Emails without the body

I set up my email accounts and I am getting my email,  but about 20% of the time I get the sender, the subject and no body to the message.  I have removed the email account and set it back up.  I have restored the phone to its defualt condition and set everything up again.  I have spent several hours on the phone with Verizon.  Has anyone else had this issue?

open your email app. menu-->more-->settings-->send & recieve. is "auto download message" checked???

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    When you are in the Plan View, right click on the icon for the page that you want to omit from the menu. Near the bottom, you'll see Menu Options, click on that and you'll have the choice to Exclude Page from Menus.

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    Hi Japib,
    Thank you for your answer but I'm not trying to print/export, I'm trying to share the page via email (File -> Share -> Email this page or cmd-i (I'm using a dutch version so the translation of the menu-items may not be 100% correct))

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    If the sender embedded the image instead of attaching it then you could try selecting only the text before printing That should print without the images. Thunderbird will only prints what is selected unless there is nothing selected. Then it prints all. You can test this with Print Preview.
    If the image is truly an attachment, then go to the menu bar and select View and uncheck Display Attachments Inline.
    No menu bar? Press the alt key.

  • How to send ALV report by email, in the body of the email?

    Hello friends,
    I need to send a report ALV by email. First, the user wanted it attached as PDF file, but now he wants it in the body of the email.
    Does anybody have any solution?
    P.S.: I am using methods to send the email.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank you Jan,
    I used the following solution to get the report in HTML code:
    I use submit to export the list to memory
    Them I get the list from memory
    Finaly I convert the list to HTML code
    The problem is when I send the email, it is still not going on the body of the email.
    I tried taking off the attach method, but the email goes blank in the body.
    Actually to SOST the message goes with the HMTL report in the body, just like I need, but when send to any e-mail address, it does not go on the body of the message.
    Does any body could check this out?
        -------- create persistent send request ------------------------
          send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
        -------- create and set document with attachment ---------------
        create document from internal table with text
          IF p_pdf EQ 'X'.
            l_type = 'RAW'.
            APPEND text-t01 TO text.
            IF NOT s_erdat-low IS INITIAL.
              CONCATENATE s_erdat-low6(2) '.' s_erdat-low4(2) '.' s_erdat-low(4) INTO ls_text-line.
              IF NOT s_erdat-high IS INITIAL.
                CONCATENATE ls_text-line 'a' INTO ls_text-line SEPARATED BY space.
                CONCATENATE ls_text-line s_erdat-high+6(2) INTO ls_text-line SEPARATED BY space.
                CONCATENATE ls_text-line '.' s_erdat-high+4(2) '.' s_erdat-high(4) INTO ls_text-line.
              CONCATENATE 'Período:' ls_text-line INTO ls_text-line SEPARATED BY space.
              APPEND ls_text TO text.
          ELSEIF p_htm EQ 'X'.
            l_type = 'HTM'.
            LOOP AT gt_ascdata INTO ls_ascdata.
              ls_text = ls_ascdata-line.
              APPEND ls_text TO text.
          subject = text-t01.
          document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                          i_type    = l_type
                          i_text    = text
                          i_length  = '12'
                          i_subject = subject ).
        add attachment to document
        BCS expects document content here e.g. from document upload
        binary_content = ...
          IF p_pdf EQ 'X'.
            CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
                i_attachment_type    = 'PDF'
                i_attachment_subject = g_filename
                i_att_content_hex    = binary_content.
          ELSEIF p_htm EQ 'X'.
            CALL METHOD document->add_attachment
                i_attachment_type    = 'HTM'
                i_attachment_subject = g_filename
                i_att_content_text   = gt_ascdata.
        add document to send request
          CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).
        --------- set sender -------------------------------------------
        note: this is necessary only if you want to set the sender
              different from actual user (SY-UNAME). Otherwise sender is
              set automatically with actual user.
         sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create( sy-uname ).
          lv_email = g_email.
          sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( lv_email ).
          CALL METHOD send_request->set_sender
              i_sender = sender.
        --------- add recipient (e-mail address) -----------------------
        create recipient - please replace e-mail address !!!
          LOOP AT s_email.
            lv_email = s_email-low.
            recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( lv_email ).
        add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
            CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient
                i_recipient = recipient
                i_express   = 'X'.
        ---------- send document ---------------------------------------
          CALL METHOD send_request->send(
              i_with_error_screen = 'X'
              result              = sent_to_all ).

