Embedding a JFileChooser in a Panel

is it possible to embed a file chooser in a JPanel?, i'm trying to get my program to look something like how CuteHTML does. Or should i just use a JTree to display the dirrectory, and contents?

Yes, you can embed JFileChooser in a JPanel, since JFileChooser is merely a subclass of JComponent. Use the JPanel's add(Component c) method (inherited from java.awt.Container)...
I don't know, however, what CuteHTML looks like. If you can get away with using the JFileChooser, do so, as it will save you ALOT of work having to rig a TreeModel, etc., for use with a JTree.
good luck.

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          if (c instanceof JTextField)
             return ((JTextField) c).getText();
          if (c instanceof Container)
             for (Component child : ((Container) c).getComponents())
                String text = getEnteredFile (child);
                if (text != null)
                   return text;
          return null;
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                params.hd = false;
                params.start = 0;
                params.border = false;
                params.color1 = "#B1B1B1";
                params.color2 = "#D8D8D8";           
                var vid = createFlashPlayer("5P91PPCw2Bs", "480", "385", params);
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2310032
    var TabbedPanels1 = new Spry.Widget.TabbedPanels("TabbedPanels1");
    The above is achieved by using the YouTube Player available when you use the Adobe Widget Browser.

  • JFileChooser as a Panel

    i m trying to make an application where the user has the option of opening a file from JFileCHooser or choosing a file from a recent file list in a (say) listbox... and these two options r in tabbed panes........
    so how can i get a panel from JFileChooser so that i can attach it to the tabbed pane..

    JFileChooser is a JComponent:
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Example {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
            tabbedPane.addTab("choose file", new JFileChooser());
            tabbedPane.addTab("choose color", new JColorChooser());
            final JFrame f = new JFrame("Example");
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {

  • Embedded youtube videos from accordion panel

    I'm trying to get embedded youtube videos to pop in from accordion panel
    the accordion panel would have the 'titles' with descriptions displayed when clicked on, and there in the description would be a link to make the embedded youtube clip appear beside the panel.
    go to each accordion panel selection and get a different embedded video to play.
    anybody know if that can be done and how ?

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    I already did try that, but didn't work.
    However after watching your swf, I figured out I must have had the wrong 'aspects' active when I was putting my embedded code in, so the results were all over the place.
    So I tried it again by your steps, and it does work, -- thankyou !  -- except for one thing.
    If the watcher does not finish or stop or pause one video before playing another, both videos are playing, even though one of them is 'hidden' in the closed panel, which is ok if there's no audio, however if they both have audio, the audio track of both play back.
    Darn, I don't think most people would realize if they don't finish a video before watching another, they have to manually stop the currently playing video before playing another.
    Even if I was to include instructions to say so.  :-(

  • Fieldpoint embedded data logger and remote panels license (5)

    Multiple use remote panels license (5) does not allow multiple access to cfp 2120 realtime embedded datalogger (all pc's on the same subnet).  Error message:"remote panel connection exceeds maximum number of licenses."  Licenses installed in ni-rt>system>share>licenses on the remote system?????????????????????????????

    Hi, thanks for your help=) I've manage to drag the file into my targeted controller. I am now doing the setting of the data logger program, but there's one thing I'm unsure of. May I know what does it mean by the cFP controller clock? http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3219 . Thanks. =)
    Log On Startup
     Start logging when the controller powers up.
    Start Log Time
     The time to start logging.
    Stop Log Time
    The time to stop logging.
    Note: Make sure the clock is set correctly on the controller. The settings described above refer to the cFP controller clock.
    Log Rate
    The number of milliseconds to wait between each acquisition.
    FP Drive For Data Files
    The drive to store the log files in. The C: drive is the default for all cFP controllers. If you want to save to the removable CompactFlash drive on the cFP controller, select the D: drive.
    Digital "Pause" Line
    The Digital Input item to use as a "pause" button for data logging. Logging pauses when the signal is high. When the signal goes low again, a new file is created and logging continues if appropriate.
    Note: Use only Digital Input items for the Digital "Pause" Line.
    Tip: You can use DIP Switch 3 to block the current data from being logged. This switch works the same way as the Digital "Pause" line.
    Logging Session Tag
    Is stamped on the spreadsheet that the data logger creates.

