Editable DataGrid With DateField

I'm new to flex and struggling with the editable DataGrid. I
have a DataGrid with an ItemRenderer that outputs a DateField. I
can't figure out how to get the new value of the DateField after
the edit.
Here is my DataGrid (the endDate column):
<mx:DataGrid id="allHistoryGrid"
dataProvider="{allEntries}" height="313" width="782" y="-4"
itemEditEnd="saveGridChange(event)" editable="true">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="dietDescription"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="allergyDescription"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="labDescription"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="labResult" width="50"
headerText="Result" itemRenderer="LabResultItemRenderer"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="medicationDescription"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="height" width="65"
headerText="Height" itemRenderer="HeightItemRenderer"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="weight" headerText="Weight"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="bmi" width="35"
headerText="BMI" itemRenderer="BmiItemRenderer"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="circumference" width="45"
headerText="Circ." itemRenderer="CircumferenceItemRenderer"/>
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Start Date" width="75"
<mx:VBox clipContent="false">
<mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter"
<mx:Text width="100"
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="endDate" width="45"
headerText="End Date" itemRenderer="EndDateItemRenderer"
<mx:DataGridColumn id="deleteEntry" width="50"
headerText="Delete" sortable="false"
Here is my itemRenderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="
paddingLeft="16" horizontalAlign="center">
<mx:DateFormatter id="dateFormatter"
<mx:DateField x="16" y="67" id="AllHistoryEndDate"
How do I get the new value in the saveGridChange function?
private function saveGridChange(event:DataGridEvent):void {

That gives me this error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
EndDateItemRenderer@51a70a1 to mx.controls.TextInput.

Similar Messages

  • Editable Datagrid with LabelFunction Problems

    I'm having problems with a datagrid with editable columns and labelFunctions.
    The problem is that when i leave the editable field by a way that wasnt with Escape Key, the datagrid apply again the labelFunction and destroy the number formattion adding a lot of numbers.
    When the field is filled with 0000,00 he just adds more zeros, like 0.000.000,0000 and keep going after do the same process.
    And when the field has a number different of zero, he apply the labelFunction then after he remove the labelFunction. After few times it just make the number vanish and the cell goes empty.
    I read the documentation about editing cell and tryed to implement a solution to prevent the cell be edited, without sucess.
    The source code goes attached for some advice on my problem.
    Thanks, Fredy.

    I solved a part of problem with some changes that i've made.
    Now there is no problem with values different of zero, when i got just number, its fine, but still have problems with zero values.
    The snippet code goes next, the bold part that was modified from the last sample.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
                   import mx.controls.Alert;
                   import mx.events.DataGridEventReason;
                   import mx.controls.TextInput;
                   import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
                   import mx.formatters.NumberFormatter;
                   import mx.events.DataGridEvent;
                   import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                   [Bindable] private var collection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
                        {code:1, description:"Item 1", value:4564654},
                        {code:2, description:"Item 2", value:00000000},
                        {code:3, description:"Item 3", value:00000000},
                        {code:4, description:"Item 4", value:00000000},
                        {code:5, description:"Item 5", value:00000000},
                        {code:6, description:"Item 6", value:00000000},
                        {code:7, description:"Item 7", value:00000000}
                   private var formatter:NumberFormatter;
                   private function formatterFunction(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String {
                      if (formatter == null){
                           formatter = new NumberFormatter();
                           formatter.decimalSeparatorTo = ",";
                           formatter.thousandsSeparatorTo = ".";
                           formatter.decimalSeparatorFrom  = ",";
                           formatter.thousandsSeparatorFrom = ".";
                           formatter.useThousandsSeparator = true;
                           formatter.precision = 4;
                      return formatter.format(item[column.dataField]);
                 private function editEndHandler(event:DataGridEvent):void {
                    var myEditor:TextInput = TextInput(event.currentTarget.itemEditorInstance);
                    var newVal:Number = isNaN(Number(myEditor.text)) ? myEditor.text as Number : 0.0000;
                    var oldVal:Number = Number(event.currentTarget.editedItemRenderer.data[event.dataField]);
                     // it solves the partial part of the problem, but still have some errors
                     if (event.reason == DataGridEventReason.CANCELLED || event.reason == DataGridEventReason.OTHER) {
                    if (oldVal == newVal ) {
                             // i've tryed this, but the itemEditor still open
                             // if I just put 'return', still have the same problem
                             // return;
         <mx:Label text="Bug datagrid editavel com labelFunction"
              fontWeight="bold" />
         <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{collection}"
                   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Código"
                   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Descrição"
                   <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Valor"
    Thanks for the answer.
    I want to edit this column, but if there is no 'change' i dont want to apply again the label function and close the itemEditor.
    I've tryed to call event.preventDefault() but i dont know what to do next.
    Do you have some advice how to solve my problem?
    This is just happening when i got zero values on my datagrid =/
    Thanks all for the answers.

