Editing window size

I am shooting wide screen format with a Canon VIXIA HG20. In Premier Pro CS4 the video in the program sequence window looks like it is enlarged and the outer areas of the video are cut off. The video in the source sequence window, however, displays the video as I saw it in the viewfinder of the camera. I have no idea why this is happening and have had absolutely no success in solving the problem. I sure hope one of you provide a solution.
Thanks in advance.

I have the same camera and I don't get green frames. The only time I did was when I pulled larger files (longer length clips) directly from the camera to my PC. However, they were entirely green with no picture visable. This quit happening when I started using Canon's nearly useless software that came with the camera. This software allowed me to retrieve the entire clip in one larger file.
I am still on the lookout for what sequence presets work best for this camera if anyone has some ideas. I understand this mostly affects the final output to DVD where some people have gotten horizontal lines.
I'm also basically uneducated as to what is offered by some of these presets below:
-AVCHD 1080i25 (50i) Anamorphic
Anamorphic 1920x1080 (ex. 1440x1080) 16:9 interlaced HD at 25fps
-AVCHD 1080i25 (50i)
1920x1080 square pixels (non-anamorphic) at 16:9 interlaced HD Video at 25fps
-AVCHD 1080i30 (60i) Anamorphic
Anamorphic 1920x1080 (ex. 1440x1080) 16:9 interlaced HD at 29.97 fps drop-frame timecode numbering
-AVCHD 1080i30 (60i)
1920x1080 square pixels (non-anamorphic) 16:9 interlaced HD video at 29.97fps drop-frame timecode numbering

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    PS : I'm using Plus 10g release 1

    Well, I hate to say it, but you may have run across a bug in your version of Discoverer Plus. I am on and the word wrap works just fine when printing a worksheet out of Discoverer Plus in that version. I even retested it just now just to verify, and it printed just fine, and the way you would want it to print. So my suggestion is that you log a service request for this issue with support and see what they say. Good luck.
    John Dickey

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    Does this happen to anyone else, or am I alone in my experience?

    Hi there
    shunithD wrote:
    We all accept that... but, as 'Moderators' you could:
    1/ Raise your voices and complain to Adobe about the situation
    What makes you think we haven't? There are other channels than what you see here you know.
    shunithD wrote:
    2/ Resign / threaten to resign your moderatorship until it's fixed
    I've been part of support forums for longer than I care to remember. I see it as I do the software I use. Sure, there are spots that drive me crazy. But it's what we have for the moment. I'm not going to stop helping my fellow users just because of the forum issues. But I guess that translates to being an Adobe apologist in your eyes.
    shunithD wrote:
    3/ Take a more proactive stand instead of being apologists and banning the more vociferous protesters - who anyway seem to complain only here and not in the product forums. BTW has anyone noticed this point?
    Again, I've never banned anyone. Only Adobe can actually do that. And even then, it happens only after folks recommend someone be banned. I've not done that either. And again, I do recognize that you were generic with the comment and said "moderators" and not just me. As for the complaints being here, well, this IS the forum comments area. So if you are upset with the forums, isn't this the place to express that? Mind you I do feel that some are abusive with the expressions.
    I've made no efforts to cover the fact that to me, the Jive forums are an improvement overall when compared to the FuseTalk forums I experienced before. So unlike many here, I come from a totally different frame of reference. It doesn't mean I think the Jive forums are as good as they should be and that they don't have issues, but they are better than what my software product areas had before.
    Cheers... Rick

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    — Lorna in Southern California

    I welcome any advice you send. I am feeling a bad
    crunch right now because my graphics program of
    choice, Photoshop Elements 2, is not opening up for
    me (It's been stopping at the point where the message
    says: "Photoshop is not sending any personal
    information") and I cannot find the CD right now.
    It's here somewhere but.........
    This is very easy to fix. There are many threads
    here, at the Adobe forum and in any forum where PE is
    mentioned. Quit PE, then take your computer totally
    offline (unplug the ethernet cable, shut down airport
    if that's what you use). Now launch PE, then go to
    Preferences>Adobe Online and set Check for Updates to
    Never. There never were any, never will be now for PE
    2, so you won't miss anything.
    Barbara..... if there never were any updates to PE2 and never will be any, then why would I need to disallow updates?
    BTW, I discovered how to get the picture to show up full size. iPhoto 6 is different than iPhoto 4, and while experimenting with some edits I discovered the Small Head — Big Head toggle bar in the Edit Window, and that was my answer.
    — Lorna in Southern California

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    Unfortunately, it is not possible to edit the size of the image placeholder in TOC in Captivate 5. The image is scaled down to project size and displayed in the TOC.
    You could please log a Feature Request for the same under https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform&product=5.

