Enabling a DFF on Bank Account OAF page

We have a requirement of enabling a DFF on Create Bank Account Page.This page has been changed to Self Service Page in R12.
Can anybody please provide guidelines on how to go about this?

Check whether the DFF is available in the new self service application for the Bank account page. If available, define the segments and compile the DFF. Now, DFF should be displayed in the Bank Account page. See, if apache/oc4j bounce is required.
If not, probably DFF is not rendered by default in the page. You need to set Rendered=true through OA personalization for the Flex item. Refer to Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for personalization steps.

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    Hi Prety,
    You may create or assign a bank account to a customer from the customer definition page in AR.
    Query the customer, go to bank account definition page and define the bank details. Once you save the record the bank account is assigned to the customer or customer site.
    The Bank and Branch information will then be available in CM. But the bank account information is maintained in payment tables (IBY).
    Hope this helps.


    Bank Account 조회후, 'Receivables Options' tab의 'Multiple Currency Receipts'와
    'Payables Options' tab의 'Multiple Currency Payments'를 수정시,
    수정이 되는 계좌가 있고,
    수정이 안되는 계좌가 있습니다.(FRM-40200, Field is protected against update)
    수정이 되는 경우와 안되는 경우의 차이는 무엇이며,
    수정이 안되는 경우 Menu->Help->Diagrnostics->Examin->'MULTI_CURRENCY_FLAG'와 'NBT_RECEIPT_MULTI_CURRENCY_FLA'을 창에서 수정후 저장하면 저장이 되는데, 이렇게 변경을 해도 되는 것인지요?
    Oracle Payables User Guide 2 – 150 에 아래와 같은 내용이 나와 있습니다.
    Multiple Currency Payments :
    Enable this option if you want to use
    this bank account to pay invoices entered in multiple currencies. You
    can select this option only if the Use Multiple Currencies Payables
    option is enabled and if the bank account is in your functional currency.
    즉, "Use Multiple Currencies" setup이 enable되어 있고,
    해당 Bank Account의 Currency가 Functional currency 일 경우에 Enable이
    가능하다라는 내용입니다.
    다시 정리하면,
    해당 Bank Account의 Currency가 Functional Currency(예를들어, "KRW")가
    아닌 다른 나라의 Currency ("JPY")인 경우에는 해당 Multiple Currency
    Payments 기능을 사용하실 수 없습니다.

    Hi Salman,
    Have you tried this from Element Define window. There is functionality for Input and Output currency.
    Hope it could meet your requirement.

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    I need helping hands to help me out to get the entered dff values stored in my custom table.
    Kindly provide me the steps so that I can follow up..
    Best wishes,

    thiru_apps wrote:
    I need to store the captured values of Dff(which was enabled in the seeded page based on the custom table XX_Table) and the same needs to be stored into the custom table xx_Table.
    Basically the entered values for the DFF enabled should have to be get stored in the XX_TABLE(Custom TAble).As per my understands in Standard page u want create some extra fields and those should be save in custom table...is it ...
    For that u r going create stack layout region in standard page via personalization and extend with custom region.
    IF im geting u correctly u need to write code in co and am.
    ---U had already created the components eo vo AM co...
    ---For the custom region in Jdev do the mapping of viewInstacne and view attribute properties for the fields.
    ---In AM:
    public void CreateVo(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    Row hrow;
    OADBTransaction tr=getOADBTransaction();
    EOVOImpl vo=getEOVO1();
    vo. executeQuery();
    public void savetr()
    OADBTransaction tr=getOADBTransaction();
    In Co ProcessREq:
    AMImpl AM=(AMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    AM.CreateVo(pageContext, webBean);
    In Co ProcessFormREq:
    ---GEt the event of the save button of the standard page
    if(pageContext.getParameter("save")!= null)---DI of the standard page
    AM.savetr(pageContext, webBean);
    Meher Irk

  • How To-set DFF to null and Not required in OAF page ??

    enabled service dff, added 2 segments. i want them displayed in service request oaf pages.
    details of dff-
    Application=Service , title = Additional Information for Agents
    in context field region : unchecked required and displayed
    In global data elements - added 2 segments based on value set(validation type = independent, list type = poplist)
    displayed and enabled checkbox are checked for both the segments.
    I want to be able to do two things
    1.in HTML service request agentdashboard- the 2 new dffs are displayed correctly as drop down lists. I can pick and save a value to those mapped columns.
    but the two drop downs are REQUIRED. I do not want them to be. how can I make them un-required.
    --while personalizing this flexfield elemnt from oaf page - I did not have the attribute-required to be unset.
    2. I want a default blank value in both the drop down list.
    I tried to add a nullvalue in valueset ,but its not letting me. can i do that ??
    any pointers please.
    Thanks in advance