  • Disappearing copy of email in the body of all main in sent box

    Almost every day, I refer to previous email I have sent that is located in the "sent" mail folder. At least once each day or two, when I click on a letter within the "sent" folder, the body of the email contains the following message"
    "The message from X (x=person's email name) concerning "email addressee" has not been downloaded from the server. You need to take this account online in order to download it."
    When you send a letter, a copy of the email is kept in the "sent" folder. If you click on a letter, you can read the message you sent (in the body of the message). When this problem occurs, there is no copy of the email sent, just the message stated above.
    The problem, is that the account is not offline, as I have checked each time I get the message. The only way to fix this has been for me to quit the mail program, and then re-open it from the dock. Then when I click on the message within the "sent" folder, the copy of what I sent is within the body of the email.
    Does anyone have a suggestion as to what is going on? Would upgrading to OS 10.4 fix this issue? Thanks in advance.

    Please read the topic found at the link below, and post any observations and questions about how your situation may compare:

  • VBA: How do I add a shortcut to an email into the body of an appointment

    Dear all,
    I want to write a macro for outlook that lets me do the following:
    1. Move a selected email to a specific folder (with selection box)
    2. create an appointment in a non default calendar with the same subject as the email
    3. Put a link into the appointment body that links to the email (similar to the option that Outlook gives you when you drag an email onto the calender: "Copy Here as Appointment with Shortcut")
    Unfortunately step 3 (creating the link to the email) can not be recreated unsing QuickSteps. Therefore I have to solve this with VBA.
    Here is the code I came up with so far:
    Sub Mail2Appt()
    ' Moves each of the selected items on the screen to a selected folder.
    Dim olApp As New Outlook.Application
    Dim olExp As Outlook.Explorer
    Dim olSel As Outlook.Selection
    Dim olNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
    Dim olDestFolder As Outlook.Folder
    Dim intItem As Integer
    Set olExp = olApp.ActiveExplorer
    Set olSel = olExp.Selection
    Set olNameSpace = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
    '1. Handle the movement of the selected emails
    'Display form to pick destination Folder
    Set olDestFolder = olNameSpace.PickFolder
    'To do: folder type validation
    If TypeName(olDestFolder) <> "Nothing" Then
    'Debug.Print vbCr & " olDestFolder: " & olDestFolder
    'Debug.Print vbCr & "Cancel"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    'Move selection to new folder
    For intItem = 1 To olSel.Count
    olSel.Item(intItem).Move olDestFolder
    Next intItem
    '2. Create appointment in To-Do-Calendar
    Dim myCalItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
    Dim myToDoCalendar As Outlook.Folder
    'get non-default calender
    Set myToDoCalendar = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Parent.Folders("Aufgaben-Kalender")
    For intItem = 1 To olSel.Count
    Set myCalItem = myToDoCalendar.Items.Add(olAppointmentItem)
    myCalItem.Subject = olSel.Item(intItem).Subject
    myCalItem.Location = "Office"
    myCalItem.Duration = 30
    '3. Place link to email in appointment body
    myCalItem.Body = "Hello World" 'Link to Email must go here
    Next intItem
    End Sub
    It would be great if somebody could push me in the right direction.

    To Edit the body you need to invoke the WordEditor Inspector. You can then program the body as if you were programming in Word itself e.g.
    Add these declarations
    Dim olInsp As Inspector
    Dim wdDoc As Object
    Dim oRng As Object
    Dim strLink As String
    Then substitute your own link
    With myCalItem
    .Subject = olSel.Item(intItem).Subject
    .Location = "Office"
    .Duration = 30
    '3. Place link to email in appointment body
    Set olInsp = .GetInspector
    Set wdDoc = olInsp.WordEditor
    Set oRng = wdDoc.Range(0, 0)
    oRng.Text = "Hello World " 'Link to Email must go here
    oRng.collapse 0
    strLink = ""
    wdDoc.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=oRng, _
    Address:=strLink, _
    SubAddress:="", _
    ScreenTip:="", _
    TextToDisplay:="Fedex Tracking Site"
    End With
    Graham Mayor - Word MVP

  • I have ipad2 w/ios7 ... Looking for a shortcut for deleting read and unread emails without the individual method

    Am looking for a method to remove read &amp; unread emails on 2 accounts without the manual one buy one method. Appreciate response!
    <Email Edited by Host>

    Find an alternate app in the app store, or login to your email account via a web browser (if that is an availableoption with your provider). The only mailboxes you can delete en mass from in the native app is the trash.

