Enabling multiple simultaneous discount codes

Is it possible to enable multiple discount codes so that they can both be applied at checkout?
For example I have one that enables users to take 20% off, and another that lets them take another $100 for being a new customer. I have them both setup as codes, but when I test the cart one seems to eliminate the other.
Tried searching for the answer and came up short. I'm sure this has been done before though. Any direction would be great!
Thanks so much!

Can a gift voucher be "redeemed" more than once? For example if we advertise $100 off and say to use "Gift Voucher" GV101, can multiple people check out with it?

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    I have been using two web forms to allow access to a secure zone. Of them, one is for the trial user access and another is for the paid user access.
    The problem is: Can I use discount codes for the secure zone access? I can't see the way of integrating eCommerce discount codes with web forms.
    Discount codes don't actually work with secure zone access since you have to accept payment through web forms. However, I hired an outside developer to write some code for me, which I don't mind sharing:
    Put this in the Head of your document:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function refreshAmountToCharge() {
    var frm = document.forms[0];
    var defaultAmountToCharge = 100;
    var couponCode = "ABC123"; // A tribute to Michael Jackson...
    var percentOff = 50;
    var couponCode2 = "DISCOUNT2";
    var percentOff2 = 67;
    var couponCode3 = "DISCOUNT3";
    var percentOff3 = 99;
    var couponCode4 = "DISCOUNT4";
    var percentOff4 = 75;
    /* Fixed amount coupon c*/
    var fixedCouponCode1 = "FIXED1";
    var fixedAmount1 = 20.00;
    var fixedCouponCode2 = "FIXED2";
    var fixedAmount2 = 6.00;
    var fixedCouponCode3 = "FIXED3";
    var fixedAmount3 = 7.00;
    var amountToCharge = defaultAmountToCharge.toFixed(2);
    if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode2)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff2 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode3)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff3 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == couponCode4)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - (defaultAmountToCharge * percentOff4 / 100)).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode1)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount1).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode2)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount2).toFixed(2);
    else if (frm.couponCode.value.toUpperCase() == fixedCouponCode3)
      amountToCharge = (defaultAmountToCharge - fixedAmount3).toFixed(2);
    frm.Amount.value = amountToCharge;
    // ----------- End Coupon Code Javascript ---------------------
    Then, you'll need a Coupon Code field in your form:
    <div class="item">
        <label for="couponCode">Coupon Code</label><br />
        <input type="text" name="couponCode" id="couponCode" class="cat_textbox" />
        <a href="javascript:refreshAmountToCharge()">Update</a>
    That's it. Let me know if you have any questions. You can set multiple codes, either percentage based or fixed amount. Experiment with it to make sure it works as expected.

    This is great Mario! Thanks so much for sharing. It works very well.
    One thing I want to add is a validation for the coupon update action. If the coupon is no longer valid or entered incorrectly, a message would be great, because the person might no even notice the fact that the amount did not change even though they think they entered a valid discount code.

  • Cannot establish multiple simultaneous PPTP connections with the CISCO 1841.

    Hello everyone;
    I have recently tested a PPTP connection with a CISCO 1841 router and got success. I have configured a windows 7 client and successfully connected to the router and was able to access the documents in the server PC that I have mentioned in the attached diagram. I have created number of different users  in the CISCO 1841 too. While some one is having a connection, another user cannot connect to it, which means multiple simultaneous connections aren't possible. Do I have to create a ACL for the PPTP and if yes, How ? 
     FastEthernet0/0 is up, line protocol is up
      Internet address is
      Broadcast address is
      Address determined by non-volatile memory
      MTU is 1500 bytes
      Helper address is not set
      Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
      Outgoing access list is not set
      Inbound  access list is 100
    Proxy ARP is enabled
    Local Proxy ARP is disabled
    Security level is default
    Split horizon is enabled
    ICMP redirects are always sent
    ICMP unreachables are always sent
    ICMP mask replies are never sent
    IP fast switching is enabled
    IP fast switching on the same interface is disabled
    IP Flow switching is disabled
    IP CEF switching is enabled
    IP CEF Feature Fast switching turbo vector
    IP multicast fast switching is enabled
    IP multicast distributed fast switching is disabled
    IP route-cache flags are Fast, CEF
    Router Discovery is disabled
    IP output packet accounting is disabled
    IP access violation accounting is disabled
    TCP/IP header compression is disabled
    RTP/IP header compression is disabled
    Policy routing is disabled
    Network address translation is enabled, interface in domain inside
    BGP Policy Mapping is disabled
    WCCP Redirect outbound is disabled
    WCCP Redirect inbound is disabled
    WCCP Redirect exclude is disabled
    Inbound inspection rule is SDM_LOW
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACL 100-----------------------------
    deny icmp any any echo-reply
    deny ip host any
    deny ip any
    deny ip host any
    permit ip any any (122467027 matches)

    As long as you have the inspection engine enabled on the ASA, it shouldn't freak out of the different IP as it will inspect the call signalling and will NAT it accordingly, BUT, for simplicity, I agree with you, it would cause a lot of troubleshooting headache if there is problem as well as reconfiguration of IP on the host ends.
    Here is the NAT FYI:
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    object network obj-
    nat (inside,outside) source static obj- obj- destination static obj- obj-
    nat (inside,outside) source static obj- obj- destination static obj- obj-
    nat (inside,outside) source static obj- obj- destination static obj- obj-

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    Is there a way to enable & configure Volume Discounts via the Product Import Spreadsheet? Is there a way to enable more than 2 Quantity Thresholds?

