EOS 600D Raw files

I have a 50D and can access Raw files in that. I have just bought a 600D as my support camera/body but cannot access raw files.  I downloaded the appropriate file, and then it said I needed to update application Manager. I am in Windows XP

The DNG Converter adds an Adobe camera profile to the camera’s raw data and repackages in a way that Adobe products can understand.  The camera profile is what older Camera Raw plug-ins don’t have built into them so the DNGs that come from the DNG Converter will work in older camera raw plug-ins provided you set the compatibility options to something old enough.  Adobe occasionally changes the DNG specifications that older camera raw plug-ins also don’t understand so setting the ACR compatibility to the right thing is important.
You will want to Google for DNG Converter 7.3 (currently the most recent version) and get the Mac or Windows/PC download link.
To use the DNG Converter, you point it to a folder of files, set the compatibility options to the right thing, and let it convert the files.  Once converted you will be able to open the DNG versions of the raw files in your old software, but not the original raw files because the DNG converter doesn’t change those.

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    You can use the 7.1 DNG Converter to convert your files to DNG copies which will then open in pse 7.

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    Thank you again, JJMack.
    As soon as you start CC 2014 press and hold Ctrl+Alt+shift or CMD+Optiom+Shift Photoshop should prompt it you want your preferences deleted.
    I have tried to reset preferences, a couple of times, both by deleting the file 'Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Prefs.psp' and by using the keyboard shortcut you suggest (also to both older versions of Photoshop on my drive) but the 'Update...' option under Help remains greyed out (on all versions).
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    The superscription versions of Photoshop CS6 13.1, CC 14.2.1 and CC 15.0 as well as the perpetual version of CS6 13.0  should have just been updated with ACR 8.6 you should not need  to convert to DNG for there version of PS. If your Cannon is very new you may need to convert to DNG for CS5.
    Re: Photoshop CC will not open EOS 40D RAW files 
    My Canon EOS 70D is listed as supported by ACR 8.6 and in fact, having now hunted down the ACR 8.6 download link (why is it so hidden? why isn't incorporated into the Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 installer?) and installed it, Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 does now open my .CR2 files directly in ACR 8.6 in Photoshop.
    So problem solved, I guess.
    All except the greyed out 'Updates...', which still lingers on.
    Thanks again for all your help.

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    Op 14-jan-2015, om 21:39 heeft Ronald Keller het volgende geschreven:
    I can't open my photo's in Bridge because the camera (Canon EOS D650) RAW file is not recognized?
    created by Ronald Keller in Bridge General Discussion - View the full discussion
    Welke versie van Photoshop heb je? Voor die camera heb je minstens CS6 nodig.
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
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  • Canon EOS 6D Raw File

    Canon EOS 6D raw file will not open in CS4 with Camera Raw version

    That's to be expected.  Adobe does not make a practice of adding new camera support to versions of Photoshop that are no longer selling.
    But you're not out of luck.  If your camera is newer than your version of Photoshop, you'll want to do one of two things:
    1.  Use the latest version of Adobe's free DNG converter to convert your raw files to the .DNG format, which can then be read by your older version of Photoshop.
    2.  Upgrade Photoshop to the latest version, which (assuming support for your camera has already been added) will be able to open the raw files directly.

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    The EOS 70D was first supported in Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 8.2
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    Your choices:
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    The EOS 6D requires Camera Raw 7.3 or higher.
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    Actually I've found out that this is in fact a bug with the EOS 450D 1.0.4 Firmware. It happens only when you transfer RAW's directly from your camera.
    If you use a Cardreader or update your 450D firmware, everything works as it should (in aperture 2.1.2 and the latest RAW update).
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    Amy help would be appreciated.

    Hi Richie, and a warm welcome to the forums!
    I'm not positive, but in 10.4.11 you might need Aperture, which does handle it...

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    Download and Install Adobe Camera Raw 5.3

  • Canon EOS 7D Raw files cannot be accessed with PSE 8

    I am having immense problems
    translating the .CR2 files from my
    camera using Adobe Phot
    oshop 8. I have downloaded a pl
    ugin file which, when unzipped has the extension .8bi The relevant files for Camera_RAW have the extension .plugin. Am I copying the .8bi file in the correct folder. My equipment is: Canon EOS 7D using an Apple MacBook Pro. The Adobe Photoshop elements is vers 8.
    Can anyone advise me how I can proceed from this stage. Regards Dave.

    You'll want to load the Camera Raw 5.7 update:
    Mac:  http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4680
    There are good instructions in the ReadMe file.  This section is the one you want:
    Photoshop Elements
    NOTE: You must follow all of the new instructions in order to successfully install the Camera Raw Plug-in for Photoshop Elements.
    1. Exit Photoshop Elements and Adobe Bridge
    2. Open the download file and double-click CameraProfiles.dmg and follow the on-screen instructions.
    3. Navigate to the root of the local disk (not the user’s home folder).
    4. Navigate to the following location:
    a. Photoshop Elements 8: Applications/PSE8/Plug-Ins/File Formats
    5. Move the existing plug-in to another location (for example, a new folder on your desktop). Ensure you keep this version in case you need to revert back.
    6. Copy the Camera Raw plug-in, Camera Raw, from the download into the same folder as in Step 4.
    7. Launch Photoshop Elements or Adobe Bridge.

  • Canon eos 6 raw files

    What version of phtoshop will open raw images shot with a canon eos 6?

    If your taliking about the canon eos 6d, then photoshop cs6 or photoshop cc should open those files.
    Also, photoshop elements 11 and 12 should as well.
    You might have to update your camera raw plugin by going to Help>Updates from within the program/application.
    If you have an older version not listed above, then you could use the 8.3 dng converter to convert your 6d files to dng copies, which older
    versions of photoshop or elements should open.

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    Mac Pro, Tiger, CS3 suit.
    The files open fine in Canon's DPP, but when trying to convert them to DNG the message "Did not parse" comes up. In ACR the "Open in Camera Raw" option is grayed out.

    Just got a call from Canon Tech Support supervisor and they are now talking about the 1.0.5 update for the Canon 40D. It is due at end of month as reported. The information provided included that it fixes errors in some language modules, the issues with RAW (didn't say anything about sRAW), and also that under some circumstances, sequential numbering may not be... well sequential, meaning some numbers may be skipped. They said the occurrence of this was uncommon.
    So the next question, if I can ask, is if they are addressing the RAW image file format, is there still something to be fixed in LR for this? Perhaps you and/or Thomas can comment on that aspect? Thanks again.
    Jay S.

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