Edge elements disappear

I have a little problem and would like if someone could shed some light on things that happen.
I have a single page that contains 4 separate Edge animations, laid out one after another, all done with 1920px width. The problem occurs when the browser resizes to, or viewed on a screen with a lesser resolution, and it manifests by certain parts of animations disappearing; things like background colors, or text and images, and it keeps disappearing and re-appearing when I scroll up and down the page.
I would like to know if there's a way to fix this before the page goes on a live website.

Please share the url of your project (and or a zip of all the files) for others to inspect the issue.

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    I tried resetting my preferences, and I updated my DPS Tools... not sure what else to do.
    Thank you.

    See here for 'Preview on Device'

  • Dbxml:lookup-index fails with edge-element-presence

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    dbxml> lookupedge edge-element-presence 'http://ceridwen.us/default' node11 'http://ceridwen.us/default' node1
    1 objects returned for eager index lookup 'edge-element-presence'
    dbxml> q "declare default element namespace 'http://ceridwen.us/default'; dbxml:lookup-index('test', 'node11', 'node1')"
    0 objects returned for eager expression 'declare default element namespace 'http://ceridwen.us/default'; dbxml:lookup-index('test', 'node11', 'node1')'
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    2 objects returned for eager expression 'declare default element namespace 'http://ceridwen.us/default'; dbxml:lookup-index('test', 'node11')'Dbxml-2.5.16, OSX 10.6.4
    Edited by: jralls on Aug 22, 2010 12:22 PM

    Is this what you need?
    dbxml> listin
    Default Index: node-element-presence-none edge-element-presence-none
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/test}:dataType
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/test}:elemType
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {}:first
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/test}:first
    Index: edge-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink}:href
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/test}:name
    Index: unique-node-metadata-equality-string for node {http://www.sleepycat.com/2002/dbxml}:name
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node11
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node12
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default2}:node2
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node311
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node312
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node321
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/default}:node322
    Index: node-element-equality-string node-element-equality-double for node {http://ceridwen.us/test}:ref
    Index: edge-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink}:role
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink}:second
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink}:title
    Index: node-attribute-equality-string node-attribute-equality-double for node {http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink}:type
    20 indexes found.This comes from
        DbXml::XmlContainer cnt = sto->getContainer();
        DbXml::XmlTransaction txn = m_mgr->createTransaction();
        try {
         DbXml::XmlUpdateContext uc = m_mgr->createUpdateContext();
         std::string xlink_uri("http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink");
         std::string href("href");
         std::string role("role");
         std::string attr_eq("edge-attribute-equality-string");
         std::string node_pr("edge-element-presence-none");
         cnt.addIndex(txn, xlink_uri, href, attr_eq, uc);
         cnt.addIndex(txn, xlink_uri, role, attr_eq, uc);
         cnt.addDefaultIndex(txn, node_pr, uc);
        catch(DbXml::XmlException& e) {
         logError() << "XmlStorage: Opening container  " << name.sstr() << "  threw "
                 << e.what() << endl;
        }There are only two documents in the container:
    <t:TestDoc xmlns:t="http://ceridwen.us/test" t:first="an attribute" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink" xlink:second="another attribute">
       This is the root node of a test document
       <t:name>The Test Document</t:name>
       <node1 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default" first="a node attribute">This element has 2 subnodes
           <node11>This is the first element under node 1</node11>
           <node12>This is the second element under node 1</node12>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This element has three text nodes</node2>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This is the second text node</node2>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This element is the last one</node2>
       <Table xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default">
          <t:DataRow t:elemType="Instance">
             <node311>First List Element</node311>
             <node312>Second List Element</node312>
          <t:DataRow t:elemType="Instance">
             <node321>Another First List Element</node321>
             <node322>Another Second List Element</node322>
       <?XmlStorage-html default-html?>
       <!--This is a gratuitous comment for testing.-->
    <t:TestDoc xmlns:t="http://ceridwen.us/test" t:first="an attribute" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3c.org/1999/xlink" xlink:second="another attribute">
       This is the root node of a test document
       <t:name>The Test Document</t:name>
       <node1 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default" first="a node attribute">
          This element has 2 subnodes
          <node11>This is the first element under node 1</node11>
          <node12>This is the second element under node 1</node12>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This element has three text nodes</node2>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This is the second text node</node2>
       <node2 xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default2">This element is the last one</node2>
       <Table xmlns="http://ceridwen.us/default">
          <t:DataRow t:elemType="Instance">
             <node311>First List Element</node311>
             <node312>Second List Element</node312>
          <t:DataRow t:elemType="Instance">
             <node321>Another First List Element</node321>
             <node322>Another Second List Element</node322>
       <?XmlStorage-html default-html?>
       <!--This is a gratuitous comment for testing.-->
       <t:ref xlink:href="dbxml:/test/The%20Test%20Document00000001" xlink:role="data:text/plain,reference" xlink:title="The Test Document"xlink:type="simple"/>
    </t:TestDoc>(Aside: It would be really nice if the dbxml shell's print command had a "pretty" option!)

