EEO Data -- Race & Gender ( E-Recruiting)

My customer want to collect Race and Gender on a couple of screens in E-Recruiting (Rather than just in EEO Questionnaire)
Where is Race and Gender stored for candidates (internal / external) in E-Recruiting.

Hi Vishal,
There is no standard field available but this requirement can be handled through an enhancement in the specific BSP page. In your requirement it will be personal details tab in candidate profile wizard and it would also necessiate to enhance infotype HRP5102 - candidate information with this field.
You can also refer the blog below contributed by Hemendra Singh Manral to understand how to go about doing this enhancement in the BSP.
Hope this information helps.
Best Regards
G Raj

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    Hi All,
    When a candidate (external/internal) fills out the EEO questionnaire (Race/Gender) for the first time it should get stored/linked to his profile so that it should not ask him again when he is filling out another job application
    Currently there is no such linkage. When the existing candidate comes back to fill another job application the EEO questionnaire comes up blank again for him to fill.
    This should not happen, it should show him the existing selections he made earlier and he should be able to change them if required.
    Any clue as to how this could be achieved. Appreciate any kind of input.

    the only feasible is a workflow or periodical service which sends out the e-mail.
    Adding to the profile is not that easy. The questionnaire step in the application wizard is connected to the process template or questionnaire step in the requisition. So there is some place where you can define the questionnaire for the wizard.
    For the profile there is nothing like a process template. So what you would have to do is programming a custom roadmap step which reads the specific EEO questionnaire from a customizing table or a simple application where you define the "profile specific EEO questionnaire".
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    The customizing table or application for assigning the EEO template for profile maintenance is needed as well, if you just do the workflow
    Best regards

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    Hi Srikant,
    There is an own authorization object to display EEO questionnaires:

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    Dieter Ruppert

    As a workaround, if you can see the stack traces reported by DRDT, then you can
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    public class MainClass implements Runnable{
    Vector queue = new Vector();
    public MainClass{
    private void createInnerClass{
    Thread th = new Thread(new InnerClass());
    public void stop(){
    Loop(queue){ <<<  DATA RACE DETECTED
    public InnerClass implements{
    public void run(){
    queue = new Vector(); <<<< DATA RACE DETECTED
    So I have changed the code as follows:
    public class MainClass implements {
    Vector queue = new Vector();
    public MainClass{
    private void createInnerClass{
    Thread th = new Thread(new InnerClass());
    public void stop(){
    synchronized(queue){ <<< Put a monitor on queue
    Loop(queue){ <<<  DATA RACE IS STILL OCCURING
    public InnerClass implements{
    public void run(){
    synchronized(queue){ <<< Put a monitor on queue
    queue = new Vector(); <<<< DATA RACE IS STILL OCCURING
    I have put a monitor on queue variable but still the data race is still occurring (I am using JProbe ThreadAnalyzer to analyze the program).
    Suggestion will be greatly admired.
    With Regards
    Duke Biswas

    Thank you so much for you reply.
    I am little bit confused when you mentioned that I
    have put sync on object not on variable
    instance. I don't want to goto Java basic, but my
    understanding of object and variable is
    very much same. No. The object is a chunk of memory, and the variable is your "handle" to it.
    Object o1 = new Object();
    Object o2 = new Object();
    Object o3 = o2;
                  Object #1
    +----+      +----------+
    | o1 | ---> |          |
    +----+      +----------+
                  Object #2
    +----+      +----------+
    | o2 | ---> |          |
    +----+      +----------+
    +----+       |
    | o3 | ------+
    +----+When you do synchronized(o3); you're synchronizing on the object that o3 points to--in this case, Object #2. If you then say o3 = new Object(); you'll end up with this picture.               Object #1
    +----+      +----------+
    | o1 | ---> |          |
    +----+      +----------+
                  Object #2
    +----+      +----------+
    | o2 | ---> |          |
    +----+      +----------+
                  Object #3
    +----+      +----------+
    | o3 | ---> |          |
    +----+      +----------+ but you're still sycned on Object #2. The reference (the variable) is only used as a way to find the object at the point where the word "synchronized" appears[i]. Pointing the reference (variable) at different objects does not cause the lock to follow the reference.
    public class MainClass implements Runnable{
    Vector queue = new Vector();
    public InnerClass implements Runnable{
    public void run(){
    synchronized(queue){ >>>> SET A MONITOR2
    queue = new Vector(); >>>> DATA RACE IS
    }          You'd have to switch the order of assigning to queue and syncing on it: queue = new Vector();
    synchronized(queue) {
       ... However that code looks weird anyway. You intialize the queue member variable in the constructor, and then you assign a new Vector to it in the run method. I don't think you want to do that.
    I suspect there are other problems too, but I can't pinpoint anything at the moment.

