Email Delete confirmation similar to 9900 question?

The Delete confirmation in the hub doesn’t appear to give me the option to change it so delete on device and desktop is first in the order and no way to hit the enter key. I have to select before hitting enter. I don’t assume there is any way to change the order to make it similar to 9900? It also appears with the prompt keyboard actions are not enough and I have to touch the screen to delete.

seventy one,
I have an Ipod Touch with the latest OS update and the only reason I wanted to change my email address is so when Apple or Itunes sends me an email, I can get it and read it on my PC with Windows 8
I will look into lgnbrewers suggestion.  I found so many posts in the communities, it seems like it is almost impossible to change or delete your email address. I hope not. Maybe it will be just easier to create another id if they let me
Thanks guys

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