Empy openMQ destination

I have another problem. I try to send a message to a topic destination, but it doesn't persist (dest. is always empty). No errors and the log and seems to be fine. I post my JAVA code, some metrics and a log after starting the JAVA class.
"For persist store i tryed both - file and jdbc (exatcly the same)<br />
DMQ is also empty.<br />
Whats wrong? Pls, help!"
<br />
public class Main implements ExceptionListener<br />
{<br />
<br />
TopicConnection connection = null;<br />
<br />
public static void main(String[] args) {<br />
Main main = new Main();<br />
}<br />
<br />
public Main(){<br />
try {<br />
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();<br />
<br />
env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION,<br />
"simple");<br />
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL,<br />
"cn=rpm,ou=users,ou=BOS");<br />
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS,<br />
"rpm");<br />
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,<br />
"com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");<br />
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,<br />
"ldap://host:389/cn=creditInfoOS,ou=objectStores,ou=BOS");<br />
<br />
Context     ctx = new InitialContext(env);<br />
TopicConnectionFactory cf = (javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory)ctx.lookup("cn=test2");<br />
<br />
connection = cf.createTopicConnection("xxx","xxx");<br />
connection.setClientID("xxx");<br />
connection.setExceptionListener(this);<br />
<br />
TopicSession session = connection.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);<br />
Topic topic = session.createTopic("yyy");<br />
<br />
TextMessage     msg = session.createTextMessage("Hello World");            <br />
TopicPublisher msgProducer = session.createPublisher(topic);<br />
<br />
connection.start();<br />
msgProducer.publish(msg, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 1, 0);<br />
<br />
connection.close();<br />
<br />
System.out.println("Success!");<br />
ctx.close();<br />
<br />
} catch (JMSException ex) {<br />
ex.printStackTrace();<br />
System.out.println("ex="+ex.getMessage());<br />
System.exit(-1);<br />
} catch (NamingException ex) {<br />
ex.printStackTrace();<br />
System.out.println("ex="+ex.getMessage());<br />
System.exit(-1);<br />
} catch (Exception ex){<br />
ex.printStackTrace();<br />
System.out.println("ex="+ex.getMessage());<br />
System.exit(-1);<br />
}<br />
}<br />
public void onException(JMSException arg0) {<br />
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");<br />
}<br />
<br />
}<br /><strong>Metrics:</strong>
./imqcmd metrics dst -m ttl -t t -n yyy -int 5 -msp 20 -b host:7777
Msgs Msg Bytes Msg Count Total Msg Bytes (k) Largest
In Out In Out Current Peak Avg Current Peak Avg Msg (k)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
</strong>./imqcmd metrics bkr -m ttl -int 5 -msp 20 -b host
(why it keeps growing?)
Msgs Msg Bytes Pkts Pkt Bytes
In Out In Out In Out In Out
58 55 17680 96006 229 206 39293 124284
59 56 17954 96576 231 208 39683 124951

On the broker specified by:
Host Primary Port
host 7777
Destination Name yyy
Destination Type Topic
Destination State RUNNING
Created Administratively true
Current Number of Messages
Actual 0
Remote 0
Held in Transaction 0
Current Message Bytes
Actual 0
Remote 0
Held in Transaction 0
Current Number of Producers 0
Current Number of Producer Wildcards 0
Current Number of Consumers 0
Current Number of Consumer Wildcards 0
Max Number of Messages 1000
Max Total Message Bytes unlimited (-1)
Max Bytes per Message 73400320
Max Number of Producers 100
Limit Behavior REJECT_NEWEST
Consumer Flow Limit 1000
Is Local Destination false
Use Dead Message Queue true
XML schema validation enabled false
XML schema URI List -
Reload XML schema on failure false
And log:
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Received JMQRBufferSize -100
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] [B1065]: Accepting: RPM@host->jms:59977. Count: service=1 broker=2
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] ClientID[null,xxx,false]
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Created new session 429565627857741824 on connection 429565627857678592
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Creating new Producer 429565627857747200 on T:yyy for connection 429565627857678592
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Producer Producer[429565627857747200,T:yyy,429565627857678592] is true
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Close Session 429565627857741824
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Cleaning up transactions on connection IMQConnCLEANED,RPM@host:4147,jms:59977
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Cleaning up transactions on connection IMQConnCLOSED,RPM@host:4147,jms:59977
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] Cleaning up transactions on connection IMQConnCLOSED,RPM@host:4147,jms:59977
[24/Feb/2009:20:51:00 EET] closed connection IMQConnDESTROYING,RPM@host:4147,jms:59977:
Edited by: tarish on Feb 24, 2009 8:59 AM

