Emet_conf --list flashes a window

On some of my W7 desktops the emet_conf (from 4.1) flashes a window with the results instead of putting the results in the current window. Piping to a file just produces a blank file... Is there a way to resolve this ? 

Run emet_conf as the PC administrator and it goes away....
Now emet_conf --list just needs to list the new options in emet 5 to be a useful tool...

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    What exactly means "unable"?
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    Hello Chris and Sameer,
    thank you for getting back on this issue.
    To answer your questions first:
    - no, I have not posted this issue in the connect forums - I will do and point to this discussion
    - Sameer, I have tested the webcam on the website you pointed out, it is not working with Firefox but it is working in Chrome
    I also need to give you an update on the current versions I use:
    Win 7 Pro (64bit) (all updates included)
    Firefox 21.0
    IE 10.0.9200.16576
    Chrome  26.0.1410.64 m
    Flash Player 11.7.700.202
    Adobe Connect Addin 11.2 r261
    I tested the webcam via FP with Firefox, IE and Chrome in the versions mentioned above. Only in Chrome I can run the WebCam on the www.testwebcam.com website. Once I start the adobe connect meeting and want to start the webcam the Connect Addin stops working with the popup as shown in post 3 of this discussion in all three browsers.
    All components have been uninstalled and installed again (except for IE)  for testing with no change in the result. I have also rolled back the computer to the system recovery point furthest back in time to see if any other installation might be the cause. But no luck either.
    I am happy to post the logs but would need advise where to find these or how to retrieve.

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