    For your question
    if I want to show one segment based on value of some other bean in the UI, then can I do it ? and how ?
    If you do not want to extend controller then you need to use javascript. Sample code below
    <SCRIPT>if (document.getElementById("QFEQHR_FV").value =='Class Room')
    {document.getElementById("DescFlex2").style.visibility = "visible";}
    else{document.getElementById("DescFlex2").style.visibility = "hidden";} </SCRIPT>Here "QFEQHR_FV" is any bean ID in your page and "DescFlex" is DFF flex item ID. To get handle of the required DFF attribute change numbers starting from '0' and test.
    Sample code for testing
    <SCRIPT>alert(document.getElementById("DescFlex0").value);</SCRIPT>You need to add this code to "Text" property of a "Raw Text" item.

  • Win 8.1, latest java, reinstalled both, facebook says Java required, yahoo mail blank page. IE works fine. Also can't get into bank account

    windows 8.1 64 bit, latest java 1.8.0_40, facebook says Java required, yahoo mail blank page, bank account says java required. Java is enabled, I have added these to trusted sites.

    Just to be sure: do you mean Java or JavaScript?
    Java and JavaScript are different languages.
    To avoid confusion, see:
    JavaScript is build-in, but can be disabled by an extension or manually.
    Java is added by a plugin.
    Firefox on Windows is a 32 bit application and thus you need a 32 bit Java version for Firefox.
    You didn't include troubleshooting information, so we can't check what plugins are installed and enabled.

  • How to derive DFF segment id programatically, attached to OAF page

    Hi Guru's
    I am facing below challenges in handling the segments of DFF which is attached to OAF page.
    As per the requirement, we need to do the changes on the segments of DFF(Party Information). But segments of these DFF are different for each attribute category in DFF.
    I can get the segment id by seeing the View Source of that page where DFF is attached but this id differs when sequence of DFF segments differs.
    for ex.:- for Attribute Category Comany segments sequece are-
    1) Acounting
    2) Sub Accounting
    so for this attribute category Accounting segment id will be 01 and Sub Accounting segment id will be 02
    but for Attribute Category Agency segment sequece are-
    1) Sub Accounting
    2) Accounting
    so for this attribute category segment id will 01 for Sub Accounting and 02 for Accounting.
    So we need the approach to derive the segment id instead of getting it from View Source page.
    Can any one please help on this?
    Please reply incase you require more details on it..
    Edited by: Piyush_Gupta on Feb 4, 2013 10:00 PM

    Hi All,
    I am still facing the challanges.
    Could anyone help me on this?

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    You cannot enable Save Search / Views functionality if the "Include View Panel" is set to false for the query region.