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    Thanks & regards,
    Pawan Modi

    Hi Pawan,
    It sounds like you are asking how to configure a cluster of Open Message Queue brokers.
    There's a general explanation of broker clusters at
    Details of how to configure them are given at

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    Hi. I would test that JMS still works if you take BlazeDS out of the picture. Can you try creating a JMS client in a JSP page in Tomcat and see if that works? If that works but your Flex client doesn't work there may be a problem with BlazeDS, but before looking into this further, I'd first like to know if the rest of your configuration is correct, ie. that the non-BlazeDS case works ok. Thanks.

  • OpenMQ not receiving messages by producer

    I'm new to JMS, i'm just trying to make other people's piece of code work and i've got a problem with messages not arriving to OpenMQ.
    I've isolated the problem in the following example:
    import javax.jms.*;
    public class JMSTest {
    public static void main(String [] args) throws javax.jms.JMSException {
    // factoria
    com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory conFactory = new com.sun.messaging.TopicConnectionFactory();
    conFactory.setProperty(com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration.imqBrokerHostPort, "7676");
    conFactory.setProperty(com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration.imqBrokerHostName, "localhost");
    conFactory.setProperty(com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration.imqReconnectEnabled, "true");
    conFactory.setProperty(com.sun.messaging.ConnectionConfiguration.imqReconnectAttempts, "-1");
    // Creacion de conexion
    TopicConnection theConnection = conFactory.createTopicConnection();
    // Sesion
    TopicSession theSession = theConnection.createTopicSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    // Crear Topic
    Topic myTopic = theSession.createTopic("TESTTopic");
    // Productor de mensajes y envio de estos
    MessageProducer myMsgProducer = theSession.createPublisher(myTopic);
    while (true) {
    TextMessage myMsg = theSession.createTextMessage();
    I run the imqbrokerd and then run the above small example. The broker correctly reports the session, topic and producer creation, but the messages aren't received (If i open imqadmin and watch the created topic's properties the message count stands 0).
    Any ideas?
    Imqbrokerd logs:
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] Received JMQRBufferSize -100
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] [B1065]: Aceptando: [email protected]:47755->jms:54383. Total: servicio=1 agente=2
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] Created new session 4343774962400028928 on connection 4343774962400004608
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] attempting to set Message Count Limit to 100000 for destination TESTTopic [Tema]
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] attempting to set Message Bytes Limit to 10485760K for destination TESTTopic [Tema]
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] attempting to set Message Size Limit to 10240K for destination TESTTopic [Tema]
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] [B1132]: Creando destino automáticamente TESTTopic [Tema]
    [02/jun/2011:14:44:23 CEST] Creating new Producer 4343774962400037632 on T:TESTTopic for connection 4343774962400004608

    Just to add to what ak correctly says:
    You're sending messages to a topic, but there are no subscribers on that topic. This means the broker throws away the message. This is a basic characteristic of topics, and what distinguishes topics from queues. If you create a subscriber on that topic and then send messages to the topic, you will see that the subscriber gets the messages, so long as the subscriber exists at the time when the message is sent. A subscription can be either durable or non-durable. A non-durable subscription only exists as long as the consuming program is actually running and connected to the JMS provider, whereas a durable subscription can exist even if the program that created it isn't running. In the latter case messages get saved in the JMS provider until the consuming program connects to the subscription and actively consumes messages from it.
    There's a short description which may help in the JMS tutorial at