  • PixelBender + Flash in Photoshop panel

    Dear all,
    I've posted something similar in Configurator forum with no
    luck, so here I am with my question: any hint or comment will be
    greatly appreciated.
    Is it possible for a SWF that contains a PixelBender shader to
    be embedded in a Photoshop CS4 panel?
    I'd like to exploit some built-in function of Flash (like
    blur and other filters) without the need to write custom code, and
    build a complex PixelBender shader concatenating several pbj files:
    the Photoshop panel should contain only the sliders of course, and
    the effect have to be applied to the opened image. The Photoshop
    panel developer's guide explains that, for the project to be
    working and besides the swf, it's needed a javascript that
    communicate with Photoshop through its DOM, and it seems that there
    happens all the Photoshop commands. Currently I'm stuck and it
    seems to me there's no way to make it works.
    Why all this pain? Because it would mean to be able to have
    complex shaders in form of sort-of-binary plugin-like easy to use
    Photoshop panel; it would open a world of wonders.
    Thanks in advance for any comment or thoughts
    Davide Barranca
    Bologna, Italy

    Hi Davide,
    I have to apologize. I misread your first email and
    misunderstood what you were trying to achieve. I thought you were
    simply asking whether you could use Pixel Bender filters in the
    Panels at all (the answer to which I didn't know until I tried it
    yesterday). I see now that you are trying to write your own
    Photoshop filter with the Panel APIs.
    I'm not sure what you want to achieve is possible with the
    current Photoshop panel model, and even if it is possible, I don't
    think it will be very fast. The Photoshop Panel functionality is to
    provide an easy way to add a new workflow UI to Photoshop, but I
    don't think it was intended to add new image processing features to
    Photoshop. In general, if you are adding any new image processing
    to Photoshop, you have to go through the Photoshop Plug-in SDK. I
    did look at the documentation for the Panel API. I'm no expert on
    Photoshop scripting, but it looks like the exported properties of
    the DOM are purely descriptive with little chance to access the
    actual data. The only bit of promise is to use the ColorSampler
    tool to pull the image data from the foreground window, but that
    would be extremely painful and very slow. Even if that did work, I
    didn't see any way to actually update the pixels in the document.
    That being said, I believe there might be an indirect way to
    achieve what you are trying to do. The basic workflow would be:
    1. Use Panel API + Javascript to have Photoshop write out the
    image to a known location
    2. Load the image from the saved location in the SWF
    3. Process the image in the SWF
    4. Save the resultant image back out to the file
    5. Use the Panel API + Javascript to have Photoshop load the
    I'm not 100% sure that this will work, and it definitely does
    have some side effects like leaving an image on disk and opening up
    another document in Photoshop for the results. But, I believe it
    will do the job. I'll see if I can whip up a tutorial on this if it
    works, but since it is not an easy example, it might take some
    As I said, I'm definitely no expert on Photoshop scripting,
    so I would strongly recommend contacting the
    scripting forums to see if there is a way acquire the image
    data directly from the DOM. Judging from what the Panel API is
    trying to achieve, it's not likely that this is possible or will be
    well supported. Trying to track down the pbk versions of the
    filters to put into the Pixel Bender Photoshop Plug-in is always an
    Again, I apologize for the misunderstanding. My eyes simply
    stuck to the question in bold. Good luck with your search.

  • Kinect protection - Can it be built in a Panel PC

    I have some questions regarding Kinect and its certifications and brand protection.
    We are developing medical grade software (http://www.adora-med.com)
    Can Kinect V2 sensor be embedded in a case or panel PC (such as Kiosk implementation or similar).
    What kind of certification where made with Kinect V2 (CE mark, etc... can it be used directly in sterila area), I tried to find it on the web site, but was unsuccessful...
    Kristjan http://www.adora-med.com

    If you have not found anything on the Microsoft website, then that information is not available.
    Based on this thread: there are no restrictions for reselling the Kinect for Windows sensor.  The EULA authorizes commercial usage as long as its usage falls into the terms outlined.
    You will have to have your legal team review the EULA and determine if that is something you can use.
    Carmine Sirignano - MSFT

  • JFileChooser as a JComponent

    I've added a JFileChooser to a panel and disabled the standard control buttons (as they would conflict with the general feel of my application, which has a "next" button elsewhere). I want to be notified when the user selects a file and I have attached a PropertyChangeListener accordingly. I have but one problem.
    If I simply type a filename into the text field, no change event is fired. I must press the enter key in the text field for the change to take effect. It seems that what I need is a way to actively request that the JFileChooser update its selected file based on the contents of the filename text field. How might I do this?
    (The only solution I have so far is something like:
    JFileChooser chooser = ...;
    ((BasicFileChooserUI)(chooser.getUI())).getApproveSelectionAction().actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(...));which is ugly on so many levels...)

