Email attachment in cl_document_bcs

Hi Folks!
TYPES:  BEGIN OF ty_final_tab,
            guid_lclic    TYPE /sapsll/lclic-guid_lclic,
            lgreg         TYPE /sapsll/lclic-lgreg,
            lgreg_t       TYPE /sapsll/t606gt-text1, "legal text
            licty         TYPE /sapsll/lclic-licty,
            licty_t   TYPE /sapsll/t606t-text1, "licence tex
            exlic         TYPE /sapsll/lclic-exlic,
            guid_lclicv   TYPE /sapsll/lclicv-guid_lclicv,
            amnt_flt      TYPE /sapsll/lclicv-amnt_flt,
            amnt_flt_wval TYPE /sapsll/lclicv-amnt_flt,
            END OF ty_final_tab.
DATA: gt_final_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_final_tab,
         wa_final_tab TYPE ty_final_tab.
How to pass itab gt_final_tab in cl_document_bcs class as an attachment ??

DATA: send_request TYPE REF TO cl_bcs.
DATA: text TYPE bcsy_text.
DATA: att_text TYPE bcsy_text.
DATA: document TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs.
DATA: sender TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs.
DATA: recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs.
DATA: bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
DATA: sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
DATA: lwa_receivers TYPE adr6.
lwa_receivers-smtp_addr = 'email1'.
APPEND lwa_receivers TO lit_receivers.
lwa_receivers-smtp_addr = ' email2'.
APPEND lwa_receivers TO lit_receivers.
create persistent send request
send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
create and set document with attachment
create document from internal table with text
APPEND p_it_error_records TO text.
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
i_type = 'RAW'
i_text = text
i_length = '12'
i_subject = 'test mail' ).
add attachment to document
APPEND p_it_error_records TO text .
CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
i_attachment_type = 'RAW'
i_attachment_subject = 'My attachment'
i_attachment_size = '21'
i_att_content_text = text.
add document to send request
CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).
LOOP AT lit_receivers INTO lwa_receivers .
recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( lwa_receivers-smtp_addr
add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient
i_recipient = recipient
i_express = 'X'.
try to use like this

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  • Sending PDF forms (created using SFP) as Email Attachment

         I have created bunch of ADOBE forms using SFP. They are not interactive forms. created using ADOBE Live cycle designer.
    I have the Function module and by executing I can view the PDF form in print preview mode. But I have to save this in backend and attach to email.
    I have a program that have to send one of the forms created in SFP as email attachment to outside SAP.
    Please advice how to achieve this.