  • ActiveMQ-CPP client hangs when connect ActiveMQ-CPP client & OpenMQ broker

    I am trying to connect an ActiveMQ-CPP client with an Oracle OpenMQ broker via STOMP. Both manufacturers claim this will work, and I have been able to get an ActiveMQ-CPP client to connect to an ActiveMQ broker via STOMP, an OpenMQ client with an OpenMQ broker via STOMP, and an OpenMQ client with an ActiveMQ broker via STOMP without problems, but the only one missing is what I need- ActiveMQ-CPP client to connect with OpenMQ broker.
    I am using Fedora Linux and am using the provided "example" script for ActiveMQ-CPP, changing the brokerURL to be "tcp://localhost:61613?wireFormat=stomp" instead, where the OpenMQ STOMP bridge is located at localhost:61613.
    On the OpenMQ end, I receive the request to connect by the client and I start a connection:
    INFO: Create JMS connection for user admin with client id ID:csa-nexus-57767-1281630228652-1:0
    Aug 12, 2010 8:23:48 AM
    INFO: Started JMS connection 8950669406784000768[ID:csa-nexus-57767-1281630228652-1:0] for user admin
    This is where the ActiveMQ-CPP client hangs at "connection->start", or if this is removed, "connection->createSession".
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I need to use ActiveMQ-CPP because I need a C++ messaging client which supports failover, which OpenMQ's C client does not. I thought it was unlikely that it wouldn't be able to connect as well. I can't find a good way to debug the ActiveMQ-CPP client enough to know whether the problem is on the ActiveMQ-CPP client's end or the OpenMQ broker's end.
    Here is the source code for installing ActiveMQ-CPP, that is how you install it: http://activemq.apache.org/cms/activemq-cpp-322-release.html.
    The example comes bundled with ActiveMQ-CPP installation, but I'll show you parts of the main.cpp file that does all of the work:
    class HelloWorldConsumer : public ExceptionListener,
    public MessageListener,
    public Runnable {
    this->brokerURI = brokerURI;
    virtual ~HelloWorldConsumer(){
    void close() {
    void waitUntilReady() {
    virtual void run() {
    try {
    auto_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory( ConnectionFactory::createCMSConnectionFactory( brokerURI ) );
    // Create a Connection
    connection = connectionFactory->createConnection("admin", "admin");
    // Create a Session
    if( this->sessionTransacted == true ) {
    session = connection->createSession( Session::SESSION_TRANSACTED );
    } else {
    session = connection->createSession( Session::AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE );
    // Create the destination (Topic or Queue)
    if( useTopic ) {
    destination = session->createTopic( "TEST.FOO" );
    } else {
    destination = session->createQueue( "TEST.FOO" );
    // Create a MessageConsumer from the Session to the Topic or Queue
    consumer = session->createConsumer( destination );
    consumer->setMessageListener( this );
    // Indicate we are ready for messages.
    // Wait while asynchronous messages come in.
    doneLatch.await( waitMillis );
    } catch( CMSException& e ) {
    // Indicate we are ready for messages.
    // Called from the consumer since this class is a registered MessageListener.
    virtual void onMessage( const Message* message ){
    static int count = 0;
    const TextMessage* textMessage =
    dynamic_cast< const TextMessage* >( message );
    string text = "";
    if( textMessage != NULL ) {
    text = textMessage->getText();
    } else {
    text = "NOT A TEXTMESSAGE!";
    printf( "Message #%d Received: %s\n", count, text.c_str() );
    } catch (CMSException& e) {
    // Commit all messages.
    if( this->sessionTransacted ) {
    // No matter what, tag the count down latch until done.
    // If something bad happens you see it here as this class is also been
    // registered as an ExceptionListener with the connection.
    virtual void onException( const CMSException& ex AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
    printf("CMS Exception occurred. Shutting down client.\n");
    int main(int argc AMQCPP_UNUSED, char* argv[] AMQCPP_UNUSED) {
    std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
    std::cout << "Starting the example:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
    std::string brokerURI =
    // "&soConnectTimeout=5"
    // "&connection.sendTimeout=5"
    // "&connection.useAsyncSend=true"
    // "&transport.useInactivityMonitor=false"
    // "&connection.alwaysSyncSend=true"
    // "&connection.useAsyncSend=true"
    // "&transport.commandTracingEnabled=true"
    // "&transport.tcpTracingEnabled=true"
    // "&wireFormat.tightEncodingEnabled=true"
    // set to true to use topics instead of queues
    // Note in the code above that this causes createTopic or
    // createQueue to be used in both consumer an producer.
    bool useTopics = true;
    bool sessionTransacted = false;
    int numMessages = 2000;
    long long startTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
    HelloWorldProducer producer( brokerURI, numMessages, useTopics );
    HelloWorldConsumer consumer( brokerURI, numMessages, useTopics, sessionTransacted );
    // Start the consumer thread.
    Thread consumerThread( &consumer );
    // Wait for the consumer to indicate that its ready to go.
    // Start the producer thread.
    Thread producerThread( &producer );
    // Wait for the threads to complete.
    long long endTime = System::currentTimeMillis();
    double totalTime = (double)(endTime - startTime) / 1000.0;
    std::cout << "Time to completion = " << totalTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-----------------------------------------------------\n";
    std::cout << "Finished with the example." << std::endl;
    std::cout << "=====================================================\n";
    // END SNIPPET: demo The places where the code will hang upon connection are "connection->start() and connection->createSession()". Again, this happens with any ActiveMQ client, no matter the language, and via Stomp, both should be supported. But using an OpenMQ client with ActiveMQ broker works perfectly. And using this code with its own ActiveMQ broker still via Stomp works perfectly as well.

