
This a repost of an earlier issue  had posted and some of the steps I had taken to resolve.
Forms where borken into seperate pages and error message issue were resolved.
That is not the solution desired as it creates more web pages and defeats the benefits of the Panels Group.
WHEN REBUILDING PAGE; everything is OK until a second panel and form are inserted nested in the Collapsible Panel.
Attached is the error message for the file:
A script in file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS4\configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js
has been running for a long time, do you want to continue?
Yes must be selected over 9 times for the file to load or to enact changes and save file.
Very annoying
I'm using Dreamweaver CS4; all updates applied
Web server MS IIS7
Application Server     ColdFusion 8
Windows 7 OS 64bit
I have been building a large page that will have over 2500 lines of code when finished.
The page and forms display properly and proper error messages show up on Submit.
IE Explorer 8 and FireFox
There are 6 Collapsible Panels
Each Panel has 1 form nested in the panel; total 6 forms
Spry form widgets used extensively
All widget IDs are unique and extensively commented.
No html tag errors or other errors known.
Forms where borken into seperate pages and error message issue were resolved.
That is not the solution desired as it creates more web pages and defeats the benefits of the Panels Group.
If anyone here highly adept at JavaScript code, Spry and Dreamweaver some direction is greatly appreciated.
I have taken the Forms out of the Collapsible Panels Group and deleted the panels.
ERROR still occurs
A script in file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS4\configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js
has been running for a long time, do you want to continue?
I remove Forms ONE by ONE.
Errors continued until I came down to ONE (1) FORM.
It appears that you cannot insert multiple form into a page without getting the JavaSript error message described.
This again defeats the purpose of the Panels Group and Multiple Forms.
Again thanks for your help on this.
Message was edited by: IREXS

Hi David;
I reported to Adobe at link provided; new to site and had a hard time locating it.
I'm pretty sure its a BUG as described.
The issue is for anyone viewing this is that I was not able to create a multi-form page without the EditingUtils.js error showing up.
I would be interesting to know if anyone else had a similar problem.
Thanks again
Barry Major

Similar Messages

  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time

    Hello Everyone.   I just downloaded Dreamweaver CS 5.5 Trial version (Win 7), and I have been working on my home page.  I've created a wonderful image map with spry widget tooltips (about 60 tooltips), and I'm really happy with the results....until this error started to pop-up.  I have re-started the computer, deleted winfilecache****, and updated Dreamweaver through the help window.   I have googled this error, and found it existed in CS3 and CS4, and even in CS5, but no information as to why it's happening in CS 5.5.    I really want to buy this software, but am unsure as to why I would spend this amount of money on something that's going to give me a headache.  I am a layman, and work on my site recreationally.  I'm new to CSS and Spry so if i missed the obvious I apologize for that.   I inserted the spry widgets in the CODE screen by highlighting my hotspot CODE and clicking INSERT>SPRY>SPRYTOOLTIP.  Each tooltip is checked to "follow on mouse" and "hide on mouse out" and horizontally moved -400.
    So now every time I open this page in Dreamweaver this error "A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time.  Do you wish to continue?" pops up, and whenever i try to edit the spry tooltip properties.  Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.  thanks for your help and time.  Part of the code looks like this: //
    <area shape="poly" coords="89,180,68,203,60,213,65,232,96,225,103,201,101,188" href="#" id="sprytrigger57" />
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
          var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});
    Hope I included most everything needed to diagnose, let me know what I forgot.  Thanks again.

