Eng_eco_pub.process_Eco for UPDATE of effectivity_date on revised items

Hi All,
We are on Oracle Applications Rel 11.5.8.
We are trying to update an existing ECO with an ‘UPDATE’ transaction_type using eng_Eco_pub API. Here is the code. We first execute this script with CREATE and ECO is created. However, when we run the same script to UPDATE with transaction_type = ‘UPDATE’, the bill_sequence_id in eng_revised_items is updated to g_miss_num (9.99E125). The API is returning ‘SUCCESS’ and updates the bill_sequence_id to 9.999E125. Not sure what we are missing here. Appreciate any inputs or sample code for UPDATING an already created ECO.
11668210 192981011 IK-API0316
11668210 9.99E125 IK-API0316
Thank You!
l_eco_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'IK-API0000' ;
l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'GLO';
l_transaction_type VARCHAR2(10) := 'CREATE'; -- or UPDATE for updating the same ECO
l_rev_item_number1 VARCHAR2(20):= '16-2214-01';
l_eff_date DATE := NULL;
v_old_effective_date DATE;
l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(3) := '-A0';
l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- API output variables
x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := '/apps/orarpt/SJDEV/utl';
l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'test.dbg';
-- WHO columns
l_user_id NUMBER := -1;
l_resp_id NUMBER := -1;
l_application_id NUMBER := -1;
l_row_cnt NUMBER := 1;
l_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'CA_ADMIN';
l_resp_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Engineering';
l_comp_eff_date date := null;
l_disable_date date := null;
-- Get the user_id
SELECT user_id,sysdate + 10,sysdate
INTO l_user_id,l_comp_eff_date,l_eff_date
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
-- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name;
FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
dbms_output.put_line('before initialixe');
l_return_status := NULL;
dbms_output.put_line('after initialixe');
-- FOR UPDATE API to update effectivity date on Revised item.
l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'DESIGN';
l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_TYPE := 5 ;-- 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
l_eco_rec.Status_TYPE := 1; -- 1 to bring in SCHEDULE status
l_eco_rec.description := l_eff_date || ' - ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
l_eco_rec.transaction_type := l_transaction_type;
l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
IF l_transaction_type ='CREATE' THEN
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := l_transaction_type; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0'; -- pass only if the previous unimplemented updating ECO has a new revision
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := ''; -- l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_effective_date := l_eff_date ; -- l_comp_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := null;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := l_rev_item_number1 || ' --B0 ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).disposition_type :=1 ;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).update_wip := 1;--2
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).mrp_active := 1;
--l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_item_revision:= '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_routing_revision:= '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).from_end_item_unit_number:= ''; -- this field is mandatory
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).earliest_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_item_name := l_rev_item_number1; null;
--l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_plan_name :=null;
IF l_transaction_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
FOR v_component in (SELECT * from eng_revised_items where change_notice = 'IK-API0000') LOOP
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Revised_Item_Rev_Desc := '-F0 ik added';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := '-F0';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Start_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Alternate_Bom_Code := v_component.alternate_bom_designator;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Status_Type := v_component.status_type;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Mrp_Active := v_component.Mrp_Active;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Earliest_Effective_Date := sysdate;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Requestor := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Use_Up_Plan_Name := v_component.Use_Up_Plan_Name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Disposition_Type := v_component.Disposition_Type;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Update_Wip := v_component.Update_Wip;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Cancel_Comments := v_component.Cancel_Comments;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Change_Description := 'TESTING ';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute_category := v_component.Attribute_category;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute1 := v_component.Attribute1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute2 := v_component.Attribute2;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute3 := v_component.Attribute3;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute4 := v_component.Attribute4;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute5 := v_component.Attribute5;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute6 := v_component.Attribute6;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute7 := v_component.Attribute7;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute8 := v_component.Attribute8;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute9 := v_component.Attribute9;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute10 := v_component.Attribute10;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute11 := v_component.Attribute11;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute12 := v_component.Attribute12;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute13 := v_component.Attribute13;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute14 := v_component.Attribute14;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute15 := v_component.Attribute15;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_End_Item_Unit_Number := v_component.From_End_Item_Unit_Number;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_From_End_Item_Unit_Number := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Original_System_Reference :=v_component.Original_System_Reference;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Return_Status := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Transaction_Type := l_transaction_type;
-- L1, the following is added for ECO enhancement
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Work_Order := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).To_Work_Order := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Cumulative_Quantity := v_component.from_cum_qty;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Lot_Number := v_component.Lot_Number;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Subinventory := v_component.Completion_Subinventory;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Location_Name :='';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Priority := v_component.Priority;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Ctp_Flag := v_component.Ctp_Flag;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Routing_Revision := v_component.New_Routing_Revision;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Routing_Revision := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Routing_Comment := v_component.Routing_Comment;
-- L1, the above is added for ECO enhancement
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Eco_For_Production := v_component.Eco_For_Production;
Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
, p_init_msg_list => FALSE
, x_return_status => l_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_msg_count
, p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
, p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
, p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
, p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
, p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
, p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
, p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
, p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
, p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
, p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
, x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
, x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
, x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
, x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
, x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
, x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
, x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
, x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, p_debug => 'N'
, p_output_dir => l_output_dir
, p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
dbms_output.put_line('after API call');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
IF (l_return_status = 'E') THEN
dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');

