EJB bidirectional relations

Like in this manual
i tried to map EJB-Fields from different EJBs to an existing dictionary. Inside the ejb-jar.xml was the following text:
<i>    <relationships>
How do I the many-to-many-relationship? My Guess was:
<i>    <relationships>
It didn't work. Can anybody help me, please?

Hi Richard,
You can only have 0 or 1 cmr-field per ejb-relationship-role. So to make the relationship bidirectional, the second cmr-field should be in the second ejb-relationship-role:
Hope that helps,

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    Hey all,
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    Vikram D Salvi wrote:
    > MOVE-CORRESPONDING ZSTRUC_CM TO I_TAB.                                                                            not working
    > UPDATE ZTEST_CM FROM ZSTRUC_CM.                                                                                not working
    Instead of the move statement you need to use the append work area to internal table statement. you need to have the same structure for the work area and the internal tbale.
    Then use the modify data base table from internal table statement.

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    request.putLocal("IdcService", "ADD_RELATED_CONTENT");
    request.putLocal("dLinkTypeID", "4");
    request.putLocal("dSource", "CS");
    request.putLocal("dID", "16162");
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    actually am working on related content services; handle them thourgh (JAVA + RIDC).My general recommendation is: turn on server-wide tracing on requestaudit (or perhaps sometimes even services) - see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/doc.1111/e10792/c03_processes.htm#CSMSP535 how to do that, perform the scenario from GUI, and check what's being called. Often, you will find your answer there.

  • EJB/JPA Related: Objects are not going to delete from a Collection

    Hi All,
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           fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)
         private Collection<BranchPartyCollectionsPlan> branchPartyCollectionsPlans = new  
    related methods:
         public Collection<BranchPartyCollectionsPlan> getBranchPartyCollectionsPlans() {
              return branchPartyCollectionsPlans;
         public void setBranchPartyCollectionsPlans(
                   Collection<BranchPartyCollectionsPlan> branchPartyCollectionsPlans) {
              this.branchPartyCollectionsPlans = branchPartyCollectionsPlans;
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            if (branchPartyCollectionsPlan.getOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan() == null || branchPartyCollectionsPlan.getOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan() != this) {       
         public void removeBranchPartyCollectionsPlan(BranchPartyCollectionsPlan branchPartyCollectionsPlan) {
              if (branchPartyCollectionsPlan == null)
              if (this.branchPartyCollectionsPlans != null)
                   if (this.branchPartyCollectionsPlans.remove(branchPartyCollectionsPlan)) {
    and Second one is : BranchPartyCollectionsPlan in which the following relation(inverse) is defined:
         OperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan
      related getter and setter:
         public OperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan getOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan() {
              return operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan;
         public void setOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan(
                   OperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan) {
              OperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan oldOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan = this.operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan;
              if (oldOperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan != null){
              this.operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan = operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan;
              if (operationDayWorkingCapitalPlan != null){
    Plz help me where am I wrong. Why objects(BranchPartyCollectionsPlan) from collection not delete when I merge the main object (OperationDayWorkingCapitalPlan).
    Edited by: kapitsu on Oct 27, 2009 10:24 AM

    Hi Mayank,
    You can check the below Link.
    PSA Not Deleting, error : DDL time(___1):.....0 milliseconds

  • Is EJB pooling related with flyweight pattern ?

    SCEA training exam from www.javaqueries.com says that
    Bean pooling allows container to use beans as flyweight.
    My opinion is that flyweight pattern allows to create an object (flyweight) with some common state. All other objects have references to the flyweight instead of having many copies of a common state.
    Do you see any similiarity with EJB pooling ?

