Comment installer ENCORE avec PREMIERE PRO CC ,

CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1448923 may help
The bottom section of the link above has several Adobe links, and other information, on downloading Premiere Pro CS6 and the bundled Encore CS6, and the TWO ADDED downloads for the Encore library content, to author a DVD or BluRay... and the tutorial list includes learning how to use Encore... pay particular attention to the picture in reply 3 at this link - https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516173 (picture first posted by Ann Bens and reposted by Stan Jones)

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    I would like to combine video with a slide show - as well as use some of the functions in Premiere Pro in conjunction with a slideshow created in Encore.
    Is it possible to import a slide show created in Encore into Premiere Pro?

    Not really, no.
    It might be possible to rip a DVD with your Encore slideshow, but I don't know how well PPro would handle it, and any audio would likely have to be converted to WAV.

  • I can't find the adobe dynamic link to encore in premiere pro...?

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    I've also tried to dynamic link from encore to premiere pro, but it never loads the sequence.

    a workaround for the Cloud http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/
    -http://tv.adobe.com/watch/davtechtable/using-premiere-pro-cc-encore-cs6-for-bluray-dvd-and -interactive-video-for-ipadatv-and-mobile-hd/

  • Audio not transferring to Encore from Premiere Pro CS6

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    Yes--that is correct. Audio track in Premiere but no audio track present in Encore. I believe the audio format in Premiere is Stereo. It is HD footage shot on a C-100 camera. The sound was recorded into the camera and all brought in together. I did end up doing the work around that was suggested and just exported an MPEG2-DVD and pulled the audio in manually. But, would love to try to figure out how to make it work directly using Adobe Dynamic Link. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated! 

  • No sound when I export to encore from Premiere Pro CS4

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    Lots more information needed for anyone to help... starting with your source video and going on to your project settings
    Read Bill Hunt on a file type as WRAPPER http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037
    What is a CODEC... a Primer http://forums.adobe.com/thread/546811
    What CODEC is INSIDE that file? http://forums.adobe.com/thread/440037
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... a screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing
    For PC http://www.headbands.com/gspot/ or http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en
    For Mac http://mediainspector.massanti.com/
    If you have a red line over the timeline after importing a video and before adding any effects... your project is wrong for your video... read above about codecs
    Once you know exactly what it is you are editing, report back with that information... and your project setting, and if there is a red line above the video in the timeline, which indicates a mismatch between video and project
    H.264 will NOT work inside an AVI wrapper http://forums.adobe.com/thread/854115
    More information needed for someone to help... click these links and provided the requested information

  • Why Can't I open Encore in Premiere Pro ?

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    to open encore on it's own.  Neither way worked.  What's my solution?

    Right, the splash screen.  Right, “not responding” is at the top of the screen.  Right, it freezes on the same message all the time.  I can’t tell you which one it is any more. When I click on the short cut icon on my desk top or the same icon next to the app in the program window I get the message: “Adobe Encore.exe” that this short cut refers to has been changed or moved.  So the short cut will no longer work. I uninstalled premiere pro and reinstalled it. and it reinstalled with the yellow caution sign. When I clicked more details it said “installation complete though some components failed to install correctly. Install couldn’t find “file (seq 261) That was error #DF 012.  Error DF 024 said it was unable to preserve original file at “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Encore CS6\32\Adobe QT32 Server.exe” error 5.  Access is denied. (Seq 261. Premiere now works fine but the dynamic link to Encore has Encore grayed out, so it’s not functional.