  • Editable Datagrid from programmaticaly built XmlListCollection help needed

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    rows in it. Users will fill out the cells, this then gets persisted
    to a DB, then later by making selections in a combobox, they can
    bring this data back for viewing and/or modification. I have been
    trying to create the XML dynamically and then addItem on the
    XmlListCollection to no avail. Can someone please point out where I
    am going wrong? Thanks!
    [Bindable] private var teamGridDataAsXml:XML;
    [Bindable] private var teamGridData:XMLListCollection;
    private function initEmptyTeamGrid():void {
    teamGridData = new XMLListCollection();
    var s:String = "<rows>";
    for(var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    s += "<row rowIndex=\'" + i + "\' agentId='' firstName=''
    lastName='' country='' />";
    s += "</rows>";
    teamGridDataAsXml = new XML(s);
    <mx:DataGrid id="agentInfo" editable="true"
    dataProvider="{teamGridData}" width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="#" dataField="@rowIndex"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Agent ID"
    dataField="@agentId" editable="true"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="First Name"
    dataField="@firstName" editable="true"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Last Name"
    dataField="@lastName" editable="true"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Country"
    dataField="@country" editable="true"/>

    teamGridDataAsXml = new XML(s);
    trace(teamGridDataAsXml.toXMLString() ); to be sure you have
    good xml
    var xlRows:XMLList = teamGridDataAsXml.row;
    trace(xlRows.length()); //what you expect?
    teamGridData =new XMLListCOllection(xlRows);
    You could skip the xml variable and go straignt into the
    XMLListCollection also. In the loop, build the XML node, using XML
    literal syntax, and then call addItem *inside the loop*.

  • Formatting a field before committing from editable datagrid

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    and value. Now, the date in the dataProvider is actually stored as
    an integer (yyyymmdd) so I format it using a labelFunction to
    display. I then have a custom itemEditor to set it to a date for
    calling into the DateField.
    The next step, and where I'm struggling, is to update the
    dataProvider with an integer (yyyymmdd) calculated from the
    selectedDate. Can someone please help me with how to do this?

    See the docs for data grid editing events, such as, I think,

  • Finding out if any modifications are being made in the fields in an editable datagrid

    I populated my data grid with an array
    collection(initDG=event.result.categorydtls.category) where
    initDGObject is the array collection.I made the data grid as
    editable.Now , when the user click's on submit(below data grid),
    the request for modifying the corresponding details in database
    should go only if the user makes any modification ,or else an alert
    should be shown saying that "you havent made any modifications".For
    this purpose i assigned "event.result.categorydtls.category" to
    another array collection initDGObject and ,in the function which
    will be invoked after clicking on submit i compared both the
    objects initDG and initDGObject.But to my surprise,if any field in
    data grid is modified then both initDG and intiDGObject(here let me
    remind that i assigned initDG as the data provider for grid and
    initDGObject is a normal array collection object for which the
    details are assigned to for comparison purpose) are also
    modifying.So i am unable to check if any modifications are being
    made before forwarding request for database modification to back
    end.Please suggest me a solution for doing this task.Thanks in

    lam not able to add a single object to the array
    collection.Regarding the usage of datagrid in my task,there will be
    a drop down on the top of datagrid with categories(like
    science,maths...)in it.Whenever a particular category is selected
    then the corresponding subcategories(in category science sub
    categories are physics,biology.....)details will be populated in
    the datagrid.Please suggest me a solution.

