Elgato EYE TV recording export to FCE 4.0

Quick question ( maybe not so quick ). I know analog cable TV is interlaced. Does final cut require that video clips from a live TV recording ( from eyetv) be de-interlaced before editing and exporting ? I notice if I don't do this fast motion comes out to poor to watch. I get a strobing like effect.

Thanks for your answer,
I am still a bit confused, being a former Windows PC person editing with Sony Vegas 7.0. Final Cut is a bit different. Perhaps you could give me a few pointers. i want to record TV using Elgato Eyetv hybrid, export the recording into Final Cut Express, edit commercials out, add chapters export into iDVD and burn. When doing this with sporting events I get bad motion blurring making the DVd unwatchable. Any help with what the best settings are would be appreciated.
Thank You

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    As above really, not much more to add.
    My husbands late 2009 iMac recently upgraded to Yosemite (latest update installed yesterday) freezes while in sleep mode and has to be 'force shutdown' by holding power button down and then restarted to get it going again.  Recording is stopped.
    The Elgato Eye TV is a dual tuner with latest update. 
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    Hi Boaz,
    I´m facing exactly the same with my Mini which is remotely controlled by a MacBook via Screensharing. Everything works fine unless the Mini goes to sleep. After that I´m not able to wake it up by the MacBook and Wake on LAN (Wol). Even the share is not listed in Finder´s sidebar anymore. It simply doesn´t show up in the share sections anymore. When I log on to my router I can see, that MacMini is not active and I can send WoL package from the router. That brings the Mini back alive, although it still doesn´t show up in the Finder sidebar. When I connect to the Mini via Finder "Connect to share" and type in: vnc://ip-MacMini I can use screensharing again.......
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  • Export from FCE is different then the timeline

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    Thx for feedback

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    I have transferred the video into FCE and completed my project. I would now like to create a Blu-ray disc of equal quality to the raw video data. That's my goal anyway.
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    Export->Using Quick Time Conversion...;
    Format=MPEG-4; Options;
    File Format=MP4,
    Video Format = H.264,
    Data Rate = 17000 (kb/s),
    Image Size = 1920 x 1080 HD,
    Optimized for = CD/DVD-ROM,
    Frame Rate = 29.97,
    Key Frame = Automatic;
    Video Options,
    Restrict Profile to = Main,
    Encoding Mode = Best Quality
    Audio Format = AAC-LC(Music),
    Data Rate = 192 kb/s
    Channels = Stereo
    Output Sample Rate = 48 kHz,
    Encoding Quality = Best.
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    I then burned a Blu-ray disc on a LaCie d2 Blu-ray burner via Toast Titanium 10. The MPEG-4 file generated by FCE was about 800 MB, while the Blu-ray compatible file created by Toast was about 9.5GB (more believable). Also, looking at the file statistics in Finder, it says the Total bit rate is 1,949 . Any ideas as to why the size difference (compression differences)? Did FCE really output the MPEG-4 file at 1,949 Kb/s or KB/s? Bottom line, given the above, will I achieve my goal of maintaing original video quality given the above work path?

    Why don't you just export from FCE to QuickTime Movie (not QuickTime Conversion). That would give you a QT Movie in Apple Intermediate Codec at the full resolution of your video. You would import that file into Toast for burning. Toast will take care of the encoding burning to blu-ray.