  • ALE data transfer in E-recruiting

    hi All,
    We are Implementing E-recruitment in HCM.
                I have following 2 requirements
    Case 1). Distribute data of infotypes 0000,0001,0002,0006,0022,0023,,0024,1000 and 1001 into ER(E-recruiting) from my HCM (ECC) system. This i have achieved using message type HRMD_A and setting up ALE as per standard guidelines.
    Case 2) i have to transfer Candidate data which gets created in E-recruitment server back into HCM(ECC) server(reverse of case 1) and stored them in infotypes 0000,0001,0002,0006,0022,0023 and 0024. How this can be achieved ??
      is there any standard way i mean IMG configuration or ALE setup to transfer this data back into HCM (ESS)  server?? or any BAdis or BAPIss??
        kindly suggest me some solution if anyone  of you have encountered the same situation in past. The final solution i m thinking is of creating custom basic IDOC type, message type and custom programs  for inbound and outbound processing but before  doing this i just  wan to have a confirmation that there is no standard way of doing this...
    Thanks in advance..

         There is a standard  activity in e-Recruiting  "Data Transfer for New Employee"  which transfer the Candidate data from e-Recruiting to HCM system in temprary table T752F. when  you hire this candidate from PA48 all transfer data will get stored in respective Infotype of SAP HCM system.. 

  • Errors in ALE data transfer to E-Recruiting.

    I need help with my ALE for E-Recruiting.
    We are on E-Rec 604 with seperated standlone e-rec system.
    We have set up ALE Data transfer for object type P from ECC QA to E-Rec QA system but unfortunately the I-Doc is always gettign posted with status 52.
    Those are the messages:
    Object 01 ,P ,01012021 does not exist: infotype 0105 cannot be created
    Object 01 ,P ,01012021 does not exist: infotype 0009 cannot be created
    Object 01 ,P ,01012021 does not exist: infotype 0006 cannot be created
    You have tried to create infotype 0105 for plan version 01,object type P,object ID 01012021. However,the object does not exist.
    PA objects exist if infotypes 0000, 0001, and 0003 have been created.
    PB objects exist if infotypes 4000, 0001, and 0002 have been created.
    PD objects exist if infotype 1000 has been created.
    I followed the setting of "standalone" attachment to note 997181:
    HRSYNC_P                                    CONV_HR_DATA_TO_EREC (active as of Release 604)
    HRALE00INBOUND_IDOC             HRRCF00_INBD_NEWMOD (active as of Release 604)
    HRALE00SPLIT_INBOUND            HR_INB_PROCESS_IDOC (inactive as of Release 604)
    HRALE00INBOUND_IDOC             HRRCF00_DELETE_SPREL (inactive as of Release
    HRALE00SPLIT_INBOUND            HR_INB_PROCESS_IDOC (active up to Release 603)
    HRALE00INBOUND_IDOC             HRRCF00_DELETE_SPREL (active up to Release 603)
    So we have activated only the CONV_HR_DATA_TO_EREC and HRRCF00_INBD_NEWMOD because we are on 604.
    We have distributed Infotypes 0000, 0001, 0002, 0105 (Subtypes 0001 and 0010), 0006, and 0009 and I have to distribute the P - CP relation with 1001 A209.
    Somebody could help me please?.

    Hi Esther,
    Can you share you inputs how you have fixed the issue.
    Currently we are following I2 A Scenario according to the link
    DO we need activate the swiches  in HR System or Erec System.I believe it has to be in HR
    BADI do i need to activate only below one's
    CONV_HR_DATA_TO_EREC (active as of Release 604)   HR system
    HRRCF00_INBD_NEWMOD (active as of Release 604)   Erec System.
    Correct me if im wrong.

  • ALE data transfer from E-recruitment to HCM

    hi All,
    We are Implementing E-recruitment in HCM.
                I have following 2 requirements
    Case 1). Distribute data of infotypes 0000,0001,0002,0006,0022,0023,,0024,1000 and 1001 into ER(E-recruiting) from my HCM (ECC) system. This i have achieved using message type HRMD_A and setting up ALE as per standard guidelines.
    Case 2) i have to transfer Candidate data which gets created in E-recruitment server back into HCM(ECC) server(reverse of case 1) and stored them in infotypes 0000,0001,0002,0006,0022,0023 and 0024. How this can be achieved ??
      is there any standard way i mean IMG configuration or ALE setup to transfer this data back into HCM (ESS)  server?? or any BAdis??
        kindly suggest me some solution if anyone  of you have encountered the same situation in past. The final solution i m thinking is of creating custom basic IDOC type, message type and custom programs  for inbound and outbound processing but before  doing this i just  wan to have a confirmation that there is no standard way of doing this...
    Thanks in advance..