  • Symbols and elements disappearing in chrome 37 for mac and windows.

    Hi, hoping someone can help. I have made an animation I hope to be full width in EA. It works perfectly in ie9-11, Safari and firefox. However the background element vanishes in Chrome unless i zoom in 67%. This is also effecting another layer that covers the stage on occasion. The 2 layers are set within the bounds of the stage.
    I think this may have something to do with the known issue:
    Webkit (Safari, Chrome) browsers-only: Responsive scaling with symbols breaks element z-order when viewport is larger than the Stage. (3632270)
    I have replicated the same issue using a simple svg box instead of the image. I have also resized the background image so it sits well within the centre of the stage and it still vanishes.
    I have tried to manually add a z index to all the symbols. This hasn't worked.
    I have also tried the sym.$("element").css("-webkit-backface-visibility","hidden") method mentioned in another thread. This also doesn't work.
    My only fix seems to currently be using javascript to adjust the zoom in chrome upon loading the page. I really dont like doing this and want (need) to find a permanent solution to this issue.
    Please LINK to my project. Note the project is not full screen in this example and you will see the elements vanish and appear if you toggle the zoom in chrome between 67% and 100%.
    This issue doesn't effect the mac version of Safari at all.
    I would really appreciate any advice on this matter.
    Kind Regards,

    Same here, Edge 2014.0.1 , Chrome Desktop 37 lot of texts are missed (arrows),  In Chrome 36 mobile works fine
    some of these texts show if I reduce the browser size,
    some more symbols disappear when other symbols are showed or animated.

  • When Editing A Web Page In Edge Animate, How Can I Embed Edge Elements Into Pre-Existing DIV's?

    I created a basic layout with some boxes in Dreamweaver. I set the Overflow property on them to "Hidden". I then opened the page in Edge Animate. However I noticed that when I import stuff, such as an image, then try to drag it into one of the existing DIV's, it won't work. It stays on top of all the other DIV's. However if I create a box or some other sort of DIV directly in Edge Animate, I can drag the Image element into that, so it's enclosed within that DIV.
    I guess the workaround appears to be to embed the image into the DIV in Dreamweaver first, then open the page in Edge. However it would be nice to not have to keep jumping back and forth like that. Is there a way to do this in Edge Animate?
    Also, I noticed when I select one of the DIVs I made in Dreamweaver, many of the Properties such as Corners, Shadow, and Filters are missing. Can these only be used on DIV's created directly in Edge Animate?

    Hi, neohtom-
    What you're seeing is the difference between what we define as a static div (one that is defined outside of Animate) and a managed div (one that is defined inside of Animate).  Due to the fact that we expect other products to change a static div, we limit the amount of changes you can make to a static div.  Because we "manage" a div that is created inside of Animate, we allow a lot more changes to be made to a div.  Hope that answers your question!  I'd suggest creating divs within Animate if you want to eventually change them to have corners, etc.

  • Absolutely Positioned Spry Elements Disappearing in Firefox

    Building a sliding spry element that creates the effect of a tab expanding upwards. Renders perfect in both Safari and Opera9, however in firefox the heading tag and subsequent <a> that controls the effect are visible only for a brief second and the page loads then disappear from view all together.
    I turned off css styles in FF and was surprised to find that the 3 spry elements function 100% correctly. This is indicating to me that it is a css error. I remember another time I was trying to use image replacement via display:none and AP html tags where the links became unclickable though still visible.
    here is a link to the page:
    rather than post a long list of css styles and html code, ive just attached them to this thread.
    I've searched around for a similar issue, but without knowing what is exactly causing this problem its hard to find relevant results.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    ccwd wrote:
    > I used Dreamweavers to create a web site with a
    horizontal spry menu. The site
    > was working fine and still is in Firefox, but in IE the
    menu text disappears
    > when browsing to some of the page (the text is visible
    on roll-over, however).
    > I have very limited experience with coding.
    For anyone to track down your problem you'll have to post a
    link to a live page that exhibits this issue and give detailed
    instructions as to how to recreate it. Please include the version
    of IE (and platform in case that may make a difference)that is
    having this issue.
    Also, Spry questions are generally better asked in the Spry
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Elements disappeared from my computer