    Hi ,
    Please find below a code sample for your requirement
    *& Report  ZENVOI_PDF_MAIL
    REPORT  zenvoi_pdf_mail MESSAGE-ID ad.
    TYPE-POOLS : abap .
    DATA : data_for_update TYPE zdemopdf ,
           hexa            TYPE solix_tab.
    DATA : fm_name   TYPE funcname ,
           param     TYPE sfpoutputparams,
           doc_param TYPE sfpdocparams ,
           output    TYPE fpformoutput .
    param-nodialog = abap_true. " suppress printer dialog popup
    param-getpdf = abap_true.
    doc_param-langu = sy-langu.
    doc_param-country = 'FR'.
    doc_param-fillable = abap_true.
    doc_param-dynamic = abap_true.
        i_name     = 'ZDEMO_PDF'
        e_funcname = fm_name.
        ie_outputparams = param
        cancel          = 1
        usage_error     = 2
        system_error    = 3
        internal_error  = 4.
    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
    CALL FUNCTION fm_name
        /1bcdwb/docparams  = doc_param
        data_for_update    = data_for_update
        /1bcdwb/formoutput = output
        usage_error        = 1
        system_error       = 2
        internal_error     = 3.
        usage_error    = 1
        system_error   = 2
        internal_error = 3
        OTHERS         = 4.
        buffer     = output-pdf "PDF file from function module
        binary_tab = hexa.
    * Envoi du mail
    DATA: send_request       TYPE REF TO cl_bcs.
    DATA: document           TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs.
    *DATA: sender             TYPE REF TO cl_sapuser_bcs.
    data: sender            TYPE REF TO if_sender_bcs.
    DATA: recipient          TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs.
    DATA: l_mailtext TYPE soli_tab.
    DATA: iaddsmtp   TYPE TABLE OF bapiadsmtp.
    DATA: ireturn    TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2.
    DATA: mail_line  LIKE LINE OF l_mailtext.
    DATA: bapiadsmtp         TYPE bapiadsmtp.
    DATA: subject    TYPE so_obj_des.
    DATA : att_subject TYPE so_obj_des.
    DATA : w_except TYPE REF TO cx_root .
    CONSTANTS : c_defmail TYPE ad_smtpadr VALUE
                     '[email protected]' .
    FIELD-SYMBOLS : <smtp> TYPE bapiadsmtp.
    *Set subject of the mail
    subject = 'Exemple de PDF interactif'.
    * Set text of the mail
    mail_line = 'Merci de remplir le formulaire et nous le retourner'.
    APPEND mail_line TO l_mailtext .
    att_subject = 'Template du PDF'.
    * Create persistent send request
        send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    * Get sender object
        sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
    *    sender =
    *      cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( '[email protected]' ) .
    * Add sender
        CALL METHOD send_request->set_sender
            i_sender = sender.
    * Read the E-Mail address for the user
    *      EXPORTING
    *        username = sy-uname
    *      TABLES
    *        return   = ireturn
    *        addsmtp  = iaddsmtp.
    *    LOOP AT iaddsmtp ASSIGNING <smtp> WHERE std_no = 'X'.
    *      CLEAR bapiadsmtp.
    *      MOVE <smtp> TO bapiadsmtp.
    *    ENDLOOP.
    *    CASE bapiadsmtp-e_mail.
    *      WHEN space.
            recipient =
         cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( c_defmail ).
    *      WHEN OTHERS.
    *        recipient =
    *     cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( bapiadsmtp-e_mail ).
    *    ENDCASE.
    * Add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
        CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient
            i_recipient  = recipient
            i_express    = 'X'
            i_copy       = space
            i_blind_copy = space
            i_no_forward = space.
    * Set that you don't need a Return Status E-mail
        CALL METHOD send_request->set_status_attributes
            i_requested_status = 'E'
            i_status_mail      = 'E'.
    * set send immediately flag
        send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
    *Build Document
        document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                            i_type    = 'RAW'
                            i_text    = l_mailtext
                            i_subject = subject ).
    *     add attachment to document
        CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
            i_attachment_type    = 'PDF'
            i_attachment_subject = att_subject
            i_att_content_hex    = hexa.
    * Add document to send request
        CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).
    * Send document
        CALL METHOD send_request->send( ).
        COMMIT WORK.
      CATCH cx_send_req_bcs INTO w_except.
      CATCH cx_address_bcs INTO w_except.
      CATCH cx_document_bcs INTO w_except.
    Hope this help you .
    Best regards

  • Problem with pdf as email attachment

    Hi All,
    when i am opening the pdf file(email attachment), getting the error  "file type not support or content conversion....."
    the peice of code is as followed...
    IF p_email = 'X'.
            rqident = mi_rqident   (spool number)
            buffer  = l_contents.  
        IF l_contents IS NOT INITIAL.
              ip_solitab  = l_contents
              ep_solixtab = contents_hex.
    Create the send request
              l_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    Create the main document
              l_doc = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                     i_type = 'RAW'
                     i_text = l_text
                     i_subject = p_sub ).
    Add attachment to document
              l_doc->add_attachment( i_attachment_type = 'PDF'
                                     i_attachment_subject = p_doc
                                  i_att_content_text = contents_text ).
                                   i_att_content_hex = contents_hex ).
    Add document to send request
              l_send_request->set_document( l_doc ).
    Add recipients to send request
              l_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
                           p_email1-low ).
              l_send_request->add_recipient( i_recipient = l_recipient ).
    Send email
              l_sent_all = l_send_request->send( ).
    and other way also i tried, please let me know the solution.
    thanks in advance

