Need help pairing bluetooth headset [totally solved]

OK, I have the two following pieces of hardware:
Motorola H350 Headset
ASUS Bluetooth USB Dongle, using a CSR radio
I'm trying to use btsco to use my bluetooth headset. I haven't gotten it to work yet. What I'm posting here is what I'm doing, my config files: and the results I get.
# RFCOMM configuration file.
rfcomm0 {
# Automatically bind the device at startup
bind yes;
# Bluetooth address of the device
device 00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9;
# RFCOMM channel for the connection
channel 1;
# Description of the connection
comment "Motorola H350 Headset";
# HCI daemon configuration file.
# HCId options
options {
# Automatically initialize new devices
autoinit yes;
# Security Manager mode
# none - Security manager disabled
# auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
# user - Always ask user for a PIN
security auto;
# Pairing mode
# none - Pairing disabled
# multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
# once - Pair once and deny successive attempts
pairing multi;
# Default PIN code for incoming connections
passkey "0000";
# Default settings for HCI devices
device {
# Local device name
# %d - device id
# %h - host name
name "BlueZ (%d)";
# Local device class
class 0x3e0100;
# Default packet type
#pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;
# Inquiry and Page scan
iscan enable; pscan enable;
# Default link mode
# none - no specific policy
# accept - always accept incoming connections
# master - become master on incoming connections,
# deny role switch on outgoing connections
lm accept;
# Default link policy
# none - no specific policy
# rswitch - allow role switch
# hold - allow hold mode
# sniff - allow sniff mode
# park - allow park mode
lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;
I anonymized the MAC of the Bluetooth headset because otherwise, somebody would probably yell at me for the security vulnerability. Because with that MAC, someone could uh ..... they could ...... uhm ...... well I anonymized it anyways.
So without further ado, here's what I do to try and get my bluetooth headset going:
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# lsmod | grep ^snd_bt_sco
snd_bt_sco 14028 0
[root@yvonne bluetooth]#
That ensures I've got the appropriate module loaded.
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# ps ax | fgrep "hcid
> dbus"
2987 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
3000 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/sbin/hcid -f /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
3494 tty1 S 0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
3495 ? Ss 0:00 dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 8 --print-address 6 --
4758 pts/4 R+ 0:00 grep -F hcid?dbus
[root@yvonne bluetooth]#
I've got HCID going, with DBus started first (read up about that on the forums)
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# rm /var/lib/bluetooth/00:08:2B:03:68:D2/linkkeys && touch /var/lib/bluetooth/00:11:1B:09:31:E5/linkkeys
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9 Motorola H350
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# btsco -v 00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9
btsco v0.42
Device is 1:0
Voice setting: 0x0060
Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# rfcomm connect 00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9
Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Connection refused
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# rm /var/lib/bluetooth/08:08:1C:91:71:D2/linkkeys && touch /var/lib/bluetooth/00:08:D2:44:35:D2/linkkeys
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9 Motorola H350
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# hcitool cc 00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9
[root@yvonne bluetooth]# btsco -v 00:0C:55:AA:A3:A9
btsco v0.42
Device is 1:0
Voice setting: 0x0060
Can't connect RFCOMM channel: Connection refused
[root@yvonne bluetooth]#
Note that each time after I wipe out the keys from /var/lib/bluetooth, I'm putting the headset back into pairing mode by holding down its "phone" button.
So I'm kind of at the end of my rope here. Something is going wrong during pairing, but what is it? dmesg isn't giving me any clues here either. Is the PIN not getting transmitted properly or something?[/code]

Ok, there's some strange things happening with bluetooth these days it seems. I had a lot of trouble setting up a connection to my phone, even after following avery bit of advice I found on the net.
But somehow I found a way, and now it works. I had to do some things not documented anywhere, excepte from some obscure places from 2003 etc.
The most significant problem I encountered was that my phone would never find my computer, even though I set pscan and iscan enabled.
Here's a line of code I found that fixed the problem for me. It could work for you too, since your problem looks exactly like the things I saw when the phone couldn't see my computer.
dbus-send --system --dest=org.bluez /org/bluez/hci0
org.bluez.Adapter.SetMode string:discoverable
I write this after the bluetooth system has started.
Hope it helps 

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    I hope someone can help me!
    Thank you. 

    It sounds like you have a bad USB driver for the phone. That software is installed with iTunes. Like I said earlier, you need to make sure to uninstall everything using that support document. That clears out all Apple software. Do that without the phone attached to the computer of course. Once you have reinstalled everything, then try and connect it. It should load the USB driver and begin to work.
    Let me ask you this. How many pictures do you have in the camera roll? If you have a large number of them and  you have not imported them to the computer, there could be a corrupt picture causing you some problems. While that was known in the past to cause syncing problems, I thought that was fixed. If after you uninstalled iTunes the phone was recognized as a camera, I suggest importing the pictures and then deleting them from the camera roll and try the process all over with uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes. See if that helps.

