Enabled delta

Hi All,
If the delta is enabled for datasource:
RSA6-->double click on data source --> the delta will be flaged.
Does that mean, I can do a delta load or create a generic datasource for a delta timestamp? 

   If the delta check box enabled, you can load the delta records. It doesn't mean that you can cretae Generic DS.
Generic DS is nothing custom DS. you can create any for any data. that depends on the requirement. No need of any Specific module or any specific data.
If the Standard Extractor doesn't satisfy your requirement, you need to create a Custom DS.
All the best.
Nagesh Ganisetti.

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    Hi Christos,
    have you checked the connection strings within the identity Center?
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    Kind regards,

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    Make sure at least you have Numeric pointer or time stamp field in your table to make the data source enable.
    If you created view on these two tables, then in RSA6 --> open the data source --> goto edit mode.
    here you will delta enable check box --> select this check and you can give the field which has to be used for delta.
    If you using FM, then you have to write to code in functional module.

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    I am trying to extract records for the period from 01/05/2007 to 01/02/2007. But it is extracting all the full update records instead of extracting only this period records. I checked in R/3 using RSA3. Here it is displaying only 188 records for this period. So please suggest me how to get only this period records or else how can I enable delta to get modified/newly added records.
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    create a selection condition in your existing info package & give the required time period value in it & try scheduling

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    have a look at the following
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    Cache Refresh disabled in SXI_CACHE

  • How to Enable Delta for a Custom MM Purchase Order History ODS ???

    Hi all,
       We have a Customized MM Purchase Order History ODS with Full Update on Monthly basis. We want to enable the DELTA for this ODS and how can I proceed, PLEASE.
    Please find the Key Figures and Data Fields in the below:
    ODS Structure for PO History ODS:     
    Key Fields
    SAP R/3 Field Description             Technical Name
    Purchasing Document Number             EKBE-EBELN
    Purchasing Line Item Number             EKBE-EBELP
    Sequential number of account assignment     EKBE-ZEKKN
    Transaction/event type, purchase order history     EKBE-VGABE
    FI Fiscal Period     FISCPER (from BKPF-GJAHR + BKPF-MONAT) in the format YYYYPPPP
    Number of Material Document             EKBE-BELNR
    Item in Material Document             EKBE-BUZEI
    Data Fields
    SAP R/3 Field Description     Technical Name
    Company Code     EKKO-BUKRS
    Plant     EKPO-EWERK
    Account Number of the Vendor                   EKKO-LIFNR
    Currency Key (of PO)                           EKKO-WAERS
    Deletion indicator in purchasing document     EKPO-LOEKZ
    Purchasing Document Date                   EKKO-BEDAT
    Responsible salesperson at vendor's office    EKKO-VERKF
    Vendor's telephone number                   EKKO-TELF1
    Incoterms (part 1)                           EKKO-INCO1
    Incoterms (part 2)                           EKKO-INCO2
    Short text                                   EKPO-TXZ01
    Material Group                                   EKPO-MATKL
    Material Number used by Vendor                   EKPO-IDNLF
    Expected Delivery Date                           EKET-EINDT
    Order unit (UOM)                           EKPO-BSTME
    Delivery Completed Indicator                   EKPO-ELIKZ
    Account assignment category                   EKPO-KNTTP
    Business Area (from PO)                           EKKN-GSBER
    Name of requisitioner/requester                   EKPO-AFNAM
    Purchasing organization                           EKKO-EKORG
    Purchasing group                           EKKO-BKGRP
    G/L Account Number (from PO)                   EKKN-SAKTO
    Cost Center (from PO)                           EKKN-KOSTL
    Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)     EKKN-PS_PSP_PNR
    Payment Terms (from PO)                           EKKO-ZTERM
    PO History Category                            EKBE-BEWTP
    Movement Type                        EKBE-BWART, MSEG-BWART
    Debit/Credit Indicator                     EKBE-SHKZG
    Reference from Invoice                     RBKP-XBLNR
    Payment Terms (from Invoice)             RBKP-ZTERM
    Posting Date      RBKP-BUDAT for IR, MKPF-BLDAT for GR
    Document Date      RBKP-BLDAT for Invoice, MKPF-BLDAT for GR
    Baseline Date     RBKP-ZFBDT
    FI Document Number      BKPF-BELNR, found through BKPF-AWKEY (IR # or GR # + fiscal year) or MSEG-LFBNR
    FI Dcoument Year          BKPF-GJAHR
    FI Document Type          BKPF-BLART
    Fiscal Variant     Hardcoded: S4
    Payment Method (invoice header level)     RBKP-ZLSCH
    GL Account (from GR/IR document)     MSEG-SAKTO for GR, DRSEG-SAKNR for IR (DRSEG is a structure)
    Cost Cener (from GR/IR document)     MSEG-KOSTL for GR, DRSEG-KOSTL (DRSEG is a structure) for IR
    Business Area (from GR/IR document)     MSEG-PARGB; not sure on IR
    Local Currency                             BKPF-HWAE
    Local Currency 2                     BKPF-HWAE2
    Amount posted to GR/IR Clearing (LC)     EKBE-AREWR
    Amount posted to GR/IR Clearing (GC)     EKBE-AREWR converted to Group Currecny found through BKPF-KURS2 if BKPF-HWAE2 is USD
    Purchase order quantity                           EKPO-BSTMG
    Price Unit (for PO)                           EKPO-PEINH
    Net price in purchasing document (in document currency)                                           EKPO-BPREI
    Amount in local currency; amount in document currency     MSEG-DMBTR for material document, RSEG-WRBTR for invoice
    Amount in local currency; amount in document currency (GC)     MSEG-DMBTR for material document,
            RSEG-WRBTR for invoice converted to USD
    Quantity      MSEG-ERFMG for material document;
                    RSEG-MENGE for Invoice
    Delivery costs' share of item value     RSEG-BNKAN
    Delivery costs' share of item value (GC)RSEG-BNKAN converted to USD
    Tax Amount (accrued)             BSEG-PSWBT
    Freight Amount (accrued)     BSEG-PSWBT
    Discount Amount (invoice header level)     RBKP-WSKTO

