Erase the datalog file when the exe is running for the first time.

Hi Freinds,
I've a req something like this...
Please assist me so that i could hit the right target.
A datalog.txt file would be appended with the data everytime i run the exe.
However if i close (be specific not stop) the entire exe
And run the exe after opening it for the first time, it should ask me wehther to delete or append the existing datalog file.
In short whenever running the exe for the first time it should ask the user whether to delete the existing datalog.txt or append the old one.
THis is my req please help me...

You can use an uninitialized shift register, that you wire with a TRUE on the right side. Its output on the left will only be false the first time the VI is run and true for subsequent runs.
Still, an exe should always run. Design it as as a proper state machine with an idle state when you don't what it to perform anything specific.
LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time

    Hello Everyone.   I just downloaded Dreamweaver CS 5.5 Trial version (Win 7), and I have been working on my home page.  I've created a wonderful image map with spry widget tooltips (about 60 tooltips), and I'm really happy with the results....until this error started to pop-up.  I have re-started the computer, deleted winfilecache****, and updated Dreamweaver through the help window.   I have googled this error, and found it existed in CS3 and CS4, and even in CS5, but no information as to why it's happening in CS 5.5.    I really want to buy this software, but am unsure as to why I would spend this amount of money on something that's going to give me a headache.  I am a layman, and work on my site recreationally.  I'm new to CSS and Spry so if i missed the obvious I apologize for that.   I inserted the spry widgets in the CODE screen by highlighting my hotspot CODE and clicking INSERT>SPRY>SPRYTOOLTIP.  Each tooltip is checked to "follow on mouse" and "hide on mouse out" and horizontally moved -400.
    So now every time I open this page in Dreamweaver this error "A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time.  Do you wish to continue?" pops up, and whenever i try to edit the spry tooltip properties.  Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere.  thanks for your help and time.  Part of the code looks like this: //
    <area shape="poly" coords="89,180,68,203,60,213,65,232,96,225,103,201,101,188" href="#" id="sprytrigger57" />
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
          var sprytooltip57 = new Spry.Widget.Tooltip("sprytooltip57", "#sprytrigger57", {offsetX:-403, closeOnTooltipLeave:true, useEffect:"fade", followMouse:true});
    Hope I included most everything needed to diagnose, let me know what I forgot.  Thanks again.