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    Window | Workspace | Save Current
    This gives you the opportunity to save a current layout look
    that you like
    You might also look under
    Edit |Preferences | Status bar - but I don't see that this
    does anything
    in DWCS3

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    No, edit the html files that come with Captivate. Either hand edit the
    html file that is produced every time you publish, or locate the files
    in the Captivate 5 directory and customise them to suite your needs.

  • CS5.5 Mac crashes every time I change Window Size in Design View

    I'm using DW CS5.5 (version 11.5 build 5344) in Lion 10.7.3.  I added in a couple of window sizes (in Preferences) that correspond to iPhone and Android phones - 320x480, 480x320, 480x800, 640x960.  The 640x960 one works, as does a 592w one that came with Dreamweaver.  Any of the other ones, though, cause the app to hang in this one particular file I'm editing.  However, in the simple jQuery Mobile starter page DW creates, these resolutions work fine.  This appears to be related to some CSS code that I have inside of a CSS media selector:
    @media screen and (max-width:480px)
    There is also a corresponding
    @media screen and (min-width:481px)
    in the CSS.
    To test this, I created a window size of 481x320, and that seemed to work completely fine without crashing DW. The 480x320 one crashes DW.  I assume that's because it's using the different CSS section.
    Pasted below is the CSS code that goes along with the section that seems to cause the crashing:
    @media screen and (max-width:480px) {
      .column {
        margin: 1em 0;
        border-bottom: 1px dashed #7b96bc;
      #visit, #points, #main {
        width: 100%;
        .taplist li {
      #map {
      .header {
    To further test this out, I commented out all of the code within that block.  The window sizes did not cause it to crash then.  I then started to add back in pieces of code to see when it began to crash.  The crashing seemed limited to the bottom two (#map and .header), although it wasn't consistent.  In some situations the window sizes would work and in others they would crash.  I didn't test every combo just because it took a lot of time.  With both of those in place, though, every one of the 480 or less sizes crashed.
    Notable, the #map section is commented out in the HTML, however including that in the CSS still causes intermittent crashing.
    I also deleted my cache file to see if that was it, and no luck.
    Full code of the two files below (one HTML, one CSS)
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" /> 
        <title>On Tap Now at The Splendid Walrus</title>
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="taps.css" />
    <div class="navigation">
          <li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
          <li><a href="ontap.html">On Tap Now</a></li>
          <li><a href="about.html">About Us</a></li>
    <div class="header"><p>[The splendid walrus surveys his domain!]</p></div>
    <h1>On Tap Now at The Splendid Walrus</h1>
    <div id="ontap" class="column">
      <h2>On tap this month:</h2>
      <ul class="taplist">
        <li><img src="brews_images/bensons_bubbler.jpg" alt="Bensons Bubbler"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/chapman_lownsdale.jpg" alt="Chapman Lownsdale"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/crystal_springs.jpg" alt="Crystal Springs"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/hoyt.jpg" alt="Hoyt"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/mill_ends.jpg" alt="Mill Ends"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/milo_mciver.jpg" alt="Milo McIver"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/mount_tabor.jpg" alt="Mount Tabor"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/omsi.jpg" alt="OMSI"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/oxbow.jpg" alt="Oxbow"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/pittock.jpg" alt="Pittock"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/powells.jpg" alt="Powells"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/sandy_river.jpg" alt="Sandy River"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/sauvie_island.jpg" alt="Sauvie Island"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/the_grotto.jpg" alt="The Grotto"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/tryon_creek.jpg" alt="Tryon Creek"></li>