    A container is pooling stateless session beans in a way that is very similar to the flyweight pattern.
    The flyweight pattern describes situations where you need a fine granularity in your objects but instantiating all of these objects would be too costly to realize in terms of main memory or execution time. The solution is, instantiate only as many objects that do differ in their "intrinsic" state and share the instances all over the references. GOF have a simple yet powerfull example: Think of flyweight objects as the letters in a Texteditor. Instantiating each letter as a single object would be overkill. Just instantiate one object for each letter of the alphabet and reference these objects where needed in the text flow. The same for stateless session beans. Only instantiate beans that are different and share references to the same bean every time a create method is called for a stateless session bean.
    That is very contrary to the statefull session beans or entity beans so these can not naively be implemented as flyweight. But maybe there are some special extension to the flyweight pattern so that they can?
    Hope that helps...

  • CF9 ORM anf Flex bidirectional relation

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    *** Installazioni ***
    component persistent="true" alias="Installazioni" 
        property name="IDInstallazione" column="IDInstallazione" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" default="0" generator="identity" unsavedvalue="0";
        property name="SerNo" column="SerNo" type="string" ormtype="string";
        property name="IDArticolo" column="IDArticolo" type="numeric" ormtype="int";
        property name="ScadGar" column="ScadGar" type="date" ormtype="timestamp";
        property name="Versione" column="Versione" type="string" ormtype="string";
        property name="ROM" column="ROM" type="string" ormtype="string";
        property name="PrinterSN" column="PrinterSN" type="string" ormtype="string";
        *** Interventi relation ***
        property name="InterventiInstallazione" type="array" fieldType="one-to-many" cfc="Interventi" fkcolumn="IDInstallazione" remotingfetch="true" lazy="false" inverse="true";
    *** Interventi ***
    component persistent="true" alias="Interventi"
        /* properties */
        property name="IDIntervento" column="IDIntervento" type="numeric" ormtype="int" fieldtype="id" ;
        property name="UltimoCT" column="UltimoCT" type="numeric" ormtype="double" ;
        property name="UltimoCHtot" column="UltimoCHtot" type="numeric" ormtype="double" ;
        property name="Soluzione" column="Soluzione" type="string" ormtype="string" ;
        property name="DurataIntervento" column="DurataIntervento" type="numeric" ormtype="double" ;
        property name="PresaVisione" column="PresaVisione" type="numeric" ormtype="boolean" ;
        property name="Cicli" column="Cicli" type="numeric" ormtype="int" ;
        property name="Ore" column="Ore" type="numeric" ormtype="int" ;
        *** Installazioni inverse relation  ***
        property name="Installazione" type="Installazioni" fieldtype="many-to-one" cfc="Installazioni" fkcolumn="IDInstallazione" remotingfetch="true" lazy="false";            
    For ex. I need to show the SerNo property in the list of "interventi" referring to the "installazione" property.
    In standard HTML everything works and I can show the "SerNo" property (Interventi.Installazione.SerNo).
    In Flex the when I try to retrieve the "installazione" valueObject I can read correctly the "interventiInstallazione" array but I can't access the "Installazione" property of each "InterventiInstallazione" element cause it is null.
    Following the two VO declaration :
    *** Installazioni ***
    package valueObjects {
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
        public class Installazioni {
            public var IDInstallazione:Number = 0;
            public var SerNo:String = "";
            public var IDArticolo:int = 0;
            public var ScadGar:Date = null;
            public var Versione:String = "";
            public var ROM:String = "";
            public var PrinterSN:String = "";
            public var InterventiInstallazione:Array;
    *** Interventi
    package valueObjects {
        public class Interventi {
            public var IDIntervento:Number = 0;
            public var UltimoCT:Number = 0;
            public var UltimoCHtot:Number = 0;
            public var Soluzione:String = "";
            public var DurataIntervento:Number = 0;
            public var PresaVisione:Number = 0;
            public var Cicli:Number = 0;
            public var Ore:Number = 0;
            public var Installazione:Installazioni;
    Following the result of reading one "installazione" :
    Where I made the mistake ?
    How can I retrieve the inversed relational property to show its values for the object sleected ?
    Thanks in advance,

    I struggled with this for hours a few weeks back.  Add the attribute remotingfetch="true" to your relationship like this:
    <cfproperty name="Tenants"
                                    <!--- can be array or struct ---> 
                        <!---structkeytype="int" structkeycolumn="ID"--->
    Hope this helps!