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    newer adobe versions (ie, upgrades like pse 11 to pse 13) don't uninstall older versions while updates do replace previous versions.
    but no matter. you can reinstall pse 11 as long as you have a valid serial number for it.
    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  13 |12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.7| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.
    window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

  • Edge symbol disappears during calls?

    Just noticed that when making or answering calls, the edge symbol E disappears until the call is ended. It's just empty space during a call. It does stay on when I check voicemail though. With 3G enabled, the 3G symbol stays lit throughout the call. I have 2.0.1 software. Can't remember if this also happened with the original 2.0.
    Anyone else noticing this little quirk? Seems to be a minor bug.

    If you try to access data while on the Edge network, a message already pops up saying you can't access the network while on this call. Don't see how not having the E symbol matters in that regard.
    What happens during 3G/Edge handoffs during a call then? I'd like to be able to see whether i'm currently on 3G or Edge reception.

  • Muse continuously crashing upon import of Edge elements.

    It will let me import the Edge Animate item, however as soon as I try to manipulate it (i.e. Right click, so that I can "Send to Back");  Muse freezes and shuts down.
    This is the 3rd element within this project that has done this.  I've had a couple others that have finally slipped through (Have since deleted them, as they were just tests).
    The instability is killing me!
    I'm on Windows 7, using both Muse 2014 and Edge 2014.
    Am I overlooking something?
    I've tried renaming, re-publishing, etc etc.
    Thank you!

    Muse has a lot of room for improvement, but it is a very different application than Dreamweaver. The two are virtually opposites of each other in terms of philosophy.
    Honestly, there is no "perfect" web design or web development application. I have a couple friends who still think Notepad is the best web site editor.
    I expect Muse will eventually incorporate at least some responsive design capability. It would at least be nice for it to have some of the same functions as Edge Reflow, specifically the "breakpoint" features, along with some "liquid" layout functions. I have a feeling though that other features, like some of the scrolling effects functions, would be altered or broken under such an approach. Designers might be stuck with an either or choice over what visual tricks they'll have with a responsive approach versus others they'll have available to them in a fixed layout approach. Muse allows designers to create separate mobile and tablet layout versions of a web site design. I think they need to allow custom sizes to that, particularly to address large, high resolution computer monitors. Even responsive designs don't work very well on those things. Just about any web design looks either pretty empty or very pixelated on a 15 megapixel iMac monitor. We need more than just the 2x HiDPI setting (such as 1.5x and 3x).  Ultimately we're going to be stuck designing numerous versions of a web page to accommodate all the extreme differences in screen size/resolution as well as horizontal/vertical orientation. The computer and electronics industry seems to have no clue about settling on a consistent standard. They can't or won't even try to find a way to get phone users to hold their devices horizontally. It might be a good way to reduce the amount of horrible, ugly, stupid vertical video infecting the web right now.

  • Missing text / thumbnails / many Lightroom UI elements disappeared

    Hi. I run LR 1.1 on Mac OS X. A few days ago, when I launched Lightroom, I noticed something very weird: all the thumbnails in Grid view were empty. The cells are there, but no badges, text, or image thumbnail.
    Looking more closely, I see that other UI elements are missing:
    - the area that normally shows current folder and # of selected images, between the back/forward arrows and the filters above the filmstrip, is empty (if I click on it, I do get the "Recent Sources" menu
    - the area around the navigator is empty; I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it used to be
    - in Develop module, the History panel is visually empty (but there are items in it, just invisible; if I click them they do what they should)
    And finally: back to the missing thumbnail in Grid view. If I have any cell extras _above_ the thumbnail, the entire cell is empty. If I turn off the header/top cell extra (in either compact or expanded), then the thunbnail shows up, and badges show up, and (if applicable) ratings/rotation buttons/whatever I asked for shows up. But in no case does any text show up. Again, summarized: all the text is missing from each cell, and if I opted for anything whatsoever as "top label" (in compact) or "show header with labels" (in expanded), the entire cell is wholly empty.
    I tried reinstalling LR a few times; no change.
    Anyone see this before, or can suggest anything I should try for troubleshooting or fixes?

