Erasing Text Like on a Chalkboard

I'm trying to figure out how to simulate text being erased, as though it is on a chalkboard.
I have used the write-on effect to simulate it being written on.
But now I need a way to have it erased, and ideally in more of a haphazard way (as though someone is using a chalkbrush to erase it).

I assume that you have a layer with your text and a layer ith your chalkboard.
One way to erase the text is to use the Brush tool (one of the Paint tools) to paint on just the alpha channel of the layer with the text, turning it transparent where your strokes are.

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    JJMack wrote:
    There is a big difference between being a casual user than real work or development. I own a iPod its a great MP3 player and a device I can display my pictures on out of my pocket. I'll even Facetime my kids at time to see my grand kids or help fix something.  My wife has a mini iPad for quick internet access and quire music and uses her iPod to entertain our two year old grandson with games.   She uses a Canon 1D mark 4 and I a Cannon 1D mark II.  The only use the iPad and iPod cameras get is Facetime. No iOS apps are use to work on images  they have no value when you have Photoshop. The iPod is better for displaying image then the iPad mini it has a 3:2 aspect ratio display and travels better the the mini iPad which has a 4:3 aspect ratio display.  I also crop image for display on wall mounted HDTV. The iPad is better for casual internet access then the iPod. All our kids have iPhones and they all use computers either Mac or PC for work and internet access.  When you have a Unix or Windows why would you want to touch an iOS device for work or serious internet access.  Apple mobile devices are convenient for casual use and grand kids don't get that dirty finger painting on them as they do using real paint. Nothing of real value is maintained on an iOS device.
    Well...there's Photoshop Touch and Photoshop Mix as well as Lightroom Mobile. It could be argued that they're don't exactly mirror their desktop cousins, yes, but they weren't meant to be. They were meant as extensions to the desktop experience.  (e.g., Lightroom Mobile lets one work with the RAW images they have in their Lightroom desktop collections.)
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    Right.  Some plugins have zip file downloads while others are just copy & paste.
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    dercati wrote:
    Now Alancito,can you send a email in spanish because is better for me the translate...(dercatie"
    Dercatie ~ I prefer not to communicate via email and my Spanish is not so good. So here's my previous post translated to Portuguese via:
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    parent.window.location = "http://www.preçosnomepá"; // change this to your own URL
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    Draw the shape which is to be knocked out (a line in the example) in a layer above the logo. The colour doesn't matter because it will be made invisible.
    Double-click in the space to the right of the layer's name in Layers panel to open its Layer Style window where advanced blending can be modified.
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    You mean slide the entire text or 1 letter at a time ?
    If it's the entire text, 1 Text object is enough :
    var scene: Scene;
    def text: Text = Text {
                font: Font {
                    size: 16
                y: 30
                content: "Application content"
    Stage {
        title: "Application title"
        scene: scene = Scene {
            width: 250
            height: 80
            content: [
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                repeatCount: 5
                duration: 5s
                fromX: -text.layoutBounds.width
                toX: 50
                node: text;If it's 1 letter at a time it is 1 Text per character. Easy to code (it's similar to the one above but with more Text nodes), but you might end doing tons of tests to figure out the proper timing.
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    It depends if the WDJ application has made another navigation.
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    Like i said if this is all to hard to understand i can get some screen shots later on...I wanna make sure this is something which can be fixed before i go ahead and drop 700+ on the program...

    Yes i installed the patch...That was the first thing i did, before checking the video driver...The patch didnt fix any of the problems im having...The video driver update did however fix the eraser/brush issue...
    I did what you said in post #1 about un-checking the option listed....When i did that nothing changed for me....
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