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    How can I write the sorce cord In AT END OF...ENDAT.
    Please help!!
    Here is the sourc code.
            bukrs   LIKE knb1-bukrs,
    *<<<<< CR01
            zuonr   Like bsid-zuonr,                        "sort key  "CR01
    *>>>>> CR01
            belnr   LIKE bsid-belnr,
            kunnr   LIKE kna1-kunnr,
            bldat   LIKE bsid-bldat,
            budat   LIKE bsid-budat,
            netdt   LIKE bsega-netdt,
            waers   LIKE bsid-waers,
            wrbtr   LIKE bsid-wrbtr,
            shkzg   LIKE bsid-shkzg,
            xblnr   LIKE bsid-xblnr,                            "WD041005a
            sgtxt   LIKE bsid-sgtxt,
            dmbtr   LIKE bsid-dmbtr,
          END OF t.
    Description of Interface-record RECON
            belnr(10),                     " document number
    *<<<< CR01 STRAT ADD ZUONR
            zuonr(10),                     "sort key  " CR01
    *>>>> CR01 END ADD ZUONR
          KUNNR(5),                      " customer no."WD290705a
            kunnr LIKE kna1-kunnr,         " customer no."WD290705a
            bldat(10),                     " date
            netdt(10),                     " due date for payment
            betrg(14),                     " amount
            waers(3),                      " currency
            filler7(1),                    " document field - blank
            compcode(4),                   " company-code         "fw070905
            filler8(1),                    " comment - blank
            sgtxt(50),                     " Text             "INS MG020207
            vbeln(12) ,
            xblnr(16),                     "WD041005a hier Referenznr rein
            filler13(1),                   " remark - blank
          END OF s.
    DATA: BEGIN OF outtab OCCURS 1000,
                s LIKE s,
          END OF outtab.
    *<<<<< INS MG020207
    TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_outalv,
             belnr(10),                     " document number
    *<<<< CR01 START ADD ZUONR
             zuonr,                         " sort key  " CR01
    *>>>>CR01 END ADD AUONR
             kunnr LIKE kna1-kunnr,         " customer no."WD290705a
             bldat(10),                     " date
             budat(10),                     " posting date
             netdt(10),                     " due date for payment
             betrg(14),                     " amount
             waers(3),                      " currency
             compcode(4),                   " company-code         "fw070905
             sgtxt(30),                     " comment
             kmmnt(30),                     " comment
             vbeln(12),                     " delivery number
             xblnr(16),                     "WD041005a hier Referenznr rein
             lifn2(11),                     " customer number
             twaer(3),                     " currency company code
           END OF ty_outalv.
    DATA: gt_outalv TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_outalv.
    DATA: gs_outalv TYPE ty_outalv.
    *>>>>> INS MG020207
    DATA: l_date TYPE sy-datum.
    DATA: g_date TYPE sy-datum.
    DATA: g_budat TYPE bsik-budat.
    DATA: wk_belnr LIKE bsid-zuonr,
          wk_x_belnr LIKE bsid-zuonr,
    DATA: l_it_bsik TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bsik.               "INS MG050706
    DATA: l_wa_bsik TYPE bsik.                                 "INS MG050706
    TYPE-POOLS: slis.                                          "INS MG020207
    DATA:                                                      "INS MG020207
    gt_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,                     "INS MG020207
    gs_layout   TYPE slis_layout_alv,                         "INS MG020207
    gs_fieldcat TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.                       "INS MG020207
      SORT t.
      LOOP AT t.
        AT NEW bukrs.
          CLEAR anz_dl.
          CLEAR htext-anzahl.
          CLEAR htext-datei.
          htext-text1 = ' records writen in file '.
          CLEAR p_pfad.
         INTO p_pfad.
          CLEAR outtab.
          REFRESH outtab.
          REFRESH: gt_outalv.                                  "INS MG020207
       IF t-shkzg = 'H'.
         h_betrg  = t-wrbtr * -1.
        h_betrg  = t-wrbtr.
        h_dmbtr  = t-dmbtr.
        s-filler1 = s-filler2 = s-filler3 = s-filler4 = s-filler5 = ';'.
        s-filler6 = s-filler7 = s-filler8 = ';'.
        s-filler9 = s-filler10 = s-filler11 = s-filler12 = s-filler13 = ';'.
        s-filler14 = ';'.
        s-belnr = t-belnr.
        IF t-xblnr NE space.                                    "WD041005a
          s-xblnr      = t-xblnr.                               "WD041005a
        ELSE.                                                   "WD041005a
          s-xblnr      = t-belnr.                               "WD041005a
        ENDIF.                                                  "WD041005a
        WHILE s-xblnr(1) EQ '0'.                            "INS MG130606
          SHIFT s-xblnr LEFT.                               "INS MG130606
        ENDWHILE.                                            "INS MG130606
        WRITE t-kunnr TO s-kunnr NO-ZERO.
        s-lifn2 = s-kunnr.
        shift s-lifn2 RIGHT.
        s-lifn2(1) = 'R'.
      S-KUNNR = T-KUNNR+5(5).
        s-bldat+2(1) = '/'.
        s-bldat+5(1) = '/'.
        s-bldat0(2) = t-bldat4(2).
        s-bldat3(2) = t-bldat6(2).
        s-bldat6(4) = t-bldat0(4).
        s-budat+2(1) = '/'.
        s-budat+5(1) = '/'.
        s-budat0(2) = t-budat4(2).
        s-budat3(2) = t-budat6(2).
        s-budat6(4) = t-budat0(4).
        s-netdt+2(1) = '/'.
        s-netdt+5(1) = '/'.
        s-netdt0(2) = t-netdt4(2).
        s-netdt3(2) = t-netdt6(2).
        s-netdt6(4) = t-netdt0(4).
        s-waers      = t-waers.
        s-dmbtr      = t-dmbtr.
        s-sgtxt      = t-sgtxt.
        CLEAR s-twaer.
        SELECT SINGLE waers INTO s-twaer
                            FROM t001
                            WHERE bukrs = t-bukrs.
        IF h_betrg < 0.
          hs_betrg+0(1) = '-'.
          hs_betrg+0(1) = ' '.
        WRITE h_betrg CURRENCY t-waers TO hs_betrg+1 NO-GROUPING
        REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO hs_betrg.
        WRITE hs_betrg TO s-betrg.
        IF h_dmbtr < 0.
          hs_betrg+0(1) = '-'.
          hs_betrg+0(1) = ' '.
        WRITE h_dmbtr CURRENCY t-waers TO hs_betrg+1 NO-GROUPING
        REPLACE ',' WITH '.' INTO hs_betrg.
        WRITE hs_betrg TO s-dmbtr.
        s-compcode   = t-bukrs.                                 "fw070905
        IF p_downl = 'X'.
          MOVE s TO outtab-s.
          APPEND outtab.
          ADD 1 TO anz_dl.
        gs_outalv-belnr = s-belnr.                             "INS MG020207
    *<<<< CR01 START ADD as_outalv-zuonr
        gs_outalv-zuonr = s-zuonr.                             "CR01
    *>>>> CR01 EDD   ADD as_outalv-zuonr
        gs_outalv-kunnr = s-kunnr.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-bldat = s-bldat.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-netdt = s-netdt.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-betrg = s-betrg.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-waers = s-waers.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-compcode = s-compcode.                       "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-budat = s-budat.                             "INS MG020207
        gs_outalv-sgtxt = s-sgtxt.
        gs_outalv-kmmnt = s-kmmnt.
        gs_outalv-vbeln = s-vbeln.
        gs_outalv-xblnr = s-xblnr.
        gs_outalv-lifn2 = s-lifn2.
        gs_outalv-dmbtr = s-dmbtr.
        gs_outalv-twaer = s-twaer.
        APPEND gs_outalv TO gt_outalv.                         "INS MG020207
        AT END OF bukrs.
          WRITE anz_dl  TO htext-anzahl.
          WRITE p_pfad  TO htext-datei.
          CONDENSE htext.
          IF p_downl = 'X'.
            SKIP 2.
            WRITE: / htext.
                filename                = p_pfad
                filetype                = 'ASC'
                data_tab                = outtab
                file_write_error        = 1
                no_batch                = 2
                gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
                invalid_type            = 4
                no_authority            = 5
                unknown_error           = 6
                header_not_allowed      = 7
                separator_not_allowed   = 8
                filesize_not_allowed    = 9
                header_too_long         = 10
                dp_error_create         = 11
                dp_error_send           = 12
                dp_error_write          = 13
                unknown_dp_error        = 14
                access_denied           = 15
                dp_out_of_memory        = 16
                disk_full               = 17
                dp_timeout              = 18
                file_not_found          = 19
                dataprovider_exception  = 20
                control_flush_error     = 21
                OTHERS                  = 22.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
             write: / 'Error creating File:', P_Pfad, sy-subrc.
              MESSAGE e405 WITH text-002 p_pfad.
    *<<<<< INS MG020207
          IF p_alvd EQ 'X'.
            PERFORM build_layout_data.
                i_callback_program     = sy-repid
                i_structure_name       = 'GT_OUTALV'
                is_layout              = gs_layout
                it_fieldcat            = gt_fieldcat[]
                i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP-OF-PAGE'
                t_outtab               = gt_outalv.
    *>>>>> INS MG020207