Hi All,
We are on Oracle Applications Rel 11.5.8.
We are trying to update an existing ECO with an ‘UPDATE’ transaction_type using eng_Eco_pub API. Here is the code. We first execute this script with CREATE and ECO is created. However, when we run the same script to UPDATE with transaction_type = ‘UPDATE’, the bill_sequence_id in eng_revised_items is updated to g_miss_num (9.99E125). The API is returning ‘SUCCESS’ and updates the bill_sequence_id to 9.999E125. Not sure what we are missing here. Appreciate any inputs or sample code for UPDATING an already created ECO.
11668210 192981011 IK-API0316
11668210 9.99E125 IK-API0316
Thank You!
l_eco_name VARCHAR2(10) := 'IK-API0000' ;
l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'GLO';
l_transaction_type VARCHAR2(10) := 'CREATE'; -- or UPDATE for updating the same ECO
l_rev_item_number1 VARCHAR2(20):= '16-2214-01';
l_eff_date DATE := NULL;
v_old_effective_date DATE;
l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(3) := '-A0';
l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- API output variables
x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type ;-- := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
-- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := '/apps/orarpt/SJDEV/utl';
l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'test.dbg';
-- WHO columns
l_user_id NUMBER := -1;
l_resp_id NUMBER := -1;
l_application_id NUMBER := -1;
l_row_cnt NUMBER := 1;
l_user_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'CA_ADMIN';
l_resp_name VARCHAR2(30) := 'Engineering';
l_comp_eff_date date := null;
l_disable_date date := null;
-- Get the user_id
SELECT user_id,sysdate + 10,sysdate
INTO l_user_id,l_comp_eff_date,l_eff_date
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
-- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
FROM fnd_responsibility_tl
WHERE responsibility_name = l_resp_name;
FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
dbms_output.put_line('before initialixe');
l_return_status := NULL;
dbms_output.put_line('after initialixe');
-- FOR UPDATE API to update effectivity date on Revised item.
l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'DESIGN';
l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_TYPE := 5 ;-- 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
l_eco_rec.Status_TYPE := 1; -- 1 to bring in SCHEDULE status
l_eco_rec.description := l_eff_date || ' - ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
l_eco_rec.transaction_type := l_transaction_type;
l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
IF l_transaction_type ='CREATE' THEN
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := l_transaction_type; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0'; -- pass only if the previous unimplemented updating ECO has a new revision
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := ''; -- l_new_revised_item_revision;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_effective_date := l_eff_date ; -- l_comp_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := null;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := l_rev_item_number1 || ' --B0 ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name ;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).disposition_type :=1 ;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).update_wip := 1;--2
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).mrp_active := 1;
--l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_item_revision:= '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_routing_revision:= '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).from_end_item_unit_number:= ''; -- this field is mandatory
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).earliest_effective_date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_item_name := l_rev_item_number1; null;
--l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).use_up_plan_name :=null;
IF l_transaction_type = 'UPDATE' THEN
FOR v_component in (SELECT * from eng_revised_items where change_notice = 'IK-API0000') LOOP
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := '-A0';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Revised_Item_Rev_Desc := '-F0 ik added';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Revised_Item_Revision := '-F0';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Start_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Effective_Date := l_eff_date;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Alternate_Bom_Code := v_component.alternate_bom_designator;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Status_Type := v_component.status_type;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Mrp_Active := v_component.Mrp_Active;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Earliest_Effective_Date := sysdate;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Requestor := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Use_Up_Plan_Name := v_component.Use_Up_Plan_Name;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Disposition_Type := v_component.Disposition_Type;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Update_Wip := v_component.Update_Wip;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Cancel_Comments := v_component.Cancel_Comments;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Change_Description := 'TESTING ';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute_category := v_component.Attribute_category;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute1 := v_component.Attribute1;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute2 := v_component.Attribute2;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute3 := v_component.Attribute3;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute4 := v_component.Attribute4;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute5 := v_component.Attribute5;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute6 := v_component.Attribute6;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute7 := v_component.Attribute7;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute8 := v_component.Attribute8;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute9 := v_component.Attribute9;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute10 := v_component.Attribute10;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute11 := v_component.Attribute11;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute12 := v_component.Attribute12;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute13 := v_component.Attribute13;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute14 := v_component.Attribute14;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Attribute15 := v_component.Attribute15;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_End_Item_Unit_Number := v_component.From_End_Item_Unit_Number;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_From_End_Item_Unit_Number := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Original_System_Reference :=v_component.Original_System_Reference;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Return_Status := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Transaction_Type := l_transaction_type;
-- L1, the following is added for ECO enhancement
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Work_Order := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).To_Work_Order := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).From_Cumulative_Quantity := v_component.from_cum_qty;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Lot_Number := v_component.Lot_Number;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Subinventory := v_component.Completion_Subinventory;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Completion_Location_Name :='';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Priority := v_component.Priority;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Ctp_Flag := v_component.Ctp_Flag;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).New_Routing_Revision := v_component.New_Routing_Revision;
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Updated_Routing_Revision := '';
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Routing_Comment := v_component.Routing_Comment;
-- L1, the above is added for ECO enhancement
l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).Eco_For_Production := v_component.Eco_For_Production;
Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
, p_init_msg_list => FALSE
, x_return_status => l_return_status
, x_msg_count => l_msg_count
, p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
, p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
, p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
, p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
, p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
, p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
, p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
, p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
, p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
, p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
, x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
, x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
, x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
, x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
, x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
, x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
, x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
, x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
, p_debug => 'N'
, p_output_dir => l_output_dir
, p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
dbms_output.put_line('after API call');
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
IF (l_return_status = 'E') THEN
dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');

