EPS Freezing

Several people have reported EPS freezing in mail, and other Apple software. I can get a new account to work for a while, but after a few months, the same EPS freezing problems shows up. Here is the error log I get from console. Anyone out there got some advice?
2007-05-04 15:05:57.889 Preview[1501] * -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle/Contents/MacOS/SIMBL for bundle /Library/InputManagers/SIMBL/SIMBL.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())

I'm having the same problem, but not with all shows. When it gets to the end of a commercial -- the first series of commercials, the second, it doesn't matter -- it freezes. It happens only with the shows in which Xfinity has swapped out the network's commercials for their own, and it happens with the HD box in our home and the non-HD box, and it happens in HD and non-HD on the HD box, but it does not happen with every show.  Got stuck on AMC's Birth of the Mob show and now is stuck on Sundance's Deutschland 83. But it did not happen when someone else in the house watched Major Crimes. This reminds me of the commercial/loss-of-voice issue, which I was told by a Comcast tech turned out to be a server issue about compatibility with the boxes.

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  • Eps freeze and crash in 2.1.3 mac mail

    Does anyone know how to send of receive eps files in mac mail without it crashing?

    I did the suggested set-up, but no joy. The result was as before:
    There is no option "SMTP Authentification required" What I see is
    Hitting Continue still works, but clearly there is still something wrong. Do you have any other suggestions?

  • Mac Mail freezes every time we receive an EPS file

    Our Mac Mail freezes every time we receive an EPS file. We are running 10.7.3.

    I wonder if your Mac is attempting to open the file directly.
    I usuall zip my attachments before emailing them. This prevents any odd behavior on any computer and also precludes corruption during the email routing. Yes, this is only a workaround, but you might wait to see if others have a similar issue.
    You can also run Console and read the log to see if there is any information about what is stalling the process.

  • Adding an EPS attachment freezes mail

    I have been able to replicate this with different Illustrator EPS files. If I either drag and drop into the message or click add an attachment will cause the spinning beach ball to appear and then it will crash mail. I can drag a zipped archive or PDF's over with no problem.
    I assume that mail is attempting to parse the eps for inline viewing.

    Ashan, this functionality is not available at this time. I would recommend that you submit a enhancement request to customer care.

  • PDF freezes, please help

    I use Windows XP Home Edition and I have Acrobat 8.
    When I open a pdf, whether it be an email attachment, online, or from my hard drive, it freezes up about 75% of the time. I have to close the pdf by ending the task in the task manager. Sometimes I have to do it two or three times to get it to shut down and sometimes I have to reboot the computer to get out of it.
    Maybe I just need to update my Acrobat but I can't even find where to do it. Otherwise I have no idea what's going on. It's only been happening for a few months, it didn't always do it. But it is driving me nuts.
    Any ideas? Thanks!  Gina Duffey

    I have the same of this problem.
    First, im going to explain for you that why i writening this:
    Here, in my city, the graphs dont work with illustrator, just corel draw and i have to send files in pdf, tif or jpg.
    Now, im going to tell my history:
    Before, i used Save As to save on pdf, but this file doesn't open in corel draw. Now, i use the script SaveDocsAsPDF and the pdf file was opening in corel draw, but no more.
    I have to save in pdf because the illustrator doesn't export my job in tif, jpg or eps. The illustrator said that it can't rasterize because is so big. I created one canvas that the format is 1,5 meters x 3 meters.
    I dont know the problem, i tried averythings to correct this problem.
    I really have a problem because my boss are so ungry.

  • P6 R8.1.0 Web Access not loading EPS

    This is really weird situation. It started out of nowhere without any specific change to the app or the DB (SQL Server 2008 R2).
    Whenever i try to load the EPS (clicking on the tan Project) the Java bar for loading data shows starts and stays there forever. Never finishes and the application is not freezeing as well. If I go to a different tab it works normalcy.
    The logs are saying failure to load the Project Applet -
    ProjectsApplet: com.primavera.pvapplets.projects.ProjectsApplet @HOST[] Failed starting the Projects Applet: com.primavera.bo.remoting.RemoteDataException Could not load service details. Please contact your system administrator. com.primavera.bo.remoting.RemoteDataException: Could not load service details. Please contact your system administrator. at com.primavera.guisupport.projects.data.ProjectsDataLoader.load(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.bo.remotable.RemoteRequest.loadData(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597) at com.primavera.infr.q.AbstractQProxyObject.performAction(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.infr.q.AbstractQProxyObject.execute(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.oriweb.preshelpers.BusinessObjectServletServices.executeProxyObject(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.pvweb.servlet.BusinessObjectServlet.service(Unknown Source) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820) at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227) at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:300) at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at com.primavera.pvweb.XSSFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at com.primavera.pvweb.FrontFilter.doFilter(Unknown Source) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at com.primavera.pvweb.filters.ApplicationContextInjector.doFilter(Unknown Source) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27) at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(WebAppServletContext.java:3715) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3681) at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321) at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:120) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2277) at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2183) at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1454) at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:209) at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:178) Caused by: com.primavera.PhoenixException: Error trying to load object of type: Projwbs at com.primavera.bo.base.client.ClientDAOImpl.load(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.bo.base.client.ClientProjwbsDAOImpl.load(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.bo.base.client.ClientProjwbsDAOImpl.load(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.bo.base.client.ClientDAOImpl.load(Unknown Source) at com.primavera.guisupport.projects.data.ProjectsDataLoader.a(Unknown Source) ... 33 more
    But, when iItry the same from P6 R8.1.2 (SP2) wirh same Java version, looks like it works normally.
    Yes i am considering upgrading to SP2 but in the meantime i need a workaround and ofcourse if possible to understand the root casue.
    Is it possible data issue? I have checked the data integrity between all the relavnt tables and seems ok.
    Every suggestion is appreciated.