    Hi Michell,
    For this purpose, you will have to repair in three places.
    1. One is the FM: HR_PREPARE_NEW_EE
    Fro example you want to add something for infotype  008 you need to add this code ( level being the value you want to pass. ) : 
    PERFORM ppv USING email 'P0105-USRID' '03'.
    Add the this in the import parameter as well.
    2. You need to change include MP000040 under form: process_infogr. The internal table : proposed_values is carrying all the values.
    You can insert your code right after this SAP's loop :
    LOOP AT proposed_values WHERE infty EQ infogr-infty   "XDPK139847
                                    AND seqnr IS INITIAL .      "XDPK139847
            IF proposed_values-fname EQ 'PSPAR-SUPDG'.          "QNUK74530
              pspar-supdg = proposed_values-fval.               "QNUK74530
            ELSE.                                               "QNUK74530
              MOVE proposed_values-fname                        "QNUK74530
                TO initial_values-field_name.                   "QNUK74530
              MOVE proposed_values-fval                         "QNUK74530
                TO initial_values-field_value.                  "QNUK74530
              APPEND initial_values.                            "QNUK74530
            ENDIF.                                              "QNUK74530
            DELETE proposed_values.                             "QNUK74530
          ENDLOOP.                                              "QNUK74530
    For example for e mail it will be :
          if infogr-INFTY = '0105' and infogr-subty = 'U006'.
            infogr-subty = 'U009'.
            clear wa_infogr.
            loop at infogr into wa_infogr
              where INFTY = '0105' and subty = 'U006'.
                    wa_infogr-subty = 'U009'.
            modify infogr from wa_infogr.
          if infogr-INFTY = '0105' and infogr-subty = 'U009'.
         LOOP AT proposed_values WHERE infty EQ infogr-infty   "XDPK139847
                                    AND seqnr = '03' .         "XDPK139847
            IF proposed_values-fname EQ 'PSPAR-SUPDG'.          "QNUK74530
              pspar-supdg = proposed_values-fval.               "QNUK74530
            ELSE.                                               "QNUK74530
              MOVE proposed_values-fname                        "QNUK74530
                TO initial_values-field_name.                   "QNUK74530
              MOVE proposed_values-fval                         "QNUK74530
                TO initial_values-field_value.                  "QNUK74530
              APPEND initial_values.                            "QNUK74530
            ENDIF.                                              "QNUK74530
            DELETE proposed_values.                             "QNUK74530
    3. You also need to change on the E -rec side in class:
    and method: TRANSFER_DATA.
    Hope this is helpful.

  • Candidate Data transfer from E-Recruiting System to HR system for New Hiring.

    Hi All,
    Hope everyone doing in good Spirit.
    We are implementing E-Recruiting as Standalone for one of our client.
    Can any please help me in regards with Data transfer from E-Rec System to HR System for hiring once the candidate has been successfully completed recruiting process.
    You inputs are highly appreciable.
    Thank you.

    Hello Sekhar,
    there are three different scenarios for transferring the data of an external candidate to the HR core for hiring.
    the easiest and most commonly used is the RFC connection. When creating an activity of category data transfer the data of the candidate is transferred from eRec to HR core. There it is stored in table T752F. Then you can run transaction PA48. There you can select the candidate and run a hiring action. This is the same action like in PA40 only the system will preset the fields with the values from eRec (similar to batch input).
    Instead of using the RFC solution you can transfer the data using PI (this can be activated using a switch in T77S0). To be honest none of my customers is using this. Either they had no PI server at all or they did not use it for eRec
    The third was delivered with a business function HCM_HIRE_INT_CI_1. This is based on HCM processes and forms and targeted towards customers using Talent Management Core (e.g. data for education and work experience is transferred into the TM Core infotypes 740X as contrary to the hr core standard infotypes 0022 and 0023 they are structured like the eRec ones). Of course as you can do a lot of customer enhancements to HCMP&F you can replace the behavior nearly completely. One or two of my clients discussed this solution but as far as I know none is actually using it.
    The simple truth is most customers seem to not use any integration at all. The first solution is easy to activate but only covers around 13 fields. Compared to a real full blow hiring action this is not even 10% of the fields which have to be entered. So the presetting this small number of fields is not a great help especially as you have to check every information anyways. Furthermore PA48 is not very nice and lacks functions to structure the incoming records which makes it difficult to handle in large distributed organizations.
    The other two options require a lot of infrastructure for small functionality. What we discussed with a client was using the new hire integration to preset a full hiring form with eRec data and then send to the candidate as offline form to gather all missing information and use this for hiring. But there were to many issues on data privacy aspects when sending a form with social security data, bank account data, etc. via email. Furthermore they required actual signatures.
    Kind regards

  • Data transfer to E-Recruitment Infotypes.

