Encrypt/decrypt AES 256, vorsalt error

So I'm trying to get encrypt/decrypt to work for AES 256, with both 32byte key and 32byte IVorSalt. (Yup-new java security files v6 installed)
'IF' I 32byte key but dont use a IV at all, I get a nice looking AES 256 result. (I can tell it's AES 256 by looking the length of the encrypted string)
'IF' I use a 32byte key and 16bit salt, I get a AES 128 result (I know- as per docs theyre both s'posed to the same size, but the docs are wrong).
But when i switch to using both a 32byte key AND a 32byte salt I get the error below.
An error occurred while trying to encrypt or decrypt your input string: Bad parameters: invalid IvParameterSpec: com.rsa.jsafe.crypto.JSAFE_IVException: Invalid IV length. Should be 16.
Has anyone 'EVER' gotten encrypt to work for them using AES 256 32byte key and 32byte salt? Is this a bug in CF? Or Java? Or I am doing something wrong?
<!--- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Here's the Code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --->
<cfset theAlgorithm  = "Rijndael/CBC/PKCS5Padding" />
<cfset gKey = "hzj+1o52d9N04JRsj3vTu09Q8jcX+fNmeyQZSDlZA5w="><!--- these 2 are the same --->
<!---<cfset gKey = ToBase64(BinaryDecode("8738fed68e7677d374e0946c8f7bd3bb4f50f23717f9f3667b2419483959039c", "Hex"))>--->
<cfset theIV    = BinaryDecode("7fe8585328e9ac7b7fe8585328e9ac7b7fe8585328e9ac7b7fe8585328e9ac7b","hex")>
<!---<cfset theIV128    = BinaryDecode("7fe8585328e9ac7b7fe8585328e9ac7b","hex")>--->
<cffunction    name="DoEncrypt" access="public" returntype="string" hint="Fires when the application is first created.">
    <cfargument    name="szToEncrypt" type="string" required="true"/>
    <cfset secretkey = gKey>               
    <cfset szReturn=encrypt(szToEncrypt, secretkey, theAlgorithm, "Base64", theIV)>
    <cfreturn szReturn>
<cffunction    name="DoDecrypt" access="public" returntype="string" hint="Fires when the application is first created.">
    <cfargument    name="szToDecrypt" type="string" required="true"/>
    <cfset secretkey = gKey>   
    <cfset szReturn=decrypt(szToDecrypt, secretkey, theAlgorithm, "Base64",theIV)>       
    <cfreturn szReturn>
<cfset szStart = form["toencrypt"]>
<cfset szStart = "Test me!">
<cfset szEnc = DoEncrypt(szStart)>
<cfset szDec = DoDecrypt(szEnc)>
<cfoutput>#szEnc# #szDec#</cfoutput>

Hi edevmachine,
This Bouncy Castle Encryption CFC supports Rijndael w/ 256-bit block size. (big thanks to Jason here and all who helped w/ that, btw!)
  BouncyCastleCFC = new path.to.BouncyCastle();
  string = "ColdFusion Rocks!"; 
  key = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(generateSecretKey("Rijndael", 256), "base64"), "hex");//the CFC takes hex'd key
  ivSalt = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(generateSecretKey("Rijndael", 256), "base64"), "hex");//the CFC takes hex'd ivSalt
  encrypted = BouncyCastleCFC.doEncrypt(string, key, ivSalt);
  writeOutput(BouncyCastleCFC.doDecrypt(encrypted, key, ivSalt));
Related links for anyone interested in adding 256-bit block size Rijndael support into ColdFusion:
- An explanation of how to install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files into ColdFusion
- An explanation of how to install the Bouncy Castle Crypto package into ColdFusion (near bottom, under the "Installing additional security providers" heading)
- An explanation of how to connect the Bouncy Castle classes together
- Bouncy Castle's doc for the Rijndael Engine
And here is the full CFC as posted in the StackOverflow discussion:
<cfcomponent displayname="Bounce Castle Encryption Component" hint="This provides bouncy castle encryption services" output="false">
<cffunction name="createRijndaelBlockCipher" access="private">
    <cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true" >
    <cfargument name="ivSalt" type="string" required="true" >
    <cfargument name="bEncrypt" type="boolean" required="false" default="1">
    <cfargument name="blocksize" type="numeric" required="false" default=256>
    // Create a block cipher for Rijndael
    var cryptEngine = createObject("java", "org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.RijndaelEngine").init(arguments.blocksize);
    // Create a Block Cipher in CBC mode
    var blockCipher = createObject("java", "org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes.CBCBlockCipher").init(cryptEngine);
    // Create Padding - Zero Byte Padding is apparently PHP compatible.
    var zbPadding = CreateObject('java', 'org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.ZeroBytePadding').init();
    // Create a JCE Cipher from the Block Cipher
    var cipher = createObject("java", "org.bouncycastle.crypto.paddings.PaddedBufferedBlockCipher").init(blockCipher,zbPadding);
    // Create the key params for the cipher    
    var binkey = binarydecode(arguments.key,"hex");
    var keyParams = createObject("java", "org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter").init(BinKey);
    var binIVSalt = Binarydecode(ivSalt,"hex");
    var ivParams = createObject("java", "org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV").init(keyParams, binIVSalt);
    return cipher;
<cffunction name="doEncrypt" access="public" returntype="string">
    <cfargument name="message" type="string" required="true">
    <cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
    <cfargument name="ivSalt" type="string" required="true">
    var cipher = createRijndaelBlockCipher(key=arguments.key,ivSalt=arguments.ivSalt);
    var byteMessage = arguments.message.getBytes();
    var outArray = getByteArray(cipher.getOutputSize(arrayLen(byteMessage)));
    var bufferLength = cipher.processBytes(byteMessage, 0, arrayLen(byteMessage), outArray, 0);
    var cipherText = cipher.doFinal(outArray,bufferLength);
    return toBase64(outArray);
<cffunction name="doDecrypt" access="public" returntype="string">
    <cfargument name="message" type="string" required="true">
    <cfargument name="key" type="string" required="true">
    <cfargument name="ivSalt" type="string" required="true">
    var cipher = createRijndaelBlockCipher(key=arguments.key,ivSalt=arguments.ivSalt,bEncrypt=false);
    var byteMessage = toBinary(arguments.message);
    var outArray = getByteArray(cipher.getOutputSize(arrayLen(byteMessage)));
    var bufferLength = cipher.processBytes(byteMessage, 0, arrayLen(byteMessage), outArray, 0);
    var originalText = cipher.doFinal(outArray,bufferLength);
    return createObject("java", "java.lang.String").init(outArray);
function getByteArray(someLength)
    byteClass = createObject("java", "java.lang.Byte").TYPE;
    return createObject("java","java.lang.reflect.Array").newInstance(byteClass, someLength);

