EJB-QL Simple Join Parser error

I can't even do a simple join in a named query without getting a toplink error as follows:
The parser returned the following [unexpected token: join].
I am following exact examples from the PRO EJB3 book. Can anyone please shed some light on this. Please

Well, I figured this out thanks to another post on this forum. Since the EJB3 final is not fully implemented you have to use the EJBQL 2.1 syntax. That syntax does not include a join but uses an in. Hope this helps anyone else and I look forward to the full final being implemented.

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    <display-name>Welcome to Tomcat</display-name>
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    import java.util.Vector;
    import org.apache.soap.Constants;
    import org.apache.soap.Fault;
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    params.addElement(new Parameter("artist",String.class,artist,null));
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    Response response;
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    System.out.println("Successful CD Addition");
    } else {
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    System.out.println("Error encountered: " + fault.getFaultString());
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    String artist = "Doc Watson";
    CDAdder adder = new CDAdder();
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    import java.util.Hashtable;
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    private Hashtable catalog;
    public CDCatalog() {
    catalog = new Hashtable();
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    catalog.put("Let it Fall", "Sean Watkins");
    catalog.put("Aerial Boundaries", "Michael Hedges");
    catalog.put("Taproot", "Michael Hedges");
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    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Title or Artist cannot be null.");
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    if (title == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Title cannot be null.");
    return (String)catalog.get(title);
    public Hashtable list() {
    return catalog;
    3>My deployement descriptor:
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    <isd:provider type="java"
    methods="addCD getCD list"
    <isd:java class="javaxml2.CDCatalog" static="false" />
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    lhost:8081/soap/servlet/rpcrouter deploy xml/CDCatalogDD.xml
    D:\XML-RPC\javaxml2>java org.apache.soap.server.ServiceManagerClient http://loca
    lhost:8081/soap/servlet/rpcrouter list
    Deployed Services:
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    "Text is not a valid, single SELECT statement.
    Parsing error:
    Failed to parse SQL query.
    Invalid Select Statement.
    Unexpected token "from" at line13, pos 1.
    Query Builder Disabled
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    Query Builder is a visual environment targeted at novice/intermediate users. Some advanced and/or hard to visualize language features are not supported. The improved error messaging coming in 3.1 would indicate this is 'unsupported' rather than 'not a valid, single SELECT statement.' For example, (using scott/tiger):
    Text contains unsupported syntax.
    Parsing error:
    Failed to parse SQL query.
    Invalid SELECT statement.
    Unexpected token "," at line 4, pos 16.
    Query Builder disabled.
    select distinct d.dname
    from dept d, emp e
    where d.deptno = e.deptno
      and (e.deptno, e.job) in
    (select x.deptno, x.job
    from emp x
    where x.deptno > 10
       and x.job NOT IN ('MANAGER', 'PRESIDENT')
    I don't know what your real query is, but refactoring to use join on derived table or table expression (or, as Gary said, separate IN clauses) rather than '(a, b) IN' will allow Query Builder to display it.
    derived table: select distinct d.dname
    from dept d, emp e,
    (select x.deptno, x.job
    from emp x
    where x.deptno > 10
       and x.job NOT IN ('MANAGER', 'PRESIDENT')
    ) filter
    where d.deptno = e.deptno
      and e.deptno = filter.deptno
      and e.job = filter.job
    table expression: with filter as (select x.deptno, x.job
    from emp x
    where x.deptno > 10
       and x.job NOT IN ('MANAGER', 'PRESIDENT')
    select distinct d.dname
    from dept d, emp e, filter
    where d.deptno = e.deptno
      and e.deptno = filter.deptno
      and e.job = filter.jobBrian Jeffries
    SQL Developer Team

  • Parse errors on php page...