    I face similar issue and as work around i copied the user profile and created new user.
    It works fine with new user profile.
    I think it happens sometimes we check new tab before loading previous one and because of that user profile get corrupt.

  • Photoshop CS4 Freezes when opening PDFs

    When I drag two, 2-page PDFs onto Photoshop CS4 to open them, PS opens one page of one PDF and then freezes. I can replicate this every time I try.
    Once PS freezes it takes a little patience to get it to force quit.
    Any advice?

    Not to dig up the past, but I've been having this problem since a couple of months ago, and I have an idea about what might be causing the bug. It IS a bug.
    My workflow involves taking hundreds of PSD and PDF files for product packaging and converting them to 3D and 2D product shots. We have to supply retailers with high-res JPGs of our distributed products. Most of the original files have crop marks, color bars, etc.
    In the past, all I had to do was drag my files, whatever they were, to the dock. I would typically work in batches, pulling up 10 or so files at once, cropping them, and then running an action, depending on the general format. Pretty much every layout is a different size, or using a different template, or what have you, so using an action to do the actual cropping is completely out of the question. Cropping in Acrobat is horribly implemented, so that's out of the question.
    One day I started doing some image processing as normal, and photoshop opened the first PDF, rasterized it, and then became completely unresponsive. Well, let me specifically qualify that. It lets me continue using any application other than photoshop, and it will let me click on the menus, which will drop down from the menu bar, but you can't select any commands at all. They aren't grayed out, they just don't respond. The behavior is exactly what you would get if you had a dialog box open, but there isn't an open dialog box. There SHOULD be (for the next PDF), but it isn't there.
    You can't "quit" or close that first PDF or anything. Some commands will try to function (scripts) but fail and say "Sorry, something major happened, and I can't continue" (yes, that's really the error message).
    OS X doesn't think that PS is locked up. PS doesn't think it is locked up, but it won't do anything at all. It only happens with multiple PDFs being dragged to the dock or opened through "file/open." In fact, if you select 30 PSD files, 10 JPGs, 5 EPS files, 1 PDF and 10 Illustrator files, it will work just fine. 2 PDFs? locks up.
    I've found one way to get around this bug, and it might work for those of you with this problem. Use the File/Scripts/Image Processor tool to rasterize your PDFs to PSD files as an intermediate step, and then you can open them in Photoshop. If you need something other than pg 1 of a multipage document, you'll have to edit in acrobat first to get rid of unwanted leading pages.
    That's been my work-around for a few months.
    I just recently moved from my Mac Pro to a new MacBook Pro. I did a clean install, and then ran migration assistant to move my stuff over to a new account.
    Everything went well, but the photoshop bug appeared to follow me to a new machine. I was very frustrated.
    Then I realized what had changed around the time of this bug originally showing up: I'd added a second monitor!
    So, thinking I'd figured out the bug and how to get around it for real, I just disconnected my external monitor and force-quit Photoshop. Opened it back up, and the bug is still there in force, even with one display active.
    Here's my info, to clarify:
    Original machine with the bug:
    Mac Pro 2 x 2.66 ghz (4 core 2007 model)
    8GB RAM
    320 GB velociraptor (system drive)
    1.5TB RAID 0, 900 GB free (scratch)
    10.5.7-10.6.6 (bug never went away)
    2 NEC 20" LCDs
    CS5 Design Premium, fully updated
    New machine, also with bug:
    2011 15" MacBook Pro, 2.0ghz 4 core
    8 GB RAM
    120GB SATA6 SSD (system drive, primary scratch), 70 GB free
    500 GB stock HDD (in the optical bay, storage drive, secondary scratch), 250 GB free
    1 NEC 20" LCD + built-in hi-res display

  • Illustrator CS6 locks up every time I save file as an EPS?