    oops i tried to copy the code here but it didn't work. Is this better?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTooltip.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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    <p>Ps 19:1-6<br />
    1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.</p>
    <p> 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.</p>
    <p> 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.</p>
    <p> 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,</p>
    <p> 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.<br />
    Stars a STORY-book.<br />
    6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.</p>
    <p>Ps 19:7-14<br />
    7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.</p>
    <p> 8 The statutes of the LORD are right,  rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.</p>
    <p> 9 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.</p>
    <p> 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.</p>
    <p> 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.</p>
    <p> 12 Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.</p>
    <p> 13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.</p>
    <p> 14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.<br />
    <p><br />
    <div id="Footer">Site updated June 2011</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip57">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Corvus.jpg" width="199" height="170" alt="Corvus" />CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven).</p>
    <p> Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip56">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crater.jpg" width="180" height="196" alt="Crater" /></p>
    <p>CRATER (The Cup). </p>
    <p>The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip55">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Hydra.jpg" width="184" height="142" alt="Hydra" /></p>
    <p>HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip54">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Leo.jpg" width="198" height="130" alt="Leo" /></p>
    <p>LEO (The Lion). </p>
    <p>The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip53">
    <p>Chapter IV - TWELFTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Consummated Triumph      LEO (The Lion). The Lion of the Tribe of Judah aroused for the rending of the Enemy.           </p>
    <p>1. HYDRA (The Serpent). That old Serpent— Devil, destroyed.     </p>
    <p>2. CRATER (The Cup). The cup of Divine wrath poured out upon him.     </p>
    <p>3. CORVUS (The Crow, or Raven). Birds of prey devouring him.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip52">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Argo.jpg" width="200" height="199" alt="Argo" />ARGO (The Ship).</p>
    <p> The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip51">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMajor.jpg" width="200" height="150" alt="Ursa Major" />URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear).</p>
    <p> The fold and the flock.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip50">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/UrsaMinor.jpg" width="185" height="133" alt="Ursa Minor" /></p>
    <p>URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.</p>
    <p> The 7,000...? -</p>
    <p>This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip49">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cancer.jpg" width="183" height="200" alt="Cancer" />CANCER (The Crab).</p>
    <p> The possession held fast.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip48">
    <p>Chapter III ELEVENTH -</p>
    <p> Messiah's Redeemed Possessions      </p>
    <p>CANCER (The Crab). The possession held fast.          </p>
    <p>1. URSA MINOR (The Lesser Bear). </p>
    <p>The lesser sheepfold.          7,000 - This star was called by the Greeks the "Cynosure." Aratus seems to apply this term to the whole of the seven stars of the Lesser Bear. Mr. Robert Brown, Jr., shows that this word . . . transliterates An-nas-sur-ra, and renders it, "as it literally means, high in rising, i.e., in heavenly position.". Is not this the primitve truth of the Revelation? Will not this Lesser Fold be high, yea, the highest in heavenly position?</p>
    <p> 2. URSA MAJOR (The Great Bear). The fold and the flock.
    3. ARGO (The Ship). The redeemed pilgrims safe at home..</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip47">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMinor.jpg" width="170" height="123" alt="CanisMinor" /></p>
    <p>CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip46"><img src="images/Constellations/CanisMajor.jpg" width="193" height="228" alt="CanisMajor" />CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip45">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lepus.jpg" width="198" height="196" alt="Lepus" />LEPUS (The Hare), or</p>
    <p> THE ENEMY trodden under foot.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip44">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Gemini.jpg" width="197" height="228" alt="Gemini" />GEMINI (The Twins). </p>
    <p>The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip43">
    <p>Chapter II - TENTH  - </p>
    <p>Messiah's Reign as Prince of Peace      GEMINI (The Twins). The twofold nature of the King.</p>
    <p> 1. LEPUS (The Hare), or THE ENEMY trodden under foot.<br />
    2. CANIS MAJOR (The Dog), or SIRIUS, the coming glorious Prince of Princes.<br />
    3. CANIS MINOR (The Second Dog), or PROCYON, the exalted Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip42">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Auriga.jpg" width="197" height="289" alt="Auriga" />AURIGA (The Shepherd). </p>
    <p>Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip41">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Eridanus.jpg" width="198" height="86" alt="Eridanus" />ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). </p>
    <p>Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip40">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Orion.jpg" width="185" height="262" alt="Orion" /></p>
    <p>ORION,  </p>
    <p>Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip39">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Taurus.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Taurus" />TAURUS (The Bull). </p>
    <p>Messiah coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip38">
    <p>Chapter I - NINTH - </p>
    <p>Messiah, The Coming Judge of All the Earth      
    TAURUS (The Bull).</p>
    <p> Messiah coming to rule.           </p>
    <p>1. ORION,  Light breaking forth in the person of the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. ERIDANUS (The River of the Judge). Wrath breaking forth for His enemies.</p>
    <p> 3. AURIGA (The Shepherd). Safety for the Redeemed in the day of that wrath.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip37">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Perseus.jpg" width="167" height="257" alt="Perseus" /></p>
    <p>PERSEUS (The Breaker).</p>
    <p> Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip36">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cetus.jpg" width="198" height="93" alt="Cetus" />CETUS (The Sea Monster). </p>
    <p>The great enemy bound.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip35">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cassiopeia.jpg" width="128" height="196" alt="Cassiopeia" /></p>
    <p>CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman).</p>
    <p> The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip34">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aries.jpg" width="200" height="165" alt="Aries" />ARIES (The Ram or Lamb). </p>
    <p>The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip33">
    <p>Chapter IV - EIGHTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings Consummated and Enjoyed      ARIES (The Ram or Lamb).</p>
    <p> The Lamb that was slain, prepared for the victory.</p>
    <p> 1. CASSIOPEIA (The Enthroned Woman). </p>
    <p>The captive delivered, and preparing for her husband, the Redeemer.</p>
    <p> 2. CETUS (The Sea Monster).</p>
    <p> The great enemy bound.</p>
    <p> 3. PERSEUS (The Breaker). </p>
    <p>Delivering His redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip32">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cephus.jpg" width="144" height="164" alt="Cephus" /></p>
    <p>CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip31">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Andromeda.jpg" width="181" height="189" alt="Andromeda" />ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip30">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pisces.jpg" width="198" height="94" alt="Pisces" />PISCES (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.</p>
    <p> </p>
    <p> THE BAND—, but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip29">
    <p>Chapter III - SEVENTH - </p>
    <p>Their Blessings in Abeyance      PISCES</p>
    <p> (The Fishes). </p>
    <p>The Redeemed blessed though bound.           </p>
    <p>1. THE BAND—,</p>
    <p> but binding their great enemy Cetus, the sea monster.</p>
    <p> 2. ANDROMEDA (The Chained Woman).</p>
    <p> The Redeemed in their bondage and affliction.
    3. CEPHEUS (The King).</p>
    <p> Their Redeemer coming to rule.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip28">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Cygnus.jpg" width="198" height="224" alt="Cygnus" />CYGNUS (The Swan). </p>
    <p>The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip27">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Pegasus.jpg" width="201" height="130" alt="Pegasus" />PEGASUS (The Winged Horse).</p>
    <p> The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip26">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Aquarius.jpg" width="198" height="109" alt="Aquarius" />AQUARIUS (The Water-Bearer).</p>
    <p> The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip25">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/PicisAustralis.jpg" width="198" height="63" alt="Piscis Australis" />PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish).</p>
    <p> The blessings bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip24">
    <p>Chapter II - SIXTH  -</p>
    <p>Their Blessings Ensured      AQUARIUS </p>
    <p>(The Water-Bearer). </p>
    <p>The living waters of blessing poured forth for the Redeemed.</p>
    <p> 1. PISCIS AUSTRALIS (The Southern Fish). The blessings bestowed.     </p>
    <p>2. PEGASUS (The Winged Horse). The blessings quickly coming.</p>
    <p> 3. CYGNUS (The Swan). The Blesser surely returning.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip23">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Trio.jpg" width="198" height="133" alt="Trio" />1. SAGITTA (The Arrow). </p>
    <p>The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle). </p>
    <p>The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin). </p>
    <p>The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip22"><img src="images/Constellations/Capricornus.jpg" width="199" height="145" alt="Capricornus" />CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip21">
    <p>Chapter I - FIFTH -</p>
    <p> Their Blessings Procured      
    CAPRICORNUS (The fish-goat). </p>
    <p>The goat of Atonement slain for the Redeemed.           
    1. SAGITTA (The Arrow).</p>
    <p> The arrow of God sent forth.</p>
    <p> 2. AQUILA (The Eagle).</p>
    <p> The smitten One falling.</p>
    <p> 3. DELPHINUS (The Dolphin).</p>
    <p> The dead One rising again.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip20"><img src="images/Constellations/DracoMap.jpg" width="200" height="161" alt="Draco" />DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip19">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ara.jpg" width="143" height="142" alt="Ara" /></p>
    <p>ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip18">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Lyra.jpg" width="139" height="117" alt="Lyra" />. </p>
    <p>LYRA (The Harp).</p>
    <p> Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip17"><img src="images/Constellations/Safittarius.jpg" width="198" height="213" alt="Sagittarius" />SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip16">
    <p>Chapter IV -</p>
    <p> The Redeemer's Triumph      
    SAGITTARIUS (The Archer). The two-natured Conqueror going forth "Conquering and to conquer."</p>
    1. LYRA (The Harp). Praise prepared for the Conqueror.</p>
    <p> 2. ARA (The Altar). Consuming fire prepared for His enemies.    </p>
    <p>3. DRACO (The Dragon). The Old Serpent— Devil, cast down from heaven.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip15"> <img src="images/Constellations/Hercules.jpg" width="198" height="190" alt="Hercules" />HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip14"><img src="images/Constellations/Serpens.jpg" width="199" height="152" alt="Serpens" />SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man).</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip13">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Ophiuchus.jpg" width="199" height="227" alt="Ophiuchus" /></p>
    <p>O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip12"><img src="images/Constellations/Scorpio.jpg" width="198" height="186" alt="Scorpio" />SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip11">Chapter III - THIRD  - The Redeemer's Conflict SCORPIO (The Scorpion) seeking to wound, but itself trodden under foot.      <br />
    1. SERPENS (The Serpent struggling with the man). <br />
    <br />
    2. O-PHI-U-CHUS (The man grasping the serpent). The struggle with the enemy. <br />
    <br />
    3. HERCULES (The mighty man. A man kneeling on one knee, humbled in the conflict, but holding aloft the tokens of victory, with his foot on the head of the Dragon). The mighty Vanquisher seeming to sink in the conflict.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip10">
    <p>Chapter II - SECOND -  The Redeemer's Atoning Work</p>
    <p> LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers. <br />
    1. CRUX,  The Cross endured. <br />
    <br />
    2. LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain. <br />
    <br />
    3. CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip9">
    <p>Chapter I -FIRST -  The Prophecy of the Promised Seed of the Woman</p>
    <p><br />
    VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman. <br />
    1. COMA (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations. <br />
    <br />
    2. CENTAURUS (The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering. <br />
    <br />
    3. BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip8">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/CoronaBorealis.jpg" width="69" height="55" alt="CoronaBorealis" /></p>
    <p>CORONA, The Crown bestowed.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip7"> <img src="images/Constellations/LupusOrTheVictim.jpg" width="197" height="191" alt="Lupus" />LUPUS, or VICTIMA, The Victim slain.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip6">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Crux.jpg" width="67" height="100" alt="Crux" /></p>
    <p>CRUX,  The Cross endured.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip5">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Libra.jpg" width="185" height="176" alt="Libra" /></p>
    <p>LIBRA (The Scales). The price deficient balanced by the price which covers.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip4">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Bootes.jpg" width="162" height="191" alt="Bootes" /></p>
    <p>BOOTES (a man walking bearing a branch called ARCTURUS, meaning the same). He cometh!</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip3"><img src="images/Constellations/Centaurus.jpg" width="198" height="123" alt="Centaurus Pic" />Centaurus -(The Centaur with two natures, holding a spear piercing a victim). The despised sin offering.</div>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip2">
    <p><img src="images/Constellations/Coma.jpg" width="156" height="161" alt="Coma" /></p>
    <p>Coma (The Desired. The woman and child). The Desired of all nations.</p>
    <div class="tooltipContent" id="sprytooltip1"><img src="images/Constellations/Virgo.jpg" width="199" height="364" alt="Virgo Pic" />Virgo VIRGO (The Virgin. A woman bearing a branch in her right hand and an ear of corn in her left). The Promised Seed of the woman.</div>
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  • A script in file EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time CS4

