Error -25923 assigning profile

My automate plugin assigns a profile by playing "assignProfile" on the current document with a named "profile" parameter. This has worked fine in CS4, CS3 and earlier. But now in CS5 it fails whenever there is already a profile assigned to the document. (If there is no profile already assigned then there is no problem)
I have tried various workarounds, like clearing the existing profile first, setting the working profile first, assigning the profile more than once, even clearing the profile first by playing a recorded action. Nothing seems to work.
Has anyone else seen this or have any advice? Has anything changed in the implementation that I need to be aware of?

My original description of the problem was not quite correct. Seems the issue is that CS5 is not aware of my profile.
Before assigning a profile CS5 now checks that it is in a cached list of profiles and errors if it is not. CS4 and earlier never did this. CS5 only updates its list when either 1) the GUI is shown or 2) (if the cache is not yet built) the first time the assignProfile action is executed.
My plugin creates a new profile (potentially a different one each time) and puts it in ~/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/ and therefore it's not in the cached list. The reason I thought it had something to do with a profile already being assigned was that the first time I execute the action it always tended to succeed (because of 2.)
I'm still stuck of course.

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    > Run SU53 (immediately after you receive the error message) and check which authorizations that failed. You probably miss S_USER_PRO with activity 01 or 02 from your own roles.
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    Looks like the portal desktop service is not assigned to the org o=DavRx (if that is the org which you created)
    1. Login to amconsole (access manager console)
    2. click on your organization
    3. select services from the "view" dropdown
    4. click on "Add" button and add portal desktop services (you can also add all the services)
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    hi Varalakshmi,
                      please have a look at the following urls..
    Settings for material number conversion not found
    try oss note 555675, it tells you to use transaction OMSL.
    You need to set the material conversion lengths to 18.
    with Br
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    Dear Naveen,
    Check whether did you make any config changes in the REM profile in OSP2 or else assigned some other REM profile which
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    Hello Sireesha,
    Have u followed standard format while uploading the text file....
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    See the below output

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    Hi Peter,
    did you fixed it?
    How did you?
    got the same problem
    Kind regards,

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    - <!-- Call Adapter
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP=""
    <SAP:P1>EDI: Error while assigning IDoc number</SAP:P1>
    <SAP:P2 />
    <SAP:P3 />
    <SAP:P4 />
    <SAP:AdditionalText />
    <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
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    Kind regards,

    Hi Jayakrishnan,
    thanks a lot for your answer.
    SM59 is working finde. In IDX1 I got the the correct RFC destination entered and a double click works fine also.
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    Oracle Version:
    SQL> select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Stored procedure i am trying to write is as following
    create or replace procedure jp1 (
    p_start_date date default trunc(sysdate,'MM')
    , p_end_date date default trunc(sysdate)
    l_no_of_days number;
    type t_date_id is table of date
    index by pls_integer;
    l_date_id_arr t_date_id;
    l_no_of_days := p_end_date - p_start_date;
    for i in 0
    .. l_no_of_days - 1
        l_date_id_arr := p_start_date + i;
        dbms_output.put_line(p_start_date + i);
    end loop;
    I am getting error at line 14 while compiling this. and the error message is as following:
    Errors for PROCEDURE JP1:
    14/5     PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    14/22    PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
    So while investigating this i tried to output the value of (p_start_date + i) using dbms_output.put_line and the output is date itself.
    create or replace procedure jp1 (
    p_start_date date default trunc(sysdate,'MM')
    , p_end_date date default trunc(sysdate)
    l_no_of_days number;
    type t_date_id is table of date
    index by pls_integer;
    l_date_id_arr t_date_id;
    l_no_of_days := p_end_date - p_start_date;
    for i in 0 .. l_no_of_days-1
        --l_date_id_arr := p_start_date + i;
        dbms_output.put_line(p_start_date + i);
    end loop;
    output of the
    exec jp1
    is as following:
    I see the output as date itself. so why it is throwing error while assigning the same to associative array of date type.
    I tried to google also for the same but to no avail.
    Any help in this regard is appreciated or any pointer some other thread on internet or in this forum.
    Thanks in advance
    Jagdeep Sangwan

    Read about associative arrays :
    create or replace procedure jp1 (
    p_start_date date default trunc(sysdate,'MM')
    , p_end_date date default trunc(sysdate)
    ) is
    l_no_of_days number;
    type t_date_id is table of date
    index by pls_integer;
    l_date_id_arr t_date_id;
    l_no_of_days := p_end_date - p_start_date;
    for i in 0..l_no_of_days - 1
        l_date_id_arr(i) := p_start_date + i;
        dbms_output.put_line(p_start_date + i);
    end loop;
    Ramin Hashimzade

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    I have a scenario where I need to extract a char 60 field from R/3 in the DSO.
    I have created the info-object which is char 60 which has the master data text activated.
    In the DSO transformation I have mapped it to the R/3 field.
    While activating the data in DSO its giving the error message
    'Value '20 per action plan' (hex. '32302070657220616374696F6E20706C616E') of characteristic'
    'Error when assigning SID: Action VAL_SID_CONVERT InfoObject ZRMSD '
    How to overcome this issue.
    Please advise.
    Thanks in advance.