    I am new to php and am trying to create a php form on a website I am building for a friend. The form looks like I want it to on the page.
    It also works... sending the info to my email upon submit and redirecting me to the "Thank you for your order page".
    The code to make the form function actually rests on the thank you page... I am attaching the code below.
    Problem is that when I validate the php page it tells me that there are parsing errors. Specifically:
    Unable to determine parse mode
    Line 1, Column 1:character "Y" not allowed in prolog
    Line 1, Column 85:end of document in prolog
    Does anyone know where the problem is? I have checked my css sheets and they are validating just fine, so there shouldn't be any issue there. The php script was adapted from the one at  http://dreamweaverspot.com/adobe-dreamweaver-tutorial-contact-forms/ if that helps.
    $my_email = "[email protected]";
    $continue = "thankyou.html";
    $errors = array();
    // Remove $_COOKIE elements from $_REQUEST.
    if(count($_COOKIE)){foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $value){unset($_REQUEST[$value]);}}
    // Check all fields for an email header.
    function recursive_array_check_header($element_value)
    global $set;
    if(!is_array($element_value)){if(preg_match("/(%0A|%0D|\n+|\r+)(content-type:|to:|cc:|bcc: )/i",$element_value)){$set = 1;}}
    foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_header($value);}
    if($set){$errors[] = "You cannot send an email header";}
    // Validate email field.
    if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email']))
    if(preg_match("/(%0A|%0D|\n+|\r+|:)/i",$_REQUEST['email'])){$errors[] = "Email address may not contain a new line or a colon";}
    $_REQUEST['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
    if(substr_count($_REQUEST['email'],"@") != 1 || stristr($_REQUEST['email']," ")){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_email = explode("@",$_REQUEST['email']);if(empty($exploded_email[0]) || strlen($exploded_email[0]) > 64 || empty($exploded_email[1])){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{if(substr_count($exploded_email[1],".") == 0){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_domain = explode(".",$exploded_email[1]);if(in_array("",$exploded_domain)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{foreach($exploded_domain as $value){if(strlen($value) > 63 || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i',$value)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid"; break;}}}}}}
    // Check referrer is from same site.
    if(!(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))){$errors[] = "You must enable referrer logging to use the form";}
    // Check for a blank form.
    function recursive_array_check_blank($element_value)
    global $set;
    if(!is_array($element_value)){if(!empty($element_value)){$set = 1;}}
    foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_blank($value);}
    if(!$set){$errors[] = "You cannot send a blank form";}
    // Display any errors and exit if errors exist.
    if(count($errors)){foreach($errors as $value){print "$value<br>";} exit;}
    if(!defined("PHP_EOL")){define("PHP_EOL", strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n");}
    // Build message.
    function build_message($request_input){if(!isset($message_output)){$message_output ="";}if(!is_array($request_input)){$message_output = $request_input;}else{foreach($request_input as $key => $value){if(!empty($value)){if(!is_numeric($key)){$message_output .= str_replace("_"," ",ucfirst($key)).": ".build_message($value).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;}else{$message_output .= build_message($value).", ";}}}}return rtrim($message_output,", ");}
    $message = build_message($_REQUEST);
    $message = $message . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."-- ".PHP_EOL."";
    $message = stripslashes($message);
    $subject = "Order from MoSaleen.com";
    $headers = "From: " . $_REQUEST['email'];
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            Please make your PayPal payment to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> for the required amount (see list below for a reminder on pricing). Once we receive your form AND payment we will confirm your order by email and include all shipping information. <span style="font-weight: bold">If additional information is required we will contact you by phone or email.</span></p>
            <p>If you have questions regarding your order or payment,  feel free to contact us at 417.825.1498.</p>
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            <h1>Pricing List</h1>
            <p style="font-weight: bold"> Shipping is free on all orders!</p>
            <p>99-04 Saleen MoSaleen™ Idler Pulley System<br />
              Powder Coated with standard black pulley ($175.00)<br />
              Powder Coated with upgraded CNC aluminum anodized pulley ($225.00)<br />
              Ceramic Coated with standard black pulley ($190.00)<br />
              Ceramic Coated with upgraded CNC aluminum anodized pulley ($240.00)<br />
              <br />
              05-09 Saleen MoSaleen™ Idler Pulley System ($275.00)</p>
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    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