  • ejb-ref related question

    I've developed a stateful session ejb. It has the following entry in
    Its matching entry in "weblogic-ejb-jar.xml" is:
    <allow-concurrent-calls>true</allow-concurrent-calls> <!-- Is this
    right?!! -->
    When a simple test application tries to locate the L2CustomerBroker bean
    a NamingException is thrown:
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Unable to resolve
    'com.brighthaul.ste.server.brokers.L2CustomerBrokerHome' Resolved: ''
    Unresolved:'com' ; remaining name
    at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode_WLStub.lookup(Unknown
    at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:347)
    Exception in thread "main"
    What am I doing wrong?
    I'm able to locate the home interface via the "usual" way (looking up
    "L2CustomerBroker"). Does this form of lookup can be applied from another VM (standalone application)?
    Why do I have to declare the <ejb-ref> inside a <session> element?

    "One suggestion though, use simple names for EJB references.. something like "CustomerBroker""
    Since the consumer of the JNDI lookup must narrow the object to a known type, the simple name adds an unnecessary layer of indirection, and a subsequent maintenace hassle. The most straight-forward naming system is to use the fully-qualified name of the home interface, as the original poster has done.

  • How to get bean information in EJB 3.0

    Hi all
    Can anyone tell how we can get the beans , I mean ejb beans related information deployed in the Netweaver AS programatically...  I am using EJB 3.0.

    Hi Rafi,
    Currently you can't do this programatically, the information is only available in the SAP NetWeaver Administrator. You could of course try JMX / MBeans but bear in mind that this is not officially supported and may be changed in the future.
    Check also my reply in this [thread|parsing ejb-jar.xml using jaxb;.
    \-- Vladimir

  • SAS9.1 Persistence and EJB lookups (not registered in JNDI?)

    I am trying to deploy a very basic EJB3 module to test my learning. The module deploys via the Admin Console without apparnet error. Unfortunately, when using the generated test page for the web-service, I am having total failure which seems to be around the persistence unit and EJBs not being created in the JNDI.
    I have an @Stateless/@WebService bean:
    package com.flexit.buslogic;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.ejb.EJB;
    import javax.jws.WebMethod;
    import javax.jws.WebParam;
    import javax.jws.WebService;
    import com.flexit.persistence.eao.OwnerFacade;
    public class CreateOwner {
         private OwnerFacade ownerFacade;
         public CreateOwner(){}
         public Integer addOwner (
                   @WebParam(name="Name") String name){
             LogUtil.log("Add owner request " +
                        "received for "+name,
                        Level.INFO, null);
            return ownerFacade.findAll().size();
    }The OwnerFacade EJB injection fails with avax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: javax.ejb.CreateException: Could not create stateless EJBIf I instantiate a 'normal' reference to OwnerFacade (ie OwnerFacade ownerFacade = new OwnerFacade(); I get a similar error in the OwnerFacade EJB in relation to an attempt to inject an EntityManager:
    package com.flexit.persistence.eao;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.logging.Level;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
    import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
    import com.flexit.persistence.LogUtil;
    import com.flexit.persistence.Owner;
    public class OwnerFacade implements OwnerFacadeLocal, OwnerFacadeRemote {
         // fields
         private EntityManager entityManager;
         public OwnerFacade () {
              if (entityManager == null) {
                   LogUtil.log("unable to get an Entity Manager Instance", Level.SEVERE, null);
    ...The constructor logs that the entityManager is, indeed, null.
    I have tried the code on SAS9 and 9.1 and using the default JavaDB and a MySQL connection pool (successful ping) and datasource (named 'jdbc/FlexDBDS') created through the Admin Console. The persistence unit is defined in a persistence.xml file in the META-INF folder:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
             http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd" version="1.0">
              <persistence-unit name="FlexIBuildPU" transaction-type="JTA">
    </persistence>Can anyone please save me from tearing my hair out (more)?