    Hi Michael,
    You can set the thresholds via an import file. The easiest way to do this (and this goes for all importable data, webapps included, 301 redirects and so on) is this:
    1. go into the Admin and create a single item, in you case create a test product and set the thresholds
    2. export that data - in your case export the product list
    3. take a look at how the data looks like in the export file so you can get an idea of how the format should be like in the import file
    Unfortunately you cannot set more than 2 thresholds, that is not possible at the moment.

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    Hi there,
    Not in BC by default no.
    You can do a javascript discount but you can not really properly say for the first 10 - no. YOu can fudge both a discount and this but its easily viewed and manipulated.

  • Enabling Multiple Search in Advanced search

    Hi All,
    I am trying to enable Multiple search on a particular field in the advanced search for that PCUI application. E.g Search for Opportunities with Partner P1 and P2.
    When i perform the search the results show me all opportunities with partner P1 OR Partner P2. So i get all opportunities which belong to partner either  P1 or P2 or both
    I want to view all opportunities with partner P1 AND P2 i.e i want to search only for those opportunities that have both P1 and P2 in it
    Is there anyway we can achieve this
    Thanks and Regards,

    The MAC for the the advanced search in opportunities (application CRMD_BUS2000111) is CL_CRM_BSP_AM_HEADME_1O.
    Create a Z MAC inheriting from this MAC and redefine the method IF_CRM_BSP_MODEL_ACCESS_IL~QUERY.
    In you redefined method, you can for example first call the ‘super’ query method and do your own additional selections after.
    The FM used for the standard query is CRM_BSP_OIC_1O_SEARCH_FROM_RF.
    You can maybe also check how this FM is called and make you own call of this FM.

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  • How can we enable multiple people to work on the same Xcelsius file

    I want to enable multiple people work on the same file as I am working on. How Can I achieve this task?

    Hi Jain,
    I dont think there is a logic behind your requirement.  If multiple persons are allowed to work on one file, then whose modification has to get saved as a final copy.  Even in MS office documents also, you will be notified/prompted if you are opening at the same time some one else is already working on the same.  Please clarify your requirement more.
    If i presume that if you are talking about the Xcelsius output file such as word, pdf, etc.,. then it is clear that all can open the same file in read only mode except the one who is opening the same First.  Anyhow they cannot modify the SWF contents.  Only header or footer can be inserted.
    Hope this is clear.  Please revert on your exact requirement.
    With best wishes

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    My usb multimedia keyboard is recognized as a "combined" usb device.
    Two /dev/usb/hidx are created , one with usb keyboard driver attached, the other with the usb mouse driver attached.
    Events are generated for the scroll wheel on the keyboard, but not for the cca. 30 extra buttons.
    Is there a way to enable multiple buttons support for the "mouse" device ?
    The OS is Solaris 10 x86 u3

    I don't know how ZAxis... can make those buttons work.
    Pressing those keys don't generate any event in xev.
    xmodmap -pp shows a maximum of 24 buttons which I cannot map to anything.
    On linux there are some drivers and applications one can use to map the keys.
    On Solaris, I don't know.

  • Discount Code for Single Product

    Is it possible to create a discount code for just a single product? I know I can do it for a single catalog - but hoping I can do it on single products, too.

    I've had to display two BC catalogs on one page whenever clients request this, which seems to be a common request. Often clients want one page displaying two different catalogs side by side.
    You can accomplish this with jQuery.
    Set up an empty div on the page that will hold the catalogs...
    <div id="the-catalog-1"></div>
    <div id="the-catalog-2"></div>
    Then include a script so jQuery will use Ajax to load in the normal BC catalog page from the BC server and insert it into the div on your page...
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $('#the-catalog-1').load('/promotional-items div.shop-main').slideDown();
    $('#the-catalog-2').load('/promotional-items/t-shirts div.shop-main').slideDown();
    In this example I'm pulling a parent catalog named /promotional-items and reading only the content from that BC page that is within its div having class="shop-main"
    jQuery will let you load only part of the content from the BC catalog page, in this case, I only wish to load the catalogs and/or products displayed within the div class="shop-main" in order to avoid loading the entire catalog page which of course would include the page template which I don't want.  I only want the part of the page in which BC is using the BC catalog layout or small product layout to list catalogs/products, eliminating the normal page template it displays within. For docs see "Loading Page Fragments" on the jQuery documentation page for the load command here: http://api.jquery.com/load/
    In #the-catalog-2 in the example I am loading the products displayed within the t-shirts subcatalog off the promotional-items catalog.
    You would likely need to set some CSS to set the width and perhaps height of #the-catalog-1 etc. although in my example I have no height so nothing is displayed until the catalog page loads and then I'm using a jQuery slideDown() to slide the div open and down with the content in it.
    Of course in order to run jQuery code you site needs to load jQuery in your page template etc. If you don't know how to do that there are instructions on my site:
    http://www.atlantawebdesignga.com/_blog/Adobe_Business_Catalyst_Developer/post/Loading_jQu ery_-_Loading_Latest_jQuery_-_Test_If_jQuery_Loaded/