Similar Messages

  • "Check for Updates..." menu item missing Acrobat 9 Mac

    Trying a clean install of Acrobat 9 Pro for Mac on a clean Mac OS X.8.3 Mountain Lion. It take the serial number without issue after launching, but in the Help Menu there is no, "Check for Updates..." item.
    Installed and logged in as a local admin. The only alternative way to update the software is to go to the products update page at:
    To download and manually install in succession TWENTY updates to get from v. 9.0 to v. 9.5.4. This shouldn't be this difficult. I bet the Adobe Chat Customer Service that I'd be able to download and install all TWENTY updates before anyone on this forum could provide me with a solution.
    Do you accept the challenge?

    If you can not download the updates from the help menu any more, then for the MAC the updates are available at http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/product.jsp?product=1&platform=Macintosh. Generally you have to install these updates in order. It is simplest to download the latest first and work back to see if any can be skipped. Once the product hits end of life (and I think AA9 is there), the only updates that are provided are for critical security updates. For instance there has not been an update for AA 8 since Sept 2011. Since the releases are about every 2 years, it is indeed the end-of-life time in the cycle for AA 9 based on the history of the products. The upgrade may be worth it at some time, particularly as your OS or word processor or such change over time. Since the MAC version does not have PDF Maker (as I understand it), the upgrades may not be as critical for you as for PC folks working with newer versions of MS OFFICE -- who have gotten used to those features.