    oops i tried to copy the code here but it didn't work. Is this better?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    background-image: url(images/bg.jpg);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;
    background-color: #000025;
    .img_class {
    height: 514px;
    width: 499px;
    <link href="CSS/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTooltip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryTooltip.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    </head> <body>
    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="logo"><a href="TestRun.html"><img src="images/Argo_Ship_logo.gif" width="797" height="248" alt="Bible Voyages" longdesc="http://www.biblevoyages.com" /></a></div>
    <div id="navigation">HOME | ABOUT US | BIBLE STUDIES | FORUM | LIBRARY | RESEARCH LINKS </div>
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    <div class="img_class"><img src="images/Zodiac Pie Animate.gif" alt="Zodiac" width="499" height="514" border="0" usemap="#Map" />
    <map name="Map" id="Map">
    <area shape="poly" coords="114,255,151,233,156,189,192,165,154,145,108,174,103,214,101,244" href="#" alt="Virgo" id="sprytrigger1" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="159,204,195,211,194,258,163,264,158,248" href="#" alt="Coma" id="sprytrigger2" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="71,39,7,84,7,172,103,149,143,95,95,95,81,39,62,39,60,86,47,121,17,95,9,79,10,71,9 ,86" href="#" id="sprytrigger3" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="160,198,196,172,228,200,231,229,208,235,199,205" href="#" id="sprytrigger4" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="160,103,195,85,229,105,220,141,191,156,153,134,151,120" href="#" id="sprytrigger5" />
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    <area shape="circle" coords="46,183,14" href="#" id="sprytrigger9" />
    <area shape="circle" coords="97,65,11" href="#" id="sprytrigger10" />
    <area shape="circle" coords="261,51,11" href="#" alt="Number 3" id="sprytrigger11" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="236,119,285,94,288,61,308,56,322,64,319,80,338,81,336,53,313,35,279,41,264,66,247 ,60,244,38,200,73" href="#" id="sprytrigger12" />
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    <area shape="poly" coords="223,178,237,173,239,138,266,126,287,123,317,134,328,158,337,170,348,163,321,120,2 99,110,269,108,249,119,228,132,208,157" href="#" id="sprytrigger14" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="258,224,289,223,305,197,325,190,315,162,290,176,273,168,276,160,249,144,244,169,2 48,201,236,204,241,223" href="#" id="sprytrigger15" />
    <area shape="circle" coords="398,86,13" href="#" alt="chapter4" id="sprytrigger16" />
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    <area shape="rect" coords="338,5,380,57" href="#" alt="Lyra" id="sprytrigger19" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="279,280,299,254" href="#" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="245,252,269,276,288,281,298,255,295,227,256,227,224,250,214,267,220,306,231,271,2 34,256" href="#" id="sprytrigger20" />
    <area shape="circle" coords="477,195,13" href="#" alt="Chapter 5" id="sprytrigger21" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="396,181,461,167,465,214,465,254,438,249,438,231,424,224" href="#" alt="Capricornus" id="sprytrigger22" />
    <area shape="poly" coords="378,246,400,227,377,188,352,155,347,172,325,179,328,197,355,237" href="#" id="sprytrigger23" />
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    <div id="right">
    <p>Ps 19:1-6<br />
    1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.</p>
    <p> 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.</p>
    <p> 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.</p>
    <p> 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,</p>
    <p> 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.<br />
    Stars a STORY-book.<br />
    6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.</p>
    <p>Ps 19:7-14<br />
    7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.</p>
    <p> 8 The statutes of the LORD are right,  rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.</p>
    <p> 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.</p>
    <p> 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.</p>
    <p> 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.</p>
    <p> 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.</p>
    <p> 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.</p>
    <p> 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.<br />
    <p><br />
    <div id="Footer">Site updated June 2011</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip56">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crater.jpg" width="180" height="196" alt="Crater" /></p>
    <p>CRATER (The Cup). </p>
    <p>The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip55">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Hydra.jpg" width="184" height="142" alt="Hydra" /></p>
    <p>HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip54">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Leo.jpg" width="198" height="130" alt="Leo" /></p>
    <p>LEO (The Lion). </p>
    <p>The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip53">
    <p>Chapter IV - TWELFTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Consummated Triumph      LEO (The Lion). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.           </p>
    <p>1. HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.     </p>
    <p>2. CRATER (The Cup). The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.     </p>
    <p>3. CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven). Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip52">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Argo.jpg" width="200" height="199" alt="Argo" />ARGO (The Ship).</p>
    <p> The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip51">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMajor.jpg" width="200" height="150" alt="Ursa Major" />URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear).</p>
    <p> The fold and the flock.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip50">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMinor.jpg" width="185" height="133" alt="Ursa Minor" /></p>
    <p>URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.</p>