  • Run OpenMQ Server with Unlimited Consume Messages.

    I am starting OpenMQ server using imqbrokerd file. After 24 hrs it don't allow any messages because destination property i.e. maxNumMsgs=100000.
    I want to start OpenMQ server with unlimited consumed messages i.e. maxNumMsgs=-1.
    How can i do that? I don't want to open admin gui & change the destination properties manually.
    I want to know the way to start OpenMQ server with unlimited consumed messages i.e. maxNumMsgs=-1
    Is it possible to pass this information at the time of startup?
    With regards,
    Pawan Modi

    I found the solution to my problem. Change the value for these variables as shown below in default.properties file at <MQ_HOME>/lib/props/broker/
    Restart MQ server these changes will come in to effect.
    Thanks & regards,
    Pawan Modi

  • How to calculte OpenMQ throughput??

    i need some help..
    how can i calculate throughput of openMQ??
    i searched on google but......
    by throughput i mean...
    messages per second processed by a producer or consumer....
    in short i want to calculate msgs per second. and also msgs per second for a particular time period........
    Shakeel Abbas

    Hi Shakeel,
    Have you had a look at the metrics command?
    Sun Java System Message Queue 4.1 Administration Guide ->
    Administrative Tasks ->
    10. Monitoring Broker Operations ->
    Displaying Metrics Interactively ->
    Using the metrics Subcommand to Display Metrics Data
    For example, if you run :
    "imqcmd metrics dst -t [queue or topic] -n [destName] -m rts"
    you get output a running summary of the messages in and out of the specified destination per second in terms of number of messages and number of bytes.

  • OpenMQ queue size

    how do i check the exact number of messages in a broker destinations.Example my broker has two
    destinations A and B but i want 2 see the exact message number in A alone

    You can run the administrator:
    1.- open 2 windows of CMD (terminal DOS)
    2.- colocate the folder bin of openMQ in my case is C:\Program Files\Sun\MessageQueue\mq\bin
    If you type ( dir ) you can look many *.exe.
    3.- first in one windows run the "imqbrokerd.exe"
    4.- in another window run "imqadmin.exe"
    5.- here can yo see all brobkers an queus in the left part clic in the destinations then select the name and Accions - Propierties.

  • Submit + destination

    hi All,
    I have a Z Function Module(RFC enabled) which passes the Program name its variant and the Destination.
    Inside this FM it call the JOB_OPEN Submit and JOB_CLOSE FM to trigger the report of different system.
    i mean if i m in sytem ABC and i want to execute a report on Sytsem on System XYZ then this FM works fine. Its is created by me and working fine sice last 3-4 year.
    Now i ahve a reqirement to delete this FM if there is any SAP Standard functinality exist in ECC 6.0 which
    can trigger the report at different destination.
    Que-My question is How to trigger a report at different destination .I need SAP Standard  functinality of ECC6.0. please help me.
    Thanks in Advance
    Saurabh T

    This will give you an idea of how it works. Save the file and double click on it to open in IE.
    <form name="myForm" method="GET" action="servlet/InsertRecords">
    <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Radio1" VALUE="1" onClick="onClickFunction(1)" >Insert Record
    <INPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Radio1" VALUE="2" onClick="onClickFunction(2)" >Delete Record
    <Script Language="JavaScript">
    function onClickFunction(inVar) {
       if (inVar == 1) { document.myForm.action="servlet/InsertRecords";
                         document.myForm.submit(); }
       if (inVar == 2) { document.myForm.action="servlet/DeleteRecords";
                         document.myForm.submit(); }

  • Error while scheduling Crystal Report within CMC with Destination as Email

    I have added a Crystal Report within the CMC. Before scheduling it, I have specified the Destination as Email and entered  the necessary details. After scheduling it, the Report Instance gives a Failure with Error Message as -
    destination DLL disabled.CrystalEnterprise.Smtp
    How to rectify this?

    go to the CMC and invoke the server list under Servers. Locate the entry for the Crystal Reports Job Server, select it and invoke the context menu using the right mouse button. Select Destination and add Email in the list of the possible delivery options. Configure the connection data for your SMTP server and restart the Crystal Report Job Server.