    Have alook at below program
    REPORT  zinternaltable.
    TYPES:BEGIN OF itab,
          num TYPE i,
          name(10) TYPE c,
          amt type i,
          END OF itab.
    DATA : wa_itab TYPE itab,
           it_itab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itab.
    DATA : v_lines TYPE i.
    wa_itab-num = 1.
    wa_itab-name = 'nag'.
    wa_itab-amt = 1000.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 1.
    wa_itab-name = 'nag'.
    wa_itab-amt = 2000.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 1.
    wa_itab-name = 'nag'.
    wa_itab-amt = 1500.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 2.
    wa_itab-name = 'sri'.
    wa_itab-amt = 500.
    append wa_itab tO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 2.
    wa_itab-name = 'sri'.
    wa_itab-amt = 600.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 2.
    wa_itab-name = 'sri'.
    wa_itab-amt = 700.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 3.
    wa_itab-name = 'ganesh'.
    wa_itab-amt = 1200.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 3.
    wa_itab-name = 'ganesh'.
    wa_itab-amt = 1300.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 3.
    wa_itab-name = 'ganesh'.
    wa_itab-amt = 1400.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 4.
    wa_itab-name = 'suresh'.
    wa_itab-amt = 900.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    wa_itab-num = 4.
    wa_itab-name = 'suresh'.
    wa_itab-amt = 300.
    append wa_itab TO it_itab.
    sort it_itab.
    LOOP AT it_itab INTO wa_itab.
    at first.
    write :/ 'details of sales order:'.
    at new num.
    write :/ 'serial num:', wa_itab-num.
    WRITE :/ wa_itab-num , wa_itab-name , wa_itab-amt.
    at end of num.
    write :/ 'total amount:',wa_itab-amt.
    at last.
    write:/ 'grand total:',wa_itab-amt.
    describe table it_itab lines  v_lines.
    WRITE:/'no of records :', v_lines.