    Hi Venkat,
    If you are using a Custom DataSource/Extractor the main problem is that you are collecting data from a lot of tables, so it is really difficult to determine a field for the delta.
    If for you is important only a change at Key Fields Table (EKBE) you can set the Generic Delta only on a field of this table (Doc Number or Position Number - Date - Timestamp).
    But if you are interested in all changes you have to determine a single field for every tables...
    I think it is really difficult to find a delta in all these tables.
    Maybe you can think to use in BW an ODS without Reporting BEx flag to determine Delta, and then introduce delta records in a Cube.

  • How to enable delta in a generic Data Source

       I am developing a Generic Data Source (Z) based on a view.
       How can i enable it to delta capable...
       What is the concept of Calanderday......timestamp....pointer
       How can i make a decesion (what factors do i need to consider)  to go for  Calanderday......timestamp....pointer
    Please provide me detail steps & description on this as this is my first data source

    how to ...gds
    1. Time stamp - The field is a DEC15 field which always contains the time stamp of the last change to a record in the local time format.
    2. Calendar day - The field is a DATS8 field which always contains the day of the last change.
    3. Numerical pointer - The field contains another numerical pointer that appears with each new record
    Please check this link on generic delta
    hope it helps,

  • Is there a way to enable delta for BPC transaction loads ?

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    everytime i run the package all the data from Infoprovider is read and will feed the application.So is there a way to delta enable the load from BI cube ?
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    thoughts appreciated.

    Thanks for the information.Your blog is really a savior.
    I have followed the steps for automating the DM package.I have created prompt file based on the log file generated from the successful run of the package and i have entered all the required fields in UJD_TEST_PACKAGE programe along with Answer prompt file and i ran the package then some of the records were rejected with error "No authorization for members()on dimension()" and in the detaile log i saw "Cannot access the member (ACTUAL) of dimension (C_CATEGORY)" as the rejected records.
    Other hand if i run the package directly in excel client > Run Data management package then the package runs succesfully without any errors.
    I have checked the authorizations in Admin Client and i have full Member Access profile.Also checked C_Category is not a secured dimension.
    what it has to do with C_CATEGORY dimension??
    do we need any special authorisations while we run through the program? even in BI i have sap_all profile.
    Pls help.

  • To enable delta update in generic datasource

    Hi All,
    I'm creating a generic datasource for master data. I want to enable the delta update option. While creating the datasource the option is disabled and i'm not able to tick the checkbox. Can you please tell me how to enable the delta update option.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sananda,
    when creating the DataSource, choose button Generic Delta. In the dialog box that appears, specify the delta-determining field and the type of this field. Maintain your entries and save data. After the DataSource has been generated, the delta update field is selected.