  • Aspect ratio issues in iDVD with mov files exported from FCE

    Please help. I believe this is an iDVD bug. I have found some relevant discussion of it on online forums - but have not found a solution that works for me. I am looking for a workaround.
    My 4:3 movies, exported from FCE in QT-with-conversion formats (any 4:3 format) - appear in iDVD with gray side-pillars (as expected for 4:3) AND with a black line (letter-boxing) at top and bottom - as would be for 16:9. It appears the aspect ratio is also distorted i.e. 16:9. (The iDVD project is set to 4:3.)
    1- A 4:3 mov file exported from FCE using Quicktime Movie format (no conversion) does not have the problem, but I cannot de-interlace the video using this export mode.
    2) A 4:3 mov file exported using QT-with-conversion mode (any 4:3 format) DOES have the problem. I need to use this mode in order to get de-interlace.
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    I am, so far, left with this trade-off: Give up the de-interlacing, or live with the letter-boxing/ distortion. Neither is acceptable.
    I am looking for a workaround:
    1) A way to export de-interlaced 4:3 mov from FCE that shows in correct ratio in iDVD
    2) A way to "convert" / re-head mov file after exported so that it displays corrrectly (inverse-anamorphicize) so that iDVD reads it correctly
    3) Can the mov be de-interlaced after the fact (so I could use QT export without conversion)?
    4) Something besides iDVD to put this together - that doesn't have this problem? (I like and want to use the iDVD menu/theme.)
    5) Other?????
    I also notice that all the QT-with-conversion mov files are 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the QT-only mov file, which is valuable and preferable to me. (I don't see any quality difference in the display...)

    In the Preview window > top frame > middle button
    do you have correct for pixel aspect ratio checked or not?

  • Export in fce looks strange

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    Thanks Thomas

    What export function are you using? See what happens if you make the Canvas 100%.

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    My early 2009 macmini can run Mac OS 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 & 10.8

    Yes, run one from HDMI and the other from Thunderbolt/minidisplayport sockets. In EyeTV Preferences check the screen you want for full screen use and make sure your Dock is on the other one.

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    What have I missed?
    I've tried trashing the preferences: is this a cmplete uninstall,reinstall job?
    Macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    ... have realised i was exporting onto an external mac drive. It does appear to be exporting onto the internal mac drive.
    Presume this is similar problem to the one further down the listing ...

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    Also, note since you are running 10.6, it can't be on a PPC Mac.  10.6 only runs on Intel Macs.

  • Elgato Eye TV 250 makes iMac "pop"?!

    Just hooked up Elgato Eye TV 250 a few days ago to my new (Christmas) 24" iMac which has worked flawlessly from day one. I now notice that whenever the Eye TV application is open, every so often I hear a single pop come through my iMac. I haven't timed it, but I'm guessing it happens maybe twice every half hour (?). I am using a pair of external speakers (Altec Lansing) that work without any problems. I can't really tell if the pop comes from the speakers or from the computer itself. It's not a huge deal--a little annoying perhaps--but just thought I'd see if anyone knew what this was or, more importantly, if it could be doing any kind of damage?

    I've been using my eyeTV with my iMac 24" for just about a year with Comcast digital cable. I am able to view HD (16:9) content on those channels that are not scrambled. Today, I added a Direct TV STB (not HD) and I'm able to view razor sharp digital 4:3 as my STB is not HD capable. I don't have a HD box handy, but I would suspect that if you have one, you should be able to view the D*TV HD programming including movies. I know someone who also has the D*TV HD bundle and he routes his composite video out to a Samsung DVD Player/Burner. He can create movie DVDs in 16:9 "HD" using this setup. His TV is connected via HDMI from the DVD player so he can watch those movies in real time as well.
    My only question right now is that while I can see the D*TV Guide on my mac's screen... when I switch channels with the mouse, it shows the change... but remains on the previous channel. So I have to use the D*TV remote to switch channels... a real PITA.

  • Custom Item in Syndicator: count of record exported

    Hi all,
    I'm new in MDM and I have many doubt.
    One is about the possibility of add a custom item in syndicator contaning the number of the record exported.
    It's possible?
    Any suggestion?
    thanks in advantage.

    Hi Enzo,
    Custom Item in MDM Syndicator are used for the follwing reasons:
    1.To include Source fields from the current table.
    2. To include Source attributes from the connected repository.
    3.To include Remote keys from the current table and its subtables.
    4. To include Raw text entered directly into the custom item.
    5.To include Repository name from which the syndicated data originated.
    6.To include Date and time of the syndication.
    For more information u can visit the link:
    What i understood from ur question is that u want to add a custom field containing the number of records to be syndicated?
    U can control the number for record u want to syndicate by applying the appropriate search criteria.
    If u have any more queries feel free to revert back.
    Hope i've tried to answer ur question.
    Seema Rane.
    PS: Pls give points to helpful answer.

