Equivalent de la fonction plot (Matlab) sur Labview

Je suis débutante un Labview et j'ai un petit problème :
Dans mon VI il y a une partie Matlab qui trace 4 cercle :
for m=1:4
  xe(m,: ) = R(m)+cos(alpha)*xc(m);
  ye(m,: ) = R(m)+sin(alpha)*yc(m);
Si j'écris : plot (xe(m,: ),ye(m,: )) dans la partie Matlab, quand je lance mon VI il me trace bien 4 cercles dans une nouvelle fenêtre.
Maintenant, j'aimerais que mes xe et mes ye (mes cercles) apparaissent sur ma face-avant et non dans une nouvelle fenêtre. Pour ça j'ai essayé d'utiliser Graph XY mais ça ne fonctionne pas (je pense que c'est parce que xe et ye sont tous les 2 en 2D).
J'aimerais donc trouver l'équivalent de la fonction plot de Matlab mais sur Labview. Quelqu'un peut m'aider ?

Voilà ce que j'ai tenté de faire dans un premier temps pour afficher mes cercles dans un graph ( en PJ):
(le but final étant de relier mes cercles à la place de sub_ed2)
en PJ, il y a aussi l'affichage de mes cercles avec la fonction plot de Matlab
Pièces jointes :
pb labview2.png ‏248 KB
pb labview2-bis.png ‏6 KB
pb labview2-biss.png ‏32 KB

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    vous trouver ci-joint le programme utiliser .
    % Load jpeg files
    orgImage = imread('Pixel.jpg', 'jpg');
    figure(1); imshow(orgImage);
    % 2D FFT
    fftImage = fftshift(fft2(orgImage)); % 2d fft
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    figure(2); imshow(ampImage, [0 10000 ]);
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    % 2D FFT of filtered image
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    ampFilterImage= abs(fftFilterImage);
    figure(4); imshow(ampFilterImage, [0 10000 ]);
    1335097296331.jpg ‏59 KB

    Hello aziz-be,
    You may find quicker responses in the french forum. 
    Regarding your question.  The Matlab Scipt Node uses activeX to access an api that calls into the Matlab engine.  Thus any figure generation would occur on the Matlab side of things.  What you could try doing is converting the figure to an image, converting the image to an array, and bringing that array into labview and converting it into a LabVIEW image type which you could then display inside of LabVIEW.  This is a rather convoluted way of displaying a figure on the front panel inside of LabVIEW though.  You may find it much easier to do what you are trying to accomplish with the MathScript Node rather than the Matlab Script Node.
    figure (MathScript RT Module Function)
    NI LabVIEW MathScript RT Module
    David A
    National Instruments
    FlexRIO Product Support Engineer

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    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.

    Il faut utiliser des angles en radians.
    Micaël DA SILVA

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    Matlab script.jpg ‏59 KB

    Hello !!
    sorry for being late in my answer , I had to finnish other work!! and thank you for answering 
    here are the uses of  the functions that you asked me,   from the help of Matlab !!
    IMFILTER N-D filtering of multidimensional images.
    B = IMFILTER(A,H,OPTION1,OPTION2,...) performs multidimensional
    filtering according to the specified options.
    Options are:
    'circular'        Input array values outside the bounds of the array are computed by implicitly assuming the input array is periodic.
    'conv'            IMFILTER performs multidimensional filtering using convolution.
    DECONVWNR      Deblur image using Wiener filter.
    J = DECONVWNR(I,PSF)   deconvolves image I using Wiener filter algorithm,
                                             returning deblurred image J. The assumption is that the image I was
                                             created by convolving a true image with a point-spread function PSF and
                                             possibly by adding noise. The algorithm is optimal in a sense of least
                                             mean square error between the estimated and the true images, and
                                             utilizes the correlation matrixes of image and noise. In the absence of
                                             noise, the Weiner filter reduces to the ideal inverse filter.
    Finally as you can see in the archives joined to this message , the results of Matlab and Labview are different , so i think that the problem is with the conversions of the type inLabview  from image to array and array to image where i lose information of the image.
    have a nice day !! 
    thank you !!
    matlab vs Labview results.zip ‏2487 KB

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    Error 63 if MATLAB server not running
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    Barp and Mikeporter,
    Thank you for your assistance:
    The reason I need to do the processing in matlab is as you mentioned the processing script is coming from another person who has already developed it in matlab.  I almost have to treat it as a black box.
    The TCP/IP method was interesting is that none of the errors show up when I run the example but if I try to modify it in a new VI I get the errors.
    I have attached a simple program that just has a basic butterworth low pass filter I am trying to confirm if it works in the Matlab node.  I have done other simple codes which work, and this one does not seem the implement  the appropriate filter.  The LabVIEW signal and LabVIEW filter seem to work at the default values (but not if I change sampling rate) for the Simulation of signal, Matlab signal and Matlab filter work, but the Labview signal processed in Matlab is not working...
    Ideally it would be bandpass filtered (0.1-30) at sampling rate of 256 Hz and further processed from there, but I can't even seem to get low pass to work in the matlab to labview communication.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Once I have that working I will have more of an idea of the constraints of the actual processing Matlab Code I will be using.
    Thank you again.
    labview_matlab_filter.vi ‏70 KB

  • Script Matlab In Labview

    Buongiorno a tutti,
    sono nuovo di questo forum. Sono un tirocinante presso l'università di Napoli Federico II e sto familiarizzando con l'ambiente LabView. Mi è stato assegnato il compito di eseguire uno script Matlab mediante LabView (le macchine su cui lavoro possiedono la versione 7.0 e 8.5). Se mi sapete dare qualche informazione ve ne sarei grato o anche qualche link visto che sto agli inizi.
    Sorry for my english...