    try this code ..
    For mailing(converting data to char 255)
        IF ch2 EQ 'X'.
          DATA sub TYPE string.
              t_source_tab         = i_tline
              t_target_tab         = so_ali[]
              convert_not_possible = 1
              OTHERS               = 2.
    Mail Contents
          refresh objtxt[].
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'Dear Sir/Madam,'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          CLEAR : sub.
          CONCATENATE 'Sub: Dispatch Details - Invoice Number :' invno '.' INTO sub SEPARATED BY space.
          objtxt = sub.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'We have dispatched the subject consignment from our factory, and'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'enclose the Invoice(pdf file) for your kind reference.'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'Note: Please cover insurance on all risks in case INCO TERMS as "EXW, FCA, FOB, CFR"'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'in the subject consignment.'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'For Delivery Management - International,'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'Pricol Limited,'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = 'Coimbatore. India.'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
    Determining the Email Ids of Mail Receivers
          PERFORM fetch_mailids.
          objtxt = 'Copy to :'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          LOOP AT reclist.
            objtxt = reclist-receiver.
            APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = '<This is system generated message>.'.
          APPEND objtxt.
          objtxt = space.
          APPEND objtxt.
    Mail Body of message over.
          DESCRIBE TABLE objtxt[] LINES v_lines_txt.
          CONCATENATE 'Inv.' invno INTO sub SEPARATED BY space.
          doc_chng-obj_name = sub.
          doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
    Mail Subject
          refresh objpack[].
          CONCATENATE 'Pricol Dispatch - Invoice' invno '- Reg.' INTO sub SEPARATED BY space.
          doc_chng-obj_descr = sub.
          doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'.
          doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
          objpack-transf_bin = ' '.
          objpack-head_start = 1.
          objpack-head_num = 0.
          objpack-body_start = 1.
          objpack-body_num = v_lines_txt.
          objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
          APPEND objpack.
    *PDF Attachment
          DESCRIBE TABLE so_ali[] LINES lineno.
          objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
          objpack-head_start = 1.
          objpack-head_num = 1.
          objpack-body_start = 1.
          objpack-doc_size = lineno * 255 .
          objpack-body_num = lineno.
          objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
          objpack-obj_name = 'INVOICE'.
          objpack-obj_descr = 'Invoice'.
          objpack-obj_langu = 'E'.
          APPEND objpack.
          document_data = doc_chng
          put_in_outbox = 'X'
          commit_work = 'X'
          packing_list = objpack
          contents_txt = objtxt[]
          contents_bin = so_ali[]
    *contents_hex = so_ali[]
          receivers = reclist[]
          too_many_receivers = 1
          document_not_sent = 2
          document_type_not_exist = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error = 5
          x_error = 6
          enqueue_error = 7
          OTHERS = 8.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            PERFORM mail.
            MESSAGE 'Mail sent successfully' TYPE 'S'.

  • I have files that have been on my computer for over a year and all of a sudden they wont open and an error message comes up saying they were improperly downloaded or came in an email attach which is not the case

    I have files that have been on my computer for over a year and I have used them several times and all of a sudden they wont open.  I received an error message saying they are improperly downloaded or came as an email attachement which is not the case.  Please advise

    They seem to be word files - they will open if I choose "open with" microsoft word, but if I double click they don't open they are appearing as PDF on my screen.  I even opened one and then tried to "save as" making sure I chose .doc and they still appear as PDF
    I just created a new document response.doc in word and when I saved to my desktop it appears as a PDF file and I absolutely did not create a PDF or save as PDF it was a simple word
    The message says "Adobe reader could not open response.doc because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example attached in an email and not properly decoded)
    The reader version is I believe the most current, I always update when prompted.  OS is Windows 8

  • Email attachment name in sender mail adapter to the receiver file adapter

    HI ,
    Ths is regarding email to file scenario. I am trying to create file (in rceiver file adapter) with the same name as the email attachment that i read from mail sender adapter. I want ro use adapter module for this. I could find from blogs that there is module - GetAttachmentName - available that i can use for this in sender mail adapter.
    Can you please let me know what whetehr i neeed to mention any module key and parameters for this.
    I assume , i need to do following steps :Please confirm.
    1. i can use this module - after payload swap module and before standard mail adapter module in sender mail adapter
    2. select ASMA option in advanced tab in sender mail adapter
    3. In receiver file adapter select ASMA option in advanced tab in sender mail adapter
    4. Also select file name option in ASMA in sender mail adapter

    Hi Vamsi,
    your scenario is also described here: Re: sender mail adapter - attachment name
    If you use the Module getAttachmentName, which is described here,
    your scenario should work as you described it.
    You just need to make sure that the Attachment Name that you read in the first place, is mapped to the Filename Attribute of the
    Fileadapter (

  • I bought an iphone 4 from my friend and he do not know his apple ID and we are trying to know the email attached to is apple ID so we can rest it cause he forgot them as well and the reset button in the 2 steps always says that the email is always sent !