    As of yesterday I was not having any issues saving to EPS format. But all of the sudden, now I can't save any files as EPS as it freezes with the progress bar at 1% and then I get the spinning wheel for infinity.Works fine when saving as .ai / .pdf.
    Anybody have any suggestions or fixes?

    Reset your preferences.
    Choosing another printer in your list , or update your .ppd if needed(this actually affects saving to pdf, so may possibly affect saving to .eps).
    Run disk utility on your drive to fix permissions.

  • Saving Progress Freezes in Illustrator CC

    when saving an illustrator file in creative cloud, if I accidentally click anywhere within the image, with any tool, the saving progress freezes and displays a "not responding" message indefinitely. If I force end the process all my work is lost. has anyone had this issue? If so, is there anything that can be done to prevent losing my progress or cancel the saving progress?

    It's exactly the same on a Mac as it is on Windows. There are a series of dialogs when using the save command. In the first, you choose the file type (.ai, .eps, .pdf or whatever) from the dropdown at the bottom center of the dialog and where you want the files saved. Then a second dialog appear depending on the file type selected with the save options for that file type. At the top center of this dialog is a dropdown where you can choose the version of AI to which you want the files saved.

  • Mountain Lion Mail freezing?

    Anyone having this trouble? Archives on Mail freezing goes back to 2005. Has it resurfaced? This annoying thing just started tonight, when I was trying to attach a small eps file, or just now, simply clicking on Reply to a message. Anyone else dealing with this? 

    Very frustrating indeed.  While just trying to view an email containing an eps attached, Mail completely freezes upon selecting that message.  I even deleted the message on the server, but it is still showing up in the thread in Mail.  Sorry, no further insight here...

  • Psd eps with clipping paths broken in Tiger ..... ?

    I have been having the following problem since UPGRADING to Tiger :
    Any photoshop (7) eps files containing clipping paths (created newly or rendered from before the upgrade).
    Problem : Placing them into illustrator (10) just brings in a blank box (no error message displays). Trying to import them into quark (5) either completly freezes qxd or it collapses. Freehand (MX) brings in an invisible image.
    Can anyone help, please.
    I am currently working on a vast range of packaging. All images are 'inherited' and need tweeking (incl their clipping paths) and brought back into their original illustrator files.

    hello guru's!
    come on.
    i can't believe none of you knows of this problem or doesn't have some idea what to do about it.

  • Photoshop freezes when i return from illustrator with vector on clipboard

    if i copy something in illustrator and switch to photoshop, photoshop freezes. if i switch back to illustrator, it's frozen too.
    this is a fresh install of CC on a new Lenovo desktop (Windows 8, 64bit, 16GB RAM, quad 3.1 GHz).
    i did this four times this morning with black and alpha gradient vectors i wanted to make into ps brushes that came in about 500px square.
    three times, i moved over to a browser to research the issue, returned to photoshop 5-10 minutes later and it worked fine. i sat and waited in photoshop for three minutes once before giving up.
    anyone ever seen anything like this?
    illustrator misbehaving, following photoshop's example:

    That progress dialog looks like it is from Illustrator - as it writes all the EPS/PDF data to the clipboard so Photoshop can read it.

  • Saving eps problem

    I can save a .ai file but not a .eps file it starts but freezes and does not respond

    what version of illustrator?
    you're saying you could open a new blank document, try and save as .eps and it'll just hang every time?

  • CS3 freezes when trying to save

    Photoshop CS3 has to be closed via task manager because it freezes when I try to save my work. Deleted the prefs. Any help?

