Enhancing with the eclipse plugin

Using the eclipse plugin, I include the enhancer within my build process.
This seems to enhance the compiled classes that are in the output folder
Is there any way to make the enhancer get the source classes from the
eclipse classpath (bin) and put the enhanced class files somewhere else?
I need both the enhanced and unenhanced versions of the classes.
-Chris West

Not at this time. For such complex build processes we recommend using Ant.
Chris West wrote:
Using the eclipse plugin, I include the enhancer within my build process.
This seems to enhance the compiled classes that are in the output folder
Is there any way to make the enhancer get the source classes from the
eclipse classpath (bin) and put the enhanced class files somewhere else?
I need both the enhanced and unenhanced versions of the classes.
-Chris West
Steve Kim
[email protected]
SolarMetric Inc.

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    I updated my OEPE eclipe plugin to the latest version and I got this exception:
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 4 75 2012-01-30 13:38:39.578
    !MESSAGE Errors occurred during the build.
    !SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core 4 75 2012-01-30 13:38:39.578
    !MESSAGE Errors running builder 'Faceted Project Validation Builder' on project 'NTCSCacheCore'.
    !STACK 0
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.WlsRuntimeUtil.getWlsRuntimeComponent(WlsRuntimeUtil.java:92)
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.internal.validation.WlsRuntimeValidator.validate(WlsRuntimeValidator.java:45)
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    at org.eclipse.core.internal.events.AutoBuildJob.run(AutoBuildJob.java:241)
    at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Version 10.0 of runtime component type com.bea.weblogic has not been defined.
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.util.internal.Versionable.getVersion(Versionable.java:80)
    at org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.runtime.internal.RuntimeComponentType.getVersion(RuntimeComponentType.java:1)
    at oracle.eclipse.tools.weblogic.server.WebLogicServerRuntimeComponentType.<clinit>(WebLogicServerRuntimeComponentType.java:19)
    ... 15 more
    Any idea why this is happening when I updated the plugin.
    === Eclipse configuration ===
    *** Date: Monday, January 30, 2012 2:03:58 PM Western European Time
    *** Platform Details:
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    java.vendor=Oracle Corporation
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    java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
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    java.vm.vendor=Oracle Corporation
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    osgi.frameworkClassPath=., file:/home/guerra/devel/ide/indigo/eclipse/plugins/javax.transaction_1.1.1.v201105210645.jar
    sun.management.compiler=HotSpot Client Compiler
    *** Features:
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    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.trinidad.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools Apache Trinidad UI" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.webtier.ui ( "Oracle Web Tier Tools UI" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xml.edit.ui ( "Oracle XML Editing" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xml.model ( "Oracle XML TLEI Model" [Active]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v21 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.1" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v22 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.2" [Starting]
    oracle.eclipse.tools.xmlbeans.library.v23 ( "Apache XMLBeans v2.3" [Starting]
    org.apache.ant (1.8.2.v20110505-1300) "Apache Ant" [Resolved]
    org.apache.axis (1.4.0.v201005080400) "Apache Web Services" [Resolved]
    org.apache.bcel (5.2.0.v201005080400) "Apache BCEL" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.codec (1.3.0.v201101211617) "Apache Commons Codec Plug-in" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.collections (3.2.0.v201005080500) "Apache Commons Collections" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.discovery (0.2.0.v201004190315) "Jakarta-Commons Discovery" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.el (1.0.0.v201101211617) "Apache Commons JSP 2.0 Expression Language Interpreter" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.httpclient (3.1.0.v201012070820) "Apache Commons Httpclient" [Resolved]
    org.apache.commons.lang (2.1.0.v201005080500) "Apache Jakarta Commons L

    could you let us know what version of OEPE you were running prior to the upgrade along with the Eclipse version ? Also was the previous installation a full OEPE install or was it installed via the update site ?

