Equivalent software in mac like paint to windows?

Is there an equivalent software like paint is to windows for mac?
basically need a free s/w to edit (cut n paste, add words etc)

There are few possibilities listed here:

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    You will probably have to transcode that into some format that is more compatible. From what I understand, AVI is just a wrapper format for any number of proprietary PC codecs. Some will play on a Mac if the appropriate drivers are available and some won't. Some people swear by VLC, but I've had more luck with MPlayer. You can download MPlayerX from the Mac App Store. VLC has more a restrictive "free and open source" license so you will have to download and install it on your own.
    This is not my area of expertise. I suggest searching for similar topics and/or asking in the iDVD forum.

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    Websites: you probably will NEED to run Windows in a VM just to check out how it looks and that it works in Windows anyway.
    And no one can really answer, though you are locked into Mac software that supports 10.6.
    So run both. Run each off its own partition, and run Windows concurrently in a VM.

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    If all you want to do is crop pictures; do minor color, contrast, color temperature, & similar photo-oriented tasks, try iPhoto, which is already installed on your MacBook. You can also do more than you might think with Preview, another application included with every MacBook. Many of the features are not immediately obvious, so it is a good idea to browse through the help topics for each app to get an idea of what they can do.
    If you are willing to spend some cash on a more capable application, I recommend Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac, about $80 from Amazon.com & other outlets. This app is getting great reviews for its capabilities & ease of use, & got a "Best of Show" award at MacWorld 2008. I bought it recently & love it (unlike the old 2.0 version it replaced, which was fairly capable but burdened with such a lousy user interface that I rarely used it).

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    Time Machine is one such program, although it is a recursive backup program which offers limited archive capability, based on the capacity of the backup destination, and it requires you set it up before you start editing your files.   Some programs are also Versions aware, which offers a kind of restore capability by file.  Again needs to be setup before you start editing.
    Just a for-your-info:
    Mac is not an acronym, it is a nickname for Macintosh.

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    Yes it's MS Windows! You will need a license of MS Windows (preferable Windows 7) and from there you can decide on the strategy for running Windows on your iMac. You can use Boot Camp (you already have this) or you use virtualization software such as Parallels or Fusion. For your situation I'd recommend virtualization software. However for only one program I'd do some due diligence to see if there is a OS X version. You can start with the App store or simply use Google to search.
    Kappy has provided a good article on running Windows on a Mac and the various options. Here is the link:
    Kappy's explanation

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    Please find your Mac Model Identifier from About This Mac -> (More Info) -> System Report -> Hardware and compare it to the following list. If your model identifier appears in this list, you can only install Windows 7.

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    yes you need the updates and patches.
    Only some of the drivers that Windows will automatically install at times
    and always make sure to insure it is using restore points
    do all the maintenance andsuch as normal
    use MS Security Essentials for AV is really top notch
    Clean disk space
    Use WinClone new program to inisure you have a restore image

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    Windows has a software updater built into Windows and when you install the Boot Camp drivers then it will install an Apple software updater also. I believe Windows is set to automatically download and install your updates as does the Apple software Updater. They both will update the individual files it needs to periodically.
    "Microsoft updates" and "Windows updates" are basically the same thing in Windows. Are you talking about the "Windows support software" when downloading from Boot Camp Assistant? Apple installs a software updater for it's Boot Camp drivers in Windows 7 so you can do it manually or automatically.
    The "Hot Fix" your referring to is only for certain motherboards built from other Windows only computer manufacturers and does NOT pertain to any Apple computers.
    If you have a problem with your computer then it's best to ask a specific question so we can help better.

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    No, sorry, there is not.
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    I agree with teh OWC sggestion above, but why must it be USB powered? I find that far more unreliable, and the low power devices slow.
    I'd frankly get a good external enclosure and buy a bare drive.  But the OWC stuff is quite good - vastly better than some of the majors (WD being aprime example of stuff that's boderline quality and often not compatible)

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    iTunes is part of OS X, which implies that iTunes was deleted, or that your OS X installation is corrupt.  In either case, the easiest approach usually involves downloading the combo update for OS X — the so-called combo update, and not the delta update — and installing that.
    Applying or re-applying the OS X combo update won't alter your user files, but will reload all recent OS X changes, and should also cause iTunes to be re-loaded.
    If you are running Mavericks 10.9, then download and install the OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 combo update. 
    You'll want to have a backup of your system — updates don't fail often, but they can fail.  If you don't have Time Machine or some other form of backups running, get that going first; before further changes here.

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    Do you know a site which I could download the windows support software for my mac book air running MAC OSX Lion. Using bootcamp takes a very long time and seems to be stuck. Any help is highly appreciated.

    Whart exactly are you having problems with?
    Installing Boot Camp, manually updating the B.C. Drivers, Apple software update updating the drivers, or Windows Software updates?
    You will or have a full Windows install. _ALL_ Microsoft Windows software is through Microsoft or 3rd partys. Apple just supplies the drivers for their hardware to be run in Windows.
    If you want to manually install the Boot Camp drivers then try here?:
    Underneath the hardrive picture is a link for _Downloads_, it shows up as an error in my browser but when i put in "Boot Camp" in the "Search Downloads" bar I got a large list.
    Hope that helps.....

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    Try Crossover before you buy it. They have a great idea. The problem is there aren't a lot of programs it works with easily. I usually use VMWare Fusion and windows xp pro. That works good for most things.
    If your daughter wants a nice drawing program there are some good ones for Macs. Try SeaShore or PaintBrush. They are both good and fairly simple to use. The price is right also:->

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