Editing and Exporting 9x16.  That is right 9x16

Hello holders of all wisdom,
I am currently working on a project for a client and he needs to display video in 9x16 format. That is not a mis-print -- 9x16. I am planning on shooting 16x9 and then rotating the frame counter clockwise in order to display in 9x16.
My Client is using a 42in display to show his footage "portrait" so we are able to see our host full screen(portrait).
So 2 things I am trying to answer.
1. Can I rotate the image in FCP counter clockwise or? or reformat? If yes, how?
2. Now that I've done that, How do I export to 9x16?
Brigham Cottam
P.S. I am encoding to mpeg 4 part 2
G5, Dual 2.7, 1.5 RAM, 250 GB   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

Well get ready to start doing some experimenting. I would figure out a workflow and test it from beginning to end before you get too far along.
That said, You should be able to create a sequence with whatever dimensions you like. DV may not be the smartest format to work in. Supposedly there are specifications to the dv format and varying from them may cause problems. Once you've figured out the format for your sequence, rotating the image shouldn't be a problem. You might find doing a batch rotation and conversion to your sequence settings might be a smart way to work (and will hopefully avoid having to do extensive rendering while working on the editing) I don't know any of this for sure. I have extensive experience developing complex nonstandard workflows and the only way to make sure it will work is to test it thoroughly.
Good luck and feel free to post back with further questions.

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    How would Final Cut Express work for editing quicktime as above?
    same answer:
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    Welcome to the forum.
    Can you please give us the full details of the YouTube file that you downloaded and edited, plus your Project/Sequence Preset? Then, what Export settings did you choose? What happens, when you Export?
    CS5 does not know if the material is ©, but that is an ethical question, that you must address.
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    Good luck,

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    As mentioned, you don't need to export individually.
    How you select them all could be easier or harder!  I would create a collection, and as you select and edit, then drag into the collection.  You can then look over the collection to make sure everything looks as it should, without the distraction of all the ones you didn't select (there are SO many ways to accomplish this!). I said collections because it's easier to see; you could instead flag them, filter for them,etc.
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    is there a way to make sure my film eventually plays properly on a standard (non 16X9) TV?
    Output (author) your movie as an anamorphic DVD.
    Or, if that's beyond your means, create a letterboxed 4:3 master by dumping your anamorphic sequence into a 4:3 sequence, then output to tape.
    And is there any way to view it as 16X9 while editing?
    If your monitor does not do 16:9, I'm afraid not. This is an issue with the display device (aka your monitor), however, and would not be corrected by using any other capture settings.
    Is a small 16:9 monitor (a cheapo LCD, maybe) out of your budget?
    Finally, how can I export a quicktime file that's still 16X9 and not stretched out.
    If you've got QT 7.1 or later on your system, go to File > Export > Using QuickTime Conversion then make sure for Options > Movie Settings > Size that NTSC 720 x 480 16:9 is selected. The checkbox for Preserve Aspect Ratio Using should be unchecked.
    If you're using an earlier version of QT, you'll need to input the size manually as 853x480, presuming you're working in NTSC, of course. PAL size would be 1024x576.

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