  • Need help abt bluetooth services on windows 8 enterprise

    glad to join hp forums and thats help me too much persoanlly also at work 
    got problem in bluetooth services nd iam using windows 8 enterprise all bluetooth services was working well on windows 7 professional but i upgraded ma os nd now just i can send and recive files via bluetooth , cant play music directly too , i got screen shot thats will explain more :    
    thats what i need i got this screen shot from help its full services  i got just one option its file transfer
    and this is what i got right now   
    need help i like win 8 more than 7 so i wont back to use win 7 

    With the Error 2, let's try a standalone Apple Application Support install. It still might not install, but fingers crossed any error messages will give us a better idea of the underlying cause of the issue.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64Setup.exe), and select "Extract to iTunesSetup" (or "Extract to iTunes64Setup"). WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup" (or "iTunes64Setup").
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleApplicationSupport.msi to do a standalone AAS install.
    Does it install properly for you?
    If instead you get an error message during the install, let us know what it says. (Precise text, please.)

  • New User needs help with Bluetooth

    Call the experienced ones out there. I'm the proud owner of a new 3GS Iphone, which I'm unable to pair with anything. I walk through the electronics store and it finds lots of devices to pair with. However it willnot find my PC (IBM Thinkpad) or my cars built in Bluetooth (Mercedes Ml500). Have tried all I know including power off through to complete reload of all software, now pulling whats left of my hair out......Take pity if there is a magic fix and share the love....Thanks Gary

    Bluetooth in the iPhone 3GS is very limited compared to most other Bluetooth enabled phones.
    It can only be used for the following:
    1) Internet tethering (connecting your computer to the internet via the iPhone's internet connection, but only if your network provider allows it)
    2) Peer to peer games between other iPhone and iPod touch devices
    3) Connecting to Bluetooth headsets and compatible Bluetooth stereo systems.
    You will not be able to use Bluetooth for file transfers, sending contact info, syncing music, pictures or anything like that.

  • help please Bluetooth Headset on X200s - Broadcom Windows 7 Driver Not Installing

    So just installed Win7 RTM (v 7600) on a X200s. I have a Plantronics 510 Bluetooth headset that I use for VOIP. I followed the connecting instructions (just as I've successfully done with other Lenovos) and gone through 1 failed attempt (which happened on the RC version 7100 too). WIn7 happily recommends I download the newest Broadcom Driver at
    I download this driver install kit and when I attempt to install it I get an error immediately. (this worked fine for me on my old X61s)
    "The program cannot upgrade your software. Please contact the manufacturer of your bluetooth device for support."
    The problem with this is that Plantronics relies on the built in BT driver to work. I had a challenge on my older X61s (discovered it wasn't installing due to internal firewall issues) but knowing that, I took the X200s home and tried the install at home, off of corp net.
    I've been able to connect successfully to other Bluetooth devices (like my mobile phone) but the BT headset won't take any drivers. Broadcom's "support" is anything but supportive.
    I've uninstalled (through device manager) the BT Peripheral Device & scanned for hardware changes. Still get the same failure.
    Anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone run into this problem also and found a solution or workaround?  Thanks in advance.
    Windows 7 Build 7100