    Change the InfoObject for this text so that it will allow lowercase letters. To do this, go into Change mode on the InfoObject, go to the General tab, check the Lowercase letters checkbox and activate the InfoObject. After this has been activated, you can then restart your process and this SID violation error should no longer be thrown for this.
    If you don't want to do this, then you can use the TOUPPER formula in the Characteristic Routine, in the Transformation, to change the value of this field contents to uppercase. This can also be done by using an ABAP routine like this:
    Edited by: Dennis Scoville on Nov 3, 2009 9:55 AM

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    Error while copying profile from the default profile...
    runtime error- DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST
    pls help..

                You check weather new role name is in Z,Y name space or not?, check the same thing in other clients as well. If you are in windows , then your server mey need reboot because i faced similar problem but sorted after reboot.
    PS: Points are welcome.

  • Error while assignment of Paying Co Code in FBZP

    HI friends,
    I am getting the following error while assigning Paying Co Code in FBZP -
    Company code 7144 is not permitted as the paying company code
    Message no. F3063
    The paying company code and the company code on whose behalf the payment is being made must be in the same country, have the same local currency, and display the same currencies managed in parallel. The setting regarding extended withholding tax functions (active or not active) must also be identical for both company codes.
    System Response
    The entry is not accepted since these requirements are not met.
    Correct your entry.bold**
    The reason for the same isCompany code 7144 is not permitted as the paying company code
    Message no. F3063
    The paying company code and the company code on whose behalf the payment is being made must be in the same country, have the same local currency, and display the same currencies managed in parallel. The setting regarding extended withholding tax functions (active or not active) must also be identical for both company codes.
    System Response
    The entry is not accepted since these requirements are not met.
    Correct your entry.
    The scenario is that one company code is making the payments for the other. However, the 2 companies are based in different countries. Hence, system is not allowing this assignment.
    Has anyone come across this scenario? Is there any other wayaround for this which can result in Intercompany postings.
    If we assign the Paying Company Code in the Variant screen in F110( instead of FBZP), will that work? I have tried the same but it doesnt work that way.
    Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    - i am not sure if its possible; help on FBZP clearly states this
    The paying company code and the company code to which payment is made must be in the same country and have the same local currency and parallel currencies. In addition, both company codes must have the same settings for enhanced withholding tax functions (active or not active).
    Only the valid company codes for the paying company code are included in the possible entries.

  • Invoice EDI error : EDI: Partner profile inbound not available

    Hi  EDI experts ,
    We are connecting our SAP ECC 6 ( Ehp 4) system to 3rd party system Mincom via SAP PI, to send PO Creation message (Outbound) and receive Vendor Invoice message( inbound).  We already done all the settings..Output determination procedure, Partner Profile ( WE20) , Port creation , Condition Records, EDI settings in SPRO for invoice..etc as below:
    Logical system ( BD54)
    ECC system - EDACLNT112,
    PI systems u2013 IDACLNT210
    Third party u2013 LSMINCOM
    Port ( WE21)
    IDACLNT510 : For PI with RFC destination IDACLNT510
    Partner ( WE20)
    LSMINCOM :  (Partn.Type LS)
    Outbound parmtrs.- Partner Role- LS, Message : ORDERS , Port - IDACLNT510
    Inbound parmtrs.- Partner Role- LS, Message : INVOIC , Message Variant- MM, Process code u2013 INVL, Trigger immediately (Process code INVL have  Identification - IDOC_INPUT_INVOIC_MRM, Option ALE u2013 Processing with ALE services , Processing type- processing by functional module)
    Here PO Creation is working fine . IDoC of PO outbound message have below details :
    Recipient information:
    Port :     IDACLNT510 (Logical system & Port created in WE21 )
    Partner Number :  LSMINCOM   ( Logical system and Partner created in WE20)
    Partn.Type :  LS        
    Function :  LS     
    Sender information:
    Port :  SAPEDA ( donu2019t know how it created..but in is not there)
    Partner number:   EDACLNT112 ( Logical system and Partner created in WE20)
    Partn.Type :  LS        
    Partner Role :Blank
    Just started testing, our PI team is sending the IDoC, with wrong information on partner & other data, so inbound IDoC failing with error u201CEDI: Partner profile not availableu201D. Oaky. I reprocessed these failed IDoCs by changing Partner data just opposite (i.e. Sender info as Recipient info & vice versa) to successful PO Creation O/B message in WE19 in EDIDC and when I click on u201CStandard Inboundu201D, then another window open giving error message u201CPartner profile not maintainedu201D and creates new IDoC with status 56
    EDI: Partner profile inbound not availableMessage no. E0337
    An inbound partner profile could not be found with the following key:
    This involves the key fields of table EDP21:
    -SNDPRN  partner number of sender
    -SNDPRT  partner type of sender
    -SNDPFC  partner function of sender
    -MESTYP  logical message type
    -MESCOD  logical message code
    -MESFCT  logical message function
    -TEST    test flag
    Please