Email reply indication not syncing with Exchange

When I reply to an email in outlook, the icon beside the email is marked with an arrow showing that I replied but this information is not sent to the iPhone using active sync. When I reply to an email using the iPhone, an arrow is placed beside email on the iPhone display but this information is not sent to the Exchange server using active sync. Does anyone know how to make this sync properly so that I can tell which emails I have responded to?

Yeah I wish flags would synchronize between the iPhone and the Exchange server. This would be a very useful feature.

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    Hello whereizben,
    I see you have posted same post in another thread.  I have already replied to that posting with a solution.  Please see the following link for my reply:
    Re: Calendar will not sync with Exchange Server
    Thanks, again, for posting!

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    Please fix this,
    Message was edited by: guido4096. Added error message

    Hi all,
    I do have exactly the same problem.
    But I am adding a new flavor, but I can not understand it.
    I've setup two Exchange calender connections. Both servers are inhouse. The setup of the Exchange servers are most likely the same.
    But one works and one not! How could this be explained?
    I like to express my deep disappointment about iCal and partly Apple Mail. It is unbelievable for me, that years after Apple's cooperation with Microsoft there are still such problems.
    I like my Macbooks and I certainly have the absolutely full bandwidth of all Apple products in my household and companies. But I think I have to go back to Microsoft and Sony Laptops in the near future.
    Although this kind of bugs are small one's, but the hurt constantly. Apple - please fix that.
    Here just for the interested reader is my console error message:
    3/15/12 11:51:29.819 AM iCal:  error = Error Domain=CalExchangeErrorDomain Code=-11 "iCal can’t refresh events in the calendar “Kalender”." UserInfo=0x7f856d4bddb0 {CalFailedOperationKey=<CalExchangeSyncFolderItemsOperation: 0x7f856c5ca060>, NSLocalizedDescription=iCal can’t refresh events in the calendar “Kalender”., NSLocalizedFailureReason=The account "DR InfoDyn" currently can’t be refreshed.}

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    Gapam wrote:
    I guess I'm screwed.  My Razr HD calendar won't sync with Google - apparently all my events were on the phone calendar and not Googe calendar.  After following prior posts, I cleared the data on my phone's calendar - now my events are gone and I don't know when my next appointments are.  Any way to retrieve that data?  Any way to sync the two calendars - or to make sure the darn appointments are placed on the Google calendar and not the stupid phone calendar?
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    Hi All
    Just to add my solution in here. I was gaving the issue where all of my mail had synchronised, and all of my ical and all of addressbook. However, my sent mail folder was not syncing, and worse still, no new sent mail was being saved off in sent mail.
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    1. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
    2. Does anyone have a potential solution?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hey everyone, thanks to this thread, we now have a solution. Or at least it worked for me.
    Clear Calendar Cache:
    1. Go to system preferences and open internet accounts. Selected the Exchange account and turn off calendar.
    2. Close iCal and any other calendar application you might have running
    3. In Finder, go to HD/Users/User Name/Library/Calendars and delete the Calendar Cache files (may need to empty Recycle Bin)
    4. Restart iCal, which will rebuild the caches
    5. Turn on your Exchange calendar

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    You know, yesterday I deleted the entire Exchange account, rebooted, added it -- nothing...  then I deleted it again, rebooted again, etc... after about the 3rd time of doing this and allowing the Internet Accounts to automatically discover the account, it started working again.
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    So much for quality. They had a whole 18 months not to add features, but just to fix all that is broken. And this is the result. Things that are highlighted as awesome features that fall short of functioning properly. Who tests this stuff, two guys in a basement?

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    Support / Error Code: 0x80072F06
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    Can some one help? Thanks.

    Can u help me here?
    I have a windows 6 mobile devices (all) that are having an issue connecting to my exchange server. I am pretty useful with certs but this one is baffling me. I have a windows 2003 sbs server. I recently created a san cer on the server and since then my Windows devices cannot synch. I belive I have setup correctly, or not?? Ther error and the steps are below...
    The security certificate on the server is not valid.Contact your exchange server administrator or ISP to install a valid certificate on the server:
    support code: 0x80072f06
    1. Created certificate using article
    I added the following as SN:        MAIL.EXTERNAL.COM     (my external dns record for mail server)
    And added the following for SAN: SERVER01                     (my mail server name )
                                                         SERVER01.INTERNAL.LOCAL  (my mail server fqdn)
    2. Exported Root CA cert and imported to my phone
    3. configured active synch to connect to on 443
    I believe these are the correct steps. I would liked to have been able to export the SAN cert from IIS with private key and install on phone but the webserver template doesnt allow you to export private keys. I also cannot create a dubplicate webserver template to allow the export of the private key as you need enterprise edition of windows 2003 to do this.
    So I am at the end of line I tried exporting the cert without the privtate key and importing it but still keep getting samer error.
    Why of Why does it not like my cert?
    I have just noticed now when I browse to the same address for OWA externally I am getting the error on my browser too even though I have the cert installed on my laptop

  • Is there any way to have a reminder's list not sync with Exchange?

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    Chris, I certainly don't mind additional questions and postings.
    I believe there are many issues with Apple Loops and Logic that need to be resolved and people need to be aware of that. Unfortunately, in opposite to the old "german" version of Logic , there's no lifetime tech support, you can't even call and ask the question after 60 days , which isn't right for a professional software of this level, especially considering the fact that many things still remain vague in Logic even for developers and tech support people!( believe me, I've called and asked!)
    Issues like that need to be resolved over the phone with the company, period!
    One thing I also learned over the years as a Mac OSX user, if something doesn't work, don't mess with it. Delete your drive and re-install everything. This is very frustrating , I know, but unfortunately this is the only way to deal with OSX issues, if you got a problem with your system, don't try to fix it. It's never gonna be the same again. I know , it's off the topic a little bit, but if your content is missing from the system files, before installing your new Logic, back up your important files, wipe up your drive and clean install Mac OSX , run updates and then install the Logic. Most likely , everything will be in it's place, at least 90% or more. I gave up trying to make two system in my house to be compatible 100% , but it's OK if they're 90% or more identical. I spent enormous amount of time trying to find out what's missing and where, I visited most of the forums and there's no clean answer.
    Message was edited by: Moderator

  • Calendar not syncing with exchange

    I have a microsoft exchange account set up to sync with my work calendar through a FirstClass server. I set up the account and it worked for a couple days then it just stopped syncing. I did not change any of the info in the exchange account and nothing changed on the server side as I have talked to the IT guy. I tried deleting the exchange account and re-entering it, tried turning the calendar off and back on, tried re-setting iPhone, tried adding a domain name to the account, nothing has worked. Any ideas? Thanks!

    was having a similar problem: administrative assistant was appointed as a delegate for my calendar (with edit permissions). appointments that she scheduled would show up on my iPhone and my desktop computer (I won't tell you the name of the piece of a crap that is on my desk but it rhymes with Smell) but not in my Entourage (macbook pro). All of which are connected to the University's Microsoft Exchange. emptying the cache fixed the problem. only took about 3 minutes to update everything. i just have to go back and color code everything again in Entourage (wish the iPhone and iCal would keep the colors the same in the calendar). Thanks for the fix!

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