        <li><img src="brews_images/wells_fargo.jpg" alt="Wells Fargo"></li>
    <div id="visit" class="column">
      <h2>Visit Us!</h2>
        <dd>1543 SW Pretend Street<br />
        Portland, OR 97201</dd>
              <dd>Until midnight</dd>
              <dd>Until 1AM*<p><em><small>*At least</small></em></p></dd>
        <dt>Call us</dt>
        <dd>+1 (503) 555-1212</dd>
      <iframe id="map" width="300" height="300" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=334+NW+11th+Ave,+Portland,+OR+ 97209&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=58.164117,80.332031&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=334+NW +11th+Ave,+Portland,+Oregon+97209&t=m&ll=45.525472,-122.68218&spn=0.01804,0.025749&z=14&ou tput=embed"></iframe>
    <div class="footer">
      <p>See you soon! Love, The Splendid Walrus</p>
    /* Everything Fluid */
    /* Simple reset */
              margin: 0;
              padding: 0;
    * Color, typography and basic layout
    * (Shared for all devices and clients)
    * Colors:
    * - #f9f3e9 -> light cream (background)
    * - #594846 -> Dark brown (body text, rules)
    * - #42628F -> Dark blue (link text)
    * - #7b96bc -> Medium-light blue (navigation and footer background)
    body {
              background: #f9f3e9;
              color: #594846;
              font: 100% "Adobe Caslon Pro", Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;
    a, a:visited {
      color: #42628f;
    p {
      margin: 0.5em 0.25em;
    h1 {
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              border: solid #594846;
              border-width: 2px 0;
              padding: 0.25em;
      text-align: center;
      font-variant: small-caps;
    h2 {
      text-align: center;
      font-variant: small-caps;
    dl {
      margin: 0 0.5em;
    dt {
      font-weight: bold;
      margin: 0.5em 1em 0.5em 0;
      border-bottom: 1px dashed #7b96bc;
    .intro {
      font-size: 1.15em;
      line-height: 1.3em;
      text-align: justify;
      margin: 0.5em;
      font-weight: bold;
    .navigation {
      border-bottom: 2px solid #594846;
    .navigation ul li {
      text-align: center;
      display: block;
      float: left;
      padding: 0.25em 0;
    .navigation li a {
      color: #f9f3e9;
      font-variant: small-caps;
      text-decoration: none;
    .header p {
      margin-left: -1000px;
      margin-top: 0;
    #points ul {
      list-style-image: url('images/point.png');
      margin: 0.5em 0 1em 0.5em;
      padding-left: 1em;
    #points ul li {
      margin: 0.5em 1em;
    .footer {
      background-color: #7b96bc;
      color: #f9f3e9;
      text-align: center;
      padding: .5em 0;
      font-style: italic;
    /* Structure */
    /* Common Structural Rules */
    .header, .footer {
      clear: both;
    .header {
      background:url('images/taps.jpg') repeat-x;
      height: 300px;
    .navigation {
      min-height: 25px;
    img, object {
      max-width: 100%;
    .navigation ul li {
      width: 33.333%;
    .header, .footer, .navigation {
      width: 100%;
    /* Brews List */
    .taplist li {
    .taplist img {
    #ontap, #ontap ul, #ontap ul li {
    /* Wider viewports/higher resolutions (e.g. desktop)  */
    @media screen and (min-width:481px) {
      .column {
        margin: 10px 1.04166667% 0 0;
      #visit {
        width: 31.25%;
        float: left;
      #points {
        width: 25%;
        float: right;
      #main {
        margin: 10px 27.0833333% 0 26.0416667%;
      #ontap {
        margin: 10px 0 0 32%;
    /* Mobile/lower-resolution devices */
    @media screen and (max-width:480px) {
      .column {
        margin: 1em 0;
        border-bottom: 1px dashed #7b96bc;
      #visit, #points, #main {
        width: 100%;
      .taplist li {
      #map {
    /*  .header {