  • Help Needed Regarding Creating a DFF in OAF page

    Hi ,
    I am trying to create DFF in OAF page but i could not able to create it.
    Here is the through explanation of the Requirement and Error.
    We have migrated recently from 11.5.10 - R12.1.2 in 11i we have the Buyers Form which is a Template.FMB and for that we have attached a DFF
    Name of DFF:PO_AGENTS Resp :PO Tittle Purchasing: Agents and attributes :attribute1 and Attribute2.
    My manager want that same DFF to appear in the OAF page of the Buyers.
    Navigation :Purchasing -> Setup -> Personal -> Buyers.
    I tried creating DFF as per the documents I found online and in the OAF Documentation guide but I am not able to create the DFF.I dont know where I am doing it wrong.
    Help would be highly appreciated.
    Please find the steps below what is given.
    Before you can add a descriptive flexfield to an OA Framework page, you must first setup the descriptive
    flexfield in Oracle Applications. To start, review Chapter 3 ("Planning and Defining Descriptive Flexfields") in
    the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11i.
    When you have a clear plan for the descriptive flexfield you wish to set up, refer to the section titled
    "Implementing Descriptive Flexfields" in Chapter 14 ("Flexfields") of the Oracle Applications Developer's Guide
    Release 11i for instructions to the following general steps:
    Step 1: Define descriptive flexfield columns in your database.
    Step 2: Register your descriptive flexfield table with Oracle Application Object Library.
    Step 3: Register your descriptive flexfield using the Descriptive Flexfields Window.
    Next, refer to the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11i for instructions to these general steps:
    Step 4: Define your value sets in the Value Sets Window, as described in Chapter 5 ("Values and Value
    Step 5: Define your descriptive flexfield structure using the Descriptive Flexfield Segments Window, as
    described in the "Descriptive Flexfield Segments Window" section of Chapter 3 ("Planning and Defining
    Descriptive Flexfields").
    Recall that the value of a descriptive flexfield context field determines the context of the descriptive flexfield
    and the context-sensitive segments (if any) that are displayed. The section titled "Context Fields and
    Reference Fields" in Chapter 3 ("Planning and Defining Descriptive Flexfields") discusses context fields in
    more detail.
    Note: Reference fields for descriptive flexfields are supported by Forms-based Oracle Applications, but not
    by OA Framework. A developer mode error occurs in JDeveloper if you try to implement this feature in OA
    Framework. Refer to the "Reference Fields" section of Chapter 3 ("Planning and Defining Descriptive
    Flexfields") in the Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide Release 11i for additional information about
    reference fields.
    Step 6: When you are ready to add the descriptive flexfield to an OA Framework page, follow the steps
    outlined in the Declarative Implementation and Runtime Control sections below.
    Declarative Implementation
    The following steps describe how to add a descriptive flexfield item to a OA Framework region:
    Step 1: Define an item of the item style flex in your region.
    Note: You cannot create a flex item directly under a messageComponentLayout region, but you can create a
    messageLayout region under the messageComponentLayout region and add the flex item under the
    messageLayout region.
    Step 2: Set the Read Only property to True or False, depending on whether you want the descriptive flexfield
    to be read only.
    Step 3: Specify a View Instance for your flexfield. The view instance should be the same as the view instance
    (view object) specified for your region. When the view object is defined, it should include all the database
    columns necessary for this descriptive flexfield. You should not change the database column names for this
    flexfield because the OADescriptiveFlexBean uses the same naming convention that the view object
    generation routine uses to find the corresponding attribute names from your view object.
    Note: OA Framework supports multiple descriptive flexfields on the same view object.
    Note: If a flexfield's view object does not return a row, an OAException will not be thrown so that the
    controller's processRequest method can still execute and render the flexfield.
    Step 4: Set the Appl Short Name property to the short name of the application to which the descriptive flexfield
    is registered. (Step 3 of Setting Up a Descriptive Flexfield in Oracle Applications).
    Step 5: Set the Name property to the name of the descriptive flexfield as it was registered.
    Note: This differs from how Key Flexfields are defined by shorthand codes.
    Step 6: Set the Type property to descriptive.
    Step 7: Set the Segment List property as appropriate (see Descriptive Flexfield Segment List).
    Step 8: Finally, you may set the Display Context Field to True or False, depending on whether you want to
    hide or show the context for the descriptive flexfield.

    Hello all OAF GURUS,
    Here is the brief explanation of what I am doing Environment :R12.1.2
    I am creating an item type of FLEX and the values are
    Step 2) Set the Read Only property to True
    step 3 )View Instance : PoAgentsVO
    step 4) Application Short name :PO
    Step 5: Set the Name property - PO_AGENTS name of the DFF
    Step 6: Set the Type property to descriptive
    Step 7: Set the Segment List property as appropriate here I am giving as Attribute1||Attribute2
    Step 8: Finally, set the Display Context Field to True
    after doing all these I am not able to see the DFF i dont know where I am doing a mistake.
    Help would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: user12156300 on Jan 29, 2010 7:55 AM

  • Unable to run OAF page  in jdeveloper     since  SSO is enable

    hi ,
    I am using this patch p8431482_R12_GENERIC.zip for OAF page development.
    Previously pages in our application was working fine in jdeveloper.
    Now SSO is enabled to our Apps pages.from then onwards im unable to run pages in jdeveloper.
    can anyone please suggest me how to run SSO apps pages from jdeveloper.
    appreciate your help!

    Hi, I have encountered the same issue.
    Just wanted to find out if you were able to resolve it?

  • When trying to log into my bank account, I always get a Challenge Page even though I check the box to register my computer as a private computer.

    When trying to log into my bank accounts (2), I always get a security Challenge Page even though I have repeatedly checked the box to register my computer as a private computer. When I attempt to get into these same two accounts using Internet Explorer, I skip the Challenge Page and go directly to the Log In page. What settings do I need to change in Firefox so that I don't get the Challenge Page every time?

    I have had exactly this problem - Firefox - version 11, but when I updated all my plug-ins (go to Customize Firefox - about halfway down - '''''Check your plugins''''') and restarted Firefox the problem vanished. Hope this helps as this seems to be a fairly large issue.

  • In R 12.1.3 , how do I enable the who columns on OAF pages ...

    How do I enable the WHO columns in OAF pages in R 12.1.3 ?
    Thanks - Yesh

    Please post your question in "Technology - OA Framework" forum for a better/faster response.
    Technology - OA Framework
    OA Framework

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    I usually use the OS connection option. So as you suggest, connect without the ISP connection software.  Doing so does not by-pass the sudo command being active in Activity Monitor however. 
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    Thanks again for your thoughts and suggestions. Valued.

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