  • Tthe flood filter is in my plugins folder along with the other plugins I have, but not in cc 2014. It's also in Adobe bridge associated with cc 2014, but not in cc 2014 Photoshop. i hope you get this because i forwarded  your info to HCS and now I'm all m

    the flood filter is in my plugins folder along with the other plugins I have, but not in cc 2014. It's also in Adobe bridge associated with cc 2014, but not in cc 2014 Photoshop. i hope you get this because i forwarded  your info to HCS and now I'm all mixed up as to this gets forward.

    Unfortunately, you are not addressing Adobe here in the user forums.
    However, there are many highly experienced volunteer users here willing to help.
    Can you please clarify:  are you saying that your Flood filter (whatever that is) is in your Bridge folder but not in Photoshop?
    UPDATE:  I Googled your Flood Filter and discovered it's not an Adobe filter at all.  Have you contacted its manufacturer, Flaming Pear?  What do they say?

  • Problems with the SMIL-plugin

    I've played around a little bit with the SMIL-plugin and ran in to some problems that might be possible bugs. Hope somebody could shed some light on this.
    1. Adding the attribute clipBegin and/or clipEnd seems to be ignored in the creation of all elements in a dynamic streaming switch. This might even be ignored on a single video element, I haven't tried that out though. I have also tried to add the "s" (seconds) suffix in the time value, but according to the TimeUtil.parseTime comments a suffix such as "s" or "min" is not needed in the time value since seconds is the default value.
    Example code:
            <meta base="rtmp://domain/application" />
            <video src="mp4:ncode/video_7018_430" system-bitrate="430000" clipBegin="50" />
            <video src="mp4:ncode/video_7018_800" system-bitrate="800000" clipBegin="50" />
            <video src="mp4:ncode/video_7018_1200" system-bitrate="1200000" clipBegin="50" />
            <video src="mp4:ncode/video_7018_1800" system-bitrate="1800000" clipBegin="50" />
            <video src="mp4:ncode/video_7018_2400" system-bitrate="2400000" clipBegin="50" />
    2. Just adding a video element without a swith throws an error:
    ERROR : error ID=1009 detail=Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Looking at the code, I believe that clipBegin and clipEnd are not currently supported for dynamic streaming resources.  This seems like a bug, given that we support these attributes for non-MBR streams.  Can you file a bug?
    2. This is probably a bug too.  Can you post your SMIL file and/or file a bug?  Thanks!

  • Hi, ive been having trouble passing my logic sessions to another computer, we're both using a macbook pro 10.6.8 and logic pro 9 with the same plugins, the session opens in the other computer but all the synths reset to presets

    Hi, ive been having trouble passing my logic sessions to another computer, we're both using a macbook pro 10.6.8 and logic pro 9 with the same plugins (native instruments komplete 7), the session opens in the other computer but all the synths reset to presets, this didnt happen the first time I shared a session, but its been happening lately quite often

    kwmlr439 wrote:
    CSOUND Read the title please:
    Re: Macbook Pro 10.6.8 RAM Upgarde to 8 GB
    The amount of RAM is not dependant on the operating system. It is all about the model of you Mac.
    10.6.8 is the version of OS X that is installed on your system. It has no real baring on the amount of RAM that CAN be installed.
    Personally I have never had good luck with Corsair RAM. I have always had good luck with Crucial and Kingston.
    Message was edited by: Shootist007
    Message was edited by: Shootist007

  • I am facing with the problem "plugin-container.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Please suggest how to fix the problem.

    I am using desktop computer with windows XP. Sometimes, I am facing with the problem "plugin-container.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". After showing this event, the browser disappears automatically.

    See if there are any Crash Reports ID's saved.
    Type '''about:crashes''' in the Location Bar and hit Enter.
    Then open each Crash Report and once the report is loaded completely, copy and paste the URL of each report into the the '''''Post as Reply''''' box in this thread.
    IMO, seeing that you are using WinXP, you might be better off with the older Flash version. Flash 11.0 and later have "improvements" that don't work on WinXP - only Vista and later. Adobe did continue to support and provide security updates for Flash 10.3 until a few months before WinXP went EOL back in April of this year.

  • Where is the eclipse plugin that can format jsp code?

    the eclipse plugin that support formatting chinese is better!