  • Discount Code Recurring Product

    I have been searching all the forums, knowledgebase, Kiyuco, BCGurus, etc. and cannot find what happens when a discount is applied to a recurring product.  Does anyone know? 
    For instance, if the product is $75/monthly, and the discount is $10, the first bill is $65, but how about the second month bill and beyond?  Is it $65 or $75 each month?
    My client would like to use the discount code to reduce the monthly price. 
    I am guessing that the "personal" discounts (set in the CRM only, right?) reduce the monthly subscription price and the discount code is just an amount off the first payment only.  Is that correct?
    Thanks, in advance, for your help!!

    Hi Katie,
    Only the intial item will be discounted when using the code.  The recurring items will revert back to the original cost. 
    Kind regards,

  • Multiple Simultaneous ODBC Connections

    Running into a problem when trying to pull data from Oracle via the Merrant drivers. If two databases are building simultaneously and both need to connect to the same Oracle servers at the same time (or, if one database is loading data and a developer is building a data load rule that hits the same server) we get an error stating:SQL driver for [ODBC name] is in use and does not allow multiple connections.This is a problem not only as it slows development (waiting for one load to finish before building another load rule) but can prevent a successful automated build should one app still be loading data prior to the second app starting to load data.Is there a way to allow an Essbase server to connect multiple simultaneous connections to a data source, like Oracle?

    joepvd wrote:
    I need to connect to two vpn networks, and I am using netcfg. I can connect to both networks separately, but it does not work to have both networks up at the same time.
    This is the configuration:
    vpn1: vpnc
    vpn2: pptp
    There is of course a collision in the address space. These are my routing requirements:
    default gateway should stay at the gw without VPNs.
    All traffic to should go to vpn1
    Traffic to and should go to vpn2
    You need to configure your VPN servers differently. You can not have conflicting subnets.
    Also, PPTP is not secure. You should look into OpenVPN if you are in control of the VPN servers and have the authority to chose. OpenVPN is also much easier to configure. You simply add this to the end of the server config for vpn2.
    push "route"
    push "route"
    Defeating PPTP VPNs and WPA2 Enterprise with MS-CHAPv2
    DEFCON 19: Whitfield Diffie and Moxie Marlinspikeby
    Last edited by hunterthomson (2013-01-28 09:06:24)

  • Shopping Cart - Show discount code is applied and the discount amount (only when entered)

    Customers are getting confused whether their discount code is applied or not - does anyone know a way to show that a discount code has been applied (but if no discount code is entered then they wont see the line)
    We tried {tag_invoicediscountamount} but this shows for everyone - we would only want it to show if a discount is actually entered like below:
    i.e. if no discount code is entered then they wont see any of the yellow circled bits.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Hi David,
    Did you solve your problem? If this is the case, i would be grateful if you could explain the solution.
    Best regards.
    Jordi GM
    Edited by: Jordi Gilibert on May 23, 2011 8:49 PM

  • Unique discount codes / gift vouchers

    I have a client who is wants to be able to send a customer a gift voucher / discount code with their receipt that is valid for one week and only redeemable once. Basically to encourage them to buy again that week or to pass it onto a friend if they aren't going to use it.
    Everything seems to point to this not being possibe as discounts/gift vouchers have to be manually entered, but thought it was worth asking.
    Has anyone done anything like this before? Does anyone else feel that this would be a really handy marketing tool to have available?

    This is indeed not possible. You need to perform that task manually. Create a gift voucher and then email it to the customer.

  • I have not been able to get my promotional discount code.

    My friend and me have registered many times to avail the OTN discount code to take up Online certification Exams in Oracle.
    But we never got any Promotional Discount Code as mentioned in http://www.oracle.com/education/certification/faq/index.html?otndisc.html.
    Please Help.
    mail us at [email protected] , [email protected]

    The OTN certification discount code can be found on the OTN training Page(http://otn.oracle.com/training/content.html)Click on the Get Certified Banner at the top of the page - Register for a Free E-Kit and you'll get the discount code.

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