    I'm getting this error in dreamweaver:
    "A script in file C:\ProgramFiles\Adobe\Aobe Dreamweaver CS4\Configuration\Shared\Spry\DesignTime\EditingUtils.js has been running for a long time. Do you want to continue?"
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
    I read that editing the parameters of a widget may cause problems for CS3, and it is resolved for CS3:, but I don't know how to fix the problem for CS4.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    seleon04 wrote:
    I get the error when I open a page that has several spry elements, even after shutting down my computer and rebooting. It has over 100 spry collapsible panels, which each have their own name, ie: var CollapsiblePanel108 = new Spry.Widget.CollapsiblePanel("CollapsiblePanel108")
    I think you have answered your own question. More than 100 Spry collapsible panels is not exactly what most people would call "several". It's a huge - and probably unrealistic - amount.
    I don't think there is an actual limit on the number of Spry elements that you can have on a page, but Dreamweaver uses JavaScript in the background to inspect the document and edit it. The more elements you have, the greater the processing power and memory your computer requires to handle them. It might work with a faster processor or more RAM, but I think you need to reconsider your design strategy.

  • Hooking up my iphone to a new computer for the first time....

    My computer broke and isn't worth fixing so I can't access it again. My mom just bought her a new laptop so I just inherited the one she had been using (actually ended up working out great for me cause it's only a year old and nicer than mine that broke).  My new computer didn't have iTunes on it until I just installed it a few moments ago.
    My question is whether or not I need to be concerned that my iPhone is gonna be erased the first time I plug it into this new computer?  I'm concerned I'll lose all my contacts, apps, photos, settings etc.  Just last week I backed up all my music and movies to my external drive, luckily I happened to do that right before the computer died so I'm not worried about that. 
    If it is a problem how do I stop it from erasing all that when it syncs? 

    In regards to iTunes content, an iPhone can be synced or manually managed with music and videos with an iTunes library on a single computer only, and photos can be transferred from a single computer only.
    When transferring iTunes content and photos from another computer, all iTunes content and photos transferred from a different computer will be erased from the iPhone first.
    Photos transferred from your computer are optimized for viewing on your iPhone as part of the iTunes sync/transfer process. The original resolution of these photos is reduced on your iPhone. All photos on your computer and all photos transferred from your computer to your iPhone should be included with your computer's backup along with all other important data, which should include your iTunes library as well.
    Backing up your iTunes library per the instructions included with this link and transferring the backup to a new or different computer will prevent any iTunes content from being erased from your iPhone first when transferring iTunes content from a new or different computer.
    iTunes includes an option to transfer iTunes content that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store from an iDevice but this is for iTunes content that was purchased/downloaded from the iTunes store only.
    First you need to authorize the new or different computer with your iTunes account with iTunes if you haven't already done so. With your iPhone connected to iTunes and without syncing, at the iTunes menu bar go to File and select Transfer Purchases From - the name of your iPhone.
    You can use a 3rd party paid utility such as this one to transfer photos from your iPhone that were transferred from your former computer, but the original resolution of these photos will be lost, and such utilities are not supported by Apple.
    Contacts are designed to be synced with a supported address book application on your computer. If you aren't doing so, contacts on your iPhone are not touched when syncing your iPhone with iTunes on a new or different computer. If you are syncing contacts with a supported address book application on your computer and the supported address book application on the computer is empty, before the first sync for this data enter one contact in the supported address book application on your computer. This will provide a merge prompt with the first sync for this data, which you want to select.

  • I downloded iphoto 11 9.2 and when opened it for the first time and the program started to update my iPhoto library the file got corrupted. That has happened in the two macs I have (both of them rather new and updated to last Lion version 10.7.2).

    I downloaded Iphoto 11 9.2 from the apps store (was on iphoto '09 before version 8.x) and when opened it for the first time it tried to update my photo librery and ended up corupting it to the extreme that I had to get a backup from time capsule and downgrade my iphoto version. I spent yesterday 6 hours at the genius bar in an apple store and they were not able to provide me with any other solution. In the emantime, I have to forget about about photo streaming... Any idea, is this a bug that somebody knows how tp fix?

    In fairness, this isn't an issue in iPhoto 11 but one in your Library. Some file or other in there is damaged and that's what causes the crash during the upgrade.
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

  • In iMovie when I try to share a project to a file on an external hard drive it will work the first time but subsequently it says it is sharing but gives no time and file name and in fact just sits there not sharing the file.

    I have iMovie 10.0.4.  I want to transfer some old DV tape videos to MPEG 4 files to be stored on a 4 TB external drive. I successfully imported the video to iMovie, created a project by moving all captured files into a project and the first time I shared the project to a file  it worked as expected.  Every subsequent try to transfer another video would fail to transfer.  When I clicked save it gives the warning that it is too big for iCloud, iso I click create on this computer.  The progress circle comes up with no indication of progress.  The show activity drop down just says sharing to "file" no file name as in the first one and indicates no time remaining.  In fact it just sits there apparently doing nothing.  I'v tried it a half dozen times, deleted everything and started over.  It transfers the first project to file and then nothing on additional tries.  What do I have wrong, am I missing something?

    In iTunes 11 uncheck the preferences setting in in the iTunes Preferences panel "Advanced > Copy Files to iTunes Media folder when adding to Library"

  • When i try to use my apple acocunt for the first time i get a prompt to put in my CC info but after i agree to the TOS the ipad only displays a black box no text, ive erased the ipad and still the same thing

    When i try to use my apple acocunt for the first time i get a prompt to put in my CC info but after i agree to the TOS the ipad only displays a black box no text, ive erased the ipad and still the same thing

    1. Turn router off for 30 seconds and on again
    2. Settings>General>Reset>Reset Network Settings

  • HT201269 I just switch from a Windows 8 machine to a MacPro and when I try and sync my iPhone 5s for the first time it says that sync will erase everything on my phone because it is still synced to my old computer. Any suggestions?

    I just switch from a Windows 8 machine to a MacPro and when I try and sync my iPhone 5s for the first time it says that sync will erase everything on my phone because it is still synced to my old computer. Any suggestions?

