Elements 10 Organizer bleibt beim Katalog sichern beim Ermitteln der Größe bei 50% hängen.

Elements 10 Organizer bleibt beim Katalog sichern beim Ermitteln der Größe bei 50% hängen.
Um die Daten auf eine andere Festplatte zu tranferieren, möchte ich den Katalog sichern. Leider hängt das Programm beim Ermitteln der Größe bei 50%. Der Taskmanager zeigt dann 0% Aktivitäzt und auch mehrstündiges Warten hilft nicht. Man kann das Sicherung dann abbrechen und den Organizer ganz normal beenden.
Wer weiß Rat, wie ich all meine Daten auf die neue Umgebung retten kann?
Windows 7 64-Bit.

Ich habe glaube ich habe erst 15.000 Elemente oder so.
Mein Ansatz zum Teilen wäre duplizieren, also speichern unter anderem Namen oder Ort und anschließendem Löschen der entsprechenden Teile.
Sollte das Duplizieren aus dem Program heraus nicht gehen, wären ein Versuch evtl. den Katalog zu kopieren und zu reduzieren (evtl in C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Mein Katalog).
Warum sollte man sich denn Elements 11 kaufen, wenn das nicht mehr unterstützt wird.
Auf jeden Fall ist es für den A...., wenn man so viel Arbeit ins Archivieren und Taggen reinsteckt und das dann für die Katz ist!
Genauso ätzend finde ich es, dass NAS-Laufwerke nicht unterstützt werden. Das ist doch völlig anachronistisch!
Gruß und viel Erfolg!
P.S.: Habe gerade noch den Link gesehen. Alle Reparatur versuche, die angeboten werden im Menue hatte ich auch versucht.

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    Hi Anwesha,
    Thanks for your hint.
    I renamed both files but unfortunately the organizer crashed again.
    I could find the Organizer database under:
    C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\My Catalog\catalog.pse12db
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    wkr Norbert

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    Aktueller Katalog:
    Katalogname: Mein Katalog
    Speicherort des Katalogs: C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Elements Organizer\Catalogs\Mein Katalog\
    Größe des Katalogs: 50,7 MB
    Größe des Katalog-Cache: 283,6 MB
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    Message was edited by: um-photography

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    Grüße Zely

    U44.. update error http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1289956 may help
    -more U44.. discussion http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1275963

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    Jimmy RG
    In the Elements Organizer 13
    The key to all this is to click on/select/highlight the Album that you have created in Local Albums.
    Then make sure that the Sort By: (in the row below the highlighted "Media" header is set for Album Order.
    You should see a number at the top left of each of thumbnails.
    Then, click on the thumbnail that you want to move, hold down the click, and drag the thumbnail to the wanted new location
    in the line up of thumbnails.
    Often I had to press down hard on the drag.
    Please let us know if that worked for you.
    Also, in Edit Menu/Preferences/Keyword Tags and Albums/Enable Manual Sorting Options, I set all for manual.

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    Does anyone have any history with this or advice?

    Please refer to following KB article which deals with catalog conversion failures:-

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    I highlight the photos I want to share, go to Photo Mail, select the addressees and press "Next". I then get the error message: "Elements Organizer has stopped working" and I have to close the program down.
    This is obviously a bug in the program and needs fixing. Has anyone else encountered it and found a solution. (I might add that the same crash happens if I try to use the "Email attachments" function.)

    Are you running on a Windows system?
    If so, use the windows explorer to navigate to one of the following files according to your system.
    64bit system: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Elements 12 Organizer\PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe"
    32bit system: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Elements 12 Organizer\PhotoshopElementsOrganizer.exe"
      Right click on that file and select Run as Administrator then try your email again.
      You should only have to do this once.
      Good luck

  • How to open jpg, tiff files in camera raw from elements 10 organizer

    How to open JPG, TIFF files in camera raw from Elements 10 organizer.

    Thanks for that Damead, I agree with you that Organiser is real pain (there is a total lack of intuitiveness if that is  the correct word).
    For my own work I use 'Lightroom' for around 90% of the time, only going into PSE10 for the 10% difficult bits the Lightroom can't handle.
    I only needed to sort out the JPEG file opening method within PSE10 for some freinds in a small Photo Group that I run in Woodhall Spa, UK. 50% of the 12 members are beginners & a number of them do not have Raw capability on their Camera's, but now they can get their JPEG's into Camera Raw within PSE10 they have the same simple tabular form of adjustment sliders (not as many as in Lightroom of cause) but it gets over the labourious problem of going thru the PSE10's individual tool selection process each and every time since we are trying to get everyone in the Group working with individual Tools rather than the 'Auto' functions. We do this so that they learn what they are doing rather than staying 'dumb&happy' within Auto all the time & they also learn how to get more detailed control for each photo.
    Ref. your comments on file handling/usage, I agree with your comments. Its far and away much more preferable to set up a file structure in 'Finder" (or in 'Explorer' if still using Windows) that you understand so you always know how to find the files. Also, I also never ever use the Camera Auto Load programme but physically 'drag & drop' photo files direct from the 'card' into the file system so I always know thier place (ie: they go into the location I want, not that which the Auto Loader wants).
    As regards your comment about 'Lightroom', I don't have any problems at all since I just imported the whole of my photo file structure into the Lightroom Library Catalouge and then it automatically shows up on the LHS of the screen, still in that format, so you can search it direct within Lightroom and display all of the photo's in variuos arrangements and sizes; everything is as easy to find as it is in 'Finder' plus of cause you have all the 'Tagging' possibilities to use as well. As you add more new files into the 'Finder' structure, all you need to do in Lightroom is reimport, starting 1 level up from the new files and Lightroom will find the new files that need loading (ignoring the older ones already in the Library at that or lower levels) then 1 click and its done.
    Your comments about getting others to follow a set file structure is very pertinant and also applies to evrything else that one ever does apart from just photo work; the times I have had to help others find info/files etc on their PC's because they don' know the location of anything is too many to contemplate.

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