  • Forwad email without the side bar

    How do I repeatedly forward myself an email without getting a new line or bar on the laft side if the text. Everytime I forward a nore to mysef a new line is added. I was NO LINES!
    Please help.

    Depending on what it really is that you want to do, it might be more appropriate to use Redirect instead of Forward. That would better preserve the integrity of the messages and avoid the problem altogether.

  • How do I display a list of all emails without the thread indetations?

    I must have accidentally clicked the wrong thing. Now one of my email folder listings has the emails with the same subject line all indented in what I suppose is the THREAD format. I want to keep it simple and just list them in date/time sequence. How to I get rid of the indented thread format?

    alternative to the solution from Matt you can check if the threaded button is visible in your message list (see attached picture)
    [[|some more infos in 'Specify whether messages in the message list are grouped into "threads" ']]

  • How do I include the subject from an email in the body of a response email?

    First off, let me apologize if this is addressed somewhere else in the forum. I searched used many different variations on the theme, to no avail.
    So, yes, I am a former PC/Outlook user who made the "switch". For the most part, I couldn't be happier. However, one thing that I have been searching and searching for an answer on is: including all the info from an original email (i.e. subject, to, from, date) in a response email. Because wording this is a bit tricky, I am going to show what I mean by example.
    Apple Mail includes the original email info like this:
    On Jul 7, 2006, at 5:03 PM, John Smith wrote:
    Outlook (and most other email services) includes the original email info like this:
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Smith [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 5:03 PM
    To: Jeff Smith
    Subject: The only problem I am having with Mail is...
    Point is, I would like to include more info than Mail allows. Is there anyway to set it up to include all the Outlook-style info? The preferences do not seem to address this issue and every single friend/co-worker of mine who I email with all have no idea. Thanks for your repsonse. Cheers, Jay
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hello, and welcome to the Discussions.
    I use the Append Selected Messages feature to do this. Prior to clicking on Reply, you can highlight the smallest amount of text, and then delete that text, and then Append the message by having Selected in in the list of messages.
    You can do this for one, or many messages. With a Reply, you would only append the one message. See:

  • Any way to print an email without the header/contact image?

    Friend of mine doesn't have a printer and he sent me an important email to print out for him.
    However it prints the [Address Book] contact image as well - not only does this waste ink, but I don't want the goofy contact image I have of him printed on 'official' documents. Is there any way to not print the header part at all, or at least not the contact image?
    Message was edited by: Sean Mooney

    Just select the text you want to print and paste it into a text edit document and print from there.

  • How can I forward a email without the extra info auto generated by Thunderbird ?

    When I foward a emai, Thunderbird auto-generates lots of extra information that is not need to be seen by the person I am forwardind to the message.
    How can I configure Thunderbird forward to clean all the extra info auto generated by Thunderbird ?
    Best regards

    ''Airmail [[#answer-708174|said]]''
    From the menu bar select View-Headers and set it to Normal instead of All.
    The mail system generates all this info and not Thunderbird FYI.
    SOLVED ! :)
    Thank you very much for your help :)

  • Double clicking on an email header opens in a tab with the email reference but the header of a totally different email, the body of the email is blank, how fix?

    Emails sitting in my inbox for a few days no longer open normally. Double clicking on them opens a tab referring to the header of the clicked email but below is a header and details from a totally different email and the body of the email is blank. For example double clicking an email from Tesco results in 'Tesco' displaying in the tab but the header below shows 'From: TalkTalk'
    Clicking 'Options' and selecting 'Show remote content' does not overcome the problem.
    Incoming emails open normally when they first come in.
    This peculiarity seemed to apply only to a few emails at first but it is now becoming general.
    Uninstalling and reinstalling Thunderbird (ver 31.6) and the problem remains. O/S is Windows 7
    How can I overcome this?

    Right click the problem folder and select Properties. Then Repair Folder. You may lose messages if the corruption is too bad.
    Then read this article on maintaining your email.

  • My iphone will list my emails and the subject, but the body will be empty.

    I have had my phone for approximately one year with no problems.  Now it sends only the senders name and the subject of emails but the body is blank.  I have checked settings etc. but can't find why it is doing this.  I think it may have happened when I tried to open an attachment.  Now, all my email is like this.  I am traveling and need to get this fixed soon.  I am not in a position to phone apple.

    The problem lies with your computer.
    If you are connecting the iPhone direct to a USB port on your computer - not connected to a USB hub, have you tried every USB port?
    Desktop or laptop?
    PC or Mac?

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