    I have changed the code to where the php form section is within the html of the page I created. (posted below)
    This option gets rid of the parsing error but creates 16 errors in code when validated. It still looks right and still emails correctly.
    Is there a tutorial somewhere... or a simpler php code that would submit this form to email? It doesn't need to be fancy.  Or... if one of these options work, which one should I work with.
    Or... does it really matter that I am having the parsing error since the code looks right and is working? Not that it is clean design to leave it that way...
    I think the problem lies in trying to insert the php coding ( that submits the form to email ) inside the thank you page... but Im not sure how else to handle this. Any suggestions?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    $my_email = "[email protected]";
    $continue = "thankyou.html";
    $errors = array();
    // Remove $_COOKIE elements from $_REQUEST.
    if(count($_COOKIE)){foreach(array_keys($_COOKIE) as $value){unset($_REQUEST[$value]);}}
    // Check all fields for an email header.
    function recursive_array_check_header($element_value)
    global $set;
    if(!is_array($element_value)){if(preg_match("/(%0A|%0D|\n+|\r+)(content-type:|to:|cc:|bcc: )/i",$element_value)){$set = 1;}}
    foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_header($value);}
    if($set){$errors[] = "You cannot send an email header";}
    // Validate email field.
    if(isset($_REQUEST['email']) && !empty($_REQUEST['email']))
    if(preg_match("/(%0A|%0D|\n+|\r+|:)/i",$_REQUEST['email'])){$errors[] = "Email address may not contain a new line or a colon";}
    $_REQUEST['email'] = trim($_REQUEST['email']);
    if(substr_count($_REQUEST['email'],"@") != 1 || stristr($_REQUEST['email']," ")){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_email = explode("@",$_REQUEST['email']);if(empty($exploded_email[0]) || strlen($exploded_email[0]) > 64 || empty($exploded_email[1])){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{if(substr_count($exploded_email[1],".") == 0){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{$exploded_domain = explode(".",$exploded_email[1]);if(in_array("",$exploded_domain)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid";}else{foreach($exploded_domain as $value){if(strlen($value) > 63 || !preg_match('/^[a-z0-9-]+$/i',$value)){$errors[] = "Email address is invalid"; break;}}}}}}
    // Check referrer is from same site.
    if(!(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))){$errors[] = "You must enable referrer logging to use the form";}
    // Check for a blank form.
    function recursive_array_check_blank($element_value)
    global $set;
    if(!is_array($element_value)){if(!empty($element_value)){$set = 1;}}
    foreach($element_value as $value){if($set){break;} recursive_array_check_blank($value);}
    if(!$set){$errors[] = "You cannot send a blank form";}
    // Display any errors and exit if errors exist.
    if(count($errors)){foreach($errors as $value){print "$value<br>";} exit;}
    if(!defined("PHP_EOL")){define("PHP_EOL", strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS,0,3) == "WIN") ? "\r\n" : "\n");}
    // Build message.
    function build_message($request_input){if(!isset($message_output)){$message_output ="";}if(!is_array($request_input)){$message_output = $request_input;}else{foreach($request_input as $key => $value){if(!empty($value)){if(!is_numeric($key)){$message_output .= str_replace("_"," ",ucfirst($key)).": ".build_message($value).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;}else{$message_output .= build_message($value).", ";}}}}return rtrim($message_output,", ");}
    $message = build_message($_REQUEST);
    $message = $message . PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL."-- ".PHP_EOL."";
    $message = stripslashes($message);
    $subject = "Order from MoSaleen.com";
    $headers = "From: " . $_REQUEST['email'];
            <h1>Thank You!</h1>
            <p><span style="font-weight: bold">Your order has been submitted.</span> <br />
                <br />
              Please make your PayPal payment to <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> for the required amount (see list below for a reminder on pricing). Once we receive your form AND payment we will confirm your order by email and include all shipping information. <span style="font-weight: bold">If additional information is required we will contact you by phone or email.</span></p>
            <p>If you have questions regarding your order or payment,  feel free to contact us at 417.825.1498.</p>
            <p><img src="images/line.jpg" alt="" width="590" height="10" class="clearFloat" /></p>
            <h1>Pricing List</h1>
            <p style="font-weight: bold"> Shipping is free on all orders!</p>
            <p>99-04 Saleen MoSaleen™ Idler Pulley System<br />
              Powder Coated with standard black pulley ($175.00)<br />
              Powder Coated with upgraded CNC aluminum anodized pulley ($225.00)<br />
              Ceramic Coated with standard black pulley ($190.00)<br />
              Ceramic Coated with upgraded CNC aluminum anodized pulley ($240.00)<br />
                <br />
              05-09 Saleen MoSaleen™ Idler Pulley System ($275.00)</p>
            <p> </p>
          <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></div>
          <div id="rightColumn">
            <div id="rightColumnContent">
               <h3>Saleen Performance Sites</h3>
       <li><a href="http://www.teamjdm.com"><img src="images/jdm.png" alt="JDM Engineering" width="200" height="94" /></a></li>
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    Valid <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">XHTML</a> | <a href="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a></div>
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  • ADF page breaks on refresh. XML parsing error

