Encore , se cuelga al hacer DVD de premiere cs6

Encore CS6, se cuelga al hacer DVD de  proyecto premiere cs6 de 1 hora de duración, vaya mierda, aunque le baje la calidad.
tengo win 7, 16 gigas de Ram, y le acabo de aumentar el archivo de paginacion de 16.384 a 30.000 minimo y 50.000 maximo haber si no se cuelga, pero tengo pocas esoperanzas.
Seguramente tendré que cortar el proyecto en trozos de 10 minutos y ponerlo con menus en un DVD, vaya mierda.
ya os contáré.
saludos y contarme si sabeis que voy a tener algun problema con aumentar tanto la memoria virtual, la he dejado en el mismo disco duro.
¿tendria que haberla puesto en otra particion del disco duro para que fuera mejor?
decirme algo compis, para que no me reviente la maquina.


Similar Messages

  • Encore CS6, se cuelga al hacer DVD de premiere pro cs6

    Encore CS6, se cuelga al hacer DVD de  proyecto premiere cs6 de 1 hora de duración, vaya mierda, aunque le baje la calidad.
    tengo win 7, 16 gigas de Ram, y le acabo de aumentar el archivo de paginacion de 16.384 a 30.000 minimo y 50.000 maximo haber si no se cuelga, pero tengo pocas esoperanzas.
    Seguramente tendré que cortar el proyecto en trozos de 10 minutos y ponerlo con menus en un DVD, vaya mierda.
    ya os contáré.
    saludos y contarme si sabeis que voy a tener algun problema con aumentar tanto la memoria virtual, la he dejado en el mismo disco duro.
    ¿tendria que haberla puesto en otra particion del disco duro para que fuera mejor?
    decirme algo compis, para que no me reviente la maquina.

    La memoria virtual que establezcas funciona mejor en una partición separada, mejor aun en otro disco y aun mejor si el disco es muy rápido (un SSD) y no está fragmentado.
    Lo mejor sería que contactes con el Soporte Técnico de Adobe por si en función del detalle de los "cuelgues" y la información detallada de tu hardware te puedan dar una solución a tu problema.
    Supongo también que tienes actualizado el programa a la v. 6.0.2 asi como los drivers de la tarjeta gráfica.
    Si la respuesta que te dan es aplicable a otros casos, te agradeceremos la publiques en esta pregunta. Gracias.

  • Importing from a DVD into Premiere CS6 and MPG files.

    HI I'm new to this forum and to CS6. I'm well versed in CS3 Premiere and other earlier versions.
    I have a problem importing the VOB files from a DVD into Premiere CS6. I copied the VIDEO_TS folder from the DVD onto my hard drive and successfully imported the 3 VOB files that made up the 1 hour video. Upon placing them into a sequence (720 x 576 25fps DV PAL to match the DVD) I found that when I played over a join between the VOB files, the picture and sound briefly broke up. Is this normal? There is no encryption on the DVD.
    I then used MPEG Streamclip to convert the DVD to a MPG2 with MP2 audio file (thereby avoiding a decode and the subsequent recode when I encode the edited version, I.E. DVD is MPEG2 so I want to extract the video with the minimum of processing.) I tried to import this into Premiere but after it thought about it for a while, the resulting icon in the Project Window indicated that the file was not usable. Indeed it was not. I deleted it...... and then imported it again. It worked! This is not just a one-off occurrence. Any thoughts?
    Premiere is fully updated along with all the other programs in CS6. Using Windows 7 64 bit.
    bye Andrew

    I have same issue too.
    Who can help me
    Used "Media Encoder"  encore three . VOB(form DVD) files to WMV.
    And used Premiere to import the file between the VOB files,
    the sound briefly broke up.
    If change to import .VOB form dvd,the sound briefly broke up too.

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    ¿qué ajustes me estoy saltando? ¿qué estoy haciendo mal? Gracias a quien me pueda ayudar
    Rafa Martínez

    According to Google Translate, the Spanish to English translation of your question:
    Setting up more quality to DVD in Premiere Elemnts 11
    May 7, 2013 11:26 PM
    Tags: # premiere # dvd # 11 # in # for # more # quality # do # adjust # elemnts
    I purchased Adobe Premiere elemnts 11 since before it was used with good results to previous versions, but now I bought the Panasonic AG-AC90 and I'm recording in 1080/25i PH, but at the time to edit and make a DVD not I get that the image is sharp, although I gave up recording quality and no more than 50 minutes. without menú.Incluso lame titles the HD templates I see lacking in sharpness.
    What adjustments I'm skipping? What am I doing wrong? Thanks to whoever can help me
    Rafa Martinez
    Rafa Martinez
    Your question has already been responded to in a duplicate thread that you posted today. This is user to user forum so replies are not automatic, but as soon as possible. Posting of the question once should produce results and avoid confusion of multiple threads on the same question.

  • How do I force a download of Premiere CS6?

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    How can I force download Premiere CS6 to get Encore?  Tried also quitting CC, but when I click on Download, the CC app launches again.
    Thanks for any help!