  • Strange Behaviour on DataGrid with ArrayCollection as DataProvider

    I have a Datagrid with an ArrayCollection as DataProvider, the arrayCollection is partially generated by a remoteObject call, the dataprovider seems to works at least until I try to edit the field...
    By the RemoteObject I only receive an ArrayCollection with the field `ip`, but the datagrid looks for the fields ip, check and save...
    If I add/edit this new field it works, but only under particular condition
    The DataGrid:
    <s:DataGrid id="datagrid" left="10" right="10" top="136"
           dataProvider="{listaIPCheck}" bottom="10" requestedRowCount="4">
                         <s:GridColumn dataField="ip" headerText="Asset"/>
                         <s:GridColumn dataField="check" headerText="Inventory"/>
                         <s:GridColumn dataField="save" headerText="Salvataggio"/>
    The Script:
       [Bindable]private var listaIPCheck:ArrayCollection;
        private function ro_resultHandler(event:Event=null):void
          listaIPCheck = new ArrayCollection();
          listaIPCheck = ro.getListUpdate.lastResult;
          heap = 0;
          // Read Below {POINT #1}
        private function init3():void
         // Read Below {POINT #2}
         if (heap<listaIPCheck.length)
            // omitted the initialization of the process p
            p.addEventListener(NativeProcessExitEvent.EXIT, onExit);
        private function onExit(e:NativeProcessExitEvent):void {
            // Read below {POINT #3}
    Here is my code, now as you can see there are 3 line where I wrote to read below...
    Let's assume to put this simple `for` instead of the commented line (once at a time)
        for (var k:Number=0;k<listaIPCheck.length;k++)
          listaIPCheck.getItemAt(k).check = "checkVal";
          listaIPCheck.getItemAt(k).save = "saveVal";
    This code always work in the 3 points, so at the end of the call the ArrayCollection is always filled with the new values, but the datagrid refresh the items only in POINT #1 and POINT #2
    Why not in Point #3???

    Thank you Amy, but adding the properties in the server side did not work...
    The workflow of the program is that:
    1) I get the ArrayCollection (listaIPCheck) contatining some information  (function ro_resultHandler)
    2) I start an external process and grab the output data (function init3)
    3) read and use the data from the process (function onExit)
    Now the problem I have is regarding the refresh of the datagrid, this datagrid has the ArrayCollection (listaIPCheck) as DataProvider.
    - If I put the for loop instead of the comments  ( // Read Below {POINT #1} ) or
    ( // Read Below {POINT #2} )  it works, the ArrayCollection is updated and the datagrid is refreshed
    - Whereas if I put the for loop instead of  ( // Read Below {POINT #3} ) , it won't work.. or at least, the ArrayCollection is correctly updated, but the datagrid is not refreshed at all and I have to use .refresh()

  • Editable DataGrid won't sort correctly

    This is the weirdest behavior I've ever seen...
    I am working on a datagrid (editable="true"), and for some reason the thing does not want to sort correctly. It is a basic datagrid with itemrenderers for each column so that we can edit in the grid. Sorting should happen on a header-click, but if you click the header, it seems to simply select the first row, or another random row, and doesn't sort. It does fire the "itemEditEnd" event. However, if you click anywhere but the header, drag the mouse to header and then let go,  (mouseUp on the header), then it sorts perfectly fine (and doesn't fire that event). If I take the "editable=true" off the datagrid, it sorts fine on header-clicks, but then the datagrid won't save.
    Does anyone have any ideas? There isn't any custom behavior on the header, though I could add some if it would help. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to help.
    This seems to be somewhat related to this (unsolved) issue.

    I have noticed in the livedocs under, "Working with item renderers" (currently as I type this post the livedocs is unavailable, so I am able to give you a URL) there is a Datagrid that functions incorrectly when the user clicks on header columns.  I am not sure why they haven't fixed this yet, but is this similar to what you are experiencing?  I believe on the same page, they mention about the differences with creationComplete and dataChange.  Are you listening to any of those events?  creationComplete is rarely used in an itemrenderer.   dataChange is used more often which I have noticed that a conditional statement is needed to prevent strange behavior (perhaps the same as you mentioned).

  • Datagrid with Horizontal and vertical header?