  • How to enable delta without data transfer option for Collections - Extracts

    Hi All,
    My question is basically related to FSCM - Collections related data sources and Init and Delta loads of the same.
    Once the Init is completed, I wanted to do delta without data transfer and option is graded out - means can not really select the option for Collections Data Sources ..
    For Example I have OCLM_INVOICE as my data source which has lot of data to extract - and in the Init stage itself, its either giving errors or keeps running for longer time (Records to be extracted is ONLY 400000) and finally shows in the monitor as 400000 of 0 Records..
    And also Is there any place where I can find that all of Collection data sources are TIME STAMP based or other options.
    I appreciate your quick an ddetails reply and points will be awarded for sure.

    As far as I remember there some datasources which wont support init w/o data transfer. I guess COPA is one of them. I havent worked on datasource 0CLM_INVOICE but it is possible that even this could be same case. When I seached on help.sap.com for this datasource, I found this info -
    (I am pasting content because strangely the webpage doesnt give html link for this search result window)
    DataSource Transactional Data: 0CLM_INVOICE
    This DataSource is used to extract the transaction data of an invoice from Accounts Receivable Accounting (FI-AR). The system determines the key figures from the amounts of the line items belonging to the invoice. The date fields each contain the respective date of an action that refers to a line item. The extractor provides the data in optimized form for SAP Collections Management.
    Technical Data
    Application Components Collections Management (0FSCM-CLM)
    Available as of Release mySAP ERP Value Pack 2005.1
    Shipment SAP NetWeaver 2004s BI Content Add-On 3 SP02
    Content Versions There are no content versions.
    RemoteCube-Capable No
    Delta-Capable Yes
    Extraction from Archives No
    Verifiable Yes
    Data Modeling
    Delta Update
    The DataSource permits delta update with generic delta processing using the time stamp. The system determines the invoice reference for a document in Business Transaction Event (BTE) 5010 and saves it with a time stamp. In the case of a delta upload, it determines the amounts of the line items based on these document numbers.
    Extractor Logic
    Verification of Key Figures
    If necessary, you can check the key figures of the individual customers as follows:
    In the source system, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose the following function: Accounting  u2192 Financial Supply Chain Management u2192 Collections Management u2192 Integration with Accounts Receivable Accounting  u2192 Process Receivables (Old).
    Enter the required customer.
    The Customer Account - Process Receivables screen appears. Here you see a list of all invoices for which there are open receivables.
    Using this list, you can compare the following key figures:
    Original Amount of Invoice or Credit Memo (INVOICE_AMOUNT)
    Amount Paid (PAID_AMOUNT)
    Open Amount (OPEN_AMOUNT)
    Total of All Credit Memos for Selected Invoice (CREDITED_AMOUNT)
    Amount Arranged for Payment (PAYMENT_ARRANGED)
    Unsychronized Backup Recovery in BW System
    If you import backup copies asynchronously, you have to initialize the delta procedure for the DataSource again.
    Edited by: ABHIJIT TEMBHEKAR on Nov 18, 2008 5:00 PM

  • Delta enable generic datasource

    hellow sir ..
    im workin on SAP BW 3.5
    i'm creating the generic datasource ,, so my confusion is how to make it Delta enabled because The check box for DElta is Greyed...
    so wat;s the diference between delta box checked and unchecked..
    how to make that grey area checked..
    thanks and regards

    u r talkin about Generic Delta Tab.. where 3 option s are there,..  - YES
    so wat options i shud go for.. so that it enables Delta upload at BW side.  - This will not enable delta loading at BI side it will extract delta records from R/3 only, for activation BW delta you have to create a delta infopackage that will extract the delta records from R/3 to BI.
    and there are 2 more options in Radio button
    -  Filed name : Here u specified based on which field ur delta records wil be picked up, like change date field (field name : ERDAT) then specify the name of field, as its a date field so choose the Radio button  CAled day. If it had been a time stamp filed u have choosen then Timestamp radio butoon.
    1) New status for change Records
    2)Additive Delta..
    For above read F1 help (that is very clearly explains this)
    and what is the DElta check box which is there in Selection and Hide field Tab,, which comes after Saving the First Screen of RS02 ( DATASOURCE : Customer Version Edit )  -  This box will become checked when u maitain any delta field in Generic delta tab. It indicates wether the datasource is delta enabled or not
    Hope this is clear now.

  • Delta is not enabling

    Hi expert's
    I have DSO1 & DSO2.
    DSO1 contains 6 years of data, I need to transfer only 3 yrs of data to DSO2 and delta records should be updated.
    I am using DTP to load data between these 2 DSO's. (I am new to BI )
    I tried by loading one full load with 3yrs selection(till date) and in next step I used set delta status :  no data transfer option in DTP. But it was not successful.
    pls guide me how to enable delta in this scenario.

