Enhanced microphone class fades out the sound!

Hi everyone,
I used enhancedMicrophone class in a Voice-Chat application  , but the sound fade out after milliseconds for second client.
for example:
just say numbers  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10  continuously on your microphone ,  your voice will fade out after saying number 5.
and voice is not clear at all when speaking .
Has anyone faced to this issue?
the code:
var mic:Microphone=Microphone.getEnhancedMicrophone();
var MicOptions:MicrophoneEnhancedOptions= new MicrophoneEnhancedOptions();
if you set mic to Microphone.getMicrophone()  [old class] ,
it works well but AEC not work.
Homayoon Zand

Does Adobe Employee confirm this issue?
Has he/she tested it yet?
It is a serious issue for creating real-time live chat applications with adobe flash platform!
I wanted any flash/flex developer to focus on this issue while developing real-time applications.

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    Cobra wrote:
    I just got a new computer with a Foxconn TLA-776 case that has microphone/headphone jacks on the front. There are 7 seperate plugs that come from these jacks. Ground, Right Out, Right Return, Left Out, Left Return, Mic Power, and Mic In. I tried plugging these into the white connector on the card with 0 pins, but they didn't fit correctly. Is there somewhere else these connectors are supposed to plug into on the card? They were originally plugged into the motherboard's onboard sound.
    You didn't mention which card you have there but as an example, this is for Audigy 2 Zs. Arrangement for pins may vary between different models of cards. For example on Audigy 2 (SB0244) -->
    - Analog Ground
    2 - Analog Headphone Out Left
    3 - Analog Headphone Out Right
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    Didn't connect the mic.
    Here is another link covering subject (st link seem not to work right now.
    jutapaMessage Edited by jutapa on 02-05-2006 09:4 AM

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    Hey Rob,
    I think you can achieve the effect you're looking for by using 'on click' interactions in conjunction with action sequences.
    I just made a simple example, here are the steps:
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    2) In the Interactions panel, click 'Add Interaction', and select 'play action sequence'
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    5) With the circle selected, in the timelines panel click 'add action', located at the bottom.
    6) Select 'fade' from the options available.
    7) In the properties panel, define the fade properties (for fade in, obviously set 'from' to be 0, and 'to' to be 100)
    8) Repeat steps 5 through 7, but choose from=100 and to=0
    9) Arrange the fade in, and fade out events on the timeline to get the timing choreography right.
    10) If you haven't done so already, set the opacity of your circles to be 0.
    Does this work for you?
    Is this what you were looking for?
    Let me know if you need clarification on any of the steps.
    Thanks for posting, great question!

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    Litebox Image Gallery
    --Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    "texjgc" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g7d8rd$o0t$[email protected]..
    > I have seen this effect all over the web but I do not
    have a clue as to
    how to
    > do this.
    > See this page here
    > Then when you get on that page click the link in the
    upper right, under
    > picture of the guitar strap that says "click to enlarge"
    to enlarge the
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    page fades out
    > another small popup appears in front of it. Any ideas
    how this is done?
    > Thanks a lot!

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    Here are a couple of articles that give a useful overview of Mastering:
    Preparing Your Music For Mastering
    Mastering: How The Pros Do It
    Other than that, the Normalizing you're doing is the easiest way to even out the relative levels.

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    Your audio settings may have been changed.
    Open Audio MIDI Setup (/Applications/Utilities/), then check the Audio Output setting.
    Change the Audio Output setting to 44100.0 Hz.
    Quit Audio MIDI Setup.
    More info here on no sound from built-in speakers:
    Any reason why you have not updated to the final verion of Leopard 10.5.8?

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    Reset your device: hold down the home button along with the sleep/wake button until the screen goes black and you see the Apple, then let go. (No data loss)
    If this doesn't change anything, backup and restore your software via iTunes. If the problem continues, restore as a NEW device. If this solves it, that means there is some corruption in your backup file, or maybe it's one of your apps causing the trouble. If the problem is still there, you should take it to the Genius Bar at an Apple Store for evaluation.

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    Disable the option shown in this screenshot: http://jingsite.businesscatalyst.com/jing/2013-10-18_2304.png

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    I am going to detour in methodology to see if keyframing at the audio clip's rubberband will be easier. If not, we will go back to my first choice the Audio Mixer for the task.
    In this demo, I have my audio on Audio Track 1 and selected/highlighted.
    1. Place the Timeline Indicator at the spot on the Timeline about 20 seconds before where you want the Fade Out to start. Click on the diamond shape under Audio 1 (track name). That will place a white dot on the orange line that is running horizontally across the clip. That orange band is called rubberband. You have just placed a Volume keyframe. The Volume level at that spot will be 0 dB (normal Volume of the clip).
    2. Move the Timeline Indicator 20 seconds later on the Timeline. Click on the diamond shape under Audio 1 (track name). That will place a white dot on the orange line (rubberband). With your mouse cursor, click and drag that second white dot down at that time spot to the bottom. You have just placed a Volume keyframe and set it a no sound (-infniity). The slope between the first and second keyframes placement will give you that Fade Out effect. You can fine tune the Fade Out by moving the white dots around with your mouse cursor.
    3. Then move the Timeline Indicator to the right where you want the Volume to Fade In. Click on the diamond shape under Audio 1 (track name). This will place a white dot on the orange line (rubberband). Anothe Volume keyframe (that third white dote that you see in the screenshot). Since we are not moving this one up, the Volume there is -infinity (no sound). Now move the Timeline Indicator 20 seconds forward from that spot. Click on the diamond shape under Audio 1 (track name). This will place another white dot on the orange line (rubberband). For this white dot, with the mouse cursor click drag it upward at that time spot to the normal Volume level (try for 0 dB or very close to it).
    At the end, the keyframed audio clip and its Volume keyframes (white dots) will look like this
    Did that help and give good results or time to go back to the Audio Mixer whose description I gave in a prior post?
    Looking forward to your results.

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    I have Logic Pro (Academic Version, which I believe
    should be the same as the full version--except I
    cannot update to the next version).
    I'm trying to fade out the end of the song, except I
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    to do it with any of my individual files with some
    Use volume automation for song fadeouts...on the master output fader.
    How can I achieve that typical 80's fade out of a
    song at the end? And what am I doing wrong?
    For that,you'll need a time machine,mine rents out at 1,200 USD one way trip to that particular decade.You're not doing anything wrong,you are just using the wrong tool for what you wat to do,which is to fade out the entire mix.
    Thank you in advance.

  • IDVD: weird audio after fade out..?!!

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    p.s. im quite new to macs so am not a wiz and the movie is quite heavily edited, transitions loads of clips ranging from 2 to 10 second - 25 min long.

    Yes, indeed, Warner,
    An ongoing frustration for me as well. I have made dozens and dozens of DVDs with iLife 06, but this audio problem started without any warning.
    For a one-minute "loop" I will export a short video clip, I will un-check the box on the right of the top line to silence the sound track. For good measure, I also adjust the volume of the track all the way down to zero. Fine! Then I paste different music on an audio track below, with fade in and fade out. It plays fine in iMovie, and Quicktime. BUT when I share it in iDVD, every single audio track (including the original, which is switched "off") is heard at the same level, which can be very noisy and very frustrating. None of my fades (in and out) work at all. I even tried importing it from the "media" window, and it did the same stupid thing. I ALSO tried extracting the audio from the original clip so I could delete it on a timeline below. Ha!
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