    I see other people having this problem on Windows as well:
    FH_private, "LOOKING FOR HELP: Lightroom loose all display !" #, 16 Aug 2007 1:06 am

  • Flash elements disappear after making updates (DW CS3)

    Hi there,
    I have been having this problem for some time now and I've usually been able to create a work around, but now it's just really getting frustrating.
    I have websites that I've created using flash headers and have them set in my site templates.  Now everytime I go back to a particular file to make any changes or updates and reload to the server, the flash element will not show up any more.  Even though I have looked at the code and see that the Scripting codes that are required are still there.
    Any thoughts? Is there a DW update that I need to install?
    WhyteTyger.com  - then look at WhyteTyger.com/services.html to see what I am referring to.
    Kim S

    I think I spoted something weird in your code, the path to the ac_runactivecontent.js:
    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    and the other one is:
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
    they are different, check that out
    houston web design

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    [Moved to InDesign Forum]

  • Muse 7.0: parallax elements disappear when combined with a glow

    Hi there,
    I have a bug: parallax scrolling images do not show anymore after a glow is added. I have tried in Safari, Chrome, FF - all the same, they are also not shown in the preview of Muse either.
    The images are psd (two states, one regular and one hover) and the have a scrolling effect, moving from the left into the screen. Once I add a glow to the images, they disappear completely.
    What could this be, any ideas?

    Hi Barti,
    I see this bug you're pointing out. It appears that as soon as the objects are completely off the screen, they do not want to come back on the screen. When I start the psds on the screen they appear, but as soon as I scroll down they disappear until I reload the page. I'm sorry for the hassle this has caused, but there is a workaround until we can get this bug fixed for you.
    1. Drag out a states button and delete the preset rectangle and text frame.
    2. Place both images onto the state button and style them as you want.
    3. For the image you want to appear only in Rollover state, change its opacity (now in normal state) to be 0.
    4. Change the state button to show Rollover state.
    5. Set the image you want to only appear in Normal state to have opacity 0.
    6. Set the image you want to only appear in Rollover state to have opacity 100.
    If the images are right on top of each other the layers panel will help out in selecting the correct image when one has no opacity or they're stacked. This will also cause the mousedown state to have the rollover state's image, but that can be changed by selecting the mousedown state and changing the image opacities.

  • Why do media elements disappear from the timeline & slide sorter?

    I have not renamed or moved original elements, yet when I recently opened an on-going project in Photoshop Elements 4.0, about 1/4 of the media elements were gone. Why? Is there a way to troubleshoot this? Anyway to recover these slides? Can't see that any photos, etc in the Organizer have broken links.

    Did you check View >> Media Types. Possibly some media filter is appied due to which some of the media files are not visible.?

  • I'm having Scroll motion issues in Explorer as well as elements disappearing in chrome??

    The site jitters in Explorer when you scroll and in Chrome the title bars turn white once you hit the AREA section.. but the page background is black.. there are no elements that are white in the file.. so it isn't an issue of a "box" showing up.. It seems to happen as soon as it goes over the google map. Which doesn't seem to display properly either.
    Is there a fix for this?

    Hi Greg,
    Did you ever end up sending me your site from the thread you started here Site has massive jitter and breaks when scrolling ?
    I see now that your original post was in January, but that one of the issues wasn't fixed. I would still like your current file to figure out why there are the white objects appearing

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Layer vs Background

    In previous versions of PSE the first layer of a new file was tagged background and was locked.  In PSE 11 it is now a regular layer.  Is that a change in the program or have I missed something in my setup? Thanks. Alice

  • Why are my desktop files not showing on the desktop

    Why are the files in my desktop folder not showing on my desktop?

  • QOS For the Voice System

    Dear .. I have been asked from the network team to implement a Mark for QOS in the Unifiued Comeunication System .. thay asked me to make - The Voice signaling mark with  dscp  CS3 - The Voice media mark with dscp ef is there any document about this