    Have managed to resolve. There were two problems
    First I was attempting to access a session bean directly rather than via an interface (eejit!) - ie:
    @EJB OwnerFacade ownerFacadewhen it should have been:
    @EJB OwnerFacadeLocal ownerFacadeSecond, the persistence unit wasn't created properly. In playing around with persistence.xml I moved from:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
             http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd" version="1.0">
              <persistence-unit name="FlexIBuildPU" transaction-type="JTA">
                   <description>This unit manages BMS units, owners, offers, and acceptance.</description>
                          <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
                          <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <persistence xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
             http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_1_0.xsd" version="1.0">
              <persistence-unit name="FlexIBuildPU" transaction-type="JTA">
                   <description>This unit manages BMS units, owners, offers, and acceptance.</description>
                          <property name="toplink.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
                          <property name="toplink.application-location" value="C:\ddl\flexdb\"/>
                          <property name="toplink.create-ddl-jdbc-file-name" value="create.sql"/>
                          <property name="toplink.drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name" value="drop.sql"/>
                          <property name="toplink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="both"/>
                          <property name="toplink.ddl-generation" value="create-tables"/>
    </persistence>It seems the very action of writing the sql to file helps with the binding. It seems so extraordinary that I think I must of made another mistake which was corrected along the way. In any event, the properties specifying output files may prove useful to others. :)

  • Kodo 3.3.3, InverseManager, 1:1 Relation

    I am evaluating Kodo at the moment and have a problem with the inverse
    manager. I have a class 'BaseClassPC' which has a reference to a class
    'ReferencedClassPC'. It is a simple 1:1 bidirectional relation, so in
    the table for class 'BaseclassPC' I have a column
    'REFERENCEDCLASS_JDOID' which points to the JDOID of the referenced
    class. I have no foreign key back from REFERENCEDCLASS to BASECLASS.
    Now, when I want to set the association between the two objects in my
    code this only works when I call baseclass.setReferencedClass(...). When
    I try to do it the other way round (referencedclass.setBaseclass(..)) I
    get an exception on commit, even though I set kodo.InverseManager=true
    in my kodo.properties. The error only occurs when I create both objects
    and set the reference within one transaction. Excerpt from the stacktrace:
    kodo.util.FatalUserException: Attempt to set column
    "BASECLASSPC.REFERENCEDCLASS_JDOID" to two different values:
    (null)"null", (class java.lang.Long)"251" This can occur when you fail
    to set both sides of a two-sided relation between objects, or when you
    map different fields to the same column, but you do not keep the values
    of these fields in synch.
         at kodo.jdbc.sql.PrimaryRow.setObject(PrimaryRow.java:215)
         at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.flushJoinValues(RowImpl.java:267)
         at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.flushForeignKey(RowImpl.java:189)
         at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.setForeignKey(RowImpl.java:158)
         at kodo.jdbc.sql.PrimaryRow.setForeignKey(PrimaryRow.java:128)
    The doku for the inverse manager says 'Under this setting, Kodo detects
    changes to either side of a bidirectional relation, and automatically
    sets the other side appropriately on flush.' So I was expecting that it
    does not matter on which side I set the relation, nor that I have to set
    the relation in two separate transactions, am I wrong?
    Here is the sample code, executed in a single transaction:
    BaseclassPC base = new BaseclassPC();
    ReferencedClassPC ref = new ReferencedClassPC();
    //base.setRefClass(ref); <-- works
    ref.setSubclass(base); <-- fails
    BTW: It does not matter in which order I make the calls to
    Thanks very much,