  • How to use auto numbering with ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO (EBS version 12.1.1)

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to create a new ECO using the PL/SQL API "ENG_ECO_PUB.PROCESS_ECO". I want the ECO name to be automatically assigned by the system but when leaving the ECO_NAME empty (in paramter P_ECO_REC) I get the error message:
    "You must enter an ECO name and organization because they are the primary identifiers of a business object. Please ensure that these values exist in all your records and re-run the import process."
    I have set the profile option "ENG: Change Order Autonumbering - System Administrator access" to yes.
    I have set following fields in P_ECO_REC:
    p_eco_rec.organization_code := 'V1';
    p_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
    p_eco_rec.description := 'Test';
    p_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
    p_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- also tried with 'PLM'
    p_eco_rec.approval_status_name := 'Approved';
    Do I need to set anything else?

    Hi Helios,
    thanks for reply.
    I checked note 1242524.1, but there's no advice what to configure for using auto numbering.
    I tried it again with adapted sample code and leaving the ECO_NAME empty:
    -- API Input variables
    l_eco_name VARCHAR2(9) := '';
    l_org_code VARCHAR2(3) := 'V1';
    l_rev_item_number VARCHAR2(20):= 'CS_Test_Assem_10';
    l_eff_date DATE := '8-SEP-2011';
    l_new_revised_item_revision VARCHAR2(2) := 'A';
    l_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    l_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    l_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    l_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    l_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    l_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    l_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    l_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    l_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- API output variables
    x_eco_rec Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Rec_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_rec;
    x_eco_revision_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Eco_Revision_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_eco_revision_tbl;
    x_revised_item_tbl Eng_Eco_Pub.Revised_Item_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_revised_item_tbl;
    x_rev_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Rev_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_component_tbl;
    x_sub_component_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Sub_Component_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_sub_component_tbl;
    x_ref_designator_tbl Bom_Bo_Pub.Ref_Designator_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_ref_designator_tbl;
    x_rev_operation_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Operation_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_operation_tbl;
    x_rev_op_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Op_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_op_resource_tbl;
    x_rev_sub_resource_tbl Bom_Rtg_Pub.Rev_Sub_Resource_Tbl_Type := Eng_Eco_Pub.g_miss_rev_sub_resource_tbl;
    -- Other API variables for return status / error handling / debugging
    l_error_table Error_Handler.Error_Tbl_Type;
    l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := NULL;
    l_msg_count NUMBER := 0;
    l_output_dir VARCHAR2(500) := 'C:\temp';
    l_debug_filename VARCHAR2(60) := 'su_debug_10_15.dbg';
    -- WHO columns
    l_user_id          NUMBER := -1;
    l_resp_id          NUMBER := -1;
    l_application_id     NUMBER := -1;
    l_row_cnt          NUMBER := 1;
    l_user_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG';
    l_resp_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'MFG_AND_DIST_SUPER_USER_APS';
    -- Get the user_id
    SELECT user_id
    INTO l_user_id
    FROM fnd_user
    WHERE user_name = l_user_name;
    -- Get the application_id and responsibility_id
    SELECT application_id, responsibility_id
    INTO l_application_id, l_resp_id
    FROM fnd_responsibility
    WHERE responsibility_key = l_resp_name;
    FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id); -- Mfg / Mfg & Dist Mgr / INV
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized applications context: '|| l_user_id || ' '|| l_resp_id ||' '|| l_application_id );
    l_return_status := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_eco_rec.organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_eco_rec.change_type_code := 'ECO';
    l_eco_rec.eco_department_name := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.priority_code := NULL; --'Medium';
    l_eco_rec.approval_list_name := NULL; --'SU_ONLY';
    l_eco_rec.reason_code := NULL;
    l_eco_rec.Approval_Status_Name:= 'Approved'; -- will default to Not submitted for Approval