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    Hi there. I'm looking for a working example of  the Encrypt method using the AES 256 bit key.  I think that I have the Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files enabled.  And I'm still getting the CFError,
    The key specified is not a valid key for this encryption: Illegal key size. 
    Now i hit the wall, can't get it.  What wrong am i doing?  How can I verify that the policy files are installed and accessible to my cf file?  Any help is greatly appreciated.
    <cfset thePlainText  = "Is this working for me?" />
    Generate Secret Key (128):  <cfset AES128 = "#generatesecretkey('AES',128)#" /> <cfdump var="#AES128#"><BR>
    Generate Secret Key (192):  <cfset AES192 = "#generatesecretkey('AES',192)#" /> <cfdump var="#AES192#"><BR>
    Generate Secret Key (256):  <cfset AES256 = "#generatesecretkey('AES',256)#" /> <cfdump var="#AES256#"><BR><BR>
    <cfset theKey    = AES256 />
    <cfset theAlgorithm  = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding" />
    <cfset theEncoding  = "base64" />
    <cfset theIV    = BinaryDecode("6d795465737449566f7253616c7431323538704c6173745f", "hex") />
    <cfset encryptedString = encrypt(thePlainText, theKey, theAlgorithm, theEncoding, theIV) />
    <!--- Display results --->
    <cfset keyLengthInBits  = arrayLen(BinaryDecode(theKey, "base64")) * 8 />
    <cfset ivLengthInBits  = arrayLen(theIV) * 8 />
    <cfdump var="#variables#" label="AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding Results" />

    Verison 10 is different from 9 because they run on different servlet containers. CF 10 uses Tomcat, CF 9 uses JRun, so things are in different places.
    \\ColdFusion10\jre\lib\security seems like the correct locaiton for the policy files to me. I actually gave you the wrong locations in my original post (sorry about that).  According to the installation instructions they belong in <java-home>\lib\security, which is looks like you've found.
    So something else is wrong. Here are some things to look at, in no particular order:
    1. Are you using a JVM other than the Java 1.6 that comes with CF10?
    2. Did you restart Tomcat after coping the files in?
    3. Note that I keep saying FILES, did you copy BOTH of th .jar files from the JCE folder you unzipped into the security directory.  It should have prompted you to overwrite existing files.
    4. Did you try unzipping the files and copying them in again, on the chance that they did not overwrite the originals?
    Sorry, I don't have CF10 installed to give this a try. But I have no reason to believe that it would not work in 10. It's all just JCA/JCE on the underlying JAVA, and I have heard no reports from anyone else that it doesn't work.