    On my X200t with W7 RTM x64 I came across the same issue.
    First I went through the process of trying the W7 beta from Broadcom with the same result.
    Then I used the unpacked driver-only from the lastest official Lenova Vista X64 package, which allowed it at least to be properly recognized. The headset however remained fully unoperable.
    I ended with a full install of the Vista X64 package and now the headset works fine. Not a single issue anymore.
    Lenovo Premium Business Partner
    X1 Carbon Touch | i7-3667U | 8Gb | 256Gb | HD 4000 | 14HD+ | WWAN | W8.1 Pro RTM x64 |

  • Need help pairing a Kensington Bluetooth keyboard to iPad Air...

    I tried everything. It just won't pair. When I turn it on, the message pops up what code to type in to pair, than quickly jumps to an error message saying "Pairing Unsuccessful". I don't even get time to input anything. Someone help me here.

    Hi there RichardHKS,
    You may find the troubleshooting steps in the articles below helpful.
    iOS: Third-party Bluetooth accessories
    iOS: Troubleshooting Bluetooth connections
    -Griff W. 

  • Need help pairing Jarv Nmotion BTHL-201 bluetooth headphones

    I just received my Jarv Nmotion BTHL-201 bluetooth headphones and my iPhone 4s (I have not done the most recent IOS update) and the phone is not finding the  bluetooth headphones.
    I followed the directions -  completely charged the headphones and then tried to pair.  My phone just keeps searching but never finds the headphones.
    Any suggestions? ( I have tried it several times. Turned the phone off completely, then powered it back and tried again - all to no avail).
    - Jill

    Never mind!!  Pilot error. Came to my senses - it works!  Great set of headphones 

  • Need help with bluetooth headphones playback

    I have recently began to use Motorola S305 bluetooth headphones on my desktop computer. The headphones synch and work for playback of other audio, however, they do not play back when I listen to iTunes (upgraded to iTunes 9 today).
    I have checked and re-paired. When I test using the control panel or Windows Media Player, the headphones playback audio, however, when I play iTunes the sound reverts back to computer speakers.
    I would appreciate if someone could help me figure out how to get my headphones to work so I can get the full benefit of the purchase.
    Thank you

    I had the same problem too, but with a different headset...after some google searching and playing around, I found the solution. When your bluetooth headphones have a microphone, it actually uses a different service then the "stereo headphones" feature. When quicktime starts up in any capacity, it seems to default to whatever service that uses the microphone, not the speakers. All you need to do is change your microphone input to something else in Quicktime and it then defaults to the same playback service as everything else.
    Find the quicktime player on your system and open it up. Under Edit -> Preferences -> Quicktime Preferences, select the Audio tab. Click the "Select Audio Playback Devices" button.
    At this point, if you select your "Test Hardware" button, and you run through the test, I noticed that my microphone was recording, but my headphones were not playing back.
    All I did was change the "Voice Recording" default device from the microphone device in my headphones to my computer's built in microphone. Save all changes. You should notice that when you hit the "Test Hardware" button again, everything works as advertised.
    Hopefully that helps. It might be problematic if your bluetooth headphones have an included mic that you wanted to use in Quicktime. Good luck!

  • Need help on a headset please

    I just recently updated to 3.0 and have been looking to buy a stereo headset or earbuds but I cannot get a direct answer about what brand would pair with my phone. I just want to use it for cutting grass and the gym but everyone I've spoken with at stores say none will work. I'm sure someone out there can give me a better answer than that and I thank you in advance !

    Are you looking for bluetooth stereo headsets? I have the Jaybird BT stereo headset. They are a little pricey ($129.00) but they are great. The sound is awesome and real clear when talking to someone on a phone call (it's clear from the caller's point of view as well). They are great for what you are looking for especially working out. If you go on their website you'll see they pretty much target athletes and people who workout.
    There are other BT headphones out there, and I've tried several, but these by far are my favorite.
    What other people may have been talking about is the lack of AVRCP support on the iPhone, but that would affect being able to use some of the music controls on the head set. But the BT headphones will work with the iPhone as long as it's running OS 3.0.
    Hope this helps.

  • Need help in calculating a total from flowable table

    I've tried everything to include using the example from the tutorial on creating a flowable purchase order form.  My problem is that I can't get the total field to reflect a total.  I'd be willing to send the form to anyone willing to shed some light and provide a solution.