    Hi Stephen,
    shame on me, I really forgot the put this attribute, sorry that I
    bothered you. Another question about the inverse manager: Are there any
    limitations that I have to take into account when mapping my classes?
    E.g. I read somewhere in this forum that the IM does not work for
    horizontal mappings. Background is that I want to switch from another
    JDO vendor to Kodo, because the other vendor's implementation of inverse
    management was damn buggy, and I want to make sure to have reliable
    inverse management this time ;)
    Stephen Kim wrote:
    Did you set the inverse-owner attribute? Kodo will only manasge
    inverses which are marked as inverse relations.
    Jochen Kressin wrote:
    I am evaluating Kodo at the moment and have a problem with the inverse
    manager. I have a class 'BaseClassPC' which has a reference to a class
    'ReferencedClassPC'. It is a simple 1:1 bidirectional relation, so in
    the table for class 'BaseclassPC' I have a column
    'REFERENCEDCLASS_JDOID' which points to the JDOID of the referenced
    class. I have no foreign key back from REFERENCEDCLASS to BASECLASS.
    Now, when I want to set the association between the two objects in my
    code this only works when I call baseclass.setReferencedClass(...).
    When I try to do it the other way round
    (referencedclass.setBaseclass(..)) I get an exception on commit, even
    though I set kodo.InverseManager=true in my kodo.properties. The error
    only occurs when I create both objects and set the reference within
    one transaction. Excerpt from the stacktrace:
    kodo.util.FatalUserException: Attempt to set column
    "BASECLASSPC.REFERENCEDCLASS_JDOID" to two different values:
    (null)"null", (class java.lang.Long)"251" This can occur when you fail
    to set both sides of a two-sided relation between objects, or when you
    map different fields to the same column, but you do not keep the
    values of these fields in synch.
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.PrimaryRow.setObject(PrimaryRow.java:215)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.flushJoinValues(RowImpl.java:267)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.flushForeignKey(RowImpl.java:189)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.RowImpl.setForeignKey(RowImpl.java:158)
    at kodo.jdbc.sql.PrimaryRow.setForeignKey(PrimaryRow.java:128)
    The doku for the inverse manager says 'Under this setting, Kodo
    detects changes to either side of a bidirectional relation, and
    automatically sets the other side appropriately on flush.' So I was
    expecting that it does not matter on which side I set the relation,
    nor that I have to set the relation in two separate transactions, am I
    Here is the sample code, executed in a single transaction:
    BaseclassPC base = new BaseclassPC();
    ReferencedClassPC ref = new ReferencedClassPC();
    //base.setRefClass(ref); <-- works
    ref.setSubclass(base); <-- fails
    BTW: It does not matter in which order I make the calls to
    Thanks very much,

  • Deploy ejb error

    When the admin server and managed server are running,I deployed an ejb
              jar,the admin and managed server throw following error message:
              admin server error message:
              <2002-7-16 ÉÏÎç08ʱ27·Ö32Ãë> <Error> <Management> <InvocationTargetException
              ting attribute Deployed on MBean
              r,Type=ApplicationConfig to value true. Method: public void
              mbeans.custom.Application.setDeployed(boolean) throws
              weblogic.management.DeploymentException: The Application
              nserver,Type=Application is not configured properly
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy7.findInputStream(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy41.findInputStream(Unknown Source)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.retrieveEar(Application.java:439)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.<init>(Application.java:122)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(J2EEService.java:168)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at $Proxy7.setDeployed(Unknown Source)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
              at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              and the managed server error message:
              java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '500: Internal Server Error' for
              url: '
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.getInputStream(Application.java:496)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.retrieveEar(Application.java:376)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.<init>(Application.java:122)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(J2EEService.java:168)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              own Source)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              <2002-7-16 ÉÏÎç08ʱ27·Ö32Ãë> <Error> <J2EE> <Error deploying application
              ionserver: error retrieving application [Caching Stub]Proxy for
              <2002-7-16 ÉÏÎç08ʱ27·Ö32Ãë> <Error> <Management> <InvocationTargetException
              ting attribute Deployed on MBean
              ,Type=ApplicationConfig to value true. Method: public void
              beans.custom.Application.setDeployed(boolean) throws
              java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '500: Internal Server Error' for
              url: '
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.getInputStream(Application.java:496)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.retrieveEar(Application.java:376)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.<init>(Application.java:122)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(J2EEService.java:168)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              own Source)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              --------------- nested within: ------------------
              weblogic.management.DeploymentException: error retrieving application
              [Caching S
              tub]Proxy for
              nfig - with nested exception:
              [java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '500: Internal Server Error' for
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.retrieveEar(Application.java:466)
              at weblogic.j2ee.Application.<init>(Application.java:122)
              at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEService.deployApplication(J2EEService.java:168)
              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
              own Source)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:139)
              at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:120)
              I am run on Tru64 Unit and WLS 6.1 sp2
              cluster config:
              cluster contain two server:server1( and server2(
              location:server1 -->machine1