    Thanks for posting on Adobe forums.
    Please try to download Premiere Pro CS6 from this link: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/cs6-product-downloads.html

  • Can no longer download Encore/Premiere CS6 in Download App?

    First time posting on Adobe forums, please excuse any missed formalities/info
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    This method seems to no longer work (I had downloaded CS6 stuff just a few months ago). I really only care about Encore and having a DVD/Blu-ray authoring solution (I would just uninstall Premiere CS 6 using the old method).
    Is there any way to download Encore CS6 with the most updated Desktop App running on OSX Mavericks?
    My Info
    Creative Cloud for Team Accounts
    MacPro 5.1, 32 GB RAM, Mavericks 10.9

    Hi TroyMercury,
    Please try to download Premiere Pro CS6 from the direct link: http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cs6-direct-download-links.html.
    Kindly follow the very important instructions before download.
    Romit Sinha

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    How do I burn a dvd in premiere without having to launch encore? I don't need menus or other dvd navigation features.
    Thanks for all your help

    Here is a recent THREAD on the same subject. It might prove useful to you.
    Good luck,

  • Unknown error 2130906112 while burning DVD in Premiere Elements

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    Great news!
    I just can't see which is highlighted while doing so. I think it has to do with the template I chose in Premiere Elements while designing the movie.
    The lack of the Sub-picture Highlights (the official name for the indicators of which Button one has navigated to), could be caused by several things:
    1.) the inability of the PS3 to adequately display them. Like I said earlier, most people, that I know, use the PS3's for BD playing. The specs. are different for those, as opposed to the DVD-specs. I just do not know about the PS3.
    2.) could be a problem with the Template. Which one did you choose? I'll be glad to check it out (if PrE4 has it) and report any issues that I find. Did you modify this Template, say in Photoshop/PSElements? Could be that one of those modifications turned ON all Sub-picture Highlights.
    3.) could be a problem with the "authoring" phase of the Project. This is after the editing, and is where one assembles the Assets (Menus, etc.) and does the navigation. As PrE is semi-automatic, it does most of this for the user, with little intervention. Still, there could be ways to accidently mess something up here, though it's highly unlikely. Now, in my authoring program, all is done by hand, so I have hundreds of opportunities to make a mess of a Project - PrE shields the user from most of these.
    Now, to your questions:
    Can I use the Img software for all burning projects including CDs?
    Yes. You can do most forms of burning, including CD's (Audio, Video or Data), so long as you have the right types of files.
    What is the best way to organize and store my video files?
    This is the $64,000 question. So much depends on what one has, how they are likely to need to access them and what equipment they either own, or wish to purchase. I'll give you my scheme, though it might be overkill for you. Still, you can get an idea and are free to adapt any part of it for your needs.
    I work with several types of Assets: original (or stock) still images, Captured (stock, or client-supplied) motion, Audio (original, stock or extracted from the previously mentioned motion Assets, Menus (Templates and original creations), Titles (same) and then my Projects.
    I keep the originals on both a NAS (Networked Attached Storage) drive that is networked to all of my computers, and also on external storage HDD's. I also back up to DVD-Data discs. For Captured, original Video, I also store all tapes and do NOT overwrite/reuse any. I only work with Copies of any of the Assets (the Captures are probably the exception, as I have the tapes, should I need to re-Capture).
    I use several media browsers to organize my Assets. I then locate those necessary for a Project, and create a folder structure for that Project. Copies of the Assets are placed in that folder structure, beneath the Project name. Again - these are Copies, in case something happens.
    Depending on what I need to do, the Scratch Disks (set with Edit>Preferences) are usually kept within the Project's folder structure too. Same for Exports. As I use a different program to author DVD's (Adobe Encore), I create my Encore Project within this structure too. The files that I Export from PrPro (my NLE of choice), are the ones that I then Import into Encore for authoring the Project.
    When done, I Archive the editing Project and also the Encore Project, to another external drive. I will always make one additional copy of my output DVD as a backup, as I can use ImgBurn, or another utility, to Copy DVD.
    After all of this, I can then safely Delete my entire Project folder from the system. Remember, it contains no origianl Assets (other than Captured materail), as I have everything on the NAS, plus an external, plus the backup DVD-Data disc. Right now, I have about 30 1 - 2TB external HDD's that I use. Some are for backup, and some are to allow me to move my Projects between my laptop or my workstation.
    Hope that this helps. As I said, it's probably overkill, but much of the work that I do is for clients. If they come back with a change, or a problem, I want to be able to help them immediately.
    Good luck and good questions,

  • I installed Encore by reverting to Premiere CS6, but after Encore loads and a new project is created, it crashes (exits) before I can do anything.

    I followed the procedure described on the website of uninstalling Premiere CC, installing Premiere CS6, uninstalling it leaving Encore installed and reinstalling Premiere CC. I also installed the menu presets as described on another page of the website.
    Encore loads and I try to create a new project specifying pathname and project name. Before I can do anything further, Encore exits with a windows dialogue about "Due to a problem the program must exit".
    I did notice that some of the text boxes were filled in with values corresponding to old projects so Encore is picking up old configuration information from somewhere.

