Editing Midi and Audio/ Snap To Grid


You can quantize them, you can option drag them with snapping, you can move the SPL to the paste location. Finally, realize you are not making unique regions ( may be good, may be bad ) normally I will work with unique regions.

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    Sounds like you've got your drag mode (upper right of arrange) set to one of the shuffle settings.

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    Enable all audio tracks (R) you wish to record. Then make sure you select the audio instrument you are using on the left of the arrange page (track list). If you here your input, hold shift, then highlight (gray) the mentioned audio tracks you wish to record on. When R is red, and the proper tracks are grey, you can record. Hope that made sense!

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    Enable all audio tracks (R) you wish to record. Then make sure you select the audio instrument you are using on the left of the arrange page (track list). If you here your input, hold shift, then highlight (gray) the mentioned audio tracks you wish to record on. When R is red, and the proper tracks are grey, you can record. Hope that made sense!

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    I'm sorry maybe I don't understand everything you are sayng... but I can replay to the titles of the Topic!
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    or better you can but the MIDI and audio output will be dropped for a moment
    Provide a Logic feedback
    I suggest you to use Logic 7 when you need that!
    Thank you so much for remember me this..
    I'm sorry no alternative solution... or.. if you have 2 Macs you can use one for Logic MIDI and another one for Logic Audio!

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    Logic will record both audio and MIDI at the same time, but you *MUST* have the Software Instrument/MIDI track selected in the Arrange Track List.
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    If you click one of the links you can read all about it in depth.
    three guitarists
    That's not what you asked for B-)>
    Once you want more than 2 audio inputs, the prices start jumping up dramatically.
    would this be the best interface to use?
    If you really want "Best" then it's a simple answer:

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    I assume MIDI is earlier than audio.
    Do You have plugins in busses and or master outputs?. Try to disable them and see if that still happens.
    Here I had issues with 9.01 that aren`t plugin related and had to reboot to solve it. I upgraded to 9.02 and didn`t see them again (yet.)
    If you HAVE to have your plugins in the busses and master and still want to have your MIDI properly aligned... Well you´re asking too much, my friend. Write a polite letter to Apple telling them if they´re joking calling Pro to this app that can´t keep two basic features in sync. BTW: same happens with video (at leat in L8. Didn`t check 9 with that yet)
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    I hope I'm missing something. when recording midi and
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    i am not sure if this answers this. Your audio is not sounding like a tape machine?
    Try inserting an au unit like: Tape delay, Stereo Delay, or Sample delay, which are all within logic.
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    I hope this helps.
    Dual G 5 2.5 ghz hightower     1 gig
    Dual G 5 2.5 ghz hightower   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   1 gig

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    Check out the iRig:
    It will connect "any" MIDI device to an iPad/iPhone.
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    You just select Midi and Audio tracks while holding down the shift button. Arm both tracks->select the Midi track first (click into track header) ->hold down shift->select the Audio track->both track headers turn grey->record->have fun...

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    brebs wrote:You're probably playing audio through ALSA's emulation of OSS, which means that dmix won't work. You need to output to *ALSA*.
    I just tested it out myself. First, I experienced the same problem that you did. Mplayer wasn't able to play any audio because is said the sound device was locked or in use or something silly. In Tux Guitar, I disabled the JACK and OSS plugins (and a lot of other plugins) and changed the sound settings to "TuxGuitar Sequencer" and MIDI Port "TiMidity port 0 [128:0]. (I have timidity setup as my MIDI "hardware", like it is described in the Arch wiki) After that (and rebooting), I was able to play a TAB file and an MP3 in mplayer at the same time.
    Let me know if you have any questions about what I did.
    DISCLAIMER: This was a simple test. I don't use (or know how to use) Tux Guitar.

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