  • Enhancements with the Easy Enhance - Transactions

    In CRM 2007, I have noticed a separate section of enhancing transactions alone.
    IMG->Customer Relationship Management-> Transactions-> Basic Settings-> Enhancements with the Easy Enhancement Workbench
    How is this different from adding fields to transaction using TCODE EEWB ? Has anyone used this feature ?

    One of the methods for displaying additional data on existing Business Transaction (One Order, Oppurtunity etc.,)is to enhance the component using EEWB and the system takes care of most of the things.
    All we need to do is generate the required methods at the Component Work Bench and add the field on to the UI.
    Using the path you mentioned,
    existing standard components or custom created components be assigned to a component and can be displayed on the UI. For this settings need to be maintained in SPRO.
    I believe this can be done only for Business Transactions like One Order etc.,
    Just explore the path you mentioned.
    Masood Imrani S.

  • Understanding the Eclipse plugin

    I've been trying to get Eclipse set up and running using the Kodo
    mappingtool. I'm getting in trouble with a JDK conflict. When installing
    Eclipse it installed using the 1.3 JRE courtesy of Oracle. I realised
    my mistake later on and installed a 1.4 SDK as well. I changed my
    settings in Eclipse under Java/Installed JREs to point to the new 1.4
    SDK directory. Now I'm getting ClassNotFoundExceptions for
    java.sql.SavePoint which is new in 1.4. Does Eclipse internally somehow
    still work with the 1.3 JRE? Is that also the JRE the Kodo plugin
    launches from?
    I could really use some help on understanding the plugin concept of
    Thanks in advance,
    Martin van Dijken

    Right on the money again Stephen:) I've finally got my Eclipse setup so
    that I can actually refresh my schema from it. PHEW! Thanks a bundle!
    Stephen Kim wrote:
    While some of our other users may have more expert knowledge on this
    issue, I think eclipse has some command line arguments to bypass this
    problem (which is that Eclipse is using a different JVM/JRE to execute
    and compile your project than the internal environment) to use a
    specific JVM.
    Martin van Dijken wrote:
    I've been trying to get Eclipse set up and running using the Kodo
    mappingtool. I'm getting in trouble with a JDK conflict. When
    installing Eclipse it installed using the 1.3 JRE courtesy of Oracle.
    I realised my mistake later on and installed a 1.4 SDK as well. I
    changed my settings in Eclipse under Java/Installed JREs to point to
    the new 1.4 SDK directory. Now I'm getting ClassNotFoundExceptions for
    java.sql.SavePoint which is new in 1.4. Does Eclipse internally
    somehow still work with the 1.3 JRE? Is that also the JRE the Kodo
    plugin launches from?
    I could really use some help on understanding the plugin concept of
    Thanks in advance,
    Martin van Dijken

  • Javafx and the eclipse plugin ...

    I have a mac use eclipse and have the javafx plugin. I have encountered a number of issues with the plugin, or eclipse!!!! Issues with:
    1. Debugging - General issues with breakpoints. Sometimes it doesnt even attach to the process!!!!
    2. Saving files and it not building the project properly.
    3. Code completion. Seemed to work at 1st but doesnt now!
    Dont think I have this problem with java, although I havent written much java at home.
    Anybody else have this problem?

    Anyone had any similar experience????
    Just tried under linux fedore(vmware) and had a similar experience.
    Can someone please comment.

  • Does OracleWebLogic Portal 10.3.2 works with new eclipse plugin ?

    Hi I am having a question,
    I tried to use the new oracle eclipse plugin but my WebLogic Portal projects do not work anymore ?
    Is the portal not supported any longer?

    Unfortunately, the WebLogic Portal 10.3.2 eclipse plugins are only supported with Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse version on Eclipse 3.5.

  • JavaScript to Java with the Java Plugin, anyone?