  • One way encryption, decrypting not encrypting ASA5505

    Hello All,
    I've been troubleshooting this issue and was hoping to get some more feed back and maybe point out an error if I'm not seeing it. I recently setup a remote access VPN on Cisco ASA 5505. Everything appeared to work at first and the IPsec client connect. However if you look at the packets being encrypted an decrypted on the Client side only the encrypted counter is incrementing and the decrypted stays at 0. The opposite is true on the ASA side the decrypted continures to increment and the encrypted stays at zero. My first thought was maybe a mis configured NAT 0 statement or not defining the correct Split tunnel ACL but I have verified that. I will post my config so maybe someone can point on the error. The asa version 8.2(5), I'll also list a packet-tracer I did from an inside host to VPN IP.
    Any help will be greatly appreacted, thanks in advance!
    ASA Version 8.2(5)
    terminal width 511
    hostname xyz
    domain-name xyz.local
    no names
    interface Ethernet0/0
    description ISP Connection
    switchport access vlan 900
    interface Ethernet0/1
    switchport access vlan 10
    interface Ethernet0/2
    switchport access vlan 20
    interface Ethernet0/3
    switchport access vlan 30
    interface Ethernet0/4
    switchport access vlan 40
    interface Ethernet0/5
      switchport access vlan 50
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,350
    switchport trunk native vlan 10
    switchport mode trunk
    interface Ethernet0/6
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,350
    switchport trunk native vlan 10
    switchport mode trunk
    interface Ethernet0/7
    description WAP
    switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,350
    switchport trunk native vlan 10
    switchport mode trunk
    interface Vlan10
    description LAN
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan20
    description LAN
    nameif inside20
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan30
    description LAN
    nameif inside30
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan40
    description LAN
    nameif inside40
    security-level 100
    ip address
    interface Vlan350
    description Guest LAN
    nameif guest
    security-level 50
    ip address
    interface Vlan900
    description ISP Connection
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address x.x.x.x
    boot system disk0:/asa825-k8.bin
    ftp mode passive
    dns server-group DefaultDNS
    domain-name xyz.local
    same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN remark :
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN remark : Allow OUTSIDE to inside
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN remark :
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN remark Allow ICMP Replies
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any echo-reply
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any time-exceeded
    access-list OUTSIDE-IN extended permit icmp any any unreachable
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE remark :
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE remark : Do not NAT this traffic
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE remark :
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE remark Allow LAN to VPN Users
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE extended permit ip
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE extended permit ip
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE extended permit ip
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE extended permit ip
    access-list NAT-0-INSIDE extended permit ip
    access-list NAT-10-INSIDE remark :
    access-list NAT-10-INSIDE remark : Allow LAN NAT
    access-list NAT-10-INSIDE remark :
    access-list NAT-10-INSIDE extended permit ip any
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL remark :
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL remark : Add Routes for these networks to the VPN clients
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL remark :
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL extended permit ip any
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL extended permit ip any
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL extended permit ip any
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL extended permit ip any
    access-list VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL extended permit ip any
    pager lines 40
    logging enable
    logging timestamp
    logging buffer-size 16384
    logging buffered debugging
    logging trap informational
    logging history errors
    logging asdm informational
    mtu inside 1500
    mtu inside20 1500
    mtu inside30 1500
    mtu inside40 1500
    mtu guest 1500
    mtu outside 1500
    ip local pool VPN-POOL mask
    ip audit name IDSATTACK attack action alarm drop reset
    ip audit interface inside IDSATTACK
    ip audit interface inside20 IDSATTACK
    ip audit interface inside30 IDSATTACK
    ip audit interface inside40 IDSATTACK
    ip audit interface guest IDSATTACK
    ip audit interface outside IDSATTACK
    ip audit attack action alarm drop reset
    ip audit signature 2000 disable
    ip audit signature 2001 disable
    ip audit signature 2004 disable
    no failover
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    icmp permit any inside
    icmp permit any inside20
    icmp permit any inside30
    icmp permit any inside40
    icmp permit any guest
    icmp permit any outside
    asdm image disk0:/asdm-649.bin
    asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    global (outside) 10 interface
    nat (inside) 0 access-list NAT-0-INSIDE
    nat (inside) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
    nat (inside20) 0 access-list NAT-0-INSIDE
    nat (inside20) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
    nat (inside30) 0 access-list NAT-0-INSIDE
    nat (inside30) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
    nat (inside40) 0 access-list NAT-0-INSIDE
    nat (inside40) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
    nat (guest) 0 access-list NAT-0-INSIDE
    nat (guest) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
    access-group OUTSIDE-IN in interface outside
    route outside x.x.x.y 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
    timeout floating-conn 0:00:00
    dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
    aaa-server TACACS+ protocol tacacs+
    aaa-server RADIUS protocol radius
    aaa-server RADIUS-AUTH protocol radius
    aaa authentication serial console LOCAL
    aaa authentication telnet console LOCAL
    aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