    The Apple store wil do this for you.
    You can call Apple support and they will help you
    You can google it

  • Time Machine: Repeated errors when backing up for the first time using a new external firewire drive

    My Iomega 500GB firewire external drive failed on me last week and I have just replaced it with an identical model. I used to use the old drive with Time Machine on my MacBook Pro running 10.5.8 with no issues, until the drive had a hardware failure and stopped spinning up, hence the replacement.
    Two days ago I tried using Time Machine for the first time with the replacement external drive. The backup failed and each subsequent backup attempt has failed since then with a different error each time. The drive cannot be ejected using Finder (Finder says disk is in use and cannot be ejected even when no processes are running except for Finder and Time Machine has been disabled), by dragging it to the dock (hangs computer which can only be fixed by a hard reboot), in Disk Utilities (drive cannot be unmounted) or in Terminal ("no such file or directory").
    The first backup attempt failed after 3 hours of "preparing" with the message "The backup was not performed because an error occured while creating backup directory".
    I tried repairing the disk in Disk Utilities and Disk Utilities said the drive was OK ("the volume Time Machine Backups appears to be OK"). I tried ejecting the drive (hard reboot of computer and disconnecting the drive), plugging it back in again and trying again.
    This time it started backing up, then failed after a few minutes with the message "an error occured while copying files to the backup volume". I had a look at the troubleshooting suggested on and followed instructions. It failed again, so I did a full reset as per
    It failed again, so I tried reparing the drive again in Disk Utilities and again it said it was OK. I tried using different cables and ports (Firewire 400 instead of Firewire 800), and backups still fail.
    I have turned off anti-virus scanning (Sophos). I have tried excluding it from Spotlight but this causes an error message from Spotlight. I have tried trashing the file and rebooting. I have tried selecting deselecting the drive as the back up in Time Machine preferences, selecting "None", then "Stop Backing Up" then quitting preferences, rebooting, disconnecting the drive, reconnecting the drive and selecting the drive again as the backup disk in Time Machine preferences. I have tried erasing the drive completely, rebooting, and trying to back up again.
    None of these have worked. This is a brand new drive and I do not want to have to replace it again if I do not have to.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

    Hello, some possible clues...
    Should you click “Start New Backup”? Not yet! If you see the dialog above, your existing Time Machine backup is corrupt, and you might not be able to recover data from it. But you can save a copy of the corrupt bundle and, perhaps, extract some data from it if needed.
    Ask yourself if Time Machine has saved data you might need before deciding what to do next:
    If you are sure you won’t need anything backed up before today, click “Start New Backup” and let Time Machine do its thing.
    Otherwise, click “Back Up Later” and save a copy before letting Time Machine start a new backup. Just look for a file called “computername.sparsebundle” (for network backups) or “Backups.backupdb” (for local ones) and create a copy with a different name. You can open sparsebundle files with DiskImageMounter and browse them like any other disk. More information is available here.
    There you go. If you click “Start New Backup” when you see this dialog box, Time Machine will erase all of your old backup data and start a new bundle. It won’t be corrupt, but it will be empty.
    Note that you can manually initiate a Time Machine backup integrity check by option-clicking the “Time Machine” icon in the menu bar and selecting “Verify Backups.” improve-reliability-time-machine-create-backup/
    According to This Time Machine resource   “This appears only on Snow Leopard, and started with the Time Capsule Backup Update 1.0 in mid-May of 2010.  It also seems to have been included in the 10.6.3 v1.1 update and 10.6.4.”
    So, what can you do about it?  Grin and bear it, it seems, until Apple fixes it.
    One thing you can do to make the backup take less time is to connect your machine to your Time Capsule or other backup drive via Ethernet for the duration of the initial backup. cation-of-your-backups-to-improve-reliability-time-machine-must-create-a-new-ba c kup-for-you-message-and-why-you-are-seeing-it/
    Time Machine: About "Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you."...
    Or a different/better solution in my experiences...
    Get carbon copy cloner to make an exact copy of your old HD to the New one...
    Or SuperDuper...
    Or the most expensive one & my favorite, Tri-Backup...

  • Firefox won't open when prompted the first time. Says "Not Responding". I have to hit cntrl/alt/del then try starting again. Sometimes multiple times.

    Firefox won't open when prompted the first time. Says "Not Responding". I have to hit cntrl/alt/del then try starting again. Sometimes multiple times.

    Sounds like a "hang at exit" problem. There are several possible causes for that error. See:
    * How to stop the running Firefox process
    ** In Task Manager, does firefox.exe show in the '''<u>Processes</u>''' tab?
    ** See:
    * What may cause Firefox to hang at exit
    ** (see "Hang at exit" section)
    * You may need to try Firefox Safe Mode
    ** You may need to use '''Safe Mode''' to locate the problem:
    **Firefox Safe Mode is a diagnostic mode that disables Extensions and some other features of Firefox. If you are using a theme, switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes '''<u>before</u>''' starting Safe Mode. When entering Safe Mode, do not check any items on the entry window, just click "Continue in Safe Mode". Test to see if the problem you are experiencing is corrected.
    ** If the problem does not occur in Safe-mode then disable all of your Extensions and Plug-ins and then try to find which is causing it by enabling '''<u>one at a time</u>''' until the problem reappears. '''<u>You MUST close and restart Firefox after EACH change</u>''' via File > Restart Firefox (on Mac: Firefox > Quit). You can use "Disable all add-ons" on the Safe mode start window.
    ** See the following for more information

  • I got a new laptop and downloaded iTunes, when I put new music on it for the first time, my entire music library disappeared, leaving me with only newly downloaded music in my library. My iPod still has all my old music.

    Recently, I bought a new laptop (a Lenovo), so I downloaded iTunes to it. When I bought new music from iTunes for the first time on the new computer, I went to my music library and there was no music, except for the new songs I had just bought. I have no idea what happened, I've had hundreds of songs I've bought from iTunes or downloaded from bought CDs over the years, which are all still on my iPod (nano, from 2008), and suddenly they just didn't seem to exist. I have yet to access the iTunes account on my previous laptop to see if my music is still there, but I would assume yes. When I went to sync my iPod to my iTunes to at least get the new songs to the iPod (so that my complete library can be on at least one device), I realized that in order to sync my iPod to my iTunes, I would be deleting all my old music and replacing it with the new. So now, I only have a few new songs on my laptop's iTunes, and only my old songs on my iPod. In both cases I paid for all the music, so I don't want to just delete any of it. Is there any way to fix this?

    Also-I tried to use my backup hard drive, but I wasn't able to drag/transfer/send/move any of my muic files onto my iTouch when the iTouch was connected to my computer.  I can't figure out why it won't let me do that. 
    The only thing I can see when I open my iTouch on my computer is my file with photos.  I can't see videos, music, or anything else.  What's going on?

  • Updated to iOS 7, when my phone came on for the first time I could see I had 2 new viber messages.  When I went to open viber it asked me to register my number, which I did. Once the app was open I noticed all my message history was gone.