    l_eco_rec.Status_Name := 'Open';
    l_eco_rec.description := 'ECO - '||l_eco_rec.eco_name||' API Test';
    l_eco_rec.transaction_type := 'CREATE';
    l_eco_rec.plm_or_erp_change := 'ERP'; -- or 'PLM'
    l_eco_rec.return_status := NULL;
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO Header');
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code := l_org_code;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).status_type := 1; -- 'Open'
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).change_description := 'Test';
    l_revised_item_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised items');
    -- Add RS_BOM_C3, acd_type = 1
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_D'; -- Add RS_BOM_C3
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 40; -- new item sequence number
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    -- Change RS_BOM_C1, acd_type = 2
    l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date; -- effective date
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_B'; -- Change qty for RS_BOM_C1
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 2;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).item_sequence_number := 20;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).quantity_per_assembly := 5; -- existing comp qty on Bill = 2
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    -- Disable RS_BOM_C2, acd_type = 3
    l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).eco_name := l_eco_name;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).organization_code:= l_org_code;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).revised_item_name := l_rev_item_number;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).new_revised_item_revision := l_new_revised_item_revision;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).start_effective_date := l_eff_date;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).disable_date := l_eff_date + 2; -- disable date is 2 day from effective_date
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).operation_sequence_number := 1;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).component_item_name := 'CS_Sub_Item_10_C'; -- disable RS_BOM_C2
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).alternate_bom_code := NULL;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).acd_type := 3;
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_effectivity_date := to_date('29-APR-2011 10:09:38', 'dd-MON-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'); -- old effectivity date from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).old_operation_sequence_number := 1; -- old operation sequence number from bill
    l_rev_component_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_type := 'CREATE'; -- transaction type : CREATE / UPDATE
    dbms_output.put_line('Initialized ECO revised components');
    -- call API to create eco
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Calling Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco API');
    Eng_Eco_PUB.Process_Eco( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => TRUE
    , x_return_status => l_return_status
    , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
    , p_bo_identifier => 'ECO'
    , p_eco_rec => l_eco_rec
    , p_eco_revision_tbl => l_eco_revision_tbl
    , p_revised_item_tbl => l_revised_item_tbl
    , p_rev_component_tbl => l_rev_component_tbl
    , p_ref_designator_tbl => l_ref_designator_tbl
    , p_sub_component_tbl => l_sub_component_tbl
    , p_rev_operation_tbl => l_rev_operation_tbl
    , p_rev_op_resource_tbl => l_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , p_rev_sub_resource_tbl => l_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , x_eco_rec => x_eco_rec
    , x_eco_revision_tbl => x_eco_revision_tbl
    , x_revised_item_tbl => x_revised_item_tbl
    , x_rev_component_tbl => x_rev_component_tbl
    , x_ref_designator_tbl => x_ref_designator_tbl
    , x_sub_component_tbl => x_sub_component_tbl
    , x_rev_operation_tbl => x_rev_operation_tbl
    , x_rev_op_resource_tbl => x_rev_op_resource_tbl
    , x_rev_sub_resource_tbl => x_rev_sub_resource_tbl
    , p_debug => 'Y'
    , p_output_dir => l_output_dir
    , p_debug_filename => l_debug_filename
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.eco_name:'|| x_eco_rec.eco_name );
    dbms_output.put_line('x_eco_rec.org_code:'|| x_eco_rec.organization_code);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Return Status: '||l_return_status);
    IF (l_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('x_msg_count:' || l_msg_count);
    Error_Handler.GET_MESSAGE_LIST(x_message_list => l_error_table);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Error Message Count :'||l_error_table.COUNT);
    FOR i IN 1..l_error_table.COUNT LOOP
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Exception Occured :');
    But with this example I again get same error message...
    Any idea?

