Edge animation  only plays when I arrive at the page from the next page

Hi Everyone, I'm really at my wit's end. Everythign was working fine Friday and then on Sunday, it just stopped.
I have several a 13 page Indesign CS6 file, one .OAM file per page. Page 1 plays fine, but when I advance to page 2, the box with the .OAM file flashes, then nothing. The rest of the pages play fine, but if I were to swipe to page 3, then back to page 2, page 2 now plays fine. But if I were to swipe from page 2 to page 1, page 1 does not play.
What's even more odd is any animation I move to page 2 will not play. So if I were to put a blank page as page 2, the non-working page 2 will now animate when it is moved to page 3.
This is an important job, is there a higher level of Adobe tech support I can subscribe to for 1 on 1 help?

Good point, Alistair. I've started rebuilding each page in a new InDesign document and things were going smoothly, until I reached the 8th page, which contains the 8th .OAM (there's one per page). Now, some animations have stopped displaying—same as my original problem. The similarity is while I had 13 pages built up in the original document, it started getting buggy once the 8th .OAM went in. Maybe I've reached the limit to what InDesign/DPS can handle? And once the glitch was set in, it didn't matter if I reduced the file down to 2 pages, the error remained.
Is it possible to divide up the document to two files, pages 1-7 and pages 8-13, then use DPS to combine them for the iPad?
I have plenty of RAM and hard drive space. 16GB RAM, 5 TB storage space, 470 GB internal.

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    Hi there slogrown,
    You may need to download these purchases directly to the device. Take a looke at article below for more information.
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Storehttp://support.apple.com/kb/HT2519
    -Griff W.

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    I'm new to Adobe Edge and I'm not really familiar with either CSS or javascript but I'm getting better. I've been trying to work on the navigational menu for my website for two weeks and the progress is very slow. I finally got the dropdown menu to happen correctly, except one thing. When I scroll down on the "AccomButton" and move the mouse past the 50% point of the object, the animation for the "up" occurs. I have it set to do this on "mouseleave". This seems to be the only instance in which the "up" animation is occuring wrongly. If I hover on any of the top 50% of the "AccomButton", it stays in the down or "stop" position.
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    Sorry, I forgot to add the code:
    (function($, Edge, compId){
    var Composition = Edge.Composition, Symbol = Edge.Symbol; // aliases for commonly used Edge classes
       //Edge symbol: 'stage'
       (function(symbolName) {
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_Accommodations}", "mouseover", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse hovers over the object
             // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_Accommodations}", "mouseleave", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse leaves an element
             // stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_HolstonButton}", "click", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code for mouse click here
             // Navigate to a new URL in the current window
             // (replace "_self" with appropriate target attribute for a new window)
             window.open("www.theriveroverlook.com/TheHolstonRoom", "_self");
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_TennesseeButton3}", "click", function(sym, e) {
             // Navigate to a new URL in the current window
             // (replace "_self" with appropriate target attribute for a new window)
             window.open("www.theriveroverlook.com/TheTennesseeRoom", "_self");
             // insert code for mouse click here
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_AccomDrop}", "mouseleave", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse leaves an element
             // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_AccomDrop}", "mouseenter", function(sym, e) {
             // stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label)
             // insert code to be run when the mouse enters an element
          //Edge binding end
       //Edge symbol end:'stage'
    })(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-379000071");

    I'm new to Adobe Edge and I'm not really familiar with either CSS or javascript but I'm getting better. I've been trying to work on the navigational menu for my website for two weeks and the progress is very slow. I finally got the dropdown menu to happen correctly, except one thing. When I scroll down on the "AccomButton" and move the mouse past the 50% point of the object, the animation for the "up" occurs. I have it set to do this on "mouseleave". This seems to be the only instance in which the "up" animation is occuring wrongly. If I hover on any of the top 50% of the "AccomButton", it stays in the down or "stop" position.
    Your help will be very much appreciated as my head hurts from banging it on the table the past two days!
    Sorry, I forgot to add the code:
    (function($, Edge, compId){
    var Composition = Edge.Composition, Symbol = Edge.Symbol; // aliases for commonly used Edge classes
       //Edge symbol: 'stage'
       (function(symbolName) {
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_Accommodations}", "mouseover", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse hovers over the object
             // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_Accommodations}", "mouseleave", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse leaves an element
             // stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_HolstonButton}", "click", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code for mouse click here
             // Navigate to a new URL in the current window
             // (replace "_self" with appropriate target attribute for a new window)
             window.open("www.theriveroverlook.com/TheHolstonRoom", "_self");
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_TennesseeButton3}", "click", function(sym, e) {
             // Navigate to a new URL in the current window
             // (replace "_self" with appropriate target attribute for a new window)
             window.open("www.theriveroverlook.com/TheTennesseeRoom", "_self");
             // insert code for mouse click here
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_AccomDrop}", "mouseleave", function(sym, e) {
             // insert code to be run when the mouse leaves an element
             // play the timeline from the given position (ms or label)
          //Edge binding end
          Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_AccomDrop}", "mouseenter", function(sym, e) {
             // stop the timeline at the given position (ms or label)
             // insert code to be run when the mouse enters an element
          //Edge binding end
       //Edge symbol end:'stage'
    })(jQuery, AdobeEdge, "EDGE-379000071");

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    change the sync property (in the properties panel after clicking the keyframe where your sound starts) from event to stream.  retest.