    I've added a JFileChooser to a panel and disabled the standard control buttons (as they would conflict with the general feel of my application, which has a "next" button elsewhere). I want to be notified when the user selects a file and I have attached a PropertyChangeListener accordingly. I have but one problem.
    If I simply type a filename into the text field, no change event is fired. I must press the enter key in the text field for the change to take effect. It seems that what I need is a way to actively request that the JFileChooser update its selected file based on the contents of the filename text field. How might I do this?
    (The only solution I have so far is something like:
    JFileChooser chooser = ...;
    ((BasicFileChooserUI)(chooser.getUI())).getApproveSelectionAction().actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(...));which is ugly on so many levels...)

  • JFileChooser functioning like normal Windows Apps FileChooser

    I have this problem that's been giving me too much headache already. When you click on Open on any Windows app, and click on the "Details" button, it will show you the files' details (FileName, Type, Date, etc.). This is the same with JFileChooser, so no problem there. The thing is, with Windows apps, you can click on the headers and have the files sorted according to the header you clicked. This doesn't happen to a JFileChooser. Has any of you guys did this or found any solution to this problem? I've searched (almost) everywhere, Google, Sun, etc., I even looked into JFileChooser's source code but I can't seem to find anything.
    I know this is possible, so anyone who can help, you'll be greatly appreciated.

    Thought I would pass along some updated code for this as this was very helpful to us as we are still on jdk 1.5.
    This has been modified to use the Windows UI. The advantage of doing this in the UI class is so you can set it as the default UI for JFileChooser inside your application. If you had this as a subclass of JFileChooser (as it is above) then you explicitly have to use that subclass throughout your application. By setting this UI class as the FileChooserUI in your UIDefaults table then every instance of JFileChooser will now automatically use your overridden UI and theres nothing else you have to do.
    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.Comparator;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicDirectoryModel;
    import javax.swing.table.JTableHeader;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumnModel;
    import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsFileChooserUI;
    public class SortableFileChooserUI extends WindowsFileChooserUI {
         private DirectoryModel model;
         public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
              return new SortableFileChooserUI((JFileChooser)c);
         public SortableFileChooserUI(JFileChooser filechooser) {
      protected final void createModel() {
              this.model = new DirectoryModel(getFileChooser());
          * Overridden to get our own model
          * @return
      public final BasicDirectoryModel getModel() {
              return this.model;
          * Calls the default method then adds a MouseListener to the JTable
          * @param chooser
          * @return
      protected final JPanel createDetailsView(JFileChooser chooser) {
              JPanel panel = super.createDetailsView(chooser);
              //Since we can't access FileChooserUI's private member detailsTable
              //directly, we have to find it in the JPanel
              final JTable tbl = findJTable(panel.getComponents());
              if (tbl != null) {
                   //Fix the columns so they can't be rearranged, if we don't do this
                   //we would need to keep track when each column is moved
                   //Add a mouselistener to listen for clicks on column headers
                   tbl.getTableHeader().addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
                             //Only process single clicks
                             if (e.getClickCount() > 1) {
                             Column column = Column.getColumn(tbl.getTableHeader().columnAtPoint(e.getPoint()));
                             if ((column != null) && column.isSortable()) {
                SortableFileChooserUI.this.model.sort(tbl.getTableHeader().columnAtPoint(e.getPoint()), tbl);
              return panel;
          * Finds the JTable in the panel so we can add MouseListener
          * @param comp
          * @return
         private final JTable findJTable(Component[] comp) {
              for (int i = 0; i < comp.length; i++) {
                   if (comp[i] instanceof JTable) {
                        return (JTable)comp;
                   if (comp[i] instanceof Container) {
                        JTable tbl = findJTable(((Container)comp[i]).getComponents());
                        if (tbl != null) {
    return tbl;