    Thanks for this. The reason why I uninstalled PR CC was that in trying to follow the procedure in Encore CS6 not installed with Creative Cloud I came to step 5, Locate Premiere Pro in the list and click Install. But with PR CC installed, the button just says "Up To Date". Uninstalling allowed me to proceed.
    Windows 7, and I tried running as administrator with no change.
    Permissions seems unlikely to me, but if Encore can pick up old configuration data, which relates to projects that no longer exist and the pathnames won't be valid seems more likely. Do you know where it is stored so that I could try deleting it? When I last used Encore it was on Vista.
    I would love to do a full Adobe uninstall as I have CS4 and 5.5 versions still hanging around, but errors occur if I try to uninstall them, and even when I tried downloading a special cleaner program from Adobe it didn't succeed.
    Fortunately I have access to Canopus Edius and as a short term solution I have used that to author my DVD, but it would be great to get Encore up and running.

  • How do I download Premiere CS6 with Encore?

    I am putting together a wedding video and updated all my apps including Premiere to CC and uninstalled Encore, thinking there was a CC version. Well, I need to burn this video to a DVD with a cool menu and had one already created in Encore but can't use it since it's installed. I saw in another forum message that you have to redownload the entire Premiere CS6 family, but when I signed into my Adobe ID at CreativeCloud.com, found Premiere CS6, then selected Download Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, it opened the old Creative Cloud Download Manager, but Premiere CS6 never appeared.
    I thought this was because I still had Premiere CS6 installed, so I uninstalled it, thinking it would now work. I restarted my Macbook Pro and when I select the download, it still opens the Download Manager and Premiere CS6 never ever comes up. How can I get Premiere CS6 back on my computer. I need it to finish this video and I'm on a deadline.

    DAV's TechTable
    Installing Premiere CC & Encore CS6
    DAV's TechTable
    Using Encore CS6 with PremierePro CC
    Using Premiere Pro CC & Encore CS6 for Bluray, DVD,
    and Interactive Video for iPad,ATV, and Mobile HD
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/davtechtable/using-premiere-pro-cc-encore-cs6-for-bluray-dvd-and -interactive-video-for-ipadatv-and-mobile-hd/
    Post #14 in this thread:

  • Import Billingual DVD to Premiere Element 10

    i tried to import a billingual (Cantonese/Mandarin) DVD into Premiere Element 10.  However, it only shows with Mandarin channel instead of Cantonese.  How could I import it with Cantonese?

    Welcome to the forum.
    To extract the supplemental Audio Stream (Cantonese, in your case), you will likely need to completely rip the VOB's, outside of PrE.
    Not sure which current ripping software is good for this, but this old Encore FAQ lists some that were pretty good, in their day: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/423743?tstart=0
    Others will likely have some favorites, and might know which ones do the best with supplemental Audio Streams, but I do not. I see recs. for VideoRedo, ReJig, and others, but have zero experience with them, and do not know their capabilities.
    Good luck,

  • How to obtain Encore with Premiere CS6?

    How to obtain Encore with Premiere CS6?

    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1448923 may help
    For help with using/learning Encore, go to https://forums.adobe.com/community/encore/content
    The bottom section of the tutorial link above has several Adobe links, and other information, on downloading Premiere Pro CS6 and the bundled Encore CS6, and the TWO ADDED downloads for the Encore library content, to author a DVD or BluRay... and the tutorial list includes learning how to use Encore... pay particular attention to the picture in reply 3 at this link - https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516173 (picture first posted by Ann Bens and reposted by Stan Jones)

  • All of a sudden there is no audio being sent to encore from my Premiere CS6.

    All of a sudden there is no audio being sent to encore from my Premiere CS6. The video appears in encore but no audio. The audio plays fine in premiere. All settings look the same as the way I've been using it for years.

    I assume you are dynamic linking. As a test, export a short section from PR as MPEG2-DVD, then import those files to Encore "as timeline" (be sure to pick both the m2v and the wav).
    Audio now?

  • I want to author DVD in Premiere Pro CC2014

    Am I alone in the wilderness?

    You can refer to:
    Re: How to make DVDs with Premiere Pro CC
    I need to create DVDs but Premiere Pro requires Encore, and Encore is no longer available
    Moving to premier pro.

  • Ich möchte Encore installieren, hab gelesen das ich dafür Premiere cs6 erst installieren muss, dass geht aber mit creativ desktop nicht mehr? was muss ich tun?

    Wie installiere ich encore? Ich möchte dvds erstellen die nur über dvd player abgespielt werden können.

    so wie in den Adobe hilfetexten angegeben, ist hier kein Button , andere Version installieren?!
    was meinst du mit actionen bereich, ich kenne Premiere nicht so gut, im Adobe Exchange hab ich nichts gefunden?!

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