  • Exporting from FCE to iDVD

    No matter what I do iDVD 09 quits with a "iDVD unexpectedly quit . . " message after exporting from FCE.
    The movie has 12 chapters and includes chapter markers.
    I have tried to rename file, repair permissions, delete plist prefs, save as disk image, have plenty of hard disk space but all with same result.
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Michel,
    Here is what I did (and settings)
    FCE 4.0.1
    Mac OS X 10.5.8
    QuickTime Player 7.6.2 (518)
    Format: .mov
    No Itunes purchased. Just converted one or 2 mp3s to .aiff format
    Export settings from FCE:
    Export: as Quicktime Movie
    Include: Audio and Video
    Markers: Chapter Markers
    Make Movie self-contained: unchecked
    All media stored on external hard drive but when I burn DVD I bring .mov file
    onto my desktop.
    Using standard DVD R disks from Staples

  • Exporting From FCE to IDVD With Chapters How long

    Exporting From FCE to IDVD With Chapters How long will the DVD hold??? if i have an hour and 40 minutes of HD footage all cut together with FCE and has been saved as a movie file, how many hours will IDVD let me burn to it?
    if i run over the allowed amount will it say i need to drop quality, i am editing loads at the moment and dont want to get to the end and it come up with an error message. also will idvd include the chapter markers if i export with them?

    Sure, no problem.
    1. Go to Project > Project Info in iDVD.
    2. Make sure "DVD Type" is set to a single-layer DVD.
    3. Under "Encoding," choose "Best Performance." Is the arrow solidly in the green portion of the quality bar? If so, go ahead and burn your disc.
    4. If not, choose "High Quality." Again, go ahead and burn your disc if the arrow is solidly in the green.
    3. If the arrow still isn't in the green, select Professional Quality. If the arrow's in the green, burn your disc. If not, you'll have to delete some of the menus (scene selection, etc.) or menu content and check again. You should be able to burn up to 2 hours if you don't have a lot of other menu content.

  • Quality problem exporting from FCE

    i have a quality problem exporting from FCE. I have finalized a 30 minute movie and want to send it to friends on DVD or CD-ROM. when i use "export as quicktime movie" the file has 6.5 GB and won't fit on a DVD-ROM. when i use "export with quicktime conversion" and choose quicktime movie with H.264 compression and highest quality the movie goes down to 4.2GB. Now it would fit on a DVD-ROM, but the quality is not good. The picture looks blurred and i see some type of interlace-effect.
    which type of export format do i have to choose to avoid the interlace and blurred pictures? is there a magic format that does not cost that much quality and reduces the movie by 30-40%? or would a video DVD work better? how do i create a DVD? with iDVD?
    thanks for your help!

    or would a video DVD work better? how do i create a DVD? with iDVD?
    That's what Id do.
    Export as QuickTime Movie (reference file is OK) and drop the export to iDVD.
    You will get 1 hour of FCE Timeline on a single sided disc using Best Performance (iDVD setting).
    Two hours using Best Quality (iDVD setting)

  • Exporting From FCE 4 to Quicktime in HD

    Whenever I try and export my finshed HD project from FCE 4 to Quicktime, it exports fine but is no longer in HD. Its quality degrades by quite a bit.
    How can I export from FCE 4 to Quicktime and keep its HD quality?
    thanks, will

    What is your sequence format?
    Do you export a +quicktime movie self contained+ or export +with quicktime conversion+?
    What settings (video codec, frame size, bit rate) do you use in the second option?
    How do you monitor your exported movie (on your mac, SD TV set, HD TV set, apple TV, DVD, blur-ray, SD DVD)?
    Michel Boissonneault

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