    I have only just upgraded to iOS 7 on my iPhone 4 and am having a  problem with Viber. When my phone came on for the first time after the update I could see I had 2 new viber messages, when I went to open viber it asked me to register my number, which I did. Once the app was open I noticed all my message history was gone...
    I still have an itunes backup of my phone just before the update, I restored it to this backup, followed the same process and now viber will not even work (the access code wont sms to me and the phone call option for recieving this code also come up with some error about not being able to do this at this time).
    I have been able to access viber using another phone number (I have two sims which I use as I am currently overseas in south korea, my referenced australian sim has worked previously on viber overseas and I definently do have roaming on) but again I have no message history.
    So to questions:
    1) Why is my activation not working under my referenced australian number?
    2) Can I recover all my message history which should be saved in my itunes backup?  I am willing to revert to this backup state again if needed.
    Please help.

    Look iTunes>Preferences> a backup listed for your iPhone 5 dated BEFORE you restored your iPhone 4 backup to your iPhone 5? If not, your data is gone. If there is a backup, on your iPhone 5: Settings>General>Reset>Erase All Content & Settings. You should now be able to restore that backup, if it exists, to your iPhone 5.

  • Safari quit unexpectedly when I try to open it the first time

    Could anyone please help me? I just noticed that everytime I open Safari the first time, it quits unexpectedly. Then when I reopen it, it will work.
    I thought it was nothing but it is happening for 5 days now. So, now I tried to empty the cache, reset safari, update the software but still it didn't work.
    Please help me...
    Process:         Safari [159]
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         5.1.6 (7534.56.5)
    Build Info:      WebBrowser-7534056005000000~6
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [134]
    Date/Time:       2012-07-11 21:16:03.822 -0500
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.4 (11E53)
    Report Version:  9
    Interval Since Last Report:          117 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           1
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  115 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   1
    Anonymous UUID:                      C63D8193-D976-4803-AD97-0F10E574B8A4
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
    External Modification Warnings:
    Thread creation by external task.
    VM Regions Near 0:
        __TEXT                 0000000108781000-0000000108782000 [    4K] r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/
    Application Specific Information:
    objc[159]: garbage collection is OFF
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
    0   ???                                     000000000000000000 0 + 0
    1   RapportDaishi.dylib                     0x000000010df6f67c MCE_FN_HOOK___ZN6Safari2WKL29didFinishDocumentLoadForFrameEPK12OpaqueWKPagePK13 OpaqueWKFramePKvS8_(void*, void*, void*, void*) + 140
    2   ???                                     0x00007fdd91850400 0 + 140589605913600
    3                       0x00007fff8c0f9ae8 void CoreIPC::handleMessageVariadic<Messages::WebPageProxy::DidFinishDocumentLoadFor Frame, WebKit::WebPageProxy, void (WebKit::WebPageProxy::*)(unsigned long long, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*)>(CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*, WebKit::WebPageProxy*, void (WebKit::WebPageProxy::*)(unsigned long long, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*)) + 64
    4                       0x00007fff8c0eed37 WebKit::WebProcessProxy::didReceiveMessage(CoreIPC::Connection*, CoreIPC::MessageID, CoreIPC::ArgumentDecoder*) + 161
    5                       0x00007fff8c0eec32 CoreIPC::Connection::dispatchMessage(CoreIPC::Connection::Message<CoreIPC::Argu mentDecoder>&) + 172
    6                       0x00007fff8c0eeb4b CoreIPC::Connection::dispatchMessages() + 145
    7                       0x00007fff8c0eb8a3 RunLoop::performWork() + 111
    8                       0x00007fff8c0eb814 RunLoop::performWork(void*) + 76
    9                0x00007fff8e9064f1 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    10                0x00007fff8e905d5d __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 253
    11                0x00007fff8e92cb49 __CFRunLoopRun + 905
    12                0x00007fff8e92c486 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
    13                     0x00007fff8c71b4d3 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 277
    14                     0x00007fff8c722781 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 355
    15                     0x00007fff8c72260e BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
    16                        0x0000000108bb9e31 _DPSNextEvent + 659
    17                        0x0000000108bb9735 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 135
    18              0x00007fff91c48929 -[BrowserApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 171
    19                        0x0000000108bb6071 -[NSApplication run] + 470
    20                        0x0000000108e32244 NSApplicationMain + 867
    21              0x00007fff91dfd19f SafariMain + 197
    22                        0x0000000108781f24 0x108781000 + 3876
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae47e6 kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8ae3378a _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 923
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff8ae3231a _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54
    Thread 2:: WebCore: IconDatabase
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae3bca __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a6274 _pthread_cond_wait + 840
    2                       0x00007fff8cc79015 WebCore::IconDatabase::syncThreadMainLoop() + 375
    3                       0x00007fff8cc76abf WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThread() + 491
    4                       0x00007fff8cc768cf WebCore::IconDatabase::iconDatabaseSyncThreadStart(void*) + 9
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    6   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 3:: CoreAnimation render server
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae267a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae1d71 mach_msg + 73
    2                    0x00007fff8fe582d9 CA::Render::Server::server_thread(void*) + 184
    3                    0x00007fff8fe58219 thread_fun + 24
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 4:: Safari: SafeBrowsingManager
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae267a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae1d71 mach_msg + 73
    2                0x00007fff8e92450c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
    3                0x00007fff8e92cc74 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
    4                0x00007fff8e92c486 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
    5              0x00007fff91db786f Safari::MessageRunLoop::threadBody() + 163
    6              0x00007fff91db77c7 Safari::MessageRunLoop::threadCallback(void*) + 9
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 5:: Safari: SpinningProgressIndicator
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae267a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae1d71 mach_msg + 73
    2                0x00007fff8e92450c __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 188
    3                0x00007fff8e92cc74 __CFRunLoopRun + 1204
    4                0x00007fff8e92c486 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 230
    5                    0x00007fff8b864f7b -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) runMode:beforeDate:] + 267
    6                    0x00007fff8b864e67 -[NSRunLoop(NSRunLoop) run] + 62
    7              0x00007fff91e339e1 -[Heartbeat _startHeartbeatRunLoop] + 247
    8                    0x00007fff8b8b372a -[NSThread main] + 68
    9                    0x00007fff8b8b36a2 __NSThread__main__ + 1575
    10  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    11  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 6:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae267a mach_msg_trap + 10
    1   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae1d71 mach_msg + 73
    2   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae2274 mach_msg_server + 473
    3   RapportDaishi.dylib                     0x000000010df837b0 mig_rpc_server::server_working_thread(void*) + 58
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 7:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae3e42 __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b158dea nanosleep + 164
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b158bb5 usleep + 53
    3   RapportUtil1.dylib                      0x00000001102b6a7b bp_heartbeat_thread + 202
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae3e42 __semwait_signal + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b158dea nanosleep + 164