    I need to set a datagrid with a vertical and horizontal header, something like this:
    But I need to be able to add labels to the vertical header cells too. Is there anyway to accomplish this with datagrid or advanced datagrid? I have been checking the docs without any luck.
    Thanks in advance,

    Thanks a lot for the information Daiji (As allways). Anyway, this is not what I need. I think I did not provide all needed information.
    This grid I will show to the user must be editable. The user must be able to enter data for each row/col combination. I mainly need same funcionality as a datagrid but being able to add a vertical header column for the Y axis.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Editable DataGrid and setInterval()

    I have a page with an editable datagrid on it. I am not using
    any item renderers or anything. Also I am refreshing this page
    every five seconds by doing a setInterval() on it. Here's the
    scenario which is causing the problem.
    I select a cell to edit. The cell's look changes from regular
    text to the look of an editable field. However if the refresh
    happens before I make my changes, the cell gets converted back to
    regular text. Is there a way for me to maintain the editability of
    the cell through the refresh or should I use some other method of
    refreshing the data?

    It seems to me that if the user has started entering data,
    that you should suspend the refresh activity entirely, until the
    current data is saved. Otherwise, it wll be nearly impossible to
    update the data, since few people will be able to type and samve
    sopmething in less than 5 seconds.

  • HELP Filling a datagrid with data from various tables

    MHI, this is simple.
    I have 2 tables.
    table ORDERS are columns:  order_id, client_id, status
    table CLIENTS are columns: client_id, client_name
    my datagrid would have the columsn: order_id, client_name, status.
    Thats all. I can't simply do it in Flex. HELP PLEASE.
    These are my approaches:
    1 - tried to create a new array collection with mixed data from these 2 tables to use as dataprovider in the datagrid.
    even the ac is [Bindable], the datagrid won't update. Probably Im creating the ac in a wrong way.
    2 - tried to use the ORDERS table call responder lastResult property (that works out to fill the data grid) and add a new colounm (client_name) within each item inside the ORDERS array collection.
    I'm not able to ADD a property/field/column inside the ac.  Of course, when I use .addItem, it will create a new "order"  not a new "order.property"
    if something like:  ac.source[i].push({client_name:clientName}) worked...
    My goals are simple. To fill the datagrid with those data.
    Ah.. i almost forgot...
    supose CLIENTS have 1000 registers.
    I don't have to bring all those registers within flex to look for only one ID to retrieve a name to fill the orders datagrid, right?

    Ok,  this is my first approach:
    this function is an auto-generated event that happens when I drag a databank operator over a datagrid. Datagrid's dataprovider IS set to "orders":
    (in my browser, the following messed lines only show decent while editting. Maybe copy it into a editor to better visualize: )
    protected function getOrders_pagedResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void             {                 orders = getOrders_pagedResult.lastResult                          //1 - this was previous declared as a Bindable Array Collection.                                             var ta:Array = new Array;                                 for (var t:String in event.result)                 {                     var tp:Array = new Array();                        tp.push(getOrders_pagedResult.lastResult[t].order_id);        //is it any difference to get data like in THIS LINE                           tp.push(event.result[t].status)                               //or THIS?                                             var cn:String = getClientsByID(event.result[t].client_id);     //this won't work in time. The getClientsByID delays to get data.                     var obj:Object = {client_name:cn};                             //so cn, in this line, will be "null". How can I handle this?                                         tp.push(obj);                                         ta.push(tp)                  }                                 orders.source.push(ta)                                             //this is what I wanted datagrid to show, but it doesn't.                                                                                    //if I leave the first statement, everything above is ignored                                                                                    //if I comment the first line, datagrid shows nothing.                            } 
    I realize that the code above won't work because the properties inside each item won't have a "label" to datagrid to call in dataField property...I don't know how to do that. I thought by creating an object (like the obj above) it would work...  it wont.
    My getClientsByID is a modificated auto-generated function which doesn't work properly:
    (in my browser, the following messed lines only show decent while editting. Maybe copy it into a editor to better visualize: )
    protected function getClientsByID(itemID:int):String {         getClientsByIDResult.token = clientsService.getClientsByID(itemID);         return(getClientsByIDResult.lastResult.name); } 
    It seems it doesn't work (returns null) because the function runs faster than the call responder result.
    Creating a listener for everything seems to be not the best practice, but a band-aid...
    I should create a class in php to return the "ready-to-use" data. Ok?
    Thanks a lot for your comments. Do I miss any important part of the code?

  • Save edited datagrid change.