    Hi Rajesh,
    The process you followed is correct, after the loading the 3 yrs data (full), just enable delta by using DTP with delta as extraction mode.
    From the next load onwards, use the same DTP (Delta extraction mode), it will pick the new records.
    Also check for Delta init method from in the extracion tab of the DTP.
    Hope this helps...

  • Delta enabling for Custom fields after Master Data Enhancement

    Dear Friends,
    Two new custom fields were added to MARA table in ECC. I enhanced the extractor 0MATERIAL_ATTR by adding an append structure and added these new fields. For enabling DELTA, I did the following:
    1. In table ROOSGEN  lookup the 'Message Type' for extractor 0MATERIAL_ATTR. Found 'RS0152' as message type.
    2. Used transaction BD52 to create and entry in table 'TBD62' for Message Type - 'RS0152', Change object- 'MATERIAL' and fields - ZFIELD1 and ZFIELD2.
    3. Did a SCC1 in the test system for the transport carrying the above changes and did a re-init in BW. Then did a DELTA.
    I am seeing 0 records for DELTA eventhough I made some changes to the ZFIELDS in ECC.
    Please share your thoughts and suggestions if I am missing anything.

    Hi Raj,
    Check the following
    1) If you transport the changes, the message type name changes across the system
    2) The Data Element of the Z fields, check whether you have set the 'Change Documents' option in the 'DEFINITION' tab(Below th Parameter ID).

  • How to enable the Delta for the data source 0CO_OM_OPA_7

    Hi Experts,
    I have a business content data source 0CO_OM_OPA_7 and I need to activate and enable Delta for this data source.
    This data source is activated (but not delta enabled) and used for full load in my system for the past three year. As this is a full load this data source is carrying more than 4 million records every day with adding 2 millions records every year. The load takes every day 4 to 5 hours for completion.
    Now I need to enable the delta for this data source. To enable the delta for this data source I used the transaction RSA5 and clicked on the 'Activate DataSources' but the data source is not enabled the 'Delta'
    I have also checked in the RSA6 transaction, the check box for 'Delta' is not checked for this data source.
    Can anybody help in enabling the 'Delta' for this data source.
    Thanks in Advance

    DS "0CO_OM_OPA_7" won't support deltas, so load to ODS then to Cube. Else delete the overlaping request then load this you can set in InfoPackage level.
    You check any Period/Month fields in 0CO_OM_OPA_7 then write simple routine in Infopackage and the set the overlaping deletion.
    Use the followng code and change it for your requirement in Infopackage level.
    I'm using 0CO_PC_01 DataSource, so it won't have delta so I'm using the following code in InfoPackageag and set delete overlaping req. So eveyday it will delete the old req for that period and then it will load data againg for that period (Full loads).
    DATA: l_idx LIKE sy-tabix,
            zzdate LIKE sy-datum,
            zzbuper LIKE t009b-poper,
            zzbdatj LIKE t009b-bdatj,
            zzperiod(7) TYPE c.
      READ TABLE l_t_range WITH KEY
           fieldname = 'FISCPER'.
      l_idx = sy-tabix.
      zzdate = sy-datum - 1.
          i_date               = zzdate
    *             I_MONMIT             = 00
          i_periv              = 'V3'
         e_buper              = zzbuper
         e_gjahr              = zzbdatj.
    *           EXCEPTIONS
    *             INPUT_FALSE          = 1
    *             T009_NOTFOUND        = 2
    *             T009B_NOTFOUND       = 3
    *             OTHERS               = 4
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      CONCATENATE zzbdatj zzbuper INTO zzperiod.
      l_t_range-low = zzperiod.
      l_t_range-option = 'EQ'.
      l_t_range-sign = 'I'.
      MODIFY l_t_range INDEX l_idx.

  • Delta Initialization vs Delta Update

    We're having some issues with performance when loading our GL cube.  What I would like to do is perform many delta initializations, each delta inititialization containing one month/period.
    My confusion is in the fact that the last time I attempted this, when I subsequently went to run my delta UPDATE the same selection criteria was automatically inserted into my delta update.
    So for example my INIT may look like this;
    REQUEST1: Selection = 001.2005
    REQUEST2: Selection = 002.2005
    REQUEST12: Selection = 012.2005
    Next the UPDATE info package seems to inherit the same criteria... doesn't this mean it will not update anything beyond that criteria??
    I'm just wondering if it is possible to do an incremental initialization and still be able to enable delta updates for future periods?

    Hi Patrick,
    The delta update will load the data as per the selections made in the Init run. A delta requested after several initializations, contains the sum of all the successful initial selections as a selection condition. This selection condition can then no longer be changed for the delta.
    Take a look here for more info:
    Hope this helps...

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