    <p> The 7,000...? -</p>
    <p>This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip49">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cancer.jpg" width="183" height="200" alt="Cancer" />CANCER (The Crab).</p>
    <p> The possession held fast.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip48">
    <p>Chapter III ELEVENTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Redeemed Possessions      </p>
    <p>CANCER (The Crab). The possession held fast.          </p>
    <p>1. URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.          7,000 - This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <p> 2. URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear). The fold and the flock.
    3. ARGO (The Ship). The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip47">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMinor.jpg" width="170" height="123" alt="CanisMinor" /></p>
    <p>CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip46"><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMajor.jpg" width="193" height="228" alt="CanisMajor" />CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip45">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lepus.jpg" width="198" height="196" alt="Lepus" />LEPUS (The Hare), or</p>
    <p> THE ENEMY trodden under foot.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip44">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Gemini.jpg" width="197" height="228" alt="Gemini" />GEMINI (The Twins). </p>
    <p>The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip43">
    <p>Chapter II - TENTH  - </p>
    <p>Messiah's Reign as Prince of Peace      GEMINI (The Twins). The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <p> 1. LEPUS (The Hare), or THE ENEMY trodden under foot.<br />
    2. CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.<br />
    3. CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip42">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Auriga.jpg" width="197" height="289" alt="Auriga" />AURIGA (The Shepherd). </p>
    <p>Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip41">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Eridanus.jpg" width="198" height="86" alt="Eridanus" />ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). </p>
    <p>Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip40">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Orion.jpg" width="185" height="262" alt="Orion" /></p>
    <p>ORION,  </p>
    <p>Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip39">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Taurus.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Taurus" />TAURUS (The Bull). </p>
    <p>Messiah coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip38">
    <p>Chapter I - NINTH - </p>
    <p>Messiah, The Coming Judge of All the Earth      
    TAURUS (The Bull).</p>
    <p> Messiah coming to rule.           </p>
    <p>1. ORION,  Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <p> 3. AURIGA (The Shepherd). Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip37">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Perseus.jpg" width="167" height="257" alt="Perseus" /></p>
    <p>PERSEUS (The Breaker).</p>
    <p> Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip36">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cetus.jpg" width="198" height="93" alt="Cetus" />CETUS (The Sea Monster). </p>
    <p>The great enemy bound.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip35">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cassiopeia.jpg" width="128" height="196" alt="Cassiopeia" /></p>
    <p>CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman).</p>
    <p> The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip34">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aries.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Aries" />ARIES (The Ram or Lamb). </p>
    <p>The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip33">
    <p>Chapter IV - EIGHTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings Consummated and Enjoyed      ARIES (The Ram or Lamb).</p>
    <p> The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <p> 1. CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman). </p>
    <p>The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. CETUS (The Sea Monster).</p>
    <p> The great enemy bound.</p>
    <p> 3. PERSEUS (The Breaker). </p>
    <p>Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip32">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cephus.jpg" width="144" height="164" alt="Cephus" /></p>
    <p>CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip31">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Andromeda.jpg" width="181" height="189" alt="Andromeda" />ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip30">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pisces.jpg" width="198" height="94" alt="Pisces" />PISCES (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> THE BAND—, but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip29">
    <p>Chapter III - SEVENTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings in Abeyance      PISCES</p>
    <p> (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.           </p>
    <p>1. THE BAND—,</p>
    <p> but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <p> 2. ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.
    3. CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip28">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cygnus.jpg" width="198" height="224" alt="Cygnus" />CYGNUS (The Swan). </p>
    <p>The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip27">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pegasus.jpg" width="201" height="130" alt="Pegasus" />PEGASUS (The Winged Horse).</p>
    <p> The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip26">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aquarius.jpg" width="198" height="109" alt="Aquarius" />AQUARIUS (The Water-Bearer).</p>
    <p> The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip25">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/PicisAustralis.jpg" width="198" height="63" alt="Piscis Australis" />PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish).</p>
    <p> The blessings bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip24">
    <p>Chapter II - SIXTH  -</p>