  • An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system

    Hello Experts,
    I am trying post goods receipt in EWM system in a simple inbound delivery process. It is not getting posted back in ECC. I have my RFC connection setup properly(I assume since I was able to transfer inbound delivery to EWM in first place).It seems some setting related to Outbound queue in EWM is missing.Can anyone tell me in detail what settings are required?Is it something to do with WE20 transaction?I am not sure what settings should be done there.The error log is as below-
    An RFC destination could not be specified for the logical system
    Message No. B1550
    An RFC destination should be specified for the logical system SB3CLNT011.
    This could not be done in this case. SB3CLNT011 is not your local logical system
    and this system is not included in the relevant Customizing tables.
    oubound partner profile of
    message type SYNCH for this logical system

    Hi Oritra and Suraj,
    I have checked remote connection in SM59 for both the logical system.It works fine.I understand this is more of a technical issue,but I don't have A local basis team to help me so reaching out to experts here.Can you guide me what technical settings could be checked for EWM-->ECC connection?When I execute BD82 for SB3CLNT011 it shows me green status with message "No messages have been defined for the selection conditions in the model".
    Although when I do this for EWM logical system SB3CLNT012 it shows me this with all green status-
    System SB3CLNT011 as a partner type already exists
    System SB3CLNT012 as a partner type already exists
    Port A000000018 with RFC destination SB3CLNT011 already exists
    Outbound parameters for message type SHP_IBDLV_CHANGE SHP_IBDLV_CHANGE01 already
    Outbound parameters for message type SHP_IBDLV_SAVE_REPLICA SHP_IBDLV_SAVE_REPLI
    Outbound parameters for message type SYNCH SYNCHRON already exist
    Am I missing something in WE20?

  • Define Service Desk Destination in the Solution Manager System (Dump creen)

    in SPRO when i click on Define Service Desk Destination in the Solution Manager System
    i got dump screen with the error below 
    any help?
    Runtime Errors         SAPSQL_EMPTY_TABNAME
    Except.                CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX
    Date and Time          13.07.2008 14:05:57
    Short text
        A dynamically specified FROM clause has an unexpected format.
    What happened?
        Error in the ABAP Application Program
        The current ABAP program "SAPLSHI2" had to be terminated because it has
        come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SYNTAX', was not
         caught in
        procedure "STREE_READ_NODE_GENER" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a
         RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        The running ABAP program attempted to execute an Open SQL statement in
        which a FROM clause was specified dynamically in the field "TABLE_NAME". In
        FROM clause, either a table name after a join operator is missing, or an
         alias name after the key name "AS". The field "TABLE_NAME" could be empty as

    I am facing the same problem. What is SP15 ?
    Is there any SAP Note that can be applied to correct this ?

  • Did you know GamingAhead Launches the Ultimate Online Gaming Destination For All Ages.

    Did you know GamingAhead Launches the Ultimate Online Gaming Destination For All Ages.
    Gaming Ahead presents a video review of Prototype which is an action packed bizarrely made sandbox game. Avik Sogoyan and Michael Fam go through the games features and give their thoughts on the title. Be sure to check it out on GamingAhead.com where you will also find a full written review of the game. Prototype is not Infamous!

    Did you know GamingAhead Launches the Ultimate Online Gaming Destination For All Ages.
    Gaming Ahead presents a video review of Prototype which is an action packed bizarrely made sandbox game. Avik Sogoyan and Michael Fam go through the games features and give their thoughts on the title. Be sure to check it out on GamingAhead.com where you will also find a full written review of the game. Prototype is not Infamous!

  • Logical system and rfc destination

    hello all,
    what is the difference between logical system and RFC destination?
    thanks for ur help in advance.

    In any ALE scenario u need one sender and one receiver system.
    Logical systems are just logical representation of these systems but in case of RFC destination u specify technical parameters for those systems like IP address and username and password to connect to that system.
    Thus when u create port i.e.we21 u specify actual RFC destination for the system to which u want to connect and when u create partner profile for that logical system u specify this port so when u want to send data to this logical system i.e receiver system port will be used which in turn has RFC destination which will be used to connect to that system.
    In simple terms logical systems are logical representation of any system and RFC destinations are physical/techinical systems.

  • Logical system and rfc destination related Query?

    Hi Dudes
    Do we need to define logical system and RFC destination if they are in different clients in same server
    Raj Kumar

    Both are client independent setting, so even if you define in one client, it would be available in other clients also.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi Azure team,I received the below error mail for automated export. "We recommend checking that the storage account is available, and that you can perform a manual export to that account. We will attempt to export again at the next scheduled time."1.