    Hi all,
    One of my jspx page breaks when the browser 'refresh' button is clicked.
    The error is the same but worded differently on different browsers.
    A snippet
    XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </link>.
    Location: https://xxxxx
    Line Number 85, Column 21:Chrome
    This page contains the following errors:
    error on line 85 at column 26: Opening and ending tag mismatch: link line 0 and head
    Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.I'm passing parameters to this page with setPropertyListener, but I do the same for my other pages, all of which do not crash on refresh.
    Click on some link on this page then use the browser 'Back' button will not cause this error. Only 'refresh' is not working.
    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

    Its close to impossible to guess without any information / code snippet.
    1. What is your JDev version?
    2. Which tag causes this issue? (What is there in Line Number 85, Column 21:?)
    3. Have you tried to simulate the same behavior in a simple application with only one page?

  • Error: parse error before '.' & number of arguments doesn't match

    Compiling my simple source code reports error error: parse error before '.' . But in fact there is not any "." token on this line.
    At my guess it has something to do with JNI C macros but I really have no idea how to find that bug
    // ##net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.h: line 55
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM_join2
      (JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring, jstring);
    // ##net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.c: line 306
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM_join2
      (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring s_addr, jstring g_addr) {
    // no code yet
    mingw32-gcc.exe -DWIN32 -Wall -c -IC:\java\JNI_headerFiles\jdk1.6.0/include -IC:\java\JNI_headerFiles\jdk1.6.0/include/win32 -shared src_c/net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.c -DNODEBUG
    src_c/net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.c:307: error: parse error before '.' token
    src_c/net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.c: In function `Java_net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM_join2':
    src_c/net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.c:307: error: number of arguments doesn't match prototype
    src_c/net_java_dev_jssm_MulticastSSM.h:56: error: prototype declaration
    make: *** [all] Error 1
    C compiler: mingw32-gcc.exe
    JNI: jdk1.6.0
    Any help would be really appreciated.

    Hi radone,
    I just read your posting and suddently got an idea why your compiler was complaining about the period. In most C environment, there is a definition
    #define s_addr S_un.S_addr
    in some socket-related header file! Now you know where the dot is coming from.

