Equation Variables

I would like to use some variables in equations in regular font instead ot italics. How can I declare such variables as Ra, Nu, Pr to be in regualr font just like it does for sin, cos etc?

To type text in an equation with the same properties that are used for function names, type a double quotation mark.
Or use the Equations palette: [ Symbols ]  [ Start String ]
and [ End String ]
Curiously, the entered text strings don't seem to get automatically tagged with Character Format "EquationVariables", and even if you apply that tag to them, it doesn't stick.
Whatever settings or overrides EquationVariables presently has get applied, but the tag itself apparently doesn't. Select such a string with the Character Designer up, and nothing is shown. Update the definition of EquationVariables, and the strings in existing equations don't change.
Indeed, I can't quickly determine what default typeface the equation editor is using. Highlighting the text, and pulling down the Format > Font menu, nothing is checked.
So you can set up EquationVariables as a convenient tool to apply what amounts to a local override format in equations strings, but apply it you must, to every string. And don't shortcut by selecting an entire equation, and applying a character format. When I just tried that, it changed a multiply "x" to a Yen.
FM 7.0p578 Win XP32/SP3

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    Sorry I didn't attach the VI. I have now attached the VI and a screenshot of the block diagram.
    Good Luck!
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    example2.vi ‏13 KB

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    I hope my question is understandable.
    Thank you in advance
    Go to Solution.

    R = (x/(a+x)*(b/P) ... thx, this really will be helping me to make this Eq more understandable
    Formula Node:
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    Case Structure(or SELECT function):
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    Newton Raphson zero finder vi: (base on this N-R Example)
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    Or, if speed isnt an issue, search the forum for using J6's scripting support
    to use JavaScript for equation evaluation. I posted an example just a couple weeks ago.
    Here it is:
    Reply #8

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    -Adam Wachtel

    Nevermind, I'm going to switch the flow of data so I dont have to do that.

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    Hello Tom,
    You can find a VI for doing Laplace transforms in Functions->Analyze->Signal Processing->Frequency Domain (this VI is only available in the Full and Professional versions).
    You may also find the following tutorial of help in working with linear systems in LabVIEW.
    Linear Systems in LabVIEW
    Keep up to date on the latest PXI news at twitter.com/pxi


    Hello all
    Is there any function avaliable in Oracle that can eveluate equation from a string variable.
    For example how can i eveluate '(4+5)/3' written as a string.
    If anyone has any suggestion or got a function for it, can you pass it to me.
    Faisal I Sheikh

    simpliest would be select if (string) from dual ... if you wanna it as function you witl have to use dbms_sql package or execute inmediate (depends on where will be your function placed (client/server) and its version ...
    hope this helps

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    a, b, and c are variables
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    Many thanks!
    Go to Solution.

    A couple of points I usually feel compelled to make when I see the use of the NR method.
    1)  Not an issue in a simple case like this, but the NR routine is typically a poor choice when you have a 1D problem and you calculate the derivative numerically.
    2)  If I am going to hardwire the formula like the previous example, then I will just use a VI instead of a formula.  I only use formulas when I want to be able to make changes on-the-fly.  I am just a bit dubious of the formula parsing VIs in general.
    3) There is a VI called Substitute Variables which will take a set of rules and substitute numbers for parameters in your formula.  Here is a quick example of its use.  Here the names and number of parameters is fixed by the cluster itself.  If I need full flexibility I use a table to hold the parameters and their values, but I do not want to muddy the waters here.  You can just choose your favorite UI and convert (if necessary) to the proper cluster for the substitution rules.

  • Resolving a variable in an equation...

    Hi All
    The problem is this:
    e.g. (3-(4*a)/4 = 40
    I need to be able to calculate what 'a' is. I have converted the left hand side of the equation to rpn but cannot work out how that will help me at the moment. The example is simply that, I could have any equation. I suppose I could write some monolithic tokeniser and bodge some sort of calculator but wondered if I am missing anything obvious. I have done the usual trawl thru the forums but to no avail...
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi All
    The problem is this:
    e.g. (3-(4*a)/4 = 40
    I need to be able to calculate what 'a' is. I have
    converted the left hand side of the equation to rpn
    but cannot work out how that will help me at the
    moment. The example is simply that, I could have any
    equation. I suppose I could write some monolithic
    tokeniser and bodge some sort of calculator but
    wondered if I am missing anything obvious. I have done
    the usual trawl thru the forums but to no avail...
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
    RichIf your equations have only one unknown value, you can test different values until you find the answer.