  • Encoding for Encore from Premiere Pro - File Size

    I'm working on a Blu-ray project that contains four separate tutorials, each with several individual clips.  I exported each clip (chapter) out of After Effects CS6 using the standard H264 preset.  The tutorials range from 2 to 5 hours each.  After all was said and done, the total file size of all H264 video clips was just under 25GB, perfect for a Blu-ray burn.
    I created four sequences in Premiere Pro, one for each tutorial.  All of the H264 video files were brought into Premiere Pro, chapter markers were added, ready to rock.
    When I attempted to export each sequence using the H264 Blu-ray preset, I found that using that preset would result in a grand total of about 75GB worth of data.  So I selected the MPEG2 Blu-ray preset, and it was almost the same.  I manually adjusted target bitrate settings, dropped quality to as low as it would go, and still the estimated file size far exceeded the 25GB I had available.
    All tutorials total about 15 hours of 1280x720 30p content.  I realize that's a ton of data, but AE exported all of this content using H264 and the grand total file size was under 25GB.  But bringing those very same video clips into Premiere Pro, assembling them, and exporting them results in much, much larger files.  I even attempted to import the AE exports directly into Encore to avoid having to re-encode anything, and still it estimated that the project's file size exceeded 75GB, even though the source footage of H264 video was less than 25GB.
    Right now I'm down-rezzing all of the footage to 720x480 and the file sizes are smaller, although I'll still need to decrease the bit rates significant if I have any shot of dumping all of this onto a single 25GB Blu-ray.
    I do realize that 15 hours is a lot for a single disc, but what I don't understand is how I can have 15 hours of H264 exported out of AE result in less than 25GB, but using that exact same footage in PPro/Encore results in over 75GB of footage.
    Any insight would be appreciated.
    Windows 7 64-bit
    Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium CS6
    (After Effects/Premiere Pro/Encore)

    The thing is, the AE exports look just fine.  (The tutorials are just a bunch of screen capture/software stuff.)  I didn't mess with any of the default preset settings for H264 out of AE, but yeah, they must've been encoded at pretty low bitrates.
    I wasn't aware that BD specifications have minimum bitrate requirements, so that would explain why I'm unable to decrease the bitrates within PPro or Encore.  Thanks for the info on that.  I just figured as long as the footage was at least 720P with square pixel ratio encoded in H264 or MPEG2 I'd be fine, but apparently not!
    The tutorials are for my own personal use, so I'm not too concerned about decreased resolution if I am able to make the SD content fit.  Otherwise, yeah, burning multiple discs is my only option.
    Thanks for the prompt feedback.

  • How do I get Encore with Premiere Pro CC?

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    I read on Adobe's site that Encore is no longer supported since DVDs are obsolete and everyone on the planet has fast access internet on every television and electronic viewing device in the home.  For people like myself, I have just become extinct.
    This weekend I bought the fastest available iMac 27" to replace my slightly slower iMac 27" (which has the subscription Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore).  My last render on the older iMac with Encore CS6 took about 18 hours and the newer one rendered from Premiere Pro CC in 9 hours and for me thats signficiant but creating chapters in Premiere Pro CC was a waste of time since they do not transfer as embeded chapters in the m2v file format needed for creating the DVD with Encore in the older iMac. 
    Imagine my disappointment (and explaining it to my wife) when I come home with a $3,000.00 Mac expecting to download CS6 only to be told I have to use the CC suite and I lost ENCORE!  Shame on Adobe. My customers do not watch TV on the internet.  They do not want a memory stick movie and most in my county can't even get fast enough internet to allow quality TV viewing.  We can and only can  have one internet provider where I live and their available to the consumer bandwith is far behind.  
    So now that I am officially STUMPED and BEHIND I am not sure what to do.  I keep thinking about a Windows computer running Sony Vegas at this point.  I have been an Adobe user since the first photo shop came on 3.5" disks.  Apple and Adobe should let the customer decide what they need since it is already available.  This is only a way to get everyone stuck with buying bigger bandwidth and more usage with internet and cellular providers.  Soon we will all be subscribed to everything we enjoy in life.   I guess the goal is for people like me to not be able to own software forever (even if it is out of date and you still can use it).
    I still have to explain to my customers what happened and to tell them what Adobe thinks about their ability to keep up with the technology.  Imagine 600 customers being told to "get up to date" or never see or have the wonderful memories I record for them.  By the way ... how do you sell 600 people access to the movie online and keep them from letting everyone else look at the video instead of purchasing one?
    Now I guess Adobe wants to see who will rent the CC or get smart and gobble up the last remaining DVD software sets out there and stick with it to the last drop of usable technology is squeezed out of it.  Personlly, I am very close to giving my subscription up and saying "so long" to both Apple and Adobe software.  Corel bought BibblePro which makes the fastest, most accurate and by far the best RAW photo converting software out there and guess what ... they have video software too just like Sony.   Actually my bet is now on Sony since they are strongly supporting BluRay which will keep the DVD support going for a while. 
    Sorry to rant on and on but when you put 100 plus hours a week into trying to fix something that is already dead it gets kind of frustrating and my customers have already paid.  Again ... many thanks Adobe.  So now I am ready for the flames ....