    i bought an iphone 4 from my friend and he do not know his apple ID and we are trying to know the email attached to is apple ID so we can rest it cause he forgot them as well and the reset button in the 2 steps always says that the email is always sent ! ( even if you wrote a worng ID like ( asdasdasd ) it will say sent !! how come and now am trying to know or need a hint on that email so my freind could try to remember it !
    to those who will think that this phone is stolen , no its not and i would love to go to apple store if there is 1 in jordan so they can help us ,
    i have everything with this iphone the box the catalog its serial number , everything but the ID and the (and apple ID is everything as you know)
    so please if anyone have any suggestion to help me , and even apple it self if the can help me to get a support from them cause i tried everything to contact them by mail or any other option since as i said there is no apple store in jordan

    he knows his ID , if he did all whats in the link he can get his password back ?
    how can i make him call applecare ? is there a way to speak to them from jordan ??
    i have been trying to reach any1 in apple so they can communicate and help my friend (us) to make him remember it .
    am not asking for the password or trying to get into the phone without using it , and i can take my money back though i need to help my friend as well since now he cant use it as well.
    thanks kil

  • HT5275 When I download an attachment, it doesn't open in a new window.  It goes to my finder, but I must click on an email attachment at least 3 times in order to find it there.  Is there a way to change the preferences to simply open attachment in a new

    When I download an attachment, it doesn't open in a new window.  It goes to my finder, but I must click on an email attachment at least 3 times in order to find it there.  Is there a way to change the preferences to simply open attachment in a new window? wrote:
    A rather long winded way of asking if anybody knows if it's possible to have multi-windows open
    It's not possible.
    Suggestions here -> Apple Product feedback

  • I have an email attachment that I would like to be able to access when NOTconnected.  I found one suggestion that I should open the attachemtn iniBooks and save it there.  Unfortunately, I have no idea how to do that.

    I am trying to store an email attachment (an Excel spreadsheet) somewhere on my iPhone 5 to be able to access it easily in the future.  I do not need the ability to work on it, just to access it, although it would be convenient if i could load updated versions over it on a regular basis.  The spreadsheet was created in Excel on a laptop with Win 7.  I read one posting that said I should save the document to iBooks and then could open it whenever I wanted.  The same posting refered to something in the upper right corner of the attachment that enabled me to save it to iBooks.  Unfortunately, there is no such option showing when I looked at the file, which I did email to myself.  I was able to open the attachment, but can't get beyond this point.  My tech ability doesn't go much beyond being able to power up my phone, so I need a really simple solution, if one exists.

    First of all, Excel file can't save to iBook.  (iBook only can view PDF files). That's why you don't see it in "open in" options.  In order for you to save excel, you will need a third party app like Numbers, Office2.  There are a few free apps that can use to view.  I used Office2 from Byte2, because I can not only store and view later, I can do some edit too.  Especially when you want to edit a few numbers and re send them to my office or clients will be very useful for me. 

  • Mac won't open some files MasterPlan.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).

    I had this problem of not being able to open some files a couple of years ago and eventually was able to fix it but i can't remember how. Any help would be grateful.

    The following document should help: Error: Adobe Reader could not open '*.pdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and was not correctly decoded.)
    Please update this thread if your issue is resolved.

  • Email attachment in PDF problem with Images

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to solve the problem with Email attachment in PDF. If i remove the logo of the client in the Smartform i am getting the Email attachment fine but when i put back the image in the smartform the PDF is giving error and not opening the attachment.

    Hi All,
    Can any one tell me how to solve the problem with Email attachment in PDF. If i remove the logo of the client in the Smartform i am getting the Email attachment fine but when i put back the image in the smartform the PDF is giving error and not opening the attachment.

  • How to convert a workbook into PDF and broadcast as Email attachment

    Hello Gurus,
    i have installed the ADS (Adobe Document services). I would like to broadcast workbooks as a pdf file to some user.
    When i open the workbook and go to Broadcast --> Setup a broadcast setting for this workbook. The distribution type is
    Broadcast E-mail; Broadcast E-mail (Bursting); Broadcast Portal; Broadcast Multichannel and Output Format only MS Workbook and Link to current Data. Here i miss the possibility as PDF.
    Where can i set up that the workbook should be broadcast as PDF.
    Any help appreciated.
    Thanks and kind rgerads,

    Thanks all for your answers,
    i also read that with changing the format in Report designer then broadcasting via PDF. Is there no possibility for PDFs for MS Excel Workbooks? How does it work when opening the query in Report designer? What do i have to do there but it is no solution for us because in the workbooks we use GET BEX DATA formulas and just show parts of the analyisis grid. I need a proper solution how to use broadcaster converting workbooks into PDF an send them as email attachment

  • I bought an ebook but when I  try to download it I receive a message stating 'Adobe reader could not open .....acsm because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wa

    Can anyone assist me? I keep receiving this message when I download my ebook ''Adobe reader could not open .....acsm because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't decoded).'
    Much appreciated

    I think you should ask in the Digital Editions forum, Adobe Digital Editions

  • Deleted the email attached to old Apple Acc & forget password. Still registered to my iPod? How do I use a new Apple ID in App Store for my iPod?