    JDeveloper 3.1 is supported with Oracle8i Release2 (8.1.6).
    Hence you would not be able to deploy EJB and related things to Oracle8i (815)
    for more details on the compatability issues check http://technet.oracle.com/doc/jdev3/compmatrix.htm

  • Automatic ejb redeploy when deploying a webapp

    Hi all,
    I' got a problem with bea 6.1 webapp deploy/redeploy.
    When, from console, I upload the war the server undeploy and redeploy an EJB,
    then try to deploy the war.
    The ejb is used by the webapp and in the war (in WEB-INF/classes) there are the
    EJB interfaces.
    Is this correct ?
    The real problem is that I have to deploy on a 2 node cluster. Deploying from
    console automatically target the admin server, the EJB fail the redeploy and the
    webapp is not deployed on the nodes.
    I tryed to undeploy the EJB before deploying the webapp and another EJB (not related
    to the webapp, developed here, not from bea) id redeployed ! :|
    Any idea ?

    Have you considered using an Enterprise Application (EAR) which includes both your web
    app and your ejbs? This way you can undeploy and redeploy at the application level and
    let the server worry about the deployment order. See:
    You can turn off the automatic deployment to the admin server. Please read:
    I hope this helps.
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Systems
    "\"lorenzo bolzani\" lorenzo.bolzani-at-ethink.it" wrote:
    Hi all,
    I' got a problem with bea 6.1 webapp deploy/redeploy.
    When, from console, I upload the war the server undeploy and redeploy an EJB,
    then try to deploy the war.
    The ejb is used by the webapp and in the war (in WEB-INF/classes) there are the
    EJB interfaces.
    Is this correct ?
    The real problem is that I have to deploy on a 2 node cluster. Deploying from
    console automatically target the admin server, the EJB fail the redeploy and the
    webapp is not deployed on the nodes.
    I tryed to undeploy the EJB before deploying the webapp and another EJB (not related
    to the webapp, developed here, not from bea) id redeployed ! :|
    Any idea ?

  • One to many circular relationship with CMP

    I cannot get to solve this problem. I hope someone in the community could help me with it.
    I have an Entity Bean "Group", and I want to establish a 1:* relationship with other "Group" beans.
    I try to accomplish it by using an attribute "members".
    I have defined these two methods in Group:
    public abstract Collection getMembers();
    public void setMembers(Collection members);
    But when I call setMembers from a Session Bean I get the following exception:
    javax.ejb.TransactionRolledbackLocalException: Exception thrown fr
    om bean; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: SQL Exception: Syntax error: Encountered "<EO
    F>" at line 1, column 75.
    Does anybody know where the problem could be?
    Any tips would be really apreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Circular relationship are never supported by any server, an example would be
    A has a relation with B, B has a relation with C, and C to A
    Self relation means A has a relation with its own kind (A).
    If a bean A has relation with B and B has relation with A, you dont call it circular its bidirectional relation.
    Basically directionality depends how do you want to navigate your relations, viz., which bean needs to keep track of which bean.
    Meka Toka
    PS: And yeah, environment means, what server you are using, what OS, what version number etc etc.