    Paul, I don't believe that I'm grasping exactly what you are saying.  I have several forms at work that I've designed (none with flowable content however) with calculations, it's just I can't seem to get this one to do what I need.  So.... let me plead ignorance on this one for the moment.
    Actually, I have the one row that accepts data, then if the user wants to, they can click on the add item button to add another instance.  Even after entering the one rows data, that amount does not reflect in the total field.  You would likely need to see the form possibly, and if so, let me know.  I'd be glad to have your help in any way you could provide it.

  • Need help recovering from glibc upgrade [SOLVED]

    I recently did pacman -Syu on a system because I was having trouble with a softphone utility. I installed Arch on this laptop perhaps 6 months ago and have not done many upgrades since that time. Of course I've been waylaid by the recent glibc changes and I'm trying to recover. I think I've gotten a good deal of the way there by researching the issue and attempting a few solutions. But I'm quite confused by what I'm now seeing, so I want to ask for help here.
    First, let me point out that I posted in this forum yesterday about certain events that led to my problems--see that thread at Essentially, I followed the wrong set of instructions and did pacman -Syu --ignore glibc pacman -Su before doing pacman -U … pkg.tar.xz. That broke pacman, which, being the most current version, was expecting that glibc version to be on the system.
    To remedy the problem I followed the procedure outlined in that thread--namely booting from a USB drive on the affected system and running pacman -U … pkg.tar.xz --root /mnt/brokenRoot. Things kinda started to work then: pacman would run, but I noted that my mouse cursor was not responding. I decided to try and finish the upgrade and so ran pacman -Syu again using the --ignore glibc switch as suggested at … iki:usrlib.
    Things started to get really weird after that. For example, at a certain point during the boot process--I believe when the console is getting ready to switch to framebuffer (or whatever point that's called where screen resolution changes from vga)--and the screen just freezes. The laptop won't accept any keyboard or mouse input and just appears to be hung. I was able to chroot in to the system and cause the sshd daemon to start though, and have discovered that I can ssh in and do things.
    I upgraded the kernel again today in an ssh session, which gave some quite strange results: mkinitcipio is searching for modules under /lib, whereas as I understand it, /lib is now supposed to contain nothing and is to be simply a symlink to /usr/lib. But I can't build an init image on this system unless a /modules directory is present under /lib. Well, the /lib directory was there, so I symlinked /usr/lib/modules to /lib and mkinitcpio ran fine after that. So what's up here? Why is mkinitcpio expecting the /modules directory to be under /lib?
    Just as weird, there seems to be a newer glibc version. But I can't upgrade to it: I get the message "glibc: /lib exists in filesystem." Now, having read … iki:usrlib I know that there are suggestions for remedying this. But when I run the commands suggested there to try and find out what packages own files in /lib, it looks to me that all files there are owned by glibc 2.16.0-1:
    find /lib -exec pacman -Qo -- {} +
    error: cannot determine ownership of directory '/lib'
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    error: No package owns /lib/modules
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    /lib/ is owned by glibc 2.16.0-1
    Long story short, I'm quite confused by this. And I have a barely-working system I need to fix.
    Can anyone please offer input on what might be going on with this system? And perhaps offer suggestions for straightening out the mess?
    Last edited by jamtat (2012-11-02 23:55:10)

    Ok. So I'm officially dumb--in case that wasn't already apparent. I thought I'd tried upgrading glibc after I'd deleted the symlink to /usr/lib/modules (I deleted it a couple of times). But I was apparently wrong: after just now deleting it upon reading your post, I see that the upgrade has worked and that  the system reboots into its former normal state. So. it looks like it's fixed and like this thread can be marked solved. Still I'm curious: will mkinitcpio continue looking for modules in /lib?
    Last edited by jamtat (2012-11-03 16:22:09)