    Thanks very much Chris for pointing me in the right direction.  I downloaded FontDoctor, and it found one questionable font which I deleted.  However CS5 continues to crash when selecting the Design Workspace. So I followed the steps outlined in the Adobe document you linked.  When I got to the point of downloading the FontTest.jsx file and ran it, CS5 crashed right away without writing any log file.  I turned on app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.YES, and CS5 is crashing with a TypeError: undefined is not an object. So I don't know if this is related to my original problem, or not.  Any thoughts on how to proceed to get the FontTest script to run properly?  I took all of the normal defaults when I installed CS5 (e.g., didn't select any alternate paths, don't have any add-ons installed, etc.).

  • Set Window Size when opening Image from Photo Gallery

    Is it possible in XML to set a window size (height and
    My code for the Image Gallery is below, and I can't figure
    out a way to set the window size.

    Hi EJToll,
    If you like to set the default file format of the file you Edit in Photoshop CC thorugh Lightroom then perform following steps.
    Lanuch Lightroom and go to Edit> Preference(Windows) Lightroom>Peference(Mac)
    Click "External Editing" tab
    Change the option for "File Format" to PSD as deafult format for Edit In Adobe Photoshop CC
    Click "Ok" button
    Hope this helps.
    Sumit Singh

  • Creating a site without scroll bar and dependent of window size

    I want to create a site that appears in the browser window without a scrolling bar, so all content is shown in that window and you don't have to scroll down (unless window size is ridicrously small).
    Of course, there are contents that will not fit in the window like long texts but then I want this block of text to have its own scrolling bar so the only thing that scrolls is the text and not the other elements.
    at http://www.artofwalls.com/rosannawalls you can see my attempts.
    In the home page you can see how the background picture always adapts to the size and aspect of the browser window and how the menu keeps its position related to the lower left corner of the window. But if you click in "Biografia" (SEE BELOW) you can see a text that is too long so you have to scroll the screen to read it. What I want is this text appear inside the white transparent box and the height of this box end near the bottom of the window. To read the full text a scroll bar should appear inside this box and this scroll bar should scroll only the text inside the box, just like in the text box I'm writing this post now.
    SO, TO SEE THE PAGE I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU HAVE TO GO TO http://www.artofwalls.com/rosannawalls/biograf%eda.html
    Another strange side effect is in this page the menu has disappeared completely. If you scroll down all the page you will see the menu is not there.
    Another thing I would like is to adapt the size of the white transparent box to the size of the browser window.
    Here: http://www.margomusic.com/ you can see a page I made in Flash where you can see what I mean with the scrolling text inside the box (just let the intro pass and you will see the text)
    And here: http://www.anemaecore.net is another page that adapts perfectly to the size of the browser window, but also made in Flash and also this site changes the size of the text instead of the size of the text container.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I did not ask the question correctly so I will try to explain it better.
    What if I want to use the FTP client inside of Dreamweaver to just connect to my server. I can connect to the FTP (see image) but how can I drag a folder from my desktop into the server using Dreamweaver?
    I have downloaded a folder and I need to add it to my blog which is only on my server. I do not have a Dreamweaver site. Surely Dreamweaver isn't that archaic that you can't upload a file or folder to a server without having to create a site first. It was so much easier in GoLive.

  • Window size

    Me again.
    I would like to set the Main Window size to a particular
    value but this does not seem to work for HTML generated from
    RoboHelp for Word. I go to Edit > Window but whatever values I
    choose, they do not seem to be taken into account when I open my
    Help File. This setup works for WinHelp but not for HTML Help
    Is there any way I can set the window size on opening of a
    HTML Help File generated by using RoboHelp for Word?
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the feedback, our team is working on improving this in future.
    Cheers, Samuli

  • How to adjust the window size in overview screen of a scorecard ?

    Hi Experts,
    In <i>SEM</i> application is it possible to adjust the size of the "<b><i>Perspective</i></b>" windows in the Overview screen of a <i>Scorecard</i> ?
    If possible how ?

    If you change the window size of the script in the original language, it should reflect in the other languages.
    Please activate the script in english once again and see the spanish form again.
    As far as chaniging window size is concerned, Please edit your script in ES and then change it.Or login in ES and then edit the script.
    This is not possible, because the original script is in english.

  • Why does Mountain Lion not save 'Save', 'Save As' and 'Export' window sizes?

    Every time I go to Export or Save a document, the window size resets and I have to constantly re-size it every time. It's quite annoying. Is there a way to change these default windows sizes permanently?

    Just a guess. Maybe it is not required that the FP be opened but just loaded in memory before the save. In 6.1, find a property/method that requires the FP into memory (such as Edit Mode on Open) and use it before saving the VI.
    LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