    <p>Their Blessings Ensured      AQUARIUS </p>
    <p>(The Water-Bearer). </p>
    <p>The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <p> 1. PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish). The blessings bestowed.     </p>
    <p>2. PEGASUS (The Winged Horse). The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <p> 3. CYGNUS (The Swan). The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip23">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Trio.jpg" width="198" height="133" alt="Trio" />1. SAGITTA (The Arrow). </p>
    <p>The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle). </p>
    <p>The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin). </p>
    <p>The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip22"><img src="images/Constellations/Capricornus.jpg" width="199" height="145" alt="Capricornus" />CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip21">
    <p>Chapter I - FIFTH -</p>
    <p> Their Blessings Procured      
    CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). </p>
    <p>The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.           
    1. SAGITTA (The Arrow).</p>
    <p> The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle).</p>
    <p> The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin).</p>
    <p> The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip20"><img src="images/Constellations/DracoMap.jpg" width="200" height="161" alt="Draco" />DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip19">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ara.jpg" width="143" height="142" alt="Ara" /></p>
    <p>ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip18">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lyra.jpg" width="139" height="117" alt="Lyra" />. </p>
    <p>LYRA (The Harp).</p>
    <p> Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip17"><img src="images/Constellations/Safittarius.jpg" width="198" height="213" alt="Sagittarius" />SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip16">
    <p>Chapter IV -</p>
    <p> The Redeemer's Triumph      
    SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</p>
    1. LYRA (The Harp). Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <p> 2. ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.    </p>
    <p>3. DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip15"> <img src="images/Constellations/Hercules.jpg" width="198" height="190" alt="Hercules" />HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip14"><img src="images/Constellations/Serpens.jpg" width="199" height="152" alt="Serpens" />SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man).</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip13">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ophiuchus.jpg" width="199" height="227" alt="Ophiuchus" /></p>
    <p>O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip12"><img src="images/Constellations/Scorpio.jpg" width="198" height="186" alt="Scorpio" />SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip11">Chapter III - THIRD  - The Redeemer's Conflict SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.      <br />
    1. SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man). <br />
    <br />
    2. O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy. <br />
    <br />
    3. HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip10">
    <p>Chapter II - SECOND -  The Redeemer's Atoning Work</p>
    <p> LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers. <br />
    1. CRUX,  The Cross endured. <br />
    <br />
    2. LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain. <br />
    <br />
    3. CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip9">
    <p>Chapter I -FIRST -  The Prophecy of the Promised Seed of the Woman</p>
    <p><br />
    VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman. <br />
    1. COMA (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations. <br />
    <br />
    2. CENTAURUS (The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering. <br />
    <br />
    3. BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip8">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CoronaBorealis.jpg" width="69" height="55" alt="CoronaBorealis" /></p>
    <p>CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip7"> <img src="images/Constellations/LupusOrTheVictim.jpg" width="197" height="191" alt="Lupus" />LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip6">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crux.jpg" width="67" height="100" alt="Crux" /></p>
    <p>CRUX,  The Cross endured.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip5">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Libra.jpg" width="185" height="176" alt="Libra" /></p>
    <p>LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip4">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Bootes.jpg" width="162" height="191" alt="Bootes" /></p>
    <p>BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh!</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip3"><img src="images/Constellations/Centaurus.jpg" width="198" height="123" alt="Centaurus Pic" />Centaurus -(The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip2">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Coma.jpg" width="156" height="161" alt="Coma" /></p>
    <p>Coma (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip1"><img src="images/Constellations/Virgo.jpg" width="199" height="364" alt="Virgo Pic" />Virgo VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman.</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
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    var sprytooltip53 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip53", "#sprytrigger53", {offsetX:-400, followMouse:true, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade"});
    var sprytooltip54 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip54", "#sprytrigger54", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
    var sprytooltip55 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip55", "#sprytrigger55", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
    var sprytooltip56 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip56", "#sprytrigger56", {offsetX:-400, useEffect:"fade", closeOnTooltipLeave:true, followMouse:true});
    var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});