    Hi it's me again. I ask before for something like that but
    it's sound a bit confusing so I'll start from scratch.
    I have a datagrid with name and other stuff inside. I edit a
    name for example. Cause the grid is editable (true). I close the
    application, open the application again and all the modifications
    are gone. So what I want is to do is a button at the bottom of the
    application that save all the modifications in the grid. So when I
    open the application again later, the modification will still
    there. I've try Array, XMLList... just tell me if you know an easy
    way to do it. I'll start from scratch

    <mx:XMLList id="associesCAISSES">
    <lun> </lun>
    <jeu>8:00-17:00 rtv</jeu>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> 16:00-21:00</lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <ven> </ven>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> 10:00-16:00</lun>
    <ven> </ven>
    <nom>Valérie Maurice</nom>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mer> </mer>
    <jeu> </jeu>
    <ven> </ven>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <jeu> </jeu>
    <ven> </ven>
    <dim> </dim>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <jeu> </jeu>
    <ven> </ven>
    <sam> </sam>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <jeu> </jeu>
    <ven> </ven>
    <nom>Valérie Chalifoux</nom>
    <dim> </dim>
    <lun> </lun>
    <mar> </mar>
    <mer> </mer>
    <jeu> </jeu>
    <ven> </ven>
    <sam> </sam>
    <tot> </tot>
    <dim> </dim>
    <mer> </mer>
    <sam> </sam>

  • Reloading a datagrid with all its records

    Could someone please tell me how to reload all the records of
    a datagrid without having to reload the entire page. I'm using an
    XML file (e4x format) to populate a datagrid. Some rows of this
    datagrid get deleted during runtime and at some point I would like
    to be able to reload the datagrid with all its records. If you have
    some code and detailed explanation (I'm a newbie) that would be
    greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your help.

    Hi Greg,
    The XML file is called like this: <mx:XML id="DataTbl2"
    format="e4x" source="DataTbl2.xml"/>
    And used in the Datagrid as follow:
    <mx:DataGrid id="impDG"
    rowCount="{getLengthOfXmlArray2(DataTbl1..Option.(Imchecked ==
    true))}" visible="true" dataProvider="{DataTbl2.Option}"
    editable="false" x="24" y="134" width="611">
    I tried impDG.dataProvider.refresh() and it doesn't work. I
    also tried DataTbl2.Option.refresh(); and I get an error during
    runtime: TypeError: Error #1006: value is not a function.
    What do you mean by "collection". I'm not using any array
    collection, just an xml file to populate the grid.
    Thank you for your help,

  • Both my iPad and iPhone have ios8 On either device in Calendars edit shared with add person when I enter an email address and press add nothing happens - just goes back to edit screen and what I have entered has gone. No error message or any clue

    Both my iPad and iPhone have ios8
    On either device in Calendars> edit >shared with> add person when I enter an email address and press add nothing happens - just goes back to edit screen and what I have entered has gone. No error message or any clue about why I cant share my calendar. Please help.

    Spoke with Express lane, and issue was escalated.  Kudos to the support guys that handled this one (Brian and Yi).  Went through everything in detail and took all the crash dumps off the iphones and ipads to send to engineering.
    After backing up the contacts, the recommendation was to delete all contacts in  iCloud.  Doing that caused my iCloud to crash (in the browser), so more crash dumps were sent to apple.
    Eventually got all contacts deleted, then did a resync.  Looks like IOS devices are coming back to life and syncing again.
    Also, Outlook iCloud connector has just been updated to ver 1.0.1 so i installed that on their recommendation.
    BOTTOM LINE workaround:
    1. Backup contacts
    2. Delete contacts in iCloud
    3. Delete accounts on IOS devices
    4. Recreate accounts on IOS devices.
    Hoping a real root cause can be found and real fix implemented.  This has caused me to doubt the stability of iCloud, so i will procees with caution.

  • How to insert and edit equations with Math Type in IBA??

    I want to add  fractions in IBA with Math Type.
    Here is what i found:
    And here is the General Preferences
    Like you see, i can't select Insert and edit equations with Math Type, it's grey.
    How can i use Math Type?