              return null;
         private final static class DirectoryModel extends BasicDirectoryModel {
              private Column col = Column.FILENAME;
              private boolean ascending;
              private Comparator<File> filesizeComparator = new FilesizeComparator();
              private Comparator<File> filenameComparator = new FilenameComparator();
              private Comparator<File> filedateComparator = new FiledateComparator();
              * Must be overridden to extend BasicDirectoryModel
              * @param chooser
              protected DirectoryModel(JFileChooser chooser) {
              * Resorts the JFileChooser table based on new column
              * @param c
              protected final void sort(int c, JTable tbl) {
                   //Set column and order
                   this.col = Column.getColumn(c);
                   this.ascending = !this.ascending;
                   String indicator = " ^";
                   if (this.ascending) {
                        indicator = " v";
                   final JTableHeader th = tbl.getTableHeader();
                   final TableColumnModel tcm = th.getColumnModel();
                   for (Column column : Column.values()) {
                   final TableColumn tc = tcm.getColumn(this.col.getIndex()); // the column to change
                   tc.setHeaderValue(this.col.getLabel() + indicator);
                   //Requery the file listing
              * Sorts the data based on current column setting
              * @param data
    protected final void sort(Vector<? extends File> data) {
                   Comparator<File> comparator = null;
                   switch (this.col) {
                        case FILEDATE:
                             comparator = this.filedateComparator;
                        case FILESIZE:
                             comparator = this.filesizeComparator;
                        case FILENAME:
                             comparator = this.filenameComparator;
                             comparator = null;
                   if (comparator != null) {
                        Collections.sort(data, comparator);
              private class FiledateComparator implements Comparator<File> {
                   public int compare(File a, File b) {
                        int ret = 1;
                        if (a.lastModified() > b.lastModified()) {
                             ret = -1;
                        else if (a.lastModified() == b.lastModified()) {
                             ret = 0;
                        if (DirectoryModel.this.ascending) {
                             ret *= -1;
                        return ret;
              private class FilesizeComparator implements Comparator<File> {
                   public int compare(File a, File b) {
                        int ret = 1;
                        if (a.length() > b.length()) {
                             ret = -1;
                        else if (a.length() == b.length()) {
                             ret = 0;
                        if (DirectoryModel.this.ascending) {
                             ret *= -1;
                        return ret;
              private class FilenameComparator implements Comparator<File> {
                   public int compare(File a, File b) {
                        if (DirectoryModel.this.ascending) {
                             return a.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getName());
                        else {
                             return -1 * a.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getName());
         private enum Column {
              FILENAME(0, UIManager.getString("FileChooser.fileNameHeaderText"), true),
              FILESIZE(1, UIManager.getString("FileChooser.fileSizeHeaderText"), true),
              FILETYPE(2, UIManager.getString("FileChooser.fileTypeHeaderText")),
              FILEDATE(3, UIManager.getString("FileChooser.fileDateHeaderText"), true),
              FILEATTR(4, UIManager.getString("FileChooser.fileAttrHeaderText"));
              private int index;
              private String label;
              private boolean isSortable;
              private Column(int index, String label) {
                   this(index, label, false);
              private Column(int index, String label, boolean isSortable) {
                   this.index = index;
                   this.label = label;
                   this.isSortable = isSortable;
              protected int getIndex() { return this.index; }
              protected String getLabel() { return this.label; }
              protected boolean isSortable() { return this.isSortable; }
              @Override public String toString() { return getLabel(); }
              protected static Column getColumn(int index) {
                   for (Column column : values()) {
                        if (column.getIndex() == index) {
                             return column;
                   return null;