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    Sorry to say but there's not much going on between the two camps, Muse and Edge A that is.  Like you, I subscribe to Muse but since I discovered EA...well...
    Thing is, dragging the aimated button to the trigger container just overlays it which effectively hides it.  Hence, it will simply not work as a trigger to launch lightbox.  I myself had the same idea....but its more involved that this.  As always.
    A possible solution might be to design your lightbox  and simply use the built in trigger for now -  go ahead and publish the site like this.  View your site in a browser of your choice then click on the trigger which will reveal the URL that launches the Lightbox feature.  Copy this in the browser.  Cheeky eh?
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    I would try in oreder:
    - Resetting the iPod:
    Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restoring the iPod via iTunes.  First from backup and if problem persists, restore to factory defaults/new iPod.

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    Hi skoorb1,
    When adding music to iTunes, you can set it to either make a local copy of the file, or simply point to the original location of the file (for example, on an external hard drive). If it is set to do the latter, it will not be able to play or transfer those files when the external hard drive is not plugged in. You may find the following article helpful:
    iTunes: About the Add to Library, Import, and Convert functions
    - Brenden

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    I do use my speakers often for work and pleasure, go between different external speakers and a projector.
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    Any suggestions or clear guidance as to what I should be fiddling with when I stick a bobby pin in there?  No need to refer me to old posts, I've read them.
    Thanks in advance,

    If your phone is still under warranty, Apple will service your phone for free.
    Did you check the headphone port for any kind of debris or lint?
    Did you already try another set of headphones? Are you suing the headphones that came with the phone?
    Is the headphone jack plugged in fully into the headphone port?

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    Both are from FlashCS6 (not CC), rendered to html5 by CreateJS.
    Any advice?    --Jose

    Thank you.  These are not set to autoplay, however.  They are dynamic illustrations of points I make in the text.  The idea is that the reader should start them after reading the appropriate text.  Alas, if you start the one at the top of the page, the one at the bottom cannot be started at all.  I'm fairly certain that the page is fully loaded.

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    any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Same thing happened to a friend of mine.
    You need to get it repaired - I don't know where in the UK you live, but if you have access to one of the Apple Stores take it in, other than that take it back to where it was bought, you are obviously under warrantee.
    My friends was a duff battery, and they replaced the iPod.

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    Remove all apps from multitasking bar. Double click Home button then tap and hold an icon and tap on little x on every app. Then reset. Hold down Home and Power button until Apple logo appears.

  • Changing animation frame rate when rendering in photoshop does not change the length of the video?

    I made a walk cycle animation in Photoshop CS6 and want to render it into a quicktime format. I'd like it to be 12 fps, but when I rendered it at 12 fps the video seemed to be missing frames, and the video was 3 seconds long. I have 98 frames to my animation; doing the math, at 12 fps it should be 8 seconds long. Not 3.
    I was confused and for curiosity's sake I rendered the video at 6 fps, trying to really slow it down. The video ended up being STILL 3 seconds long and only maybe 20 frames. I was missing literally 70 frames. I'm so upset with this rendering thing, I could chuck my computer at the wall.
    Does anybody know of a solution to this?
    edit: If it means anything, I've tried rendering it straight from the frame view and the timeline view. Each time I render it I have the timeline frame rate match the rendering frame rate as well.

    floriannaart wrote:
    Changing animation frame rate when rendering in photoshop does not change the length of the video?
    Photoshop CS6 and CC support two types of animation Frame animations and a Video Timeline
    Changing the frame rate should not change the length of a video timeline. It should just change the number of frames that are rendered.  To change the length of a video you need to change the length of the video timeline.  If you increase the length of the timeline and there is audio I'm quite sure there will be a problem with it,  The Video part will most likely be better then the sound. The required number of extra frames can be generated however the video may look like slow motion. If you decrease the length the motion will speed up.  The length of a video is normally done be editing video clips which are trimmed and stitched together to get the desired duration. Not normally done by altering the duration of a clip.
    The duration a of Frame animation is the sum of the times each frame is displayed.  In a frame animation the length of time a frame is displayed can be varied it not a normal motion picture video.  To have a smooth frame animation you need a sufficient number of frames that are different from each other to show smooth motion.  You can use Photoshop Frame animation tween feature to have Photoshop manufacture frames to help with a smoothing the animation.   Once you have a frame animation the length with the motion you want you can have Photoshop convert it to a video timeline and render a normal motion picture video.  It will not have audio but you can add audio to it.

  • TS1424 i downloaded a song and it shows the time length all to be correct but while playing the song will only play for about 30 seconds then skip to the next song in my list (all lists) - in short i payed for a song that is only of a preview quality

    i downloaded a song and it shows the time length all to be correct but while playing the song will only play for about 30 seconds then skip to the next song in my list (all lists) - in short i payed for a song that is only of a preview quality
    Either this needs to get fixed or i will request my money back because i will not work for my money while other lie about what i spend it on.

    Try deleting the problematic tune (electing to remove original file if/when prompted) and then re-downloading the file from the iTunes store.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option from the Quick Links section in the top right corner of the iTunes homepage in your iTunes application on your computer.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option at the bottom of the screen of the iTunes app (or video app on your iOS device.
    If the problem re-occurs, select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History using your computer.

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