    We are having the ERP system and SAP E-Recruiting running on the same
    system.Is it possible to transfer the data from infotype-22 (Education)
    to E-recruitment infotype-5104 (Education) and infotype-23
    (Others/Previous employers) to the E-Recruitment Infotype-5103 (Work
    and when i posted the same to SAP, the reply i got was :
    """It is not possible to transfer the information from IT0022 and IT0023
    to E-recruiting solution.
    For this you need to use the function modules HRRCF_MDL_SAVE after that
    call the function FM BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT.
    But in standard it is not available."""
    We ran both the function modules.They ran without any errors, but it did not load the E-Recruiting infotypes.
    Could Some one Provide me details or guidance on how to run the function
    Also, any documentation with this aspect would be apreciated.

    You can run the FM in the Transaction SE37 and check the authorization of the person.
    Good Luck.

  • Data transfer from E-recruitment to PA

    Dear All,
    we are Implementing E-recruitment. while transferinf the data from E-recruitment to Personnel administraion, I am getting the error, No data available from the partner system table T752F). We are using the same server for E-rec and PA.
    While doing the data transfer activity in E-recruitment i m getting succfulll. In R/3 while going to the Tcode PA48 i m getting the error.
    Please help me on this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    An integrated hiring (data transfer) scenario with SAP e-recruitment
    and R/3 starts with creating a "Data Transfer for New Employees"
    activity within e-recruiting for the candidate selected to be hired.
    Data from e-recruitment is transferred to the target HR (via an RFC
    call) and stored there in a holding table (T572F) for processing
    by an appropriate action.  Within the HR system, execute transaction
    PA48 to access the holding table.  Select the candidate you want to
    process and then click the "Hire" button, and continue with the
    appropriate action.
    This message occurs, if you execute PA42 or PA48, in order to perform
    the personnel action RA (Integration with Recruitment in Partner
    Systems) and no data exists on the R/3  or external system.
    You will find all the relevant information in the IMG documents
    available. Please check;
    - Set Up Data transfer from SAP ECC
    - Set Up Data Transfer for New Employees

  • Internal candidates Data transfer in E recruiting..Urgent

    Hi experts,
    How to transfer internal candidate's data from E-recruting to PA??
    Please reply its urgent
    Edited by: sameer dhuke on Mar 17, 2008 9:54 AM

    Hi sameer,
    you have to go to the ecc to hire the person as the information from e-recruiting is far not enough to process a hiring. currently standard data transfer brings ~15 fields to the ecc while the complete hiring action will probably have >100 fields.
    To do the hiring from e-recruiting you would have not only get the information into e-recruiting first, but also get all the business logic combined. Things which sound easy can get quite complicated e.g. the name. In all projects i took part so far firstname is no required field as the companies attract applicants from around the world and there are countries where having only one name is common. So firstname can't be a required field in e-recruiting but in PA the field is required as it is necessary for social insurance, taxes and stuff (these people really get a second name to be processed when getting a work permit). You would have to get all the logic on country specific name requirements to e-recruiting. Furthermore you separate the systems to separate the data. Data security guys would get crazy if you could run complete hiring actions / organizational change action from e-recruiting accessing payment data, banking information, CB information, information on related persons ... .
    For additional documents I have to disappoint you. I do not have more than the standard stuff you get from sap net rest of my knowledge results from various rollouts.
    Best Regards

  • Can Attachments be displayed in Job Postings Data Overview in E-recruiting?

    Hi All,
    Please advise if it is possible to have attachments displayed in the data overview of published job postings to be viewed via Web Dynpro applications e.g. apply direct for internal candidates to view the attachments as they are searching for jobs?
    Any help and information will be greatly appreciated!
    Eng Han
    Edited by: Eng Han Heng on Sep 10, 2008 4:26 PM
    Edited by: Eng Han Heng on Sep 10, 2008 4:27 PM
    Edited by: Eng Han Heng on Sep 10, 2008 4:44 PM

    Hi Venki,
    Thanks for your information!
    May I also clarify that in order for attachments to be displayed in the data overview ofpublished job postings for internal candidates (candidates point of view) via the web dynpro screens in the portal, programming will be required?
    Currently, from the recruiter point of view, attachments in the requisitions are already available in the data overview of the job posting.
    thanks again!

  • Data overview - SAP E-recruiting

    Hi experts,
    I  observed that the data overview is working if we use PDF in the personal settings. However it doesnot work .

    Hello Bharat,
    some questions:
    - with which dataoverview do you have this problem
    - on which particular place / step of the application are you opening the dataoverview
    - which ui technology do you use there (BSP or WebDynpro)
    - is the dateroverview showing up as html or is there a general error with the dataoverview
    If you could supply this information we surely can give hints what to do.
    Best Regards
    Roman Weise

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