  • Parsing error : Element already declared

    I am facing problem while using namespace.
    In a prototype, while using xml and dtd I tried to use namespace in using parameter entity. Despite using namespace I am getting error element already declared.
    If I don't use parameter entity then the prototype works.
    In the following prototype, poNmSpace.xml makes use of poNmSpace.dtd which in turn makes use of xhtml.dtd
    I am trying to parse poNameSpace.xml using oracle parser and I am getting following error
    Am I doing something wrong ?
    ** Parsing error, line 19, uri file:/D:/Users/Anup/work/Event/xml/Oracle/sa
    Element 'title' already declared.
    .dtd<Line 19, Column 16>: XML-0131: (Error) Element 'title' already declare
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrorHandler(XMLError.java, C
    ompiled Code)
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLError.flushErrors(XMLError.java:216)
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.NonValidatingParser.parseDocument(NonValida
    at oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParser.parse(XMLParser.java:151)
    at Echo.main(Echo.java:58)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    <!-- A SAMPLE purchase order -->
    <!DOCTYPE purchaseorder SYSTEM "poNmSpace.dtd" [
    <!ENTITY ponumber "1">
    <!ENTITY copyright SYSTEM "copyright.xml">
    author="Anupam Vaval"
    <!-- Makes use of the dynamic entity &ponumber; and &copyright; from other XML file
    copyright.xml -->
    <title nsprefix:a1 = "v1"> This is sample title</title>
    <ref refno="&ponumber;"></ref>
    <message>purchase order &ponumber; generated</message>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    DTD for a simple "purchase order".
    <!-- Defines the %inline; declaration -->
    <!ENTITY % xhtml SYSTEM "xhtml.dtd">
    <!ELEMENT purchaseorder (title, ref, message*)>
    <!ATTLIST purchaseorder
    author CDATA "unknown"
    <!ELEMENT title (%inline)*>
    <!ATTLIST title nsprefix:a1 CDATA #IMPLIED>
    <!ELEMENT ref (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST ref
    refno CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT message (#PCDATA)>
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='us-ascii'?>
    This DTD does some of what the W3C is getting ready to do with its
    "XHTML" work (nee "Voyager"). It differs from the current WG draft
    because it uses namespaces correctly (!), and it isn't as complete
    even for HTML 3.2 support (much less 4.0) or, probably, correct.
    Note that what XHTML needs to do is become modular enough that XHTML
    can be used as a mixin with other document types, including either
    "the whole megillah" or just selected modules (e.g. omitting tables).
    That must work both ways ... other things as mixins to XHTML, and
    XHTML as a mixin to other things.
    <!ELEMENT html (head, body)>
    <!ATTLIST html
    xmlns CDATA #FIXED "http://www.example.com/xhtml"
    <!ELEMENT head (title,style*)>
    <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST title nsprefix:a2 CDATA #IMPLIED>
    <!ELEMENT style (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST style
    <!ENTITY % content "p|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|ul|ol|table|center">
    <!ENTITY % inline "#PCDATA|em|b|a|img|br">
    <!ELEMENT em (#PCDATA|a|b|img|br)*>
    <!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA|a|em|img|br)*>
    <!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA|b|em|img|br)*>
    <!ATTLIST a
    <!ELEMENT img EMPTY>
    <!ATTLIST img
    border CDATA #IMPLIED
    height CDATA #IMPLIED
    width CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT body (%content;)+>
    <!ATTLIST b ody
    bgcolor CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT p (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h1 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h2 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h3 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h4 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h5 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT h6 (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT ul (li+)>
    <!ELEMENT ol (li+)>
    <!ELEMENT li (%inline;)*>
    <!ELEMENT table (tr+)>
    <!ATTLIST table
    height CDATA #IMPLIED
    width CDATA #IMPLIED
    align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
    cellspacing CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT tr (td+)>
    <!ATTLIST tr
    align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
    valign (top|center|bottom|baseline) #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT td (%inline;|%content;)*>
    <!ATTLIST td
    height CDATA #IMPLIED
    width CDATA #IMPLIED
    align (left|center|right) #IMPLIED
    valign (top|center|bottom|baseline) #IMPLIED
    rowspan CDATA #IMPLIED
    colspan CDATA #IMPLIED
    <!ELEMENT center (%inline;|%content;)*>

    You'll probably get better answers for BPEL related questions if you post them on the BPEL forum here:

  • Unable to resolve a ejbc Parse error

    I am using a session bean, which has to execute time-consuming
    business logic in transaction boundary. Everytime the transaction is
    getting timed out. To eliminate this problem, I have added
    <trans-timeout-seconds> in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. Then i
    started getting ejbc parse error. I couldn't compile the file.
    The sml file and the error message are here:
    weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic
    6.0.0 EJB//EN'
    Error message:
    ERROR: Error parsing 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml' line 17:
    The co
    ntent of element type "weblogic-enterprise-bean" must match
    ERROR: ejbc found errors
    Request for urgent help in resolving this problem.
    Thanks in advance

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic
    6.0.0 EJB//EN'
    William Kemp wrote:
    The comma separated list of elements that can appear in the
    <weblogic-enterprise-bean> element defines a strict sequence. Optional elements
    (those followed by a ?), must appear in order if they are present when part of a
    comma separated list. So, <transaction-descriptor> before <jndi-name>.
    Rajeev S wrote:
    I am using a session bean, which has to execute time-consuming
    business logic in transaction boundary. Everytime the transaction is
    getting timed out. To eliminate this problem, I have added
    <trans-timeout-seconds> in the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file. Then i
    started getting ejbc parse error. I couldn't compile the file.
    The sml file and the error message are here:
    weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE weblogic-ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//BEA Systems, Inc.//DTD WebLogic
    6.0.0 EJB//EN'
    Error message:
    ERROR: Error parsing 'META-INF/weblogic-ejb-jar.xml' line 17:
    The co
    ntent of element type "weblogic-enterprise-bean" must match
    ERROR: ejbc found errors
    Request for urgent help in resolving this problem.
    Thanks in advance
    Rajesh Mirchandani
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

  • Help Me what is the "Parse Error: com.sun.xml.parser/P-067"?