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    Please help me on this. If some one can let me know how I can create field symbols dynamically with different name that will also help.

    *       CLASS lcl_genios DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_genios DEFINITION.
         METHODS : constructor.
         METHODS : create_model
                      i_name TYPE genios_name,
                        i_type TYPE genios_variabletype DEFAULT if_genios_model_c=>gc_var_continuous
                        i_lowerbound TYPE genios_float DEFAULT 0
                        i_upperbound TYPE genios_float OPTIONAL
                        i_name TYPE genios_name.
         DATA : lo_enviroment TYPE REF TO cl_genios_environment,
                lo_model TYPE REF TO cl_genios_model,
                lo_variable TYPE REF TO cl_genios_variable.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_genios DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_genios IMPLEMENTATION
       METHOD constructor.
         lo_enviroment ?= cl_genios_environment=>get_environment( ).
       ENDMETHOD.                    "constructor
       METHOD create_model.
         lo_model = lo_enviroment->create_model( 'DUMMY' ).
       ENDMETHOD.                    "create_model
       METHOD create_variable.
         lo_variable = lo_model->create_variable( iv_type       = i_type
                                                  iv_lowerbound = i_lowerbound
                                                  iv_upperbound = i_upperbound
                                                  iv_name       = i_name       ).
       ENDMETHOD.                    "create_variable
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_genios IMPLEMENTATION
    DATA : lo_genios TYPE REF TO lcl_genios.
       CREATE OBJECT lo_genios.
       lo_genios->create_model( 'DUMMY' ).
       lo_genios->create_variable( i_lowerbound = 1
                                   i_upperbound = 255
                                   i_name = 'DUMMY' ).
    You can create genios_variable like this.
    and change this :
    TYPES : Begin of lst_genios, 
                       genios TYPE REF TO cl_genios_variable, 
                    End of lst_genios. 
    like this :
    TYPES : Begin of lst_genios, 
                       genios TYPE REF TO lcl_genios, 
                    End of lst_genios. 
    or you can create your table as Kartik example.

  • How do I determine what the default font for equations is?

    In the Equation Fonts dialog box, we can set the font of Functions, Numbers, Strings, and Variables.  In those dropdown lists, there is a Default (para) Font choice.  How do I determine what font that is?  What paragraph tag is associated with an equation?
    With all the choices set to default, numbers types in the equation look similar (but not exact) to the Symbol font, but of course typing letters in the Symbol font reveal greek characters.  So is it some derivation of Symbol?

    Thanks.  That .cfg file shows Times Regular for the following characters, but none of these characters are the regular alphabet, (are they?) so there must be yet another place?
    mathchar.cfg    53      < plus        2b Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    54      < equal       3d Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    70      < gg          c8 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    71      < ll          c7 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    93      < fact        21 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    94      < dagger      a0 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    98      < minus       d0 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    106      < uequal      3d Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    112      < diff        64 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    116      < ucomma      2c Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    117      < semicolon   3b Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    118      < optotal     64 Times Regular>
    mathchar.cfg    127      < power       5e Times Regular>
    I've determined (by comparing equation string to body string visually) that Times is in fact the font being used.  I just don't see yet how that gets determined.  Any further thoughts?

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    I need to design a 2D cartesian co-ordinate system to plot quadratic equations on the graph using pure action script. Quadratic equations are of the form y = ax^2 + bx + c where a,b and c are the variables for which the values need to accepted from the user as input. Accordingly, the curve needs to be plotted on the graph.
    Could anybody kindly help me to write an action script 3.0 code to suffice the above requirement?
    Thanks in advance.

    that will take more work than doable in a forum.  to start, you need to find the roots of your equation (use the quadratic formula) and make sure the real roots are towards the center of your x-axis.  the two parts where y tends towards (+infinity or -infinity) do not require much display.
    if there is only 1 or 0 roots, put that equation in vertex form and use an x-axis centered around the vertex.
    for a sample of how this can be done:  http://www.kglad.com > snippets > function graphs.

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