Editing a site i made on another Mac

I made a site using a macbook pro and then it broke. I had already saved the site and i have it on my new macbook pro. How can i open it up in iWeb to edit it?

See Roddy's answer in this thread.

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    Of course you can edit an iWeb site created on a Mac on your Mac. You don't do it by importing however. All you need is a copy of their domain.sites file, where all the data is stored and you can easily edit it. Make a copy from User/Library/Application Support/iWeb and place the copy in the same place on your Mac and you will be able to edit away and then re-publish.
    iWeb is not an html editor so cannot import, but if you have the domain.sites file you can do it.

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    Easily done. You just need to move the Domain.sites file from the older machine running iWeb06 to the new machine.
    Make a few backup copies of this Domain file, because it contains all of your work, created in iWeb. It lives on your hard drive in your Home folder's Library/Application Support/iWeb. Once you have backups of this file, transfer it to the new machine using an external device of some sort (flash drives work good for this). Put it on the desktop and double-click it. iWeb08 will launch, prompting you to update this Domain file. Click update, and you are on your way.
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    Hi thecamptain,
    If the version of the concert you´re try to load is different than yours than probably that´s the problem.
    Some missing plug-in may lead to it. Can you tell what´s the content of the concert? guitar setup, how many patchs, etc.
    You could try this:
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    Post your results
    Hope i´ve helped you
    Bruno Filipe

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    https://auth.apple.com/authenticate?service=DockStatus&realm=primary-me&returnUR L=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZS5jb20vd28vV2ViT2JqZWN0cy9Eb2NrU3RhdHVzLndvYS93YS90cmFtcG9saW 5l&destinationUrl=
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    You can do it with a bit of jiggerypokery. To begin with delete the default image in iWeb. Now all you have to do is insert it again as a normal image. To find it on your mac, open Applications in Finder and then right-click (ctrl-click) on the iWeb icon. Choose Show Package Contents and open the Contents folder followed by the Resources folder. You should now find loads and loads of image files (and a few others). You need to search for a folder called English.Iproj. Within that folder is some more images and lots of folders. Search for two images called:
    mwmac_white.tiff and mwmac.tiff. Copy and paste them to your desktop (or anywhere else). Now go back to iWeb and add them as normal images.
    Hope that helps.

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    You can put any webpage on iDisk, either in the Sites (= HomePage) folder or the Web>Sites (= iWeb) folder.
    iWeb and HomePage create a index.html file in the root of the server.
    You can overwrite the file if you want or leave it.
    Best practice is to put your own pages in a folder of their own.
    You have to experiment to see how iWeb/HomePage handle their files.
    Here's how I do it: http://web.mac.com/wyodor/

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    Welcome to the Support Communities. This question has been asked and answered many times — try entering move to another mac in the search field HERE.

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    imac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    Welcome to Apple's Discussions area, and congratulations on your new iMac!
    Here's what you need to know about creating/sharing websites with the iWeb application; iWeb stores everything you create with the app in a single file, called Domain.sites. It lives on the hard drive of the computer that created it here. If you duplicate/copy this file and move it to another Mac using the same version of iWeb, that machine will open it and you will be able to edit the site. If you configure the second machine to publish to the same .Mac account (assuming you are using .Mac), you can not only edit the site, but you can also publish the same from two separate machines.
    You will need to keep track of the latest version of this Domain file if you share it.
    Be careful with this file and back it up often. It contains every single page and/or Site that you create with iWeb.
    See these notes for more details on how to edit and publish the same iWeb site from two separate machines.

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    Hi Tsofa,
    You need to locate and copy the Domain.site2 file which iWeb creates.
    By default this is usually located in User/Library/Application Support/iWeb/
    You can copy this to any location on the other mac. As long as you use this file to start iWeb, it will recognise it as your default.
    If you want to create a new one, but still keep the old, just rename the file and start iWeb, which will generate a new Domain.sites2 file

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    If you do not need to edit it on 2 or more computers but simply want to move it from 1 computer to an other :
    locate the iWeb file in the Finder : user(you) / Library / Application Support / iWeb / Domain.sites2
    copy this file to the same default location on the other computer: user(that one) / Library / Application Support / iWeb
    Kind regards,

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    You want to have your cake and eat it too?
    Well, you have to choose. Do it the iWeb way, the situation you have now, or your way, publish to a folder and upload the content of that folder to the server.
    As it was before.
    You can't have both.
    As always, there still is a way to eat the cake.
    Read this :
    It works. I know, I baked the cake.
    You choose.
    (Ignore the spelling error in the url)

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    this is very easy. you need to get the following file from your old computer:
    /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites
    you need to copy the domain file!, copy it to the same folder on your new computer (if the folder is not there then open iweb once, do something, save and close). replace the existing file on the macbook with your G5 domain file.
    now open iweb up and your website is there! see here for a better description:
    http://web.mac.com/madmax019/0/mx/Domain%20File%20Is%20Everything%21%20Backup%20 Now%21.html
    have fun editing!

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    Normally backups are incremental, and you can only restore the latest. EXCEPT that a backup of an earlier version is archived, and the first backup of the new version is thus complete. You should be able to restore a 6.1.4 backup to iOS 7. Click the Restore Backup button. The dialog that comes up should have a dropdown where you can select a backup to restore. If the old one does not show up it cannot be restored.
    However, since you appear to have a Mac, if you use Time Machine you can restore an earlier backup over the current one from your Time Machine history.
    You can also back up to iCloud, even if you don't sync to it. See: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5262
    One well hidden feature (for future use) is archiving backups. If you go to iTunes Preferences/Devices, right click on the current backup and choose "Archive". The next backup you make will be a competely new one, and the old one will be preserved and can be restored at any time.

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    Letter-Spacing is different if I open my file at another Mac of us (Value is at both mac 0, but the text is longor), and if I cklick into the text-box, Illustrator says that the file was made in an other Version of Illustrator. We have on all macs the same system, os 10.8.3, cs6 and UTC4. And of course we`re using exactly the same font....

    I believe the first thing to do is to update to 16.0.5.
    Adobe - Illustrator : For Macintosh

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    I'm wondering if it's possible to work with Final Cut Pro X in this way. So you could access the project on an iMac from a MacBook Air, see the screen of the iMac and enjoy all the power of the iMac for editing and exporting in FCPX while controlling it from your MacBook Air.
    If so, that would be so convenient, whether it be while travelling or even when at home and wanting to make a quick adjustment to something from the MacBook Air resting on your lap.
    Has anyone here ever done this or know if it's possible?

    There are ways you can access the iMac and the screen and the software but it's not useable as an editing platform. The response time over the Internet is way, way, way to slow. Plus no keyboard shortcuts work. Everything has to be mouse driven.

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