  • Apps still use an e-mail that no longer exist for updates

    Several years ago I created an apple ID in itunes.  Now that e-mail does not exist. Recently, an apple support rep walked me through the process of changing my apple id to my current e-mail address.  Everything is working great except for updates.  My iphone & ipad shows apps that need to be updated, but when I try to update them, it gives me the old e-mail address and doesn't let me change it.  So I try to put in my old password that should match but it doesn't...because the apple i.d. and the e-mail address doesn't exist anymore.
    So my question is this...How do I update apps that were purchased through an apple i.d. that still exists but is now associated with a different e-mail?  It won't let me change to the new e-mail.  I've tried everything.

    I am having the same issue- all of my paid apps (magazine subscriptions) will not update with my REVISED (not new) apple ID- it keeps showing the one I changed it from when I go to update....

  • I hv iPhone with ios 6.0.2 My iphone could not able to check for update-it's just showing "checking for updates" with loading sign How can I upgrade to ios 7?  Help pls

    I hv iPhone with ios 6.0.2
    My iphone could not able to check for update…it’s just showing “checking for updates” with loading sign
    How can I upgrade to ios 7?
    Help pls

    I agree- I apologize if I sounded skeptical and attacking. In no way did I mean it to sound that way.
    I completely agree on the software-hardware combo issue- this is why apple killed off 1G and 2G devices- because newer software revisions would never ever run well if at all on such ancient devices. can you imagine running iOS 6 on an iPhone/iPod touch 1G? That would be terrible. Let alone iOS 3 runs terrible on them and now are generally rendered useless due to newer App Store requirements (most require 4.3+ now to allow apple to kill off the older devices). forcing newer software on older hardware (apple, dell, HP,... Anything electronic this definitely applies to) will almost always yield less-than-par results. The other part is apple forcing you to upgrade by means of intentially making things obsolete. all companies do that.
    All of this factual info aside, the issue at hand with the 5 is not a software-hardware combo problem- those are most widely seen with the major revisions. then again, this isn't the first time apple has gotten caught up in battery drain snafus (even iOS 5 was plagued with this as well- and now there are some people desperate to roll back but can't). it basically waters it down to the point where keeping the stock software will always yield the best results even though newer versions provide better features- it all depends on whether or not the person deems the added features are worth a performance hit.
    PS. I'm still at 100%- and I've been using it periodically throughout the day. your combo worked for you, but didn't for me. And may or may not work for others- As the tech world would say, mileage may vary.
    PSS. What model/carrier do you have? Just wondering.

  • Error message: "playlists selected for updating no longer exist"

    I tried to update my ipod nano and I guess I had deleted a playlist, but since then, I have not been able to update. Every time I try, I get the following message:
    "Cannot be updated because all of the playlists selected for updating no longer exist."
    I haven't been able to highlight which playlists are selected to begin with.
    I read through the manual and thought that maybe rebooting the whole system might work. So I deleted Itunes from my computer and re-installed.
    Then I tried re-setting my ipod. So now I have nothing on my ipod.
    I also deleted everything from my library, thinking it might help to start from scratch. Nothing has worked.
    How do I "select" and "unselect" playlists so I can get up and running again?

    Here you go.

  • Why does my app store use a different account for downloading and another for updating apps?

    My app store used my own account for downloading and my sister's for updating, and it keeps telling me to reset my account. I already did that the other few times it told me to do that!

    Have you restored your device from your sister's backup?

  • Lost music on ipod because "playlists selected for updating no longer exist

    Not sure what I've done. I recently downloaded newer version of itunes. Then when synching, I had too much music in my library for the ipod to handle so it told me about doing the smart playlist. I erased a couple of playlists on the itunes menu I no longer wanted and then when I went to synch, this error came up "songs on the ipod cannot be updated because all of the playlists selected for updating no longer exist."
    Please help.....

    Check this out.
    iPod cannot sync because one or more playlist....

  • Playlists for updating no longer exist

    i am a novice...i deleted my ipod nano playlist from source list...i also updated yesterday...no i keep getting a screen when i connect my ipod to computer that reads, "songs on the ipod cannot be updated because all of the playlists for updating no longer exist. but all songs remain in library....Help!