  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time CS4

    I'm getting this error in dreamweaver:
    "A script in file C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Aobe Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?"
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
    I read that editing the parameters of a widget may cause problems for CS3, and it is resolved for CS3: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/401/kb401257.html, but I don't know how to fix the problem for CS4.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    seleon04 wrote:
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
    I think you have answered your own question. More than 100 Spry collapsible panels is not exactly what most people would call "several". It's a huge - and probably unrealistic - amount.
    I don't think there is an actual limit on the number of Spry elements that you can have on a page, but Dreamweaver uses JavaScript in the background to inspect the document and edit it. The more elements you have, the greater the processing power and memory your computer requires to handle them. It might work with a faster processor or more RAM, but I think you need to reconsider your design strategy.

  • Editingutils.js error message dreamweaver cs4

    I keep getting this the attached error message using Dreamweaver CS4, spry framework utilizing a number of spry widgets.
    Spry Forms Widgets
    I have made changes to the span id names associated with each of the form widgets.
    I've reviewed this link http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/401/kb401257.html
    However the files described do not contain the following lines and changes
    Edit SpryTabbedPanelsDesignTime.js and make the following changes:
    Go to line 188. Change:
    eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]);
    try { eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]); } catch(e) { opts = null; }
    Save the file.
    Edit SpryCollapsiblePanelDesignTime.js and make the following changes:
    Go to line 188. Change:
    eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]);
    try { eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]); } catch(e) { opts = null; }
    Save the file.
    Launch Dreamweaver and verify that you can now load your file.
    Any other solutions?

    I have resolved the editingutils.js by breaking up the forms, but it is not the solution I'm really looking for.
    Each of the 6 forms on seperate pages are 450 lines of code.
    Form sample.
    I want to be able to have multiple forms on one page, nested in spry collapsible panels.
    I'm using DW CS4 and Coldfusion 8 server, forms utilize SPRY form fields (not cfforms).
    In order to reslove the editingutils.js I had to break up the forms, but have considered an alternate solution.
    In each panel the forms are nested via cfinculdes; structure as follows.
    <div col panel>
         <div col panel content>
              <form spry fields>
                   <cfincludes location form file>
                   <cfincludes details form file>
              <form end>
         <dev col panel content ent>
    <div col panel end>
    WHAT I WANT TO ACCOMPLISH is as follows.
    Sample page
    Forms are to be inserted in the panel content section as described above.
    I have limited JavaScript knowledge.
    For the forms to work i require the the panels in closed state at page load: This is done.
    ON FORM SUBMIT, I need the panel to stay OPEN, when client side or server side submit requires correction to the form.
    What happens now is the page refreshes and the panel closes: the default state.
    SOLUTION DESIRED, is to have the selected panel to stay open and the input information to remain when form is submitted.
    Thanks for any help.