    aaa authentication http console LOCAL
    aaa authentication enable console LOCAL
    aaa authentication secure-http-client
    http server enable 444
    http outside
    http inside
    sysopt noproxyarp inside
    sysopt noproxyarp inside20
    sysopt noproxyarp inside30
    sysopt noproxyarp inside40
    crypto ipsec transform-set AES-256-SHA-ENCRYPT esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto dynamic-map VPN-DYN-MAP 1 set transform-set AES-256-SHA-ENCRYPT
    crypto dynamic-map VPN-DYN-MAP 1 set security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto dynamic-map VPN-DYN-MAP 1 set security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto map OUTSIDE-MAP 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic VPN-DYN-MAP
    crypto map OUTSIDE-MAP interface outside
    crypto isakmp identity hostname
    crypto isakmp enable outside
    crypto isakmp policy 10
    authentication pre-share
    encryption aes-256
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    telnet inside
    telnet outside
    telnet timeout 20
    ssh inside
    ssh outside
    ssh timeout 20
    console timeout 0
    dhcpd ping_timeout 750
    dhcpd address inside
    dhcpd dns interface inside
    dhcpd domain xyz.local interface inside
    dhcpd enable inside
    dhcpd address inside20
    dhcpd dns interface inside20
    dhcpd enable inside20
    dhcpd address inside30
    dhcpd dns interface inside30
    dhcpd enable inside30
    dhcpd address inside40
    dhcpd dns interface inside40
    dhcpd enable inside40
    dhcpd address guest
    dhcpd dns interface guest
    dhcpd enable guest
    threat-detection basic-threat
    threat-detection statistics host
    threat-detection statistics access-list
    threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept rate-interval 30 burst-rate 400 average-rate 200
    tunnel-group-list enable
    group-policy VPN-POLICY internal
    group-policy VPN-POLICY attributes
    vpn-simultaneous-logins 20
    vpn-idle-timeout 3600
    vpn-session-timeout 1440
    vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec svc webvpn
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
    split-tunnel-network-list value VPN-SPLIT-TUNNEL
    default-domain value xyz.local
    split-dns value xyz.local
    tunnel-group secant type remote-access
    tunnel-group secant general-attributes
    address-pool VPN-POOL
    authentication-server-group (outside) LOCAL
    default-group-policy VPN-POLICY
    tunnel-group secant ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared-key *****
    description Complete Protocol Inspection List Class Map
    match default-inspection-traffic
    policy-map type inspect dns INSPECT-DNS-MAP
      message-length maximum client auto
      message-length maximum 4096
    description Global Inspection Policy
      inspect ftp
      inspect netbios
      inspect rsh
      inspect rtsp
      inspect skinny 
      inspect sqlnet
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect tftp
      inspect sip 
      inspect xdmcp
      inspect http
      inspect ils
      inspect pptp
      inspect ipsec-pass-thru
      inspect icmp
      inspect dns INSPECT-DNS-MAP
      inspect ctiqbe
      inspect dcerpc
      inspect mgcp
      inspect icmp error
      inspect snmp
      inspect waas
      inspect h323 h225
      inspect h323 ras
    service-policy GLOBAL-INSPECTION-POLICY global
    A5505-1# packet-tracer input inside icmp 1 1 detailed
    Phase: 1
    Subtype: input
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    in outside
    Phase: 2
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xc96adb20, priority=0, domain=inspect-ip-options, deny=true
            hits=69511, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 3
    Type: INSPECT
    Subtype: np-inspect
    Result: ALLOW
    description Complete Protocol Inspection List Class Map
    match default-inspection-traffic
    description Global Inspection Policy
      inspect icmp
    service-policy GLOBAL-INSPECTION-POLICY global
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xcc510638, priority=70, domain=inspect-icmp, deny=false
            hits=10388, user_data=0xcc510438, cs_id=0x0, use_real_addr, flags=0x0, protocol=1
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 4
    Type: INSPECT
    Subtype: np-inspect
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xcc51dbb8, priority=70, domain=inspect-icmp-error, deny=false
            hits=10388, user_data=0xcc51d9b8, cs_id=0x0, use_real_addr, flags=0x0, protocol=1
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 5
    Type: DEBUG-ICMP
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xc97e7e30, priority=12, domain=debug-icmp-trace, deny=false
            hits=16500, user_data=0x0, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=1
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 6
    Type: NAT-EXEMPT
    Result: ALLOW
      match ip inside outside
        NAT exempt
        translate_hits = 5, untranslate_hits = 796
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xc97b1d40, priority=6, domain=nat-exempt, deny=false
            hits=5, user_data=0xc9840640, cs_id=0x0, use_real_addr, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 7
    Type: NAT
    Result: ALLOW
    nat (inside) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
      match ip inside outside any
        dynamic translation to pool 10 (x.x.x.x [Interface PAT])
        translate_hits = 61470, untranslate_hits = 8513
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xc9950080, priority=2, domain=nat, deny=false
            hits=61604, user_data=0xc994ffc0, cs_id=0x0, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 8
    Type: NAT
    Subtype: host-limits
    Result: ALLOW
    nat (inside) 10 access-list NAT-10-INSIDE
      match ip inside inside any
        dynamic translation to pool 10 (No matching global)
        translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 0
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0xc994d1e0, priority=2, domain=host, deny=false
            hits=69627, user_data=0xc994cdc8, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 9
    Type: VPN
    Subtype: encrypt
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    out id=0xc983d570, priority=70, domain=encrypt, deny=false
            hits=777, user_data=0x4c2e4, cs_id=0x0, reverse, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    Phase: 10
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    New flow created with id 102356, packet dispatched to next module
    Module information for forward flow ...
    Module information for reverse flow ...
    input-interface: inside
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: outside
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: allow