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b158bb5 usleep + 53
    3   RapportDaishi.dylib                     0x000000010df6f70f active_monitor_finish_thread(void*) + 61
    4   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a28bf _pthread_start + 335
    5   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b75 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae4192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a4594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b85 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff89ae4192 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a4594 _pthread_wqthread + 758
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8b1a5b85 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x00007fdd904e15e0  rcx: 0x000000010b2afd00  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
      rdi: 0x000000010b2b0600  rsi: 0x000000010b2815a0  rbp: 0x00007fff6837f520  rsp: 0x00007fff6837f4e8
       r8: 0x00007fff6837f46c   r9: 0x00007fff6837f468  r10: 0x0000000000000481  r11: 0x000000010df70604
      r12: 0x000000010b2afd00  r13: 0x0000000000000000  r14: 0x000000010b2815a0  r15: 0x000000010b2b0600
      rip: 0x0000000000000000  rfl: 0x0000000000010246  cr2: 0x0000000000000000
    Logical CPU: 0
    Binary Images:
           0x108781000 -        0x108781fff (5.1.6 - 7534.56.5) <C1A60C3B-9DA6-3FE7-87BA-6B09016A39A9> /Applications/
           0x10878a000 -        0x10879aff7 (1.7.7 - 1.7.7) <0CA11278-746C-353A-923B-BCC0047190C3> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL
           0x1087a7000 -        0x108a90ff7 (7.0 - 55148.1) <E9C46204-1336-3D90-BC67-5162FC7079D2> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
           0x108bb1000 -        0x1097b7ff7 (6.7.3 - 1138.47) <CAF5783F-F80B-30E7-929F-BBA6D96C5C44> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
           0x109e43000 -        0x109e76ff7 (2.2 - 2.0) <971395D0-B9D0-3FDE-B23F-6F9D0A2FB95F> /System/Library/Frameworks/GSS.framework/Versions/A/GSS
           0x109e91000 -        0x109efafff (1.2.2 - 165.10) <F427BF39-3E01-3DC6-A63D-BFC50FE6C72E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/CoreUI
           0x109f3b000 -        0x109f8dff7  libGLU.dylib (??? - ???) <E2EF0336-3A5F-3532-AEB0-6CCF04851B72> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLU.dylib
           0x109f9e000 -        0x109fa4fff  libGFXShared.dylib (??? - ???) <8A61FA67-EB3C-319D-AE3C-64936FB26BAC> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGFXShared.d ylib
           0x109fb1000 -        0x109ff0ff7  libGLImage.dylib (??? - ???) <49BB4404-68F1-3839-A5C9-983405B59F52> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLImage.dyl ib
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           0x10a006000 -        0x10a009fff  libCoreVMClient.dylib (??? - ???) <934D0D11-C34F-3C06-A352-21BB8FFE9774> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreVMClien t.dylib
           0x10a015000 -        0x10a042ff7 (1.50.69 - 1.50.69) <57939F7D-3626-30E2-883D-8A7CCB3F8763> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/OpenCL
           0x10a1cd000 -        0x10a1eefff +librooksmce.dylib (??? - ???) <AFB00909-A5BE-9547-98A8-B85E32F942BF> /Library/Rapport/*/librooksmce.dylib
           0x10b7a2000 -        0x10b7a2ffd +cl_kernels (??? - ???) <A09842D0-0571-4F96-B765-703C3682F7F3> cl_kernels
           0x10b7de000 -        0x10b7e4fef  libcldcpuengine.dylib (1.50.69 - compatibility 1.0.0) <303313AD-2D57-37A5-922B-3194C5DCD007> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/libcldcpuengine.dylib
           0x10b7eb000 -        0x10b7eeff7  libCoreFSCache.dylib (??? - ???) <70D5EB80-24F5-3837-9302-EBD4CFCE5CBA> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCoreFSCache .dylib
           0x10b7f5000 -        0x10b7f6ff3 +cl_kernels (??? - ???) <66BD4457-E08A-41A0-B670-EEDC37CF2A5C> cl_kernels
           0x10c17b000 -        0x10c17cffc +cl_kernels (??? - ???) <B0A47C6C-174D-406A-9630-BB85F0FA24E4> cl_kernels
           0x10d324000 -        0x10d3b7ff7  unorm8_bgra.dylib (1.50.69 - compatibility 1.0.0) <5FB796A4-1AD0-3B4D-AA83-F8A46E039224> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Libraries/ImageFormats/unorm8_bgra. dylib
           0x10d56c000 -        0x10d56dff3 +cl_kernels (??? - ???) <629F1208-2C4D-422F-93E5-405999524834> cl_kernels
           0x10d692000 -        0x10d6c7fe7 +librooksbas.dylib (??? - ???) <EEF7BAA0-C433-17AF-E049-C7B2C22BF139> /Library/Rapport/*/librooksbas.dylib
           0x10df6b000 -        0x10df9efff +RapportDaishi.dylib (??? - ???) <3569E41D-25A7-FF22-084E-4A4D5D16E8FA> /Library/Rapport/*/RapportDaishi.dylib
           0x1102a2000 -        0x11049cfff +RapportUtil1.dylib (??? - ???) <3A5C82E9-2D75-04E0-6A6D-E2946F42EA17> /Library/Rapport/*/RapportUtil1.dylib
        0x7fff68381000 -     0x7fff683b5baf  dyld (195.6 - ???) <0CD1B35B-A28F-32DA-B72E-452EAD609613> /usr/lib/dyld
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        0x7fff90ebe000 -     0x7fff90edaff7 (1.0 - 126.1) <509F52ED-E54B-3FEF-B3C2-759387B826E6> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Gene rationalStorage
        0x7fff90f63000 -     0x7fff90f6cff7  libsystem_notify.dylib (80.1.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <A4D651E3-D1C6-3934-AD49-7A104FD14596> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
        0x7fff90f6d000 -     0x7fff90fa2fff (5.0 - 55022.4) <09EC371E-0B6E-3849-A6C9-F8E9DB17BBCD> /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityInterface.framework/Versions/A/SecurityInter face
        0x7fff90fb4000 -     0x7fff90fb7fff (1.3.2 - 42) <AB67588E-7227-3993-927F-C9E6DAC507FD> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Help.framewor k/Versions/A/Help
        0x7fff90fb8000 -     0x7fff910d1fff (1.6.3 - 1.6.3) <20812ECE-CACC-3D44-8108-025EF6B45C14> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DesktopServicesPriv.framework/Versions/A/Desk topServicesPriv
        0x7fff910d2000 -     0x7fff910dfff7  libbz2.1.0.dylib (1.0.5 - compatibility 1.0.0) <8EDE3492-D916-37B2-A066-3E0F054411FD> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
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        0x7fff9150e000 -     0x7fff91710fff  libicucore.A.dylib (46.1.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <38CD6ED3-C8E4-3CCD-89AC-9C3198803101> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
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        0x7fff917f5000 -     0x7fff917f5fff (6.6 - ???) <021D4214-9C23-3CD8-AFB2-F331697A4508> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
        0x7fff917f6000 -     0x7fff917f6fff (1.7.2 - 1.7.2) <04C10813-CCE5-3333-8C72-E8E35E417B3B> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
        0x7fff917f7000 -     0x7fff9180efff (231.4 - 231.4) <10A978D1-8781-33F0-BE45-60C9171F7278> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MultitouchSupport.framework/Versions/A/Multit ouchSupport
        0x7fff9180f000 -     0x7fff91838ff7 (7.2.1 - 721.3) <4BA49D6F-373B-3F4E-A2B3-453C2ED66318> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Apple80211
        0x7fff91839000 -     0x7fff91a63fe7 (104.1 - 358.14) <6BB64605-8DA7-337D-A2AB-A3346A421CBD> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreData.framework/Versions/A/CoreData
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        0x7fff91b01000 -     0x7fff91b43ff7  libcommonCrypto.dylib (55010.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <A5B9778E-11C3-3F61-B740-1F2114E967FB> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
        0x7fff91b44000 -     0x7fff91bbafff  libc++.1.dylib (28.1.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <DA22E4D6-7F20-3BEA-9B89-2FBA735C2EE1> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
        0x7fff91bbb000 -     0x7fff91bc1fff (2.4.1 - 2.4.1) <CEA34337-63DE-302E-81AA-10D717E1F699> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiskArbitration.framework/Versions/A/DiskArbitration
        0x7fff91bf0000 -     0x7fff92080ff7 (7534 - 7534.56.5) <D5D17AA3-4866-3022-8D3A-E302D1DE10DD> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Safari.framework/Versions/A/Safari
        0x7fff920ab000 -     0x7fff921adff7 (1.0.5 - 65.28) <8251731B-2EAA-3957-82B6-3FF0E096645A> /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/PubSub
        0x7fff921ae000 -     0x7fff92292fff (478.46 - 478.46) <70BEE269-8F4D-3FDC-B1AD-A591C0CB37E5> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSServi ces.framework/Versions/A/OSServices
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        0x7fff92d7a000 -     0x7fff92da2fff (1.11 - 11) <8D4C6382-DD92-37A2-BCFC-E89951320848> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PerformanceAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/Perf ormanceAnalysis
        0x7fff92dab000 -     0x7fff932b4ff7 (3.14.0 - 646) <75A96BFC-1832-808B-F430-C4C9379C5A98> /System/Library/CoreServices/RawCamera.bundle/Contents/MacOS/RawCamera
        0x7fff932b5000 -     0x7fff9332bfff (2.2 - 73.2) <126415E3-3A35-315B-B4B7-507CDBED0D58> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreSymbolication.framework/Versions/A/CoreSy mbolication