  • EditingUtils.js script warning

    I am using DWCS3 and just started getting the following error
    when opening files:
    A script in file c:\[filepath]\Adobe Dreamweaver
    CS3\configuration\shared\spry\designTime\EditingUtils.js has been
    running for a long time. Do you want to continue?
    Before this warning is posted, DW stops responding and acts
    like it is about to crash. If I select 'Yes' the program stops
    responding again until the notice reappears. If I select 'No' the
    file I have opened does open.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Troubleshooting JavaScript errors in Dreamweaver
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "silver888" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f2b4tc$mt3$[email protected]..
    > Can anyone help me with this? I am in the middle of
    building a site and
    > now my hands are tied because DW will not render the
    Spry widgets within
    > the page properly. Thank you.

  • Dreamweaver CC automatically deletes code in code view and elements in design view

    When I open a file in Dreamweaver, it automatically shows a * next to the filename - showing it has been edited.
    Then often when I select some code in code view, or an element in design view (such as a table, an image, some text) it is suddenly deleted.
    The problem is especially bad (happens without fail) if I am switching between programs. But also happens when I'm not switching.
    I do not have this problem on a different user account.
    I have reinstalled Dreamweaver three times now. Also renamed preference and configuration folders. Tried with a wired mouse and keyboard. Nothing has worked.
    I can't think what I did to cause this. I installed MAMP recently - but have uninstalled it correctly I think.
    I had an issue with one file in which there were about 30 Spry collapsible panels. I kept getting this warning:
    "A script in file Macintosh HD:Applications:Adobe Dreamweaver CC:Configuration:Shared:Spry:DesignTime:EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?"
    I have to click 'yes' many times to get into the file, and the warning keeps coming up while the file is open.
    However, my big issue of DW CC deleting code and elements happens whether or not this particular file is open.
    So this may have nothing to do with it.
    Any ideas anyone?
    Adobe's customer service has not helped. In fact, I have not even been able to get through to anyone on the phone - having waited literally hours listening to music, and getting shunted from person to person. And then their promised 'call backs' never happen.
    - Greg

    I do not have this problem on a different user account.
    You've got a bad/corrupted user account.  Create a new one with Admin level priveleges and delete your old user.
    Nancy O.

  • Frustrating Javascript Warning Messages in DW CS3 with Spry

    Sometime after using Spry in Dreamweaver CS3, I began seeing
    the following message:
    "A script in file c:\[filepath]\Adobe Dreamweaver
    CS3\configuration\shared\spry\designTime\EditingUtils.js has been
    running for a long time. Do you want to continue?"
    This is very frustrating because Dreamweaver stops responding
    and acts like it is about to crash.
    If I select 'Yes' the program stops responding again until
    the notice reappears. If I select 'No' the file I have opened does
    open. But the message continues to be displayed periodically,
    especially whenever I try to do a refresh.
    Will appreciate any help on this!

    I get that also when using Spry Tabbed panels, but the pages
    I am working
    with are huge .. a set of 5 tabbed panels with two nested
    sets of 5 panels
    in two of the five first level panels. That's not the page
    either .. though that is the message.
    However, when I click "yes" it continues to respond and
    finishes .. the
    opposite of what you are describing. I was about to ask if
    there is a
    preference that can be set to make this timeout longer. I
    agree that it is
    Nancy Gill
    Adobe Community Expert
    Author: Dreamweaver 8 e-book for the DMX Zone
    Co-Author: Dreamweaver MX: Instant Troubleshooter (August,
    Technical Editor: Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual,
    DMX 2004: The Complete Reference, DMX 2004: A Beginner's
    Mastering Macromedia Contribute
    Technical Reviewer: Dynamic Dreamweaver MX/DMX: Advanced PHP
    Web Development
    "flipone01" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f6jous$c3i$[email protected]..
    > Sometime after using Spry in Dreamweaver CS3, I began
    seeing the following
    > message:
    > "A script in file c:\[filepath]\Adobe Dreamweaver
    > CS3\configuration\shared\spry\designTime\EditingUtils.js
    has been running
    > for a
    > long time. Do you want to continue?"
    > This is very frustrating because Dreamweaver stops
    responding and acts
    > like it
    > is about to crash.
    > If I select 'Yes' the program stops responding again
    until the notice
    > reappears. If I select 'No' the file I have opened does
    open. But the
    > message
    > continues to be displayed periodically, especially
    whenever I try to do a
    > refresh.
    > Will appreciate any help on this!
    > Thanks,
    > Oscar