    Sorry, can you move this question to italian community?
    Sorry for my english...

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    If Google translate is correct, you are trying to log data to a SD card and figuring how to see it in on graph. Since you are getting started with LabVIEW I would suggest using the Write To Measurement File and Read From Measurement File. As shown in this tutorial, you only need to specify the format and file path. I would encourage you to search for code and tutorials about this VIs for more reference, like this one. I hope this helps.
    Alejandro | Academic Program Engineer | National Instruments

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    Hi lazizabelle
    Si vous avez acheté souscription d'acrobate, alors vous devez vous connecter avec votre ID Adobe et il sera activé.
    Sinon, se il vous plaît contacter Service clientèle d'Adobe.

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    I got 99 problems but 8.6 ain't one.

    I checked the snap to grid hypothesis. Even when activated the arrow keys still allow an accurate positionning of the objects at pixel level.
    That's so nice that I changed my setup. I now have a reasonnably large spaced grid (50 pixels) with an invisible grid (contrast adjusted to zero). That should make object positionning and dimensionning much faster than before.
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

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    Merci d'avance de votre temp,
    Bien cordialement,

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    Tout d'abord, sur la partie PIC, comment définir ce protocole? (Envoi de plusieur trames consécutives, avec un identifiant de départ par exemple?)
    Et sur labview, comment réussir à découper ces trames et savoir quel est la bonne?
    Si quelqu'un aurais des idées, cela m'aiderais beaucoup.
    Ci-joint ma fenêtre labview.
    PS : mon code PIC simplifié est le suivant :
    WriteUSART(totalSums); //variable totalSums
    delay(); //(0,5 seconde)
    WriteUSART(accumulator); // variable accumulator
    Merci d'avance,
    Pièces jointes :
    Labview.PNG ‏78 KB

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    Muchas gracias

    Si tiene el paquete completo o profesional de Labview entonces tiene el script de Matlab ( lo puede encontrar en paleta de funciones>>Análisis>>Matemáticas>>Formula>>Script de Matlab.
    Para que le funcione este script debe tener instalado matlab, y dentro del script puede ejecutar directamente código de Matlab.
    Espero que esto le ayude

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    Aviez-vous essayé ces liens :
    Samuel G. | Application Engineer Team Leader
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Été de LabVIEW 2014
    12 présentations en ligne, du 30 juin au 18 juillet

  • Compteur décompteur sur labview pr signal triangulaire sur carte PCI-6024E

    Nous savons qu'il faut utiliser un compteur décompteur pr former un signal triangulaire sur la carte PCI-6024E, existe-t-il un vi sur labview préréaliser qui nous permettrai de générer un tel signal. Ou alors pourriez vous nous expliquer comment réaliser ce vi.

    Il exitse bien un VI qui permet de générer des signaux triangulaires.
    Il se situe dans la palette Analyse >> génération de waveforms >> waveform Triangulaire.
    Bonne continuation

  • Driver d'une table traçante sur Labview

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    j'ai cherché sur net, labview, mais en vain.
    si quelqu'un s'il vous plait, pourrait m'aider...

    Merci beaucoup cher Z'Atari,
    Une table traçante est un outil de
    dessin industriel. Elle se compose d'une table horizontale et d'un porte-stylo
    motorisé, commandé par ordinateur, tu trouveras ci-joint une photo d'une table traçante, bein ce que je désire faire est de commander une table par ordinateur sous labview, mais j'ai pas trouvé de table commandable sous labview.c'est pour cela que j'ai besoin d'un driver comme si je comandais un oscilloscope,...je sais pas si je m'explique bien
    table-tracante-xy-din-a3-100cms-49377n0.jpg ‏8 KB

  • Toolkit matlab avec labview

    bonjour à tous et merci d'avance ,
    je cherche un lien(ou bien une idée) pour télecharger le toolkitmatlab compatible avec labview 2011 (sinon 2009).
    l'objectif c'est que je veux transformer un code matlab vers labview.
    merci les ingénieurs du ni et tout les membres de forum.

    Hi khadija,
    You should be able to find the 2011 version of the mathscript-RT toolkit on ni.com/downloads. The download site has recently undergone a lot of changes and the search may not be up to speed yet. A direct link to the 2011 mathscript-RT toolkit is here: http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2558/lang/en. 
    However, it sounds like you are using Matlab toolkits. The mathscript-RT toolkit re-compiles .m code into labview source code. However, the mathscript-RT toolkit will not work with any of the Matlab® toolkits, such as a vision processing toolkit. A list of commands the mathscript node can use is given here. 
    You also might try using the Matlab Script node, which is separate from the Mathscript-RT node, the Matlab Script node uses activex to call into the Matlab runtime engine. It should be able to utilize any toolkits that the mathscript-RT toolkit can't. However, the Matlab Script node will be slower and will require an installation of Matlab on each computer that your application runs on. 
    MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc. Other product and company names listed are trademarks and trade names of their respective companies.
    Jesse Dennis
    Design Engineer
    Erdos Miller

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