        0x7fff9332c000 -     0x7fff933b1ff7 (2.2 - 2.0) <FF0BD9A4-6FB0-31E3-ABFB-563FBBEC45FC> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Heimdal.framework/Versions/A/Heimdal
        0x7fff933de000 -     0x7fff93474ff7  libvMisc.dylib (325.4.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <642D8D54-F9F5-3FBB-A96C-EEFE94C6278B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/libvMisc.dylib
        0x7fff93482000 -     0x7fff93482fff (41 - 41) <03F3FA8F-8D2A-3AB6-A8E3-40B001116339> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Application Services
        0x7fff93483000 -     0x7fff934ccff7 (2.1.2 - 212.2) <5E421E2D-50EA-340E-A5EE-C848DD6FC34F> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/Versions/A/CoreWLAN
        0x7fff93525000 -     0x7fff93530fff (2.2 - 2.0) <77E6F0D0-85B6-30B5-B99C-F57104DD2EBA> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommonAuth.framework/Versions/A/CommonAuth
        0x7fff93531000 -     0x7fff93540ff7  libxar-nossl.dylib (??? - ???) <A6ABBFB9-E4ED-38AD-BBBB-F9958B9CEFB5> /usr/lib/libxar-nossl.dylib
        0x7fff93541000 -     0x7fff9369afff (1.7.2 - 1.7.2) <0AD8197C-1BA9-30CD-98F1-4CA2C6559BA8> /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
        0x7fff9369b000 -     0x7fff936a0fff (10.7 - 146) <A674AB55-6E3D-39AE-9F9B-9865D0193020> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenDirectory.framework/Versions/A/OpenDirectory
        0x7fff936a1000 -     0x7fff93746fff (1.4 - 110) <F93B76B3-E57C-3805-B20D-03717A3F91DD> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ink.framework /Versions/A/Ink
        0x7fff93763000 -     0x7fff93778fff (4.0.74 - 4.0.74) <C061ECBB-7061-3A43-8A18-90633F943295> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
        0x7fff939f3000 -     0x7fff93a33fff  libtidy.A.dylib (??? - ???) <E500CDB9-C010-3B1A-B995-774EE64F39BE> /usr/lib/libtidy.A.dylib
        0x7fff93a34000 -     0x7fff93b9bfff (520.4.3 - 520.4.3) <31D7A595-375E-341A-8E97-21E73CC62E4A> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CFNetwo rk.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
        0x7fff93b9c000 -     0x7fff93ca9fff  libJP2.dylib (??? - ???) <5BE8CFA7-00C2-3BDE-BC20-5FF6DC18B415> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libJP2.dylib
        0x7fff93caa000 -     0x7fff93ccafff  libPng.dylib (??? - ???) <F4D84592-C450-3076-88E9-8E6517C7EF33> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libPng.dylib
        0x7fff93d23000 -     0x7fff941eafff  FaceCoreLight (1.4.7 - compatibility 1.0.0) <BDD0E1DE-CF33-3AF8-B33B-4D1574CCC19D> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FaceCoreLight.framework/Versions/A/FaceCoreLi ght
        0x7fff94268000 -     0x7fff942d3ff7 (2.0 - ???) <6C604894-7F61-3130-8499-20791D14577F> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
        0x7fff94441000 -     0x7fff944a3ff7 (1.3 - 91) <B072970E-9EC1-3495-A1FA-D344C6E74A13> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Symbolication.framework/Versions/A/Symbolicat ion
        0x7fff944a4000 -     0x7fff944a8ff7 (1.2.5 - 94) <0BB2C436-C9D5-380B-86B5-E355A7711259> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CommonPanels. framework/Versions/A/CommonPanels
        0x7fff944a9000 -     0x7fff944f7fff  libauto.dylib (??? - ???) <D8AC8458-DDD0-3939-8B96-B6CED81613EF> /usr/lib/libauto.dylib
        0x7fff944f8000 -     0x7fff94554ff7 (1.21 - ???) <9645CFA8-63BE-3A0D-A636-56D9827E6C8C> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ HIServices.framework/Versions/A/HIServices
        0x7fff94555000 -     0x7fff945efff7 (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <4E70C394-773E-3A4B-A93C-59A88ABA9509> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
        0x7fff9463d000 -     0x7fff94640fff  libRadiance.dylib (??? - ???) <CD89D70D-F177-3BAE-8A26-644EA7D5E28E> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ImageIO.framework/Versions/A/Resources/libRadiance.dylib
        0x7fff94641000 -     0x7fff94647fff  IOSurface (??? - ???) <77C6757B-D357-3E34-9424-48F962B5CC9C> /System/Library/Frameworks/IOSurface.framework/Versions/A/IOSurface
        0x7fff94656000 -     0x7fff9468ffe7  libssl.0.9.8.dylib (44.0.0 - compatibility 0.9.8) <79AAEC98-1258-3DA4-B1C0-4120049D390B> /usr/lib/libssl.0.9.8.dylib
        0x7fff94690000 -     0x7fff9476efff (6.0.4 - 6040.4.1) <E6D5835F-EE3C-3814-A2EE-6962B5570EF1> /System/Library/Frameworks/DiscRecording.framework/Versions/A/DiscRecording
        0x7fff94792000 -     0x7fff9479dff7  libc++abi.dylib (14.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <8FF3D766-D678-36F6-84AC-423C878E6D14> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
        0x7fff94b4d000 -     0x7fff94b5bfff (1.0 - 3.0) <F384FFFD-70F6-3B1C-A886-F5B446E456E7> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/NetAuth.framework/Versions/A/NetAuth
        0x7fff95709000 -     0x7fff9570fff7  libunwind.dylib (30.0.0 - compatibility 1.0.0) <1E9C6C8C-CBE8-3F4B-A5B5-E03E3AB53231> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
        0x7fff966bb000 -     0x7fff96845ff7 (7534.56 - 7534.56.5) <BC22A17F-A32F-3D9B-926F-091A47C4B315> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
        0x7fff96863000 -     0x7fff96871ff7  libkxld.dylib (??? - ???) <C2FC894F-3716-32C3-967E-6AD5E2697045> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
        0x7fff968db000 -     0x7fff96927ff7 (1.11.3 - 1.11) <0A7F1982-B4EA-3424-A0C7-FE46C6224F03> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
        0x7fff96928000 -     0x7fff96a5efff (5.1 - 5.1) <A08B7582-67BC-3EED-813A-4833645964A7> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ amework/Versions/A/vImage
    External Modification Summary:
      Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
        task_for_pid: 25
        thread_create: 2
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by this process:
        task_for_pid: 0
        thread_create: 0
        thread_set_state: 0
      Calls made by all processes on this machine:
        task_for_pid: 342
        thread_create: 4
        thread_set_state: 0
    VM Region Summary:
    ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=186.7M resident=142.7M(76%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=44.0M(24%)
    Writable regions: Total=1.1G written=6120K(1%) resident=37.9M(3%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=1.1G(97%)
    REGION TYPE                        VIRTUAL
    ===========                        =======
    CG backing stores                    2840K
    CG image                              236K
    CG raster data                       3120K
    CG shared images                     3384K
    CoreAnimation                           4K
    CoreGraphics                           16K
    CoreImage                               8K
    CoreServices                         2256K
    JS JIT generated code                   8K
    JS JIT generated code (reserved)      1.0G        reserved VM address space (unallocated)
    MALLOC                               59.5M
    MALLOC guard page                      48K
    Mach message (reserved)                 8K        reserved VM address space (unallocated)
    Memory tag=240                          4K
    Memory tag=242                         12K
    Memory tag=243                          4K
    Memory tag=251                         28K
    OpenCL                                 44K
    SQLite page cache                     480K
    STACK GUARD                          56.0M
    Stack                                13.1M
    VM_ALLOCATE                          16.3M
    __CI_BITMAP                            80K
    __DATA                               16.4M
    __IMAGE                               528K
    __LINKEDIT                           54.7M
    __RC_CAMERAS                          248K
    __TEXT                              131.9M
    __UNICODE                             544K
    mapped file                          53.6M
    shared memory                         396K
    ===========                        =======
    TOTAL                                 1.4G
    TOTAL, minus reserved VM space      415.6M
    Model: MacBookPro8,1, BootROM MBP81.0047.B27, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.3 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.68f96
    Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000, Intel HD Graphics 3000, Built-In, 384 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353737334448302D4348392020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80CE, 0x4D34373142353737334448302D4348392020
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0xD6), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.0.5f11, 2 service, 11 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: Hitachi HTS545032B9A302, 320.07 GB
    Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfa100000 / 3
    USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, apple_vendor_id, 0x0252, 0xfa120000 / 5
    USB Device: BRCM2070 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 4
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x821a, 0xfa113000 / 7
    USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), apple_vendor_id, 0x8509, 0xfa200000 / 2
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2513, 0xfd100000 / 2
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0xfd110000 / 3