  • Spry Crashing DW CS3

    I am using DWCS3 and just started getting the following error
    when opening files:
    A script in file c:\[filepath]\Adobe Dreamweaver
    CS3\configuration\shared\spry\designTime\EditingUtils.js has been
    running for a long time. Do you want to continue?
    Before this warning is posted, DW stops responding and acts
    like it is about to crash. If I select 'Yes' the program stops
    responding again until the notice reappears. If I select 'No' the
    file I have opened does open but then other problems persist.
    I need help ASAP. Thank you so much!
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    Several users have complained that Dreamweaver CS3 hangs when
    opening specific files that contain a Spry TabbedPanels or
    CollapsiblePanel widget, and that it eventually shows a dialog that
    A script in file c:\[filepath]\Adobe Dreamweaver
    CS3\configuration\shared\spry\designTime\EditingUtils.js has been
    running for a long time. Do you want to continue?
    This problem happens if you manually modify the widget
    constructor's options so that they make use of non constant
    This is an example of a widget constructor that works fine:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1", {defaultTab: 0});
    and here's an example of one that was manually modified to
    make use of a JS variable:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1", {defaultTab:
    (params.panel ? params.panel : 0)});
    Modifying the widget constructor's options to use server-side
    markup will also cause the same problem:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var TabbedPanels1 = new
    Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1", {defaultTab:
    Below are the instructions for manually applying the 2
    one-liner patches necessary to fix the problem. Please note that
    before applying any of these patches to the files mentioned, you
    should make a backup of the files so you can restore them if
    Before you begin, make sure Dreamweaver is not running and
    that you know where your Dreamweaver installed configuration folder
    is located on your drive:
    = Default location on WINDOWS:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS3\Configuration
    = Default location on MAC:
    Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS3/Configuration
    = Step 1:
    Make a backup of the following files which you will be
    You can name the backup copies something like:
    DIR>\Shared\Spry\Widgets\CollapsiblePanel\DesignTime\SpryCollapsiblePanelDesignTime.js.BA CKUP
    = Step 2:
    Edit SpryTabbedPanelsDesignTime.js and make the following
    1. Go to line 188, you should see something that looks like
    eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]);
    Change it so that it looks like this:
    try { eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]); } catch(e) { opts = null;
    2. Save the file.
    = Step 3:
    Edit SpryCollapsiblePanelDesignTime.js and make the following
    1. Go to line 188, you should see something that looks like
    eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]);
    Change it so that it looks like this:
    try { eval("opts = " + args[ 1 ]); } catch(e) { opts = null;
    2. Save the file.
    = Step 4:
    Launch Dreamweaver and make sure that you can now load your
    --== Kin ==--

  • WA_getDocumentDOM is not defined

    I just bought and downloaded and tested the Spry one time last night.
    Today I get this...whenever I try inserting  the Tabbed Panels..
    At line 132 of file "C\Programs....etc...etc....\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js":WA_getDocumentDOM is not defined.
    Any idea what this should be?
    I also have DW CS5 installed and went and looked at the same line 132 and it is the same......I also tried deleting the dat file but that didn't work either.

    I suggest post your query on their forums to see if they have the solution.  They might have something to say about this.
    I don't buy anything from them these days because I had a problem with their product about 6 months ago and I have decided it is a complete waste of money.  Free ones are much better.
    Good luck and let us know.