    Here is my system info:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 10.0.1 (10.0.1x20071012 [20071012.r.1644 09:30:00 cutoff; r branch])
    Operating System: Windows XP
    Version: 5.1 Service Pack 2
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:15, Stepping:11 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2
    Physical processor count: 4
    Processor speed: 2394 MHz
    Built-in memory: 3326 MB
    Free memory: 2004 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 1711 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
    Image cache levels: 6
    Serial number:
    Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\
    Temporary file path: C:\DOCUME~1\SHEMEN~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
    Startup, 74.4G, 26.5G free
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Plug-Ins\
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed plug-ins:
    3D Studio Max 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    ADM 3.10x21
    ASDStrm 1.03x2
    Accented Edges 10.0 (x101)
    Alias|Wavefront 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Angled Strokes 10.0 (x101)
    Average 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    BMP 10.0.1 (10.0.1x20070928 [20070928.r.1642 08:15:00 cutoff; r branch])
    Bas Relief 10.0 (x101)
    Camera Raw 4.6
    Chalk & Charcoal 10.0 (x101)
    Charcoal 10.0 (x101)
    Chrome 10.0 (x101)
    Cineon 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Clouds 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Collada 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Color Halftone 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Colored Pencil 10.0 (x101)
    CompuServe GIF 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Contact Sheet II 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Conté Crayon 10.0 (x101)
    Craquelure 10.0 (x101)
    Crop and Straighten Photos 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Crosshatch 10.0 (x101)
    Crystallize 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Cutout 10.0 (x101)
    Dark Strokes 10.0 (x101)
    De-Interlace 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Dicom 1.0
    Difference Clouds 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Diffuse Glow 10.0 (x101)
    Displace 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Dry Brush 10.0 (x101)
    Embed Watermark 1.80.67
    Entropy 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Extract 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Extrude 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    FastCore Routines 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Fibers 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Film Grain 10.0 (x101)
    Filmstrip 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Filter Gallery 10.0 (x101)
    Fresco 10.0 (x101)
    Generic EPS 10.0
    Glass 10.0 (x101)
    Glowing Edges 10.0 (x101)
    Google Earth 4 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Grain 10.0 (x101)
    Graphic Pen 10.0 (x101)
    HDRMergeUI 10.0
    Halftone Pattern 10.0 (x101)
    Ink Outlines 10.0 (x101)
    Kurtosis 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Lens Blur 10.0
    Lens Correction 10.0
    Lens Flare 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Lighting Effects 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Liquify 10.0
    MMXCore Routines 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Matlab Operation 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Maximum 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Mean 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Measurement Core 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Median 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Mezzotint 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Minimum 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Mosaic Tiles 10.0 (x101)
    Multiprocessor Support 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    NTSC Colors 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Neon Glow 10.0 (x101)
    Note Paper 10.0 (x101)
    Ocean Ripple 10.0 (x101)
    OpenEXR 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    PCX 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    PNG 10.0 (10.0x001)
    PNG Icons 1.22x1
    Paint Daubs 10.0 (x101)
    Palette Knife 10.0 (x101)
    Patchwork 10.0 (x101)
    Paths to Illustrator 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Pattern Maker 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Photocopy 10.0 (x101)
    PhotomergeUI 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Picture Package 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Picture Package Filter 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Pinch 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Pixar 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Plaster 10.0 (x101)
    Plastic Wrap 10.0 (x101)
    Pointillize 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Polar Coordinates 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Portable Bit Map 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Poster Edges 10.0 (x101)
    Radial Blur 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Radiance 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Range 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Read Watermark 1.80.67
    Reticulation 10.0 (x101)
    Ripple 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Rough Pastels 10.0 (x101)
    Save for Web Version 10.0x012
    ScriptingSupport 10.0.1
    Send Video Preview to Device 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Shear 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Skewness 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Smart Blur 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Smudge Stick 10.0 (x101)
    Solarize 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Spatter 10.0 (x101)
    Spherize 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Sponge 10.0 (x101)
    Sprayed Strokes 10.0 (x101)
    Stained Glass 10.0 (x101)
    Stamp 10.0 (x101)
    Standard Deviation 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Sumi-e 10.0 (x101)
    Summation 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Targa 10.0 (10.0x001)
    Texturizer 10.0 (x101)
    Tiles 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Torn Edges 10.0 (x101)
    Twain Acquire 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Twain Select 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Twirl 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    U3D 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Underpainting 10.0 (x101)
    Vanishing Point 10.0
    Variance 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Variations 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:00 cutoff; m branch])
    Video Preview 10.0 (10.0x20070321 [20070321.m.1480 16:39:0

  • Illustrator freezing my computer/ overworking my fans

    I'm having serious problems with Illustrator (part of Creative Suite 5.5) freezing on me (usually when I try to open a file) and making the fan on my Mac (OS 10.7.5) run hard, (sometimes in the extreme), and often freezing my whole computer. After two new hard drives, and reinstalling Illustrator several times, Apple Care has established that this isn't a hardware problem but rather an Adobe problem. This problem has occurred over the past year and only happens with Illustrator.

    It happens with a variety of files - mostly large ones, but today, with one that's only 1.7 MB. Both EPS and AI files. All files are on my local computer. I don't have any Illustrator plug-ins. There are no fonts in the file I tried to open today. In the other files, about 5 fonts.
    There's plenty of free space on my disk (over half), 4 GB RAM. Problem is currently happening with only Firefox, Bridge, and Mac mail running. If I restart my computer, with nothing else running, I am sometimes able to open the file, but sometimes even restarting doesn't work. Bridge usually dies when Illustrator triggors my fan.
    I'm not sure what you mean by plugins to my OS. I have a couple of Photoshop plugins - can you give me some examples of OS plugins?

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  • Can't open office files from my usb drive

    Dear forum Sins a few weeks ago i am not able to open office file from my USB-drive. However i can copy the file to the desktop and than i can open them. I have this problme only (for as far i know) with office files. greetings Ypkoba