    Wow! You're amazing! It's now ok! Thanks so much!
    I just thought that Rapport will help me to be more secured but I didn't know that it has a side effect. haha!

  • For the first time, I'm trying to use adobe premiere elements10 that came with my pc Windows 8. I created a single project, saved it but cannot open it. My pc shows the file I created but I get an error message that says this type file is not supported or

    For the first time, I'm trying to use adobe premiere elements 10 that came with my pc Windows 8. I created a single project, saved it but cannot open it. My pc shows the file I created but I get an error message that says this type file is not supported or the codex is not installed. As a test, I created another very small project and get the same error message, when I try to open it. Pls give me a simple answer, a refund or a phone

    mike frischenmeyer
    What computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 10 running on? And, what video card/graphics card does that computer use?
    Is this the first time you are using Premiere Elements 10 or have you worked with it before successfully? There is no easy solution until we
    know the details and troubleshoot to determined what caused the problem.
    1. Can you open a new project?
    2. After you saved/closed the problem project, did you move, delete, or rename any of the files/folder that were related to the source media
    for that project?
    3. Please review the Adobe document on troubleshooting damaged projects.
    Troubleshoot damaged projects | Adobe Premiere Elements
    4. What are the steps that you are using to reopen this saved closed project.
    a. File Menu/Open Project/Name of Project
    b. Other
    Please review and consider and then we can decide what next based on your further details and results..
    Thank you.

  • I plugged in my iphone 4 for the first time to my computer to back everything up. but when i got to the screen to click on "new phone" or restore to the "same phone" i clicked "same phone by accident. now i have all of my old stuff from my G3s on my new

    i plugged in my iphone 4 for the first time to my computer to back everything up. but when i got to the screen to click on "new phone" or restore to the "same phone" i clicked "same phone by accident. now i have all of my old information from my G3s on my new iphone 4. how can i reverse this? please help.

    Hi, raneth's boyfriend!
    Unfortunately, iTunes was told to restore all data from an old backup onto the new phone, and that cannot be undone.
    However, prior to this, iTunes 10 would have also asked to make a backup of the phone before doing the restore.  If the user elects to say "yes" to perform the backup, then iTunes would have backed up the phone before erasing it.
    Hopefully, that backup will still be available in iTunes, and if so, it would be backed up under the new phone's name prior to it being erased and restored (if the name of the new phone is different to the name of the old phone).
    To check if iTunes has a backup of the phone prior to the restore, look in the Devices category in iTunes Preferences.  All backups made are timestamped and are identified with the iPhone's name at the time of the backup.  Look for:
    • a backup of the phone using the new phone's name prior to the erase and restore, or
    • a backup with the same date and time as that when the phone was erased and restored (not the date and time AFTER when the phone was erased and restored!).  This may be the case if the new and old phones have the same name.
    If a backup is available, you can erase and restore again using that backup. The phone will be restored with what would hopefully be the original image of the new phone.
    If no backup was made prior to erasing and restoring the phone initially, then there is no way to
    undo it, meaning your phone's original data has been lost.

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  • OAS and LDAP or OAS and OID ???

    1) Is OAS and LDAP a good combination or OAS and OID ??? how do we connect and make use of LDAP from OAS? please let me know thanks in advance

  • Sales order idoc error only on ORDCHG message type (ORDERS01)

    Hi. I am adding segment E1EDK04 to our sales order idocs in order to pass tax jurisdiction code to R3. When I create the order (message type ORDERS), I am extracting tax jurisdiction code from the idoc and I am adding it to the ship-to address screen