    Hi Alan,
    Please make the following changes:
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL remark :
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL remark : Add Routes for these networks to the VPN clients
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL remark :
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL  permit
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL  permit
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL  permit
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL  permit
    access-list VPN_SPLIT_ACL  permit
    group-policy VPN-POLICY attributes
         split-tunnel-network-list value VPN_SPLIT_ACL
    crypto isakmp nat-traversal 30
    capture capin interface inside match ip
    Then connect and try to ping any IP within the /16 range.
    Once done, issue:
    show capture capin
    Please rate any helpful posts

  • Jrockit and AES-256

    I can not encrypt with AES 256 with JROCKIT *"jrockit-jdk1.6.0_22-R28.1.1-4.0.1"*
    The "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" is only for the ex SUN JAVA or I can use it with JROCKIT too ?
    Is there any (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files for Jrockit?
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance

    You could try it and see if it works. The files look like drop-in replacements for what comes distributed with JRockit - but you still need to verify it with a test.
    Arshad Noor
    StrongAuth, Inc.
    P.S. One way or the other, do update this thread so future readers benefit from it.

  • Encrypt and Decrypt Card Number using AES 256 algorithm

    Dear All,
         I have a table in Sql Server database. in that table  storing
    Card_Information. This information is secured so that need to encrypt that data in sql server table.
    Can some one help on Encrypting and decryption process using AES 256 algorithm.
    Regards, Praveen

    See MSDN Cryptographic Functions (Transact-SQL) for all available en-/decryption function in SQL Server.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • AES 256 Revision 6 (PDF 2.0) Encryption

    I am trying to implement decryption of AES 256 Revision 6 (PDF 2.0) as described in the ISO 32000-2 spec and having some success but getting some peculiar results that I cannot resolve and would appreciate some suggestions.
    Using Acrobat X on a PC and encrypting using password encryption compatible with Acrobat X, I created a set of about 20 Acrobat X encrypted PDF tests. When I ran these through our implementation to decrypt as following ISO 32000-2 particularly Algorithms 2.A and 2.B most decrypted successfully and produced correct output. However a few failed either in the authentication phase or in the intermediate key computation stage, with the latter showing an error by an invalid decryption of the first stream of PDF encountered. Next I tried another set of different tests and also got a similar pass rate. Finally I took one unencrypted PDF test and chose the same security settings of compatible with Acrobat X, restrict editing, and printing, and allowed print and used the same password for 15 generated versions of this PDF test. 13 of these 15 resultant encrypted tests ran successfully with our implementation of the Revision 6 decryption algorithm. Two failed, with one failing a match on both user and owner key and the other failing computing the intermediate owner key.
    In the past when we have implemented earlier Revision 5 256 AES, or even older compatibility versions it always was the case that you either had the software working or you didn’t. And the new PDF 2.0 2B algorithm with 64+ hashes and 64+ aes encryptions of data along with 16 byte mod 3 math computations leaves little room for error.
      I believe that Acrobat when encrypting is choosing a random AES IV and all data including input /U /O /UE, and /OE strings differ. Even for the case described above of the same input test, same password, and same Acrobat encryption options. Thus the input into Algorithm 2-B will differ but the output should for authentication match the first 32 bytes of the O or U key or should result in a correct final result for intermediate owner or user key if the corresponding match occurred above.
    However for the few exceptions that fail the above decryption it is not easy to determine what went wrong. Just about any change to the implementation of Algorithm 2.B breaks all working test cases instead of giving a clue as to what the issue is. The possible suspects are the new SHA-384 and SHA-512 and the encrypt code. We have used SHA-256 and the AES decrypt portion in earlier implementation of revision 5 and had no problems. The AES and hash code we are using is from Gladman1. I was wondering what others are using? It looks like Acrobat X is using RSA BSAFE Crypto – C2 at least for FIPS. Could Leonard or somebody else at Adobe tell me if this RSA software is also used in general with Acrobat X?
    And I think that it would be very beneficial to have and publish a set of test vectors given input into algorithm 2.B along with correct intermediate results for each step. For each hash – including which method used per step show hash results, and also encryption step results, number of steps beyond 64 minimum, as well as final result. For the 80% of tests I have working I could produce this info. For those tests I cannot get working I would need help. Perhaps someone at Adobe or elsewhere who has had greater success than I have can help? I can provide input for the problematic tests either through this forum or privately at [email protected].
    1) http://www.gladman.me.uk/
    2) http://blogs.adobe.com/security/2011/05/update-fips-validation-certificates-for-acrobat-an d-reader-x.html