  • Transparent JFileChooser

    I have yet another "how can I make this thing transparent" question, this time for the JFileChooser. I've written a function to recursively iterate through its components and these are the ones I can find:
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.JButton
    class javax.swing.Box$Filler
    class javax.swing.JButton
    class javax.swing.Box$Filler
    class javax.swing.JButton
    class javax.swing.Box$Filler
    class javax.swing.JToggleButton
    class javax.swing.JToggleButton
    class javax.swing.JLabel
    class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$1
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class sun.swing.FilePane
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$AlignedLabel
    class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$3
    class javax.swing.Box$Filler
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$AlignedLabel
    class javax.swing.JComboBox
    class javax.swing.JPanel
    class javax.swing.JButton
    class javax.swing.JButtonRunning setOpaque(false) on all instances of JComponent makes everything but the list of files transparent. From what I can see it's some kind of JList but it doesn't appear in the list above. Is there a way to make this last part transparent as well? Can I somehow run setOpaque(false) on it too?

    Thanks for your replies!
    I realise now I probably should have put some more effort into this before posting. I've created an example that'll hopefully make things clearer.
    Maxideon: You're right, ComboBox doesn't become transparent, it did in my code because I'd set a custom ComboBoxUI.
    It's only the list of files I'm interested in making transparent right now, I've managed to get all of the other components transparent already. Here's the code:
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FileChooserTest extends JFrame {
      String background = "bkg.jpg";
      public FileChooserTest() {
        ImageIcon imageIcon = new ImageIcon(background);
        setSize(imageIcon.getIconWidth(), imageIcon.getIconHeight());
        JPanel panel = new JPanel() {
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            g.drawImage(new ImageIcon(background).getImage(), 0, 0, null);
        panel.setBounds(0, 0, imageIcon.getIconWidth(), imageIcon.getIconHeight());
        UIManager.put("FileChooserUI", MyFileChooserUI.class.getName());
        panel.add(new JFileChooser());
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        new FileChooserTest().setVisible(true);
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
    import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI;
    public class MyFileChooserUI extends MetalFileChooserUI {
      public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
        return new MyFileChooserUI((JFileChooser) c);
      private MyFileChooserUI(JFileChooser c) {
      public void installComponents(JFileChooser fc) {
      /* Set opacity, call recursively */
      private void customize(Container c) {
        int len = c.getComponentCount();
        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          Component comp = c.getComponent(i);
          if(comp instanceof JComponent) {
          if(comp instanceof Container) {
            customize((Container) comp);
    }thomas.behr: Does your solution work for a JFileChooser added to a JPanel or only when it's a separate Window?
    Is there a way to create a custom ListUI that'll make the list in the JFileChooser transparent?
    Once again, thanks guys and sorry for not creating an example from the start.

  • JFileChooser filename field validation...

    I am embedding a JFileChooser object into my own JPanel. I'm setting the chooser to select directories only. The problem is that when I call chooser.getSelectedFile() and the user has typed something into the filename field, I only get the file that is selected in the list instead of the file entered by hand. Is there anyway to find out when the user changes the text in the file name field? Or, is there a way to force the selection in the list to update itself from the entered file name field? I know that if the user presses ENTER while in the file name field, this happens. Could I fake that somehow?

    Well thank you all for your responces. I agree that there needs to be a change in the API to allow us to apply the changes in the file name text field. A simple solution could be to give us a method like JFileChooser.setFilenameField(JTextComponent filenameField). If the method isn't called then everything acts as it did before. If called, then you're own text field is used. Maybe an even more simple solution could be to have just a JFileChooser.getFilenameField() that returns a JTextComponent. This method could return null on UIs that don't use a filename text field.
    Anyway, digging into the BasicUI as a work-around seems to be enough for my purposes, however, this is an "after the fact" solution that doesn't let me change my "Next >" button state. I do popup an error now and then disable the "Next >" button. The previous behavior would just continue on without the user knowing that the texted they entered wasn't used.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Scroll bar stuck on Thumbnail view

    Whenever I am using the scroll bar to scroll in the thumbnail
    view ,which is set to large, the scroll bar gets stuck. When I
    place my mouse on the bar and move it up and down it does not stop
    and jumps to different places in the thumbnail view - I can't seem
    to control it. I have tried turning on the libary and clicking
    around in it, but this does not fix the problem. The only solution
    I have found is to shut Captivate 2 down and start it again. Any

    Hello queenlooners,
    I spoke with some of my colleagues and unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to disable the scroll bar. There have been other discussions on the forums such as overlaying the scroll bar or embedding it in a sub-panel.
    Jacob R. | Applications Engineer | National Instruments

  • How do I open Windows Media Player 11 in a new window via labview 8.5 using ActiveX

    Although familiar with Labview, I am new to the ActiveX Controls. I have managed to open and play movie files in Labview with ActiveX controls but the player is embedded in Labview's front panel. How can I control what file is played and when it starts in Labview but have Windows media player 11 open in a separate window.
    Additionally, where can I find a description of the ActiveX properties.
    Thank you

    I'm trying to accomplish this same thing and am having a hell of a time finding the right Class, right Methods, and/or right Properties for a solution.  Some classes seem to return obscure errors when I try to create them use the invoke node "launchURL" (the WMPLib.ICore for example).  If I use the Player base class (which MSDS says is the root class and the class that is used when you create an embedded player) I don't get anything.
    What I would like is to progmatically launch Windows Media Player to play a particular video clip in full screen on the secondary monitor.  It seems like this should work:
    But doesn't... any ideas for this?  The C# examples are difficult to understand for me.  Also, the WMP class library is a MESS! (IMHO).  Thanks for your input.

  • Two JREs in the same machine

    I had problems with two different version of JRE.I have an applet that works well in JRE1.4. Now I had a different applet that will be working only on 1.2.x.Is it possible to switch the JREs depending on the context through the html(where the applets are embedded).I know through control panel we can change the JRE setting manually.

    No - you have to adjust PATH and CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME, etc environment variables to point to the desired version locations and libraries. If you have any other hard-coded locations/files/directories in your code that is version-specific, they'll also need changing.
    This is most easily done by building a script (.bat file, etc) that would be run prior to the applet startup to adjust the machine environment and parameters.

Maybe you are looking for