  • Windows size problem when resume apps, TTA SGD E4.0

    I have a problem and can�t find the solution yet.
    I open windows apps in my desktop with a 800x600 resolution, the app is
    configured for independent window, clients maximun size and fill my screen
    completely as suppose to do. Then I close the window app clicking the X icon
    to suspend the emulator session.
    When I resume a suspended emulator session or move to other workstation and
    take the session over the emulator session window size is 640x480 and stick
    there whatever I try to do, worst is I can�t see the full window and also
    there are no scroll bars, so I can�t reach the START icon on the lower left
    to close the app because the session becomes useless.
    The workarround solution was set the "scale to fit" properties in 640x480
    and then I can see the full window to reach the star icon and close the app
    to start over, but the user complain about the small letters and slow
    performance. Another clue is if I click on the maximize icon the window try
    to fill up my screen and then inmediatelly go back to 640x480.
    [[root@arst1tta1 root]# /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella version
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition for Intel Linux kernel
    2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition Platform Identity Pack
    for Intel Linux kernel 2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition Windows Connectivity
    Pack for Intel Linux kernel 2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Architecture code: i3li0204
    This host: Linux arst1tta1.ar.lar.pi.pvt 2.4.9-e.34smp #1 SMP Wed Dec 10
    16:52:22 EST 2003 i686 unknown
    Any ideas ??
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Thanks for your answer but my problem is the Linux server OS, is Red Hat AS
    2.1 wich is not supported in TTA 4.10.
    When I tried to make the TTA upgrade failed due library issues.
    Is my problem a reported bug for TTA 4.0 ???
    Can you give any other advise or workarround ??
    "Carmelo" <[email protected]> escribi� en el mensaje
    news:[email protected]...
    there are some fixes in 4.10 that might help with this.
    MarceloGonzalez wrote:
    Sorry, I want to add that the same thing happens with a Linux KDE
    "MarceloGonzalez" <[email protected]> escribi� en el mensaje
    news:[email protected]...
    I have a problem and can�t find the solution yet.
    I open windows apps in my desktop with a 800x600 resolution, the app is
    configured for independent window, clients maximun size and fill my
    completely as suppose to do. Then I close the window app clicking the Xicon
    to suspend the emulator session.
    When I resume a suspended emulator session or move to other workstationand
    take the session over the emulator session window size is 640x480 andstick
    there whatever I try to do, worst is I can�t see the full window and
    there are no scroll bars, so I can�t reach the START icon on the lowerleft
    to close the app because the session becomes useless.
    The workarround solution was set the "scale to fit" properties in
    and then I can see the full window to reach the star icon and close theapp
    to start over, but the user complain about the small letters and slow
    performance. Another clue is if I click on the maximize icon the windowtry
    to fill up my screen and then inmediatelly go back to 640x480.
    [[root@arst1tta1 root]# /opt/tarantella/bin/tarantella version
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition for Intel Linux
    2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition Platform IdentityPack
    for Intel Linux kernel 2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Tarantella Secure Global Desktop Enterprise Edition Windows Connectivity
    Pack for Intel Linux kernel 2.4+ (4.00.903)
    Architecture code: i3li0204
    This host: Linux arst1tta1.ar.lar.pi.pvt 2.4.9-e.34smp #1 SMP Wed Dec 10
    16:52:22 EST 2003 i686 unknown
    Any ideas ??
    Thanks a lot in advance.

  • Window Size for Executable

    I want to be able to set the window size so that after I build my executable and run my program only the important stuff will show up instead of miles of blank space. If anyone know how to do this let me know.
    Cason Clagg
    LabView 7.1, Windows XP

    CasonSwRI wrote:
    I would also like to be able to get rid of the run and continuously run button and bar for that matter. I found a check box for this but it changed my editor options. And if this is possible to remove the run button is there a way I can make a run button in my application?
    Applications should be set to "run when openend". There is no purpose in a stopped application or a run button. Then simply hide the toolbar, menu bar, and even windows title bar as desired.
    The scrollbars will not show when running, but they'll always show in edit mode. Did you run it? If you still think there is something wrong, please attach a simplified example. What LabVIEW version are you using?
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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  • Performance issues with LOV bindings in 3-tier BC4J architecture

    We are running BC4J and JClient (Jdeveloper 9.0.2) in a 3-tier architecture, and have problems with the performance. One of our problems are comboboxes with LOV bindings. The view objects that provides data for the LOV bindings contains

  • Artwork issues in iTunes 10.5.2

    It's not a great issue, but after updating itunes, the artwork from my ipod classic no longer displays in the "selected item" window of itnues. It is still associated with the songs on the ipod because if I go into "get info"  the artwork is present.

  • Spinning ball - crash

    Ever since I upgraded to 1.4.3 and now I am running mail 2.0.5. When I select a file to label as junk my mail just starts spinning the ball. Most of the time I have to force quit. I turned off all of the filters and it doesn't change anything. I remo

  • Why does this work in MS SQL and not in Oracle

    ALTER TABLE Stk DROP COLUMN ComCode; This BASIC statement works perfectly in MS SQL, but after 2 hours now, it simply refuses to work in Oracle, although the syntax seems correct, I get : ALTER TABLE Stk DROP COLUMN ComCode ORA-00905: missing keyword

  • Text blurry when converted to flash video

    I've been exporting my movies from FCP as 8 bit uncompressed to use as a master for converting to flash via the Flash 8 encoder. The resulting images look great except for text on title cards that were created with text generator in FCP. I've done nu