    I create a simple file called 256encrypt.pdf and encrypted with aes256
    I am using "Algorithm 2.B: Computing a hash" from ISO32000-2 to verify the user password
    user password: password
    User string from the PDF test file : f4 65 f1 69 9a e2 ea 71 ba e7 6b 48 bb 12 8f 1f 18 74 e3 d3 e2 97 7e b8 d6 fe 9f 7f 86 b0 6d 89 c9 38 40 c5 64 dc 5a 32 04 4d 9c 6f 28 d2 98 d0
    User string hash value:  f4 65 f1 69 9a e2 ea 71 ba e7 6b 48 bb 12 8f 1f 18 74 e3 d3 e2 97 7e b8 d6 fe 9f 7f 86 b0 6d 89
    User Validatiaon salt: c9 38 40 c5 64 dc 5a 32
    User Key salt:04 4d 9c 6f 28 d2 98 d0
    The input for the "Algorithm 2.B: Computing a hash" is as follows:
    user Validation Salt: c9 38 40 c5 64 dc 5a 32
    password: 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 (password)
    step 1: SHA256(password+user Validation Salt)
    the result is  K = 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
    step 2: Make a new string K1 with 64 repetitions of the input password and K
    K1= 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
           70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
           70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
            70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
    Total 64 times , total length = 0xa00
    step3: Encrypt K1 with AES_128(CBC)
    Key = 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee
    IV =   be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
    K1 64 repeat of the 70 61 73 73 77 6f 72 64 9d 47 2d 4e f0 96 cd dd 7a 8c 04 8d b4 d2 b8 ee be fe b9 9f 7f cc e1 29 ea 63 ad f2 a3 d5 11 5b
    Result : Total length is 0xa00. The beginning part of the E is
    E =
    47 df 2a 7f 90 8a c4 d9 f2 8b a0 f1 49 f0 8e 09 51 c4 a3 ce fd 28 48 f3 d7 c1 04 76 1b 6b 5b f2 6d 3d 2c 3f 03 26 76 06 d5 67 44 c8 2a b6
    10 02 a5 8d a7 93 4f 94 02 b9 bf 93 b5 2d 17 82 02 3b f7 8e 8a 07 0f 18 ed 19 b3 ba 55 8b 14 b7 45 16 80 47 4f 6e c3 b6 20 d2 72 cd d1 46
    2c d3 88 f7 c4 f7 e3 3a 04 3d 72 4f e0 d2 66 63 c4 9c 77 7c c5 53 fd 69 81 f6 3b 3d f5 8e b2 bd 66 4e 0f c6 1e 96 5e 91 e2 3d 60 5c 60 75
    a3 13 49 58 85 e8 bb 37 93 91 4c 4f 79 a5 80 f2 13 be 44 22 aa e5 ee 6c 29 2c 76 50 a3 15 85 69 5e e9 c5 29 13 2a f6 67 51 8e 1e 7f 23 8a
    90 a7 fe 93 c7 ff 45 ee 2a f0 c0 70 f1 78 2e 80 bd be 06 4f ad 69 4d 47 e6 3f ae e2 6a 76 ef 3e 56 8f 2d f5 c9 49 26 f3 7e 6e 61 8b 5e e6
    e6 2d dd 76 cd 30 33 1d fe bf 11 60 ce 33 35 43 da b7 33 9b b9 6a 86 cd 35 a0 ca 84 99 0c ca 71 28 b3 01 b9 23 b4 a0 87 4e fb ff af b6 bd
    The result of the first 16 bytes of E mod 3 is 1
    Using SHA384 to get 48 bytes K
    K = 29 de 28 c1 f0 17 c9 37 bd 93 97 e3 b5 51 b0 86 b9 0c 96 e0 77 28 87 1c 11 7b 41 ce 64 bf a8 7f f2 8b a2 7b 52 58 79 a9 63 c0 b2 31 f8 4e e4 6e
    This is the end of round 1 and go back to step 2 using this new K
    When round is equal or bigger than 64, check E[last byte], if E[last byte] > round -32, go back to step 2
    The final round is 69. and the final result is
    K = ab 7c c6 03 bc da 85 51 3f 3d 22 fb 58 8c 42 1d 45 67 55 92 9f 4f d2 41 b3 93 07 04 7d b1 30 6d
    But this K does not match with the first 32 byte of the user string.

  • Error in running encryption/decryption using DES in Websphere Dev't Client

    I have a code used to encrypt / decrypt a string (password). I have already tested it using Netbeans and it is working. But when I tried to add the java code to an existing web project using Websphere Development Client,, javax.crypto.* is not recognized. Then I imported JCE.jar.
    The java code contains no errors then, but when I started to run the project, it gives an Error 500. And below is the Console's error message:
    E SRVE0026E: [Servlet Error]-[javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec: method <init>&#40;[C[BI&#41;V not found]: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec: method <init>([C[BI)V not found[/b]
    Have I missed something to add? Or other things that I should do upon importing this jar file?
    Please help.
    Advance thanks for your reply.

    I dont know what version of Java that my Websphere's using. But I am very sure that it is outdated. I am using Websphere 5.0. For Netbeans, it is JDK1.5.
    I imported the JCE from JDK 1.5 on Websphere.
    I think the code works perfectly fine. Actually it was my friend's code for encryption but they are using Eclipse for development (almost the same from Websphere but somehow different from it.)
    My idea is that I cant match the versions of the jarfiles used in my project. As much as I wanted to change the imported jar files, I couldn't for when I replaced the existing jar files, more and more errors occur.
    can we have any alternative ways of importing the jar files? or is there any other code that might help that will not use the JCE.jar?
    I really appreciate your response. thanks

  • Packet Encryption/Decryption error

    This error message is from a site-to-site VPN router. The whole error message is like:
    Aug 11 00:37:22.725 Japan: %HW_VPN-1-HPRXERR: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module0/13: Packet Encryption/Decryption error, status=4610
    Aug 11 00:39:05.192 Japan: %HW_VPN-1-HPRXERR: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module0/13: Packet Encryption/Decryption error, status=4610
    Aug 11 00:39:53.961 Japan: %HW_VPN-1-HPRXERR: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module0/13: Packet Encryption/Decryption error, status=4610
    Aug 11 00:40:55.447 Japan: %HW_VPN-1-HPRXERR: Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module0/13: Packet Encryption/Decryption error, status=4610
    Does anybody see/handle this type of error before ? The explaination in the CCO for this error message does not help much. What is the 'status=4610' ? I also see the status number can be 4612 and 4613.
    I also noticed the "ah_auth_failure:" in "sh cry eng accelerator statistic " increase by one each time I got this error in the syslog
    Thanks in advance

    what was the fix to your problem. I am getting exact same problem.