    I have deleted the email address attached to my Apple ID. I know what the email address is but it is non-existant. I thought I remembered the password but apparently it is incorrect? When I go to the App Store on my iPod and click my account to try and sign out. It does nothing and the button is faded out. When I try to download a free app it asks for the password for the old account with a deleted email attached to it. How do I sign out of this account on my iPod so I can sign in to another Apple ID to download apps?

    - Go to settings>Store and sign out and sign into another account.
    - Apps are locked to the account that purchased them.
    - To update apps you have to sign into the account that purchased the apps. If you have apps that need updating purchased from more than one account you have to update them one at a time until the remaining apps were purchased from one account.
    Try recovering access to your account by using the secret question methosd
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.
    I no longer have an email address that was also my Apple ID. Can I still use the email address as my Apple ID?
    Apple recommends you change your Apple ID to your current, working email address. This will not create another Apple ID, it will only change it to your working email address. See Changing the name you use for your Apple ID if you'd like more information.

  • How to set up link on icon to forward PDF file as email attachment

    I need urgent help.
    I know this used to work but cant find it in Acrobat XI.
    We created a file for a client, on the last page is a twitter, facebook and linkedIn icon which are set as links in Indesign to forward to the matching social network. Works fine when I created PDF with Hyperlinks.
    We also set up an envelope symbol which shall get, now where it is set up as PDF,  a link, so the PDF itself can get forwarded as a email attachment.
    I can not find this function on a MAC nor on PC Acrobat XI.
    Hope you can help, much appreciated!!!!

    Have a look at this thread:
    where there is a script for submitting the PDF by email.

  • Acrobat XI email attachment does not appear to work with Outlook 2013 64 bit

    When attempting to send email from Acrobat, the following Microsoft Office Outlook 2013 64 bit error message is received: 
    "Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request.  Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default email client."
    Naturally, Outlook was set as default client and then reset for good measure.  I did both Outlook and Acrobat repairs and have the latest 11.0.2 installed.  All other internal Office 2013 email applications work as well as seemingly all other embedded Acrobat funcitions with Office 2013 work well.  Office 2010 64 bit and Acrobat X worked fine.  I upgraded to Office 2013 64 bit and had the problem with Acrobat X.  I then upgraded to Acrobat XI and the issue remained.
    Most importantly, I intalled Office 2013 64 bit on my laptop with Acrobat X.  An the email attachment function works perfectly. 
    So, is there some sort of corrupt MAPI file that I have to overwrite on my desktop that the Ofice and Acrobat repair functions do not fix?

    I am sorry.  In my haste, not only did I attach the link the wrong way, but I also did not specify which solution worked.  My problem was a Click to Run issue.  The portion of the thread that deals with the problem is:
    "HurdleRemove replied on May 16, 2013
    I created a solution for this problem for 64 bit Windows 8 where Outlook 2013 was installed as Click-To-Run.......
    ......A  registry edit will fix the problem with Outlook 2013 click to run  installations and enable Outlook to be set as the default mail client.  This registry edit will for many third party programs eliminate the error "Either  there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot  fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it  as the default mail client." It  worked to resolve the problem where Adobe Acrobat was generating this  error.
    The registry edit is here for Office  2013 64 bit click to run installations that will enable Outlook 2013 to  be recognized by third party applications:
    1. Create registry key:
    2. Create String value:
    3. Set the String value for Bitness to:
    This registry edit is an essential element  necessary to resolve the click to run problem that prevents Outlook 2013  from being set as the default mail client. Although it worked with  Adobe Acrobat, it will not completely resolve the  problem for some third party applications like Kerio Outlook Connecter  where the software developer has a web site that includes extra steps  necessary for a full resolution for the Kerio product. The Kerio web  site includes this registry edit in the context  of resolving the Office 365 problem. However, the registry edit works  with Office 2013 desktop as well. A similar register edit could likely  be made for 32 bit versions but the registry path would not include Wow6432Node. I do not have a 32 bit machine and cannot test a 32 bit solution."

Maybe you are looking for