  • AquaLogic Service Bus and XQuery Mapper

    Hi all,
    I'm new about using AquaLogic Service Bus and XQuery Mapper. I'm using alsb250_wls920.
    To understand better the details I've developed two very simple EJBs stateless related to a generic CarRental scenario.
    The idea is the following:
    - EJB1 exposes a method for retrieving available cars from company A
    - EJB2 exposes a method for retrieving available cars from company B
    The method signature is the same:
    public CarVO[] getAvailableCars(Category category, Double price)
    the only difference is about the CarVO definition where one exposes more attributes than the second one (and also the package is different).
    The goal is designing a new proxy service called getAvailableCars that calls the two above services and returns a set including all available cars from both companies.
    The returned CarVO is the sum of all attributes from two above CarVOs plus a string company attribute.
    So in AquaLogic I've defined:
    - a JAR resource for importing my CarRental.jar
    - two BusinessService resources related to the two above getAvailableCars services (from company A & B), called getAVISAvailableCars & getHertzAvailableCars;
    - I've exported the two WSDLs from the two above BusinessService resources directly from AquaLogic console;
    - I've written manually the WSDL 'getAvailableCars' that I use in the next proxy service definition
    - a getAvailableCars_1 proxy service resource
    Before completing the proxy service definition, I've decided to use XQuery Mapper for defining my trasformations.
    But I got some errors when I try to import the WSDLs.
    For importing simply I've created a wsdl folder inside my project and copied into it the 3 WSDLs definitions.
    Because there are errors in 2 of these WSDLs (getHertzAvailableCars.wsdl, getAvisAvailableCars.wsdl) when I create a XQuery Transformation, I'm not able to select any source schema.
    But getHertzAvailableCars.wsdl, getAvisAvailableCars.wsdl have been generated directly from AquaLogic console and I don't understand why XQuery Mapper complains about them.
    If needed I can post also the CarRental.zip eclipse prj (that contains the above two EJBs) and CarRentalAqualogicPrj.jar AquaLogic prj (passphrase is aqualogic).
    I thank you in advance for any suggestion.

    Could you send me the WSDLS?
    My email address [email protected]

  • Unable to 'Add Server' in Sun's DeployTool Utility (deploying application)

    Hi Everyone,
    I tried to search for this but couldn't find an instance.
    I am using 'Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8'. The server is running fine (at 8080) with the admin console (at 4848) responding perfectly while contacted with a browser.
    The problem started when I tried to deploy a J2EE web application (.ear file) containing some EJB components. I finished with all the development steps perfectly (creating .ear file, coding EJB and related interfaces, packaging the beans with their references registered etc.). However when trying to deploy the application in the EJB container (at localhost:4848), I need to Add Server in the deploytool.
    When I select File-AddServer, it allows me to add hostName and port#. But when try to click on the name, it asks me for connection string (UserName, Password). I used the same values as I am using with the browser interface, but it is not accepting. Giving the error, `Check if the server is running or Are you using the correct username and password.`.
    I tried many times, but it seems the deploytool is not picking the server at all.
    Any help...

    Hi Everyone,
    I tried to search for this but couldn't find an instance.
    I am using 'Sun Java System Application Server Platform Edition 8'. The server is running fine (at 8080) with the admin console (at 4848) responding perfectly while contacted with a browser.
    The problem started when I tried to deploy a J2EE web application (.ear file) containing some EJB components. I finished with all the development steps perfectly (creating .ear file, coding EJB and related interfaces, packaging the beans with their references registered etc.). However when trying to deploy the application in the EJB container (at localhost:4848), I need to Add Server in the deploytool.
    When I select File-AddServer, it allows me to add hostName and port#. But when try to click on the name, it asks me for connection string (UserName, Password). I used the same values as I am using with the browser interface, but it is not accepting. Giving the error, `Check if the server is running or Are you using the correct username and password.`.
    I tried many times, but it seems the deploytool is not picking the server at all.
    Any help...

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