  • Cisco CUBE supports AES-256 Encryption?

    Hi guys,
    Same as the title , 
    does the cisco CUBE SBC functionality support AES-256 encryption for SRTP and TLS?

    Standard is AES/128 this is by IEEE-802.11-2007 and this is what the WLC supports and AS most WLAN equipment.
    "Satisfaction does not come from knowing the solution, it comes from knowing why." - Rosalind Franklin

  • Acrobat (Reader) 8 not capable of opening AES-256 protected rights management PDF?

    Is this really true?
    Didn't find a datasheet explaining the Client-side requirements, when
    AES-256-encrypting PDF documencs with LCRM.
    In my lab it seems, as if Reader-9 can open those documents fine, while Reader-8 fails decrypting.

    Acrobat/Reader 9 were the first version to incorporate AES-256 code, so if you want to remain backwards compatible with Reader 7 or 8 you need to continue to use AES-128. I believe this is documented in the help for the section that describes how policy edit works.

  • How to decrypt AES using a key

    The example here will Generate the secret key specs first.
    I already have a Decrypt Key used in my server application. How can I use that key to decrypt the msg sent from server?

    I wrote this code to check Java encryption with AES and a key. This worked fine for me. Please have a look.
    Encrypt and decrypt using the DES private key algorithm
    import java.security.*;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
    import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
    public class AESEncrypt {
        public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {
            Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
            byte[] plainText = "LOGIN=2222=v2-0-b7=SMST=smst=ASI".getBytes("utf-8");
            // Get a DES private key
            System.out.println( "\nAES key" );
            String strKey = "75de8a33d3f18f1c29d86fa42b1894c7";
            byte[] keyBytes = hexToBytes(strKey);
            // skeyspec is the key to encrypt and decrypt
            SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
            System.out.println("Key: " + asHex(key.getEncoded()));
            System.out.println( "Finish generating AES key" );
            // Creates the DES Cipher object (specifying the algorithm, mode, and padding).
            Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/ECB/PKCS7Padding");
            // Print the provider information
            System.out.println( "\n" + cipher.getProvider().getInfo() );
            System.out.println( "\nStart encryption" );
            // Initializes the Cipher object.
            cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
            // Encrypt the plaintext using the public key
            byte[] cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText);
            System.out.println( "Finish encryption: cipherText: " + asHex(cipherText));
            System.out.println( "\nStart decryption" );
            // Initializes the Cipher object.
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);
            // Decrypt the ciphertext using the same key
            byte[] newPlainText = cipher.doFinal(cipherText);
            System.out.println( "Finish decryption: " );
            System.out.print( asHex(newPlainText) );
        public static String asHex (byte buf[]) {
          StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer(buf.length * 2);
          int i;
          for (i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) {
           if (((int) buf[i] & 0xff) < 0x10)
           strbuf.append(Long.toString((int) buf[i] & 0xff, 16));
          return strbuf.toString();
        public static byte[] hexToBytes(char[] hex) {
            int length = hex.length / 2;
            byte[] raw = new byte[length];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                int high = Character.digit(hex[i * 2], 16);
                int low = Character.digit(hex[i * 2 + 1], 16);
                int value = (high << 4) | low;
                if (value > 127) value -= 256;
                raw[i] = (byte)value;
            return raw;
        public static byte[] hexToBytes(String hex) {
            return hexToBytes(hex.toCharArray());

  • AES-256 user home directory sparse image bundle in Lion?

    Snow Leopard and previous had file vault to protect users' home directories as, I believe, AES-128-encrypted sparse image bundles. As I understand it now, under Lion, the options are to enable AES-128 whole disk encryption, or, if upgrading an existing snow leopard machine with a legacy file vault user account, to maintain that legacy file vault user home directory. However, under this second approach, additional users' home directories cannot be individually "file-vaulted" and instead, would require that legacy file vault  be decrytped and then the entire disk be encrypted.
    I am thinking that it would be advantageous from a security standpoint if an individual user home directory could remain encrypted, if that user were not actively logged in. Then, all contents would be inaccessible to other users, including administratively privileged users, and also that user's home directory would remain encrypted when the computer was turned on and booted up because as I understand it, file vault 2's real strength lies in protecting "data at rest" versus "data on a powered up and mounted file vault 2 volume".
    To that end, I am wondering, regardless of whether file vault 2 is enabled or not, whether an existing user home directory and all of its contents be converted to an AES-256-encrypted sparse image bundle, using Disk Utility, and exist at the /Users directory space, mounting and decrypting "on the fly" from the login window at user login just like how a legacy file vault home directory is treated under snow leopard, independently of whether file vault 2 was enabled on the whole disk or not. This would also permit later addition/conversion of another "file vaulted" user account whether fle vault 2 were enabled or not.
    To recap, an AES-256-encrypted sparse image bundle that would mount upon user login just like a legacy file vault user home directory does. Does anyone know if something like that is doable, and has that road already been travelled successfully? If so, I'd love to read a step-by-step, play-by-play, set of instructions on how to do just that.

    I think I got a solution worked out.  I don't mind if things get installed in /opt as long as pacman tracks it, and I found ruby-enterprise-rmagick in the AUR as an orphan.  I adopted it, updated it, installed it, and it's working great with my code.