  • Probleme avec premiere pro cc

    help. je n'arrive pas à trouver des pistes de solutions à mon problème. en fait dès que j'ouvre premiere pro cc le message suivant apparait "première pro a cessé de fonctionner" windows doit fermer le programme". et c'est tout.
    j'ai vérifié ma carte graphique nvidia 630 au lieu des 650 recquis pour le logiciel. Est-ce que ça peut venir de ça ? Si qq pouvait me mettre sur une piste... je desespère. d'avance merci

    Bonjour, si vous avez Photoshop, pouvez-vous vous rendre dans aide>informations système et en poster le contenu, que l'on voie de quand date le pilote, quel est votre O.S., etc.
    Première est-il bien à jour?

  • Can't run (Media Encoder or Encore) and Premiere Pro

    I finished a sequence, started up Media Encoder, then began editing a new sequence with Premierer.
    The result was that after a while, Media Encoder "Not Responding".
    I started Media Encoder again and this time I left the room to watch TV.
    Media Encoder built the AVI file correctly.
    Also Encore died when I tried to use Premiere at the same time.
    Is that the rule with CS4 applications?

    In EN once I click on the Build button to begin building a DVD it will take more than 30 minutes before the DVD comes out.
    In the mean time I would like to fire up PR to start editing some other project.
    If that is not something I can do then I can use my KVM switch to go to my old PC and produce artwork for the DVD case.
    On another topic, I am in the process of making a BluRay DVD with Encore and when I clicked on the Preview button, instead of getting the neat little window that allows me to run a simulation of the DVD menu, I got a huge version of that menu that I could not manuver to get to the controller buttons.

  • Impossible de lire un rush avec Premiere Pro CS6

    Bonjour à tous,
    J'ai un sérieux problème avec Première Pro CS6 Mac:
    En effet, je suis en train de l'essayer et il m'est impossible de faire démarrer une lecture ou une prévisualisation (dans aucun des panneaux)
    Je peux me déplacer dans la timeline, mais lorsque j'appui sur lecture (ou L ou espace).......rien ne se passe
    Quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ou me dire s'il a déjà rencontré ce genre de problème
    D'avance merci

    Merci pour votre réponse
    Voici les infos
    Version PPro CS6 évaluation à jour
    (j'ai eu adobe en chat qui m'affirme que ce n'est pas du à la version d'éval), d'ailleurs AE fonctionne parfaitement
    Mac 2,7 Ghz Intel Core i7
    Mountain Lion 10.8.3
    16 Go (11 Go dédiés) 1600 Mhz DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 6630M
    Disque Firewire 800 450 Go libre
    J'ai ce bug peu importe le rush que j'importe (panneau source) ou que je séquence (panneau programme) dans tous les formats
    Je peux bouger le curseur à la main, ma vidéo défile donc, mais le son n'apparait pas dans le vu mètre, pourtant il est bien présent (panneau source, programme et timeline)
    Réduction de fenêtre ne change rien, modification des sorties audio non plus, suppression des prefs, réinstallation......
    Je ne sais vraiment plus quoi faire

  • Why do Encore CS5 and Premiere Pro CS5 have intermittant Sync issues?

    I am noticing that Encore CS5 is "buggy" regarding sync issues with material edited by Womble and Corel Video Studio and I am guessing other programs as well?
    In high definition I take AVCHD and  edit in Corel Video Studio.  If I leave the project as one single 42 minute segment and import this asset into Encore CS5, more often than not there are bad sync issues.  To get around this I have to divide the 42 minute project into approximately 6 smaller ones- Each smaller asset ends where I had done the editing.  Encore does not have any problems now with these 6 smaller assets.
    In standard definition I edit in Womble and export as a MPEG2 Program.  Sometimes Encore has a problem with the asset sync and sometimes it does not.  (I am guessing about 20% of my assets end up with a problem).  The same asset if brought into TMP or brought back into Womble does not have any sync issue.  If brought into Premiere Pro CS5 it will exhibit the same behavior as Encore- If Encore has a sync problem, so will Premiere Pro.  So to get around this I then have to go back to the original womble file and break it up into smaller pieces, at every edit point I cut and export the smaller file just after the end of the transition I applied.  With a 6 hour project I may end up with dozens of small files to get around this problem- not very efficient.
    Any ideas how to fix this or why Encore is so buggy?  Would moving the original assets around in Womble- example taking something that was at the end of the timeline and then moving it to the beginning cause these issues for Encore?   Or is there some other cause?
    Encore CS5
    Premiere Pro CS5
    Windows 7 64 BIT
    Quad core
    2.4 GHZ clock speed
    6GB memory
    150 GB free space on drive
    NVIDIA GEFORCE 8500 card