    OS: Window 2000 (it will be changed HP-UX 11)
    Web Server: iPlanet 4.1 SP14
    DB Server : Oracle 8i
    JDK: 1.2.2_017
    Tag Library : jakarta-taglibs-dbtags-1.0.0 (http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/dbtags-doc/intro.html)
    DTD file: web-jsptaglib_1_1.dtd ( actually, jakarta used http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-jsptaglibrary_1_1.dtd, but that dosen't work in iPlanet 4.1 SP 14. so i changed the path of dtd location to web-jsptaglib_1_1.dtd like the following tld file.)
    How should I use Jakarta DB Tag Library in iPlanet 4.1 SP? I'm very tired to set all of thses stupid things!
    I can't use Tag Library in iPlanet 4.1 SP 14
    Any comments make me happy~!
    Please, help me~!
    &#9632; Error Message
    [15/3/2005:20:21:41] info ( 4552): Internal Info: loading servlet /test/jdbc5.jsp
    [15/3/2005:20:21:42] info ( 4552): JSP: JSP1x compiler threw exception
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to open taglibrary http://localhost/tlds/dbtags5.jar : Parse Error in the tag library descriptor: com.sun.xml.parser/P-067
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective(JspParseEventListener.java, Compiled Code)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.DelegatingListener.handleDirective(DelegatingListener.java:119)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(Parser.java, Compiled Code)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(Parser.java, Compiled Code)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(Parser.java:1022)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(Parser.java:1018)
         at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(Compiler.java, Compiled Code)
         at com.netscape.server.http.servlet.NSServletEntity.load(NSServletEntity.java:231)
         at com.netscape.server.http.servlet.NSServletEntity.update(NSServletEntity.java:149)
         at com.netscape.server.http.servlet.NSServletRunner.Service(NSServletRunner.java:453)
    &#9632; TLD File
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE taglib
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JSP Tag Library 1.2//EN"
    <!-- a tab library descriptor -->
    <!-- "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/jsptaglibrary_1_2.dtd" -->
              A simple db tab library for the examples

    Googling I get this....
    P-067 = Document root element is missing.

  • XML Parsing error: not well-formed (invalid token) (error code 4) --- Urgent Help Needed!

    Hi all, what im doing now is im trying to create a database connection my my MS SQL 2005 database. I created a data source and went to my Adobe Lifecycle Designer 7.1, i created a new data connection, selected OLEDB and created the connection string using the build function.
    Ok, now the problem is, after creating the new data connection and i click on the preview tab, i will receive the error stated above.
    'XML Parsing error: not well-formed (invalid token) (error code 4), line 444, column 1 of file'
    Does anyone know why am i receiving this error and how do i go about solving this?
    I need this database connection to pre-fill my form when the user downloads the form =(

    I have a vital form that clients fill out, which is passed to many people in the company along the workflow. The form is a Planner and we have in the following PDF, Word Doc..
    Well before, the Planner.pdf was originally created in Word, since most people have access to Word.. but evolved to a PDF form created from the Word Doc via Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0 w/ User Rights enabled so that the form could be filled out and saved using Adobe Reader.. which was a step better than Word.. being that it is free. But this needed to be easier and more to the point b/c some clients don't particularly like installing the latest version of Reader, even if you provide them the link. Nor do they like saving the form, filling the form, and attaching the form to send back.
    My goal is to have the client fill an HTML version of the form, submit and be done with it, but everyone in the workflow be able to easily receive the filled Planner as a PDF form.
    So some months ago I ran into this post Chris Trip, "Populate Livecycle PDF from mySQL database using PHP" #8, 22 Sep 2007 4:37 pm
    which uses the command line Win32 pdftk.exe to merge an FDF file into an existing PDF on the remote server, and serve this to whoever.
    My problem was with shared hosting and having the ability to use the Win32 pdftk.exe along with PHP which is predominantly used on Linux boxes. And we used a Linux box.
    so i created the following unorthodox method, which a client fills the HTML version of the Planner, all field values are INSERTED into a table in MySQL DB, I and all filled planners that have been filled by clients to date can be viewed from a repository page where an XML file is served up of the corresponding client, but someone would have to have Acrobat Professional, to import the form data from the XML file into a blank form.. altoughh this is simple for me.. I have the PHP file already created so that when a Planner is filled and client submits. >> the an email is sent to me with a table row from the repository of the client name, #, email, and a link to d-load the XML file,
    But I also have the PHP files created so that the Planner can be sent to by email to various people in the workflow with certain fileds ommitted they they do not need to see, but instead of the XML file beiong served up i need the filled PDF Planner to be served.
    I can do this locally with ease on a testing server, but I am currently trying to use another host that uses cross-platform compatibility so i can use PHP and the pdftk.exe to achieve this, as that is why I am having to serve up an XML file b/c we use a Linux server for our website, and cant execute the exe.
    Now that I am testing the other server (cross-platform host), just to use them to do the PDF handling (and it's only $5 per month) I am having problems with getting READ, WRITE, EXECUTE permissions..
    Si guess a good question to ask is can PHP do the same procedure as the pdftk.exe, and i can eleminate it.
    or how in the heck can i get this data from the DB into a blank PDF form, like i have described??
    here are some link to reference
    Populating a LiveCycle PDF with PHP and MySQL
    HTML form that passed data into a PDF
    http://www.mactech.com/articles/mactech/Vol.20/20.11/FillOnlinePDFFormsUsingHTML/index.htm l
    and an example

