood your site correctly?:
    You have 3 versions of the header panel that the site swaps to as the browser size is reduced:
    1. The large one. This is an Edge Animate animation and uses all the feature in the 'Resize' lesson - ie. it scales horizontally but the height remains the same.
    2. The middle one. This is a smaller Edge Animate animation with the same features as above.
    3. The small one. (This is the one that fooled me for a moment!). This may be Edge Animate - BUT it's not an animation at all. It is a still image - and therefore able to scale proportionately
    Just a suggestion - you could go further and add some animation to the smallest header. If you only use images, not graphics, then you can achieve scaleable animation. Just try making the graphics png files with transparency. Might help if each layer png is the same width and height as the background image. Only issue is - I don't know if the file size will be prohibitively big.

  • Edge Animate and PhoneGap Build

    I'm using Edge Animate together with PhoneGap Build to make an iPhone app. There are several buttons that should scroll up and down and yet remain "tap-able" What is the best way to achieve scrolling effect for button?

    Not sure if this helps you. I'm going through the same problem. Even raised this issue here in the forum and nobody could help me. So I sought help forum PhoneGapBuild. Looks like PhoneGapBuild not recognize <audio> of html5, so need to use api audio PhoneGapBuild own. Here's a link to my post. Tutorial on how to make by Chris Griffith. I hope this helps you too.
    http://community.phonegap.com/nitobi/topics/phonegap_build_audio_and_edge_animate_problem? utm_content=reply_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=reply_notification&reply[id]=14089620#r eply_14089620

  • Edge Animate trigger

    Is there a way to trigger an Edge Animation with say a rollover, click or rollout?
    You can control one with a Parallax scroll effect, so it shouldn't be completely strange to control Edge Animate objects with different States or...?

    Yes> add the action to the Edge Animate file/animation itself.

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    A few thoughts for diagnosis/testing purposes:
    Have you recently run the disk utility and repaired HD and permissions? If not do so.
    Boot into the Safe mode - hold down shift key on boot - and see if the problems are still there. Some functions won't work but see if anything odd happens.
    Check your startup items. Get rid of them temporarily.
    Create a new user account and see if the problems occur with the new account.
    Lastly, be sure your backup is up-to-date.

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