"Endless" Recording - Live Shows / Podcasts

Hey guys,
i'll be honest i haven't really looked this up, i just thought you'd be able to give me a quicker answer.
I just realised i've never had a session (cos I do 1 song at a time) that's been over 5 mins...so imagine my horror when I plugged in my mixer and started to record a kinda podcast type thing and it stopped recording after 10 mins or so and i didn't realise for 40 mins! (my decks are away from the monitor, what can i say)
do you have to define a maximum recording time?
does it just stop when it needs to process a certain amount of recorded audio?

If you find the menu item "Set Audio Record Path", you can set the maximum record time in there.
It is in the manual.
Your podcast seems like its a little long winded as well. Most of the podcasters that I know do it in chunks and then piece it all together.

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    ZMT10 wrote:
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    GB is not the best choice, an audio editor would be a safer bet for "unmanned" recording:
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
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    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
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    Check whether do you have defined the industry sector in R/3. This has to be done before filling the setup table. search the forums with note no 353042.
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    1 gb of ram
    a tascma us-428 inerface
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    Dear Chamandeep,
    Trust you have reviewed the open documents that would constitute to credit exposure, and have turned a blank.
    In such cases, it is possible to reorganise the credit master data of customers by using the programmes RVKRED77 and RVKRED07.
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    K Gopidas

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        {MyQuery.Transaction_Date} In {?Start/End Date}
    {MyQuery.Company = {?Company}
        {MyQuery.Transaction_Date} In {?Start/End Date}
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    TV - FiOS TV Extreme HD
    Internet - FiOS Residential 25 Mbps/25 Mbps

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