    We have an article that describes not only how to use MathType with iBooks Author (iBA), but also using LaTeX and MathML. http://www.dessci.com/en/support/mathtype/works_with.asp#!target=ibooks_author_m ac
    It's important to note that no matter how you get equations into iBA, all equations are represented as MathML in the published iBook. (except, obviously I hope, equations that are simply images that you insert)
    If you need more help, feel free to ask here.
    Bob Mathews
    Design Science

  • Re: BUG? APEX 4.0: ORA-20503 error editing report with 400+ columns

    Hello Everyone.
    I've run into something quite strange and am hoping you can help me.
    I am using Apex 4.0.1 and Oracle version I've created a "classical" report in which the underlying SQL is a very simple:
    select * from pvtabThe Oracle table pvtab consists of 419 columns, all of which are varchar2(88) and number type. That's it.
    When I run the report, al of the columns show up as expected.
    However, when I go into the "Report Attributes" tab and click on one of the fields (any of them, it doesn't matter which one), I immediately get the following error:
    ORA-20503: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "598CAA7B68746A66F4B99E1512C36DED" application checksum = "0"If if replace the "*" with a few actual column names, then I am able to access any of these columns without problem.
    If I put back the "*", I then encounter this error again.
    I have never seen this error with other SQL SELECT statements in which I use the "*" qualifier to retrieve all columns from the table.
    And so, I am wondering if the error is caused because of the large number of columns (419) in my table.
    I've seen this same error mentioned in connection with forms but never with a report.
    So, is there some limit to the number of columns one can have in a "classic" or interactive report?
    Any idea why I would be getting this error?
    Here is the DDL for my table pvtab:
       (     "MICRO" VARCHAR2(4),
         "PRIM" VARCHAR2(4),
         "UNIT" NUMBER,
         "SEC_REF_1" NUMBER,
         "SECN_1" VARCHAR2(88),
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         "SECN_196" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_197" NUMBER,
         "SECN_197" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_198" NUMBER,
         "SECN_198" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_199" NUMBER,
         "SECN_199" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_200" NUMBER,
         "SECN_200" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_201" NUMBER,
         "SECN_201" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_202" NUMBER,
         "SECN_202" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_203" NUMBER,
         "SECN_203" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_204" NUMBER,
         "SECN_204" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_205" NUMBER,
         "SECN_205" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_206" NUMBER,
         "SECN_206" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_207" NUMBER,
         "SECN_207" VARCHAR2(88),
         "SEC_REF_208" NUMBER,
         "SECN_208" VARCHAR2(88)
       );Thank you for any help/advice.
    Edited by: EEG on Jun 12, 2011 2:09 PM

    So, is there some limit to the number of columns one can have in a "classic" or interactive report?Yes. See Oracle® Application Express Application Builder User's Guide Release 4.0, Appendix B: Oracle Application Express Limits.
    Any idea why I would be getting this error?No, but I've replicated it in APEX on EE using a table of 420 <tt>varchar2(88)</tt> columns:
    ORA-20503: Current version of data in database has changed since user initiated update process. current checksum = "50C9BDC0AA1AEF0EB272E9158B2117B4" application checksum = "0"
    Happens whether using <tt>select *</tt> or including all column names in the query. (I know you don't want to type all the column names, but I'd never use <tt>select *</tt> in a production application: always use a proper column list. You can get one without typing by drag-and-drop of a table in most IDEs, or a query from <tt>user_tab_columns</tt>.)
    I hit the problem at 274 columns. Such an arbitrary number leads me to think that the problem is not one of the number of columns per se, but is due to some other limit (possibly a 32K VARCHAR2/RAW buffer somewhere).
    Updates to the report column attributes are actually being saved, and you can navigate them using the Page Definition tree view as described in Appendix B.
    Getting More Help:
    This is probably a bug. If you have a support agreement with Oracle raise an SR with Oracle Support.
    <li>Search the forum using the "ORA-20503" code and other possible terms to see if there's anything relevant. I had a quick look but the only thread in this context recommended an upgrade on an Oracle 9 DB version that's not compatible with APEX 4.0.
    <li>To get the attention of the Oracle APEX team or anyone else who may know more about this problem than we do, edit your original post and change the Subject to be more specific about the actual nature of the problem: <em>BUG? APEX 4.0: ORA-20503 error editing report with 400+ columns</em>, and include your database version/edition and the definition of the <tt>PVTAB</tt> table.
    Somebody's bound to ask, so we might as well get started:
    <li>Why so many columns?
    <li>What requirement is this trying to fulfil?

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