  • [10g/8i] Need help calculating a hierarchical total

    Hi all...
    I am trying to determine the total quantity of each unique part number in a bill of materials (big list of parts that go into a final product). The total needs to take into account the quantity of the parent parts--what I mean by this is, if you have final product 'A' that takes 1 x part 'B' and 2 x part 'C', and part 'C' takes 1 x part 'B' and 3 x part 'D' then the totals of all unique parts in product 'A' would be: 3 x B, 2 x C, 6 x D.
    It would be nice if this query ran under 8i, but if it's much more complex than the equivalent query for 10g, don't worry about making it work for 8i.
    Here is some sample data:
    (     part_nbr     CHAR(25)
    ,     bill_seq     VARCHAR2(140)
    ,     bill_level     NUMBER
    ,     parent_part     CHAR(25)
    ,     line_nbr     NUMBER(5)
    ,     child_part     CHAR(25)
    ,     qty_per          NUMBER(9,5)
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   10019970303',1,'12345-1',100,'12345-76',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   20019970303',1,'12345-1',200,'12345-272',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303',1,'12345-1',300,'12345-267',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   10019830901',2,'12345-267',100,'12345-268',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   10019830901   10019830901',3,'12345-268',100,'12345-268-1',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   20019830901',2,'12345-267',200,'12345-269',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   30019830901',2,'12345-267',300,'12345-270',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   40019830901',2,'12345-267',400,'HARDWARE-4',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   30019970303   50019830901',2,'12345-267',500,'HARDWARE-5',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   40019970303',1,'12345-1',400,'HARDWARE-6',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   50019990824',1,'12345-1',500,'A12345-475',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   60019970303',1,'12345-1',600,'HARDWARE-7',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   70019990824',1,'12345-1',700,'A12345-476',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   70019990824   10019990824',2,'A12345-476',100,'A12345-476-1',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   80019970303',1,'12345-1',800,'12345-222',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   90019970303',1,'12345-1',900,'12345-157',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','   90019970303   10119980922',2,'12345-157',101,'RAW-2',6.2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215',1,'12345-1',1000,'A12345-494',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   10019990216',2,'A12345-494',100,'A12345-486',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   10019990216   10019000101',3,'A12345-486',100,'12345-158',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   10019990216   10019000101   10119960118',4,'12345-158',101,'RAW-3',6.75);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   10019990216   10120000317',3,'A12345-486',101,'RAW-3',6.75);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   20019970303',2,'A12345-494',200,'12345-155',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   30019970303',2,'A12345-494',300,'12345-266',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   40019990215',2,'A12345-494',400,'A12345-493',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   50019970303',2,'A12345-494',500,'HARDWARE-8',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  100019990215   60019970303',2,'A12345-494',600,'HARDWARE-9',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  110019970303',1,'12345-1',1100,'HARDWARE-10',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  120019970303',1,'12345-1',1200,'HARDWARE-9',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  130019970303',1,'12345-1',1300,'HARDWARE-11',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  140020000228',1,'12345-1',1400,'HARDWARE-12',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  150020000228',1,'12345-1',1500,'HARDWARE-13',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  160020000228',1,'12345-1',1600,'HARDWARE-14',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  170020000228',1,'12345-1',1700,'12345-250',8);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('12345-1','  180020000228',1,'12345-1',1800,'FLUID1',0.00001);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   10019000101',1,'ABC-123',100,'ABC-123-1',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   10019000101   10019000101',2,'ABC-123-1',100,'AYZ-1',2);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   10019000101   10019000101   10019000101',3,'AYZ-1',100,'AYZ-2',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   10019000101   10019000101   10019000101   10019000101',4,'AYZ-2',100,'RAW-1',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   10019000101   10019000101   20019000101',3,'AYZ-1',200,'HARDWARE-1',10);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   20020001110',1,'ABC-123',200,'HARDWARE-2',15);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   30020001121',1,'ABC-123',300,'HARDWARE-1',26);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   40019000101',1,'ABC-123',400,'AYZ-25',1);
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   50020001121',1,'ABC-123',500,'HARDWARE-3',5);Here are the results I expect (I don't care about the order, this is just the order I hand-calculated the results in):
    ABC-123     ABC-123-1   1          
    ABC-123     HARDWARE-1  46         
    ABC-123     HARDWARE-2  15         
    ABC-123     HARDWARE-3  5          
    ABC-123     RAW-1       1          
    ABC-123     AYZ-1       2          
    ABC-123     AYZ-2       2          
    ABC-123     AYZ-25      1          
    12345-1     12345-155   1          
    12345-1     12345-157   1          
    12345-1     12345-158   2          
    12345-1     12345-222   1          
    12345-1     12345-250   8          
    12345-1     12345-266   1          
    12345-1     12345-267   1          
    12345-1     12345-268   1          
    12345-1     12345-268-1 1          
    12345-1     12345-269   1          
    12345-1     12345-270   1          
    12345-1     12345-272   1          
    12345-1     12345-76    1          
    12345-1     A12345-475  1          
    12345-1     A12345-476  1          
    12345-1     A12345-476-11          
    12345-1     A12345-486  2          
    12345-1     A12345-493  1          
    12345-1     A12345-494  2          
    12345-1     FLUID1      0.00001    
    12345-1     HARDWARE-10 1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-11 2          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-12 1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-13 2          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-14 2          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-4  1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-5  1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-6  2          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-7  1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-8  1          
    12345-1     HARDWARE-9  2          
    12345-1     RAW-2       6.2        
    12345-1     RAW-3       27          Clearly this query:
    SELECT     part_nbr
    ,     child_part
    ,     SUM(qty_per)
    FROM     BOM
    GROUP BY     part_nbr
    ,          child_part
    ORDER BY     part_nbr
    ,          child_part
    ;will not give the desired results, as it doesn't take into account the quantity required of each child's parent, but I can't figure out how to do that.
    The sample data I have provided represents data from a table or materialized view that is, roughly, the result of a hierarchical query of data in another table or three. If it's simpler to work off the tables on which this table is based, let me know, and I can put together some sample data from those tables.