    You will find this user tip useful for resolving the missing playlist issue: Hudgie - iPod cannot sync because one or more playlists are missing

  • "songs..can't be updated b/c all the playlists for updating no longer exist

    My Ipod was "off power" for so long that it "forgot" all its music. Now when I plug it in to my base computer, rather then synching it says "songs on the ipod "name" cannot be updated because all the playlists for updating no longer exist"

    See if this can help;

  • "All of the Playlists Selected for Updating No Longer Exist"

    My family has 2 ipod shuffles. After purchasing a Nano recently, I inserted the cd that came with it. Apparently the existing iTunes software was removed and reinstalled. At any rate, the library still shows all the original songs, but when the Nano is plugged in, iTunes immediately gives a prompt stating "Songs on the iPod *** cannot be updated because all of the playlists selected for updating no longer exist." The library is there, the playlists that were there are there, and I can play the songs on my cpu. Is there anything I can do besides completely uninstalling everything and starting over?
    iPod Nano   Windows XP Pro  

    This user tip should help you sort out your missing playlist problem: Hudgie - iPod cannot sync because one or more playlists are missing

  • "All of the playlists for updating no longer exist"???!!

    I created a few new playlists and deleted an old one in iTunes, and then when I plugged in my mini to update I get the message:
    Songs on the iPod “Kellee's iPod” cannot be updated because all of the playlists for updating no longer exist"
    There are no songs in my mini after this msg. I reset it, tried to update again, but got the same msg. Please help!!

    Hi Kellee!
    Why do people delete playlists?? Seems like you have the same problem someone I tried to help has. She got the exact same error message when she deleted a playlist. If I were you I would have shifted some songs around, changed the name of the playlist to something else but NOT deleted the playlist. I don't think you can get the same playlist back once you delete it. Question is why is your iPod not recognizing your new playlists and it's requesting to update the playlist you already deleted?? I'm afraid I can't help you but maybe someone else can. I just wanted to say this.

  • "playlist for updating no longer exists!"

    Recently my ipod reached its full capacity so I could not add anymore songs onto my ipod, instead it created a seperate playlist of songs which were most played etc. However I accidently deleted that playlist and now my ipod is blank and won't let me put songs on it
    the message reads : "songs on the ipod cannot be updated because all of the playlists selected for updating no longer exist"
    does anyone know how i could fix this problem?
    any help would be much appreciated

    Open iTunes prefs-> iPod and set it to Automatically update selected playlists and select a new playlist.

  • "Playlists selected for updating no longer exist"?!

    everytime i plug my ipod mini into the computer, a pop up appears saying that the playlists selected for updating no longer exist!!! it's done this before, so i completely restored the setting and made a whole new library. now it's doing it again. i have all the playlists and songs on my computer in a folder. all the songs that were on my ipod, got deleted when i plugged it into the computer. so my ipod is blank, but i have the songs in my library still. they just wont upload. any help would be greatly appreciated....

    Check this out.
    iPod cannot sync because one or more playlist....

  • ORA-01002-Error in Select ... for update

    I would like to insert CLOB in a table (VP_EVENTS) with a primary key (eventid) with the following code:
    PreparedStatement cs = this.con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO vp_events (eventid,term,participant)
    VALUES (?,?,empty_clob())");
    //Register IN-Parameter
    cs.setInt(1, 1);
    cs.setInt(2, 1);
    cs.setTimestamp(3, new java.sql.Timestamp( System.currentTimeMillis() ));
    //Execute statement
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    ResultSet clobLocatorSet = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT PARTICIPANT FROM VP_EVENTS WHERE EVENTID=1 FOR UPDATE");
    // Get the CLOB-locator
    if (clobLocatorSet.next())
    oracle.sql.CLOB clob =
    // Write CLOB-Data
    // The first parameter to plsql_write, is // the offset from which to start
    // writing, and the second parameter is the // data to be written.
    // plsql_length(), returns the length of // the data in the CLOB column
    countCLOB = clob.plsql_write(
    At the execution-point of the "Select for Update"-statement the oracle thin driver throws the Error "Fetch out of sequence ORA-01002".
    What's wrong?

    Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc racle:thin:@myhost:1521:ORCL","scott", "tiger");
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();

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