    The java.sun.com web site seems to be teeming with docs on how to access JavaScript from Java, and the Netscape site seems to have plenty of docs on how to access Java methods from JavaScript using the browser's own JRE.
    But can one use JavaScript to access methods of a Java applet running under the Java Plugin? And if so, how?

    all the public methods and fields of an applet are exposed to javascript. In the <applet> tag, set...
    <applet ...otherinfo... mayscript></applet>, or
    <applet ...otherinfo... mayscript="true"></applet>
    I think the latter version is safer to use, as I think IE has issues if you just use the mayscript tag without the "true" value.
    So if that is set, in javascript all you have to do is address the applet, and call any of its public fields/methods. (Actually, I know you can call all public methods and I think you can call all the public fields as well...)
    var applet = self.document.applets[0];So now you can call all the public members, such as...
    applet.myPublicFn2(arg1, arg2);
    var val = applet.pubField1;etc.
    Note that if you're using Java2 (swing) thru the object/embed tags rather than just using the applet tag, things don't work that smoothly. I tried once and the applet wasn't actually found in the applets collection of the document. I tried finding the 'applet' object but had no such luck...
    Hope that helps.
    Good luck.

  • Mistake with the Eclipse 3.2 and jcop (javacard)

    Good, I am scheduling a smart card reader SRC3310 with pligins jcop with eclipce 3.2 and running the debug get the following error and closes the eclipse
    JVM terminated Exit code=1
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\startup.jar
    -os win 32
    -ws win32
    -arch x86
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\eclipse.exe
    -name Eclipse
    -shosplash 600
    -vm C:\Windws\system\javaw.exe
    -jar C:\Program Files\Eclipce3.2\nueva\eclipse\startup.jar
    recommend if there are tutorials on programming for these readers. Thanks

    3 ways to fix your problem;-
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion
    Change from 1.6 to 1.4
    2. Ghost the working setup machine to seconds hard drive, and Ghost back whenever have problem.
    3. Make working setup machine VMware image clone. any problem an other clone.
    We always use 2nd way , since we have to use Javacard IDE from Gemalto, G&D, Oberthur, Samsung, Sharp... they are not working well co-exist together.

  • Using the sound enhancer with the preset equalizer settings

    How do I use the 'sound enhancer' along with the preset equalizer settings, like 'rock', etc.?

    Hello, Troy.
    Below is the article about the iTunes sound adjustment feature that you may find helpful. 
    iTunes 11 for Mac: Adjust the sound quality
    Jason H. 

  • Are there any known issues with the epub plugin causing firefox to revert search engine back to yahoo and then disabling the ability to change search settings?

    My wife recently added a plugin, epub reader. Upon starting up Firefox the next day she noticed that the default search engine was changed back to Yahoo after we previously fixed this. Furthermore the ability to change search settings was grayed out. After epub reader was removed the problem was solved. I am surprised that I am unable to find anything written to this end about epub reader. Is this a tool promoted and distributed by Yahoo?
    Incidentally, how much would each user need to contribute to get mozilla away from Yahoo? Yahoo is, in my opinion, little more than an advertising vehicle, and not a real search engine.

    I went to Costco today and asked long known VZW Kiosk rep re what phone would he recommend...DX, DI or Fascinate.
    Not to my surprise, I was told that DX is the best of those three. Given the fact that all three is the same price $199, it indicates that is has nothing to do with price.
    When I acquired him about how Fascinate sales going, rep told me that since that phone went for sale this Thursday, local Costco only sold 10 Fascinate but that not all...7 of them were returned back to Costco by Saturday. That is a 70% return rate which seems to be way too high for the high level smartphone.
    At the same time, local Costo VZW kiosk can't keep up with demand of the DX, they are being sold out as soon as they are getting them. I am not advertising for DX here as I am myself briefly owned DX as soon as it was released and its problem with reboot forced me to return it as I didn't want to deal with replacement as I had bad experience in the past two years with VZW replacing my phones every two to three month with replacement phone being worse then the one that is being replaced.
    There is no such a thing as a perfect smartphone (sorry to all iPhone fans) but VZW should take a special "achievement" award for screwing up such a wonderful phone as Galaxy S.
    I can only hope that either DX with 2.2 will be better than the one with 2.1 or I will wait for what is coming up with HTC in November. 

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