    user11033437 wrote:
    Hi all...
    I am trying to determine the total quantity of each unique part number in a bill of materials (big list of parts that go into a final product). The total needs to take into account the quantity of the parent parts--what I mean by this is, if you have final product 'A' that takes 1 x part 'B' and 2 x part 'C', and part 'C' takes 1 x part 'B' and 3 x part 'D' then the totals of all unique parts in product 'A' would be: 3 x B, 2 x C, 6 x D.That's a very good explanation in general terms. No doubt, for you, applying that to the specific data is trivial, but most of us aren't as familiar with your application as you are. It would help a lot if you posted a similar explanation using specific ids from the sample data. For example, why do the desired results include:
    ABC-123     HARDWARE-1  46     If someone explores the data enough, they might guess that the number 46 is the sum of 26 and 20=2*10, but it would sure save a lot of time if you, to whom this is second nature, could explain it.
    It would be nice if this query ran under 8i, but if it's much more complex than the equivalent query for 10g, don't worry about making it work for 8i. Sorry, I don't know any simple way to do this in Oracle 8.1. The SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function, introduced in Oracle 9, is essential to the solution below.
    Here is some sample data:
    INSERT INTO BOM VALUES ('ABC-123','   50020001121',1,'ABC-123',500,'HARDWARE-3',5);
    Good job.
    It looks like only about half of the columns have anything to do with this problem. Here's another place where sharing your knowlege ot he application could really help people. Don't post things that are irrelvant to the problem you're asking. If there's a sincere doubt, then say somthing like "I need part_nbr, bill_seq and bill_level in the output for my real problem. I don't think they have anything to do with getting the total qty, but I'm posting them just in case."
    Here are the results I expect (I don't care about the order, this is just the order I hand-calculated the results in):
    ABC-123     ABC-123-1   1          
    ABC-123     HARDWARE-1  46    
    12345-1     RAW-3       27          Clearly this query:
    SELECT     part_nbr
    ,     child_part
    ,     SUM(qty_per)
    FROM     BOM
    GROUP BY     part_nbr
    ,          child_part
    ORDER BY     part_nbr
    ,          child_part
    ;will not give the desired results, as it doesn't take into account the quantity required of each child's parent, but I can't figure out how to do that.Thanks for posting the query. Even though it doesn;t work, it helped me understand what you wanted, and saved me some time.
    The sample data I have provided represents data from a table or materialized view that is, roughly, the result of a hierarchical query of data in another table or three. If it's simpler to work off the tables on which this table is based, let me know, and I can put together some sample data from those tables.I don't know if it would be any simpler. It might be more efficient, but I don't know how much that matters to you. Try the solution below. If it takes, say, 60 seconds, is it worthwhile trying to see if we can get it to run in 15?
    This seems to get the right results:
    SELECT     part_nbr
    ,     child_part
    ,     SUM (eval_number ('1' || SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (qty_per, '*')))     AS total_qty
    FROM     bom
    START WITH     parent_part     = part_nbr
    CONNECT BY     parent_part     = PRIOR child_part
    GROUP BY  part_nbr
    ,       child_part
    ORDER BY  part_nbr
    ,       child_part
    ;Do some experiments, on variations of this query, if you don't understand what SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH is doing. You'll see that it's returning a string, such as '*2*1*1*6.75' that reflects the quantities needed at each level of the process. To actually do the multiplication, and get a number, I used this function:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION     eval_number
    (     in_txt     IN     VARCHAR2
    ,     err_val     IN     NUMBER     DEFAULT     NULL
    --          **   e v a l _ n u m b e r   **
    --          eval_number attempts to evaluate in_txt as a NUMBER,
    --          returning that value.  If in_txt can not be interpreted,
    --          then err_val is returned.
         result_txt     VARCHAR2 (100);
         return_val     NUMBER;
                   ||     in_txt
                   ||     ' FROM dual'
                   INTO     return_val;
    --     dbms_output.put_line (result_val || ' = result_txt in eval_number');
         RETURN     return_val;
         WHEN OTHERS
    --          dbms_output.put_line (SQLERRM || ' = error in eval_number');
              RETURN     err_val;
    END     eval_number
    SHOW ERRORSI hate using "WHEN OTHERS" like this. Perhaps someone can suggest a reasonable set of specific errors that could be caught in the EXCEPTION section.

Maybe you are looking for