  • Parse error in xcode

    I've got the following in a simple h-file:
    struct NanoTimer
    unsigned long long int time_stamp;
    double history[NANOTIMER_NUMHISTORY];
    int first_time;
    void nano_init( NanoTimer * nt );
    Now, when i compile it in xcode (together with a bunch of other files), i get the error message "parse error before '*' token" for the line with the prototype.
    Does anyone have an idea?
    BTW: The header file gets included in a c-file.
    Thanks a lot in advance for any ideas / suggestions / etc.
    Best regards,

    This is a .c, not a .cpp file, correct? You are using C++ syntax. To be valid for C, you would have to do something like this:<pre>
    typedef struct
    unsigned long long int time_stamp;
    double history[NANOTIMER_NUMHISTORY];
    int first_time;
    } NanoTimer;</pre>
    or maybe use your existing structure and write:<pre>
    void nano_init(struct NanoTimer * nt);</pre>
    My advice is to just use C++ files and use C++ syntax. Your code will still be just as fast as C. You don't have to use new, delete, and virtual if you don't want to. If you have to link with other code that requires C, just use:<pre>extern "C"</pre>

  • Record group parse error in Forms 6.0

    during generating a form I get always the following
    error message:
    FRM-30064: Unable to parse statement icrgg/icrggc: hicrg.
    Record Group REC_TABLE_NAME
    Form: DEMO
    FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
    In the record group I reference a block item, which obviously
    causes this parse error.
    Server 8.0.5
    Many thanks for any hints!
    Wolfgang Gabriel

    Hello Noel
    sometimes If you use a rserved word in you form for
    fields/Items/Blocks naming it will be accepted in the
    Client/Server, but the same words will not be accepted in the web
    The only word that it may cause the problem in your select is
    the NAME
    Check this out it may or may not solve your problem
    Hope This helps
    Noel Alley (guest) wrote:
    : Wolfgang,
    : Do you have answer to this problem as yet, because I also have
    : the same problem. I do not get the error if I am generating
    : client/server, but after the form is being generated on the
    : server (Sun Solaris) for web deployment. For the info of
    : else who might be able to help, the record group select is
    : simple
    : select e.name
    : from employee e
    : where e.empid = :emp_block.empid
    : I have logged a TAR with Oracle, who say that they cannot
    : the problem. They are sending me the latest patch and I will
    : you know if the works
    : Noel
    : Wolfgang Gabriel (guest) wrote:
    : : Hallo,
    : : during generating a form I get always the following
    : : error message:
    : : ==========================================================
    : : FRM-30064: Unable to parse statement icrgg/icrggc: hicrg.
    : : Record Group REC_TABLE_NAME
    : : Form: DEMO
    : : FRM-30085: Unable to adjust form for output.
    : : ==========================================================
    : : In the record group I reference a block item, which obviously
    : : causes this parse error.
    : : Versions:
    : : Server 8.0.5
    : : Forms
    : : Many thanks for any hints!
    : : Greetings
    : : Wolfgang Gabriel

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