    I've used VideoReDo in the past, which I believe has some similar strategies to Womble.  I found when I tested streams, that there were often problems in the source streams, and that the fix was not 100 percent.
    You may also find such files that are not 100 percent the same length video to audio.
    In any event, the possibility other than Encore being buggy is that the files you are bringing in have problems when Encore tries to validate them.  I'm not saying Encore doesn't have its problems, but clean mpeg files do not have sync issues ordinarily.
    For some scenarios, I like your workflow (edit mpeg files in a frame accurate mpeg editor that is not retranscoding the whole file), but the results are often not consistent.
    You don't say, and I would certainly look at, the nature of the audio stream you are using.  I can not tell you what the problems are, but some streams just do not edit well, even though they may play back okay in some players, but still have issues in Encore and/or Premiere.

  • What is best encoding/sizing option?  Premiere Pro/Encore

    I have heard some people say that assets should be encoded before being brought into encore, others say to use dynamic link.  If I am going to go the encode first route, I would do this in Premiere Pro CS5.
    If I am taking a 720 X 540 (1.0)  30.0 fps 48000 hz Mpeg 4 asset and want to convert this to dvd what is the best setting in Premiere Pro?
    Do I create a sequence which is 720 X 480 (0.9091)   29.97    48000 hz and then when exporting use the following settings:
    Format  MPEG 2 DVD
    Preset    Match Source attributes highest quality
    Or do I change this to custom settings:
    Format:  MPEG2
    Preset   Custom
    Change the quality setting to 5
    TV Standard NTSC
    Frame rate   Do I leave it at the default of 29.97 or do I change this to 30?
    Pixel Aspect Ratio- Do I leave this at standard 4:3 (0.909) or change this to square pixels (1.0)?
    Profile and Main do I leave these at the defaults?   Main
    Does it make any difference if the ultimate output will be on a 25 GB blu ray disk?
    Encore CS5
    Premiere Pro CS5
    Quad Core 2.4 GHZ
    6 GB memory
    Windows 7 64 bit
    nvidia geforce 8500
    700Gb free space on hard drive

    Use an MPEG2-DVD preset.  DVD is very strict about the specifications of video files.  Using a generic MPEG preset allows things to be thrown off spec.

  • Premiere Pro CC - Crash Pendant L'export

    J'ai un gros problème avec Premiere Pro CC. J'ai toutes les dernières mises à jour mais je ne peux pas exporter une séquence !
    L'extraction audio marche très bien mais quand le programme commence à encoder le média, Premiere crash. C'est à chaque fois au tout début.
    J'ai testé avec beaucoup de formats tels que H.264 et AVI mais ca ne marche toujours pas. Qu'est-ce que je pourrais faire pour résoudre mon problème ???
    Merci pour vos réponses

    Premiere CC est-il à jour?
    Quelles sont les specifications de la machine sur laquelle vous travaillez? Sur quel fichier source (de quelle caméra?) travaillez-vous? Faites vous un export depuis media encoder, ou directement depuis Premiere?

  • Premiere Pro could not find any capable video play modules

    J'ai ce message au démarrage avec Premiere Pro CC 2014

    Moving to Premiere Pro forum
    What is your exact brand/model graphics adapter (ATI or nVidia or ???)
    What is your exact graphics adapter driver version?
    Have you gone to the vendor web site to check for a newer driver?
    For Windows, do NOT rely on Windows Update to have current driver information
    -you need to go direct to the vendor web site and check updates for yourself
    ATI Driver Autodetect http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/auto-detect-tool
    nVidia Driver Downloads http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
    Dual video problems - Do you have dual graphics adapters?
    Go to the Windows Control Panel and select Hardware and Sound and then select Device Manager... In Device manager you click the + sign to the left of Display Adapters... and see if 2 are listed
    IF YES, read below
    -Mac Utility for dual adapters http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1017891?tstart=0
    -rest are for Windows only?
    -Use BIOS http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1019004?tstart=0
    -link to why http://forums.adobe.com/message/4685328
    -http://www.anandtech.com/show/4839/mobile-gpu-faceoff-amd-dynamic-switchable-graphics-vs-n vidia-optimus-technology/2

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