  • Windows 8.1 Pro Bitlocker AES 256-bit cypher question

    Hi, all
    Have an odd situation I cannot make any sense of. I have a desktop PC running Windows 8.1 Pro. I launched gpedit.msc and changed Bitlocker’s cypher strength from the default AES 128-bit to AES 256-bit.
    I then connected a brand new Western Digital 4TB external drive (model WDBFJK0040HBK-04) to the PC via USB 3.0, and Bitlocker-encrypted the drive. Opened a command prompt window as administrator, ran “manage-bde –status” for the drive in question,
    which indicated the drive was encrypted with the 128 bit cypher strength, instead of 256 bits, as I had selected. Have unencrypted, rebooted and re-encrypted the drive time and again, always with the same results.
    When connecting the same external 4TB drive to a Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials in which I had made the exact same changes via gpedit.msc,
    I can encrypt it with the 256-bit cypher strength, with no problems.
    No TPM is used in either scenario, just a passphrase.
    Anyone has any idea why my 256-bit setting is being ignored in the Windows 8.1 Pro machine?

    Well, running rsop.msc in my Server 2012 R2 machine does show my 256-bit bitlocker setting took, however, running rsop.msc in my Win 8.1 Pro machine shows it did not, which explains the problem I am having.
    Now all I have to do is find out why my request is not taking, even though I am logged in as an admin.

  • Help for a newbie on encryption/decryption

    I want to start with a text file.
    Read in a line of ascii characters, encrypt it using some algorithm and output it as a new set of ascii characters.
    What algorithm should I use?

    thanks a lot. I got the encryption/decryption working pretty easily.
    However, I ran into problem when I got to storing keys:
    I stored it fine with this code
              try {
                   KeyGenerator keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DES");
                   desKey = keyGen.generateKey();
                   cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
                   String password = "lemein";
                   char passwd[] = password.toCharArray();
                   keyStore.load(null, passwd); //initialize keyStore
                   Certificate[] chain = new Certificate[1];
                   String alias = "test";
                   keyStore.setKeyEntry(alias, desKey, passwd, null);
                   String fileName = "data/gkey.txt";
                   FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(fileName);
                   keyStore.store(f, passwd); // <----------exception happens here
              } catch (Exception e)
              {     e.printStackTrace();
    I got problem when I retrieve it with this code
              KeyGenerator kg = null;
              Key key = null;
              cipher = null;
              Security.addProvider(new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE());
              byte[] result = null;
              try {
                   KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS");
                   keyStore.load(new FileInputStream("data/gkey.txt"), "lemein".toCharArray());
                   key = keyStore.getKey("test", "lemein".toCharArray());
                   cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES");
                   byte[] data = "Hello World!".getBytes();
                   System.out.println("Original data : " + new String(data));
                   cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
                   result = cipher.doFinal(data);
                   System.out.println("Encrypted data: " + new String(result));
              } catch (Exception e) {
    I get the error:
    java.security.UnrecoverableKeyException: DerInputStream.getLength(): lengthTag=75, too big.
         at sun.security.provider.KeyProtector.recover(Unknown Source)
         at sun.security.provider.JavaKeyStore.engineGetKey(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.KeyStore.getKey(Unknown Source)
    Any idea what the problem is?

  • Encrypt/decrypt using update

    can someone give me an encrypt/decrypt pair of code samples that use the cipher.update() call.
    i am trying it like that but apparently it doesn't work
    byte[] temp = new byte[message.length/2];
    byte[] temp2 = new byte[message.length/2];
    System.arraycopy(message, 0, temp, 0, temp.length);
    System.arraycopy(message, temp.length, temp2, 0, temp.length);
    ciphertext = new byte[message.length];
    System.arraycopy(symmetricCipher.update(temp), 0, ciphertext, 0, temp.length);
    System.arraycopy(symmetricCipher.doFinal(temp2), 0, ciphertext, temp.length, temp.length);

    I don't see how using the inputstream i would avoid
    the memory error, when passing anything over
    10,000,000. Unless you mean I split the input, and
    write small chunks into disk as I encrypt them?Your basic problem is that you have the data as one large array. I don't know how and why you created this large array; I would not to create it unless there was no other way.
    Since it does not make sense to create one large encrypted byte array and given that you have a byte array then you can use either
    1) Create a ByteArrayInputStream and wrap it in a CipherinputStream. This would allow you to encrypt the array in a sequential manner a few KBytes at a time.
    2) Encrypt the array a few KBytes at a time using a simple update(array, start, length) that returns the encrypted bytes.
    But first, I would try to avoid creating the large 'cleartext' array.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Best practices for making space on hard drive?

    My relatively trusty ol' 466 mhz G4 is bogging down. I am showing 9.77 GB out of 28.6 capacity. I have the Adobe CS programs and do a lot of Photoshop work. I decided to clean house and dump as much stuff as I can, including the older programs (Adobe

  • Arch Linux Schwag

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  • Download US Photoshop Elements 13 Student with German ID

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  • I need to keep changing USB ports

    Lately I have noticed that USB attached peripherals simply stop working until I move them to a different port. Doesn't matter if it is a different port on a hub, or different port on the Mac Pro. In addition, doesn't seem to be device dependent.