Edgehero.js 1.0 Released!  ------------ Edge Animate Js Libary -------   ----- Important

It's Finally here!
Edgehero.js 1.0
What is Edgehero.js?
Edgehero.js is a js libary that can be linked to your Edge Animate project.
It makes thinks that require coding easy to add without coding.
Just trough adding a new class.
For example to center something in your project. give it the class center.
and it is that simple and easy to use.
Below are a list of the updates:
- Edgehero.js can now be loaded trough the new scriptloading system.
- Everything is unlimited now. Everything? yes from unlimited number of videos/audio to an unlimited number of slideshows you can use.
- Responsive Slideshow added. horizontal and vertical slider.
- New video/audio controls added, like display the time of a video.
- Cube3d will alwase become a cube even when its not sqaure.
- 3d triangle added.
- Smooth scrolling to id added. create a button that when clicked, you will scroll to a certain part of your edge animate animation.
- Major bug fix. optimised to work on all browsers
- and lots more!
Demos of some of the new functions:
Download and Docs of Edgehero 1.0:
Check out edgeHero.com now!
Tell us what to update next and what to improve!

thanks everyone for the awesome support !

Similar Messages

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    The link above is what Edge created when publishing for web. It is indeed SVGs and they do appear as such in my desktop machine, on my ipad and on my iphone when I view it using Safari. When I pinch and zoom in, all is rasor sharp. Perfect.
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    Unfortunately not at the moment. This is a known issue with Edge placement in InDesign.

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    Hi Everyone,
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    - Rob

    Hi, canpark-
    We do not have a Korean localized version of Edge Animate, sorry!

  • Best of Edge Animate #2

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    We really need your help with finding new projects!
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    Looks good - should have the 'examples' open to a new open. At the moment, when clicked, 'they take over' Edge Heros' site.

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    Looks good - should have the 'examples' open to a new open. At the moment, when clicked, 'they take over' Edge Heros' site.

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                   ATI Radeon 6900
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    OK - Possibly Good News... I talked to Adobe Tech Support. I am able to download a previous version of the Edge Animate CC by choosing PREVIOUS VERSION under the FIND NEW APPS section of the Creative Cloud Desktop app. This is a new feature of CC. Thankfully. I can install CC and then do as hemanth kumar r suggested and edit the _edge.js file to allow 3.0 to open the file.
    Thanks for all of the help. Sorry for the frustration in MY TYPING . I'll reply if that all works.

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    Thanks vivekuma that seems to work now using the below steps.
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    2. In "Transform" subsection of the property panel, change the CSS Transform ScaleX and ScaleY from 10% to 100%.
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    4. Repeat the first 3 steps for every svg file used on stage.

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    This has always been the case for any animation in CP to be on top. Please
    file a feature request.  Same for communication between OAM and CP, none
    for the moment. You van have transparent background and pause/play button
    in OAM, could be a workaround.

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    Hi tsiky64,
    I think you might need to check the screen shot attached: Tech specs | Adobe Reader XI
    To download other version of Reader you may visit : Acrobat-Reader Enterprise Toolkit Home
    Ajlan Huda.

  • Edge Animate 1.01 is now released, fixing issues with DPS

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    If you've been using Edge Animate content in your DPS creations I come bearing good news! Edge Animate 1.01 is now available for download, providing a fix for a nasty iOS6 bug when deploying multiple Animate compositions in DPS. If you're using EA in conjunction with DPS I encourage you to download the update. Instructions and release notes can be found here http://helpx.adobe.com/edge-animate/release-note/release-notes-edge-an imate.html.
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    Sarah Hunt
    Product Manager, Adobe Edge Animate

    Thank you for the post.
    Can you please share your composition in which you are getting this issue. We will investigate this issue.
    In the mean time, you can install the previous version of Edge animate using below link.
    HTML animation | Download free Adobe Edge Animate CC trial

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    You can refer to Marie's article on the same - Drag and Drop in Edge Animate l EdgeHero.

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    I released my .js extension library today.
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    Edgehero.js supports
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    - forms/inputs
    - html5 video
    - menus
    - canvas
    - youtube/vimeo embeding
    - 3D rotate including 3dcubes
    and a lot more!
    How does it work?
    Simple, just add a class to a rectangle(div)
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    How to add an class in Edge Animate?
    For more info and documentation visit www.edgehero.com
    I made also some examples! Watch and download them for free at http://www.edgehero.com/examples.html
    I would love to hear your respondes/comments/views on this!
    - Rob

    thanks you
    Edgehero.js can also be used offline now.
    www.edgehero.com/edgeherojs.html for more information and download
    and Resdesign (Marie Goodwyn) & Darkeffects made some awesome video tutorials already
    Basic tutorial : Centering http://youtu.be/zVk7dvf3Y1Q
    Cube 3D tutorial: http://youtu.be/ITX0D5VkyXY
    check them out

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    CC 2014 is not a separate plan, it is the newest version of the CC plan
    This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall
    -read reply #3 about the ORDER of uninstalling & installing https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1242671

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    Hi there,
    Edge Reflow is currently a preview release,The Edge Reflow (Preview) is available for download by anyone with a free or complete Creative Cloud membership.
    See FAQ here - Edge Reflow FAQ

  • Lesson for Adobe Edge Animate

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    OK. Have been doing Edge Lesson's for quite nearly a year now, and wanted to share them with the community.
    If you have any request or questions, please feel free to post them to the video links below, or in here, and I will
    Try my best to assist you any way that I can.
    Edge Animate has really come a long ways, and with the new CC, it has taken on a life of its own.
    Look forward to what the future may bring with this awesome Adobe program release.
    Wayne Barron
    Dark Effects Production
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