Endnote fields not recognized Word- Pages or Pages- Word

Endnote X3 is working fine inserting citations into Pages or Word files, but when I open a Word-generated .doc file with Endnote citations in Pages, or export to a .doc file with Endnote citations from Pages, the citations are no longer recognized and Endnote considers the file "empty" of references. All software is up to date. Anyone have any experience like this? Better yet, anyone have a solution?_
Endnote X3
Pages '09
Word 2008

None of the above. I am simply trying to work with the files moving between the two apps. I get .doc files to edit, which contain Endnote inserts, but I want to work on them in Pages and then send them back in Word format with usable Endnote fields

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    My guess is: you will have to modify the copy control routine, and populate the value of the new field accordingly.
    This routine needs to be assigned to the item category in copy control configuration (VTFL).
    Needless to say, the existing routine should be copied and then modified.

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    If you mean the fields "Attendee x plans to attend the Churchill Downs event ($20)", I do see them in the available purchase field list. Please see the fields circled in red in the attached screenshot. Actually, you have already chosen the Yes option of those fields as purchase fields (see the last 4 items in Options->Collect Payments->Purchase Fields), so only "No" choices of them are listed.
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    Eman Fu
    Senior Computer Scientist
    Adobe Systems Incorporated

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    Thanks much,

    I'm fairly new to this, but I think it has to do with the way you have the drop downs named. Did you copy one then keep pasting it in each field? If so, that is the problem. You should rename each one with a different number: Dropdown1, Dropdown2, etc. I think that might solve the issue.

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    You have to select one or the other.
    Try making two documents and see if you can merge the .pdfs, but their will be problems with page flow, making the pages shift. Can't see it working really.
    Pages is not the only solution out there or the best for most jobs (let alone the safest). Try Word for Mac, LibreOffice (free) or any App that has the features you need.

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    It's either in local folders, as it seem you had been doing, or in icloud.  If you go into the mac's Pages and view the icloud files, you can drag on onto another to create a folder.  But you can only have folder one level deep, so you can't organize your files/folders like you can on a mac, using nested folder several levels deep.

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    Anyone please help?!
    I hope this is not any of those stupid security things of vista....
    Greeting, Japzerr

    Do you have a network or external drive that is sometimes connected to your computer and sometimes not?
    Start with these articles and see if that gets you anywhere...
    iPod is not recognized properly by computer when USB drivers are not installed properly or are out of date
    iTunes for Windows: iTunes 7 doesn't recognize iPod
    iPod missing in "My Computer" or in iTunes for Windows
    Also you might try forcing the iPod into disk mode first, then connecting it to your computer and see if that makes it show up in iTunes...
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive or hard drive and may keep iPod from mounting or songs may seem to disappear

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    Does anyone have any advice what I need to do to make it work?
    Infotype 0002
    Infotype Vers. 09
    Structure name: HCMT_BSP_PA_DK_R0002 / HCMT_BSP_PA_XX_R0002
    Field name   Long field label   Position
    FAMST        Marital status      4
    Br. Olof

    Bizcards is only customizable via IMG as of EHP3
    Lower releases might require additonal steps/modifications
    For EHP3 you need to ensure you are using EHP3 software components and have EHP3 business
    function switched on (be careful though switching on this function is only reversal via restore to point in time
    before switching it on) - also check note 1159911 if you  have switched this one and/or see no fields
    Worth also trying the following
    Check V_T7XSSPERBIZFLD for existing fields and positions
    Add supplementary fields and position numbers to V_T7XSSPERBIZFLD
    Check V_T7XSSPERBIZFLD for existing fields and positions
    Overwrite required positions and fields in V_T7XSSPERBIZFLC
    Best wishes

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    We used 4.3 as an effective tool for thesis production but in many ways it has become kind of a simplistic joke. Sad indeed and I wish there was some evidence they were remotely concerned. PeterBreis0807's response of "No" is spot on. We will continue to use 4.3 as long as it works as a time-saving substitute for Word.

  • Page numbers in Word TOC not correct; have to open doc and update

    I'm using RoboHelp HTML 9 and Word 2010.
    I generate a Word doc (.docx) as one of my outputs. The Word TOC works -- that is, if I Ctrl-Click one of the items in the TOC, I'm taken to that item.
    A user just came up to me asking why the page numbers are off. Here's what I see.
    I use SSL to generate the Word doc.
    In the TOC, I look for the topic "Setting Up Comments." It's listed as being on page 30.
    I Ctrl-Click that TOC item and it takes me to the topic, but when I look at the footer, it says this is page 28.
    If I go back to the TOC, right-click, and choose "Update page numbers only", Word updates the TOC, which now shows the correct page number, page 28.
    In other words, generating my printed doc is now a multi-step process:
    Use SSL to generate the Word doc.
    Open the Word doc and update the TOC.
    Save the Word doc.
    Shouldn't the TOC be right the first time around? Am I forgetting to do something?

    Your example was not the best, many chapters have such a topic. However, I am seeing issues there.
    In another project I am finding the page numbers correct so I will need to do some more digging.
    Meantime, given the problem can be recreated using the sample, you should report it as a bug.
    Please follow this link.
    See www.grainge.org for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Don't buy a M…soft product, use the free openOffice or the free neoOffice.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) samedi 18 décembre 2010 18:09:50

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    Rhonda Fogel wrote:
    Interesting that one does not need the password to delete using Finder.
    The Pages password protects the contents of the document.  If there were a Finder password, it would protect what you might think of as the "file wrapper" ... the stuff around the file content.
    Glad it's not vital.  I have to say I only pasword protect those Pages documents that are, in fact, vital.
    Best of luck.

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