  • CS5 - Photoshop won't start:  preferences file  was invalid (it has been deleted)

    Win7 Ultimate - 4 gig ram - CS5 Design Premium
    Seemingly out of the blue - Photoshop stopped loading and I'm getting two error messages :
    first:           ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5 Extended:  "Could not load actions because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered
    second:     ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS5 Extended:  "could not initialize Photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted).
    I've deleted the two Preferences Files - but they don't seem to repopulate on startup - (or if they do they are deleted per the error message)
    I tried copying a Preferences file from another working machine but that failed as well.
    In addition: Dreamweaver is kicking out the following error messages - but opens and seems to work normally.
    The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:  Unable to open script file C:\Program Files (x86) Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5\Configuration\Shared\Spry\Designtime\EditingUtils.js (error 2).
    The following JavaScript error(s) occurred:  Unable to open script file "C:\Program Files (x86) \Adobe\Adobe dreamweaver CS5\Configuration\Shared\Common\Scripts\dwscripts.js" (error 2).
    I'm in the middle of a big project and need to get back up quickly - any help would be much appreciated.

    Run photoshop as administrator holding Ctrl + Alt + Shift, that should trigger a preferences reset prompt.
    If that won't work I would do a backup and delete the entire Adobe Photoshop CS5 Settings folder, not just the two files you mentioned.
    As for your Dreamweaver issue, try deleting WinFileCache-********.dat (or FileCache.dat) from your Dreamweaver Config folder.
    Otherwise try deleting your preferences
    Exit Dreamweaver. 
    In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Users\Your User Name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe. 
    Rename the Dreamweaver preferences folder:
    Dreamweaver CS5: Rename the Dreamweaver CS5 folder to, for example, Old Dreamweaver CS5.
    Choose Start, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter. 
    In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following key:
    Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries. 

  • Seriously NEED HELP!

    I have this website:
    username: partners
    password: bealestreet
    On the Q&A and Defintions tab, there is a section called Q&As, where I have 66 spry collapsible panels on a page. The definitions page has collapsible panels as well. For some unknown reason on the Q&A page, I get the following error in Dreamweaver CS4 when opening the file in Dreamweaver:
    A script file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver  CS4\Configuration\Shared\Spry\Design Time\EditingUtils.js has been  running for a long time. Do you want to continue? Yes or No
    At first I thought it was because I had too many panels on the page, but after doing a test with more than 75 panels on a blank page and not being able to replicate the issue, I gave up on that! The page itself when viewed in a browser flashes some of the panels open momentarily on load. Only happens on this page, the definitions page is fine. It wouldn't be a huge issue except that when I try to link to a specific anchor on that page, it takes you to the wrong spot on the page due to the panels flashing open on the load.
    I have run the page through every script error console I can find, and there seems to be no issues, does anyone have a clue????
    ADOBE please help me! UGH!!!!!!!!!!

    If anyone has an answer, I would sure love to hear it!
    I have a similar problem with Spry validation. I have a form where a bunch of tabular data is entered. 76 Spry ValidationTextField widgets to be exact. I get the stupid:
    A script in file C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time.  Do you want to continue?
    Yes   No  
    message four times before the file eventually opens. Worse, I get the message four times and need to reply four times anytime I change anything related to spry validation in the form. Plus apparently every so many other types of changes.
    It can take an hour to do a 30 second change because of this Dreamweaver problem.
    The form works beautifully in production. Fast in-page validation of all the fields exactly as I need. But I may need to go back to old fashioned after-submit validation if I can not modify the page in Dreamweaver.
    I see this problem posted multiple times in the past. And again just this morning. But nobody from Adobe or elsewhere has ever given a solution to anything except old CS3. Which hack does not seem to work in CS4.
    Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
    Dreamweaver CS4, all updates applied (Version 10.0 Build 4117)
    Whatever version of Spry came with CS4 (1.6?)

  • Dreamweaver javascript error

    When opening dreamweaver, it says
    javascript error occured : can 't open the script file :"C:\programfiles(x86)...\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js (error2)
    In fact, the file EditingUtils.js si missing
    how can i solve this ?


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