Enterprise Architecture Question

I was tasked with creating user interface that allows for management of customers in the central database. The task is self-explanatory, but the tables in the database are numerous and connected in multiple levels of relationships. Majority of tasks necessary already have stored procedures associated with them in the DB. My question is: Do I proceed with this project using the new Persistence API with EJB 3, or should I just stick with the standard JDBC/embedded SQL calls? This project is a "short-term" throw-away solution which has to be built rather quickly. Any suggestions and recommendations would be welcome.

stored procedures cannot be handled using JPA (in the next JPA generation there should be some kind of support). So you can use hibernate (using native queries) - but it's not very good way as well - try to check spring framework (JDBC templates etc) how it deals with this - otherwise use normal DAO / DTO patterns and pure JDBC.
Edited by: yfalken on Mar 7, 2008 8:50 AM

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    rendered in the browser...This is definitely a valid concern. In Creator releases prior to Update 6 of the Reef release, however, there were use cases when the beforeRenderResponse method would not actually get called (the most important one being when you navigated to a new page, which is a VERY common use case :-).
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    You can go through the design pattern called Channel Adapter.
    Here is how you should design - Processing logic remains in the application.. however, you have to design and build a channel adapter as a BPEL process. The channel adapter does the transformation of your input into the web services specific format and invoke the endpoint. You need this channel adapter if your internal application doesn't have the capability to make webservice calls.
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    I have an experience of ABAP and fucntional in SAP. I would like to shift to career in Enterprise architecture. Could Please anyone guide me to start in SOA.
    Thanks In Advacne,
    Kiran V.

    Hi Kiran,
    If you want a career change to Enterprise Architecture, why do you think that SOA is a good starting point? You definitely need to understand SOA because it 'can' be (not necessarily) a cog in the wheel or an enabler of an organisation's Enterprise Architecture.
    Surely you would want to start by learning and applying a specific (or several) Enterprise Architecture Framework/s like TOGAF for example?
    Get an overview of what SOA is by reading an e-book 'SOA for dummies', it's a free IBM publication as far as I can remember, Google it & download it. Once you have a high level understanding of SOA then rather start with an Enterprise Architecture Framework. You can follow the [Togaf Learning Series|http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/weblogs?blog=/weblogs/topic/38] of blogs by Gourav Khare as a start.
    Another excellent guide is the [SOA Source Book from the Open Group|http://www.opengroup.org/projects/soa-book/]
    Regards, Trevor

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    | |
    V1 V2
    | |
    A1 A2
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    We have different types of users in our system, normal users, company "users", and some others.
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    How would you suggest to design this?
    Expected are around 15k normal users, a few hundred company users, and even a few hundred of each other user type.
    Inheritance mapping? Which type?
    No inheritance and append all attributes to one class (and leave these not used by the user-type null)?
    Other ways?

    sorry dude, but there is only one way you are going to answer your question: research it. And that means try it out. Create a simple prototype setup where you have your inheritance structure and generate 15k of user data in it - then see what the performance is like with some simple test cases. Your prototype could be promoted to be the basis of the end product if the results or satisfying. If you know what you are doing this should only be a couple of hours of work - very much worth your time because it is going to potentially save you many refactoring hours later on.
    You may also want to experiment with different persistence providers by the way (Hibernate, Toplink, Eclipselink, etc.) - each have their own way to implement the same spec, it may well be that one is more optimal than the other for your specific problem domain.
    Remember: you are looking for a solution where the performance is acceptable - don't waste your time trying to find the solution that has the BEST performance.

  • A new Enterprise Architecture online user group

    A new Enterprise Architecture online user group- and the first one as such- has come to life.
    The aim of our new user group would be the promotion of collaboration between enterprise architects around the world in order to help them do their work more easily and professionally by capitulating on shared experience and knowledge while creating an EA culture.
    The group activities and services will consist of:
    The EA Hot Line: a consulting service provided through free voice over IP tools (namely Skype) for acute issues and problems, delivered by and to our group members.
    A web cast once a month dealing with one of the many EA topics.
    Architecture Patterns DB: a database containing architecture patterns and a wiki to collaborate on them.
    Discussion forums dealing with EA issues.
    Wikis to create shared knowledge on requested topics.
    Providing a stage for articles on EA topics of all levels.
    You are all welcome to pay us a visit and join our user group at http://www.theeagroup.net/ea/Default.aspx
    Looking forward to see you,
    The EA Group

    Hi Mike,
    I just saw your post. Sorry for the confusing behavior. This is not something that we've seen occur or had reported in the past - very strange.
    My initial thought is that it may have something to do with the "Reply by email" functionality of discussions on Community Groups and the format of you title "Reminder: <original title>" However, I see that you also made some changes to the title beyond adding "Reminder:", so I'm not sure that theory holds up.
    Either way, we'll need to dig into this a bit further to figure out the source of the issue and correct it moving forwards. Thanks for reporting this and please let me know if you see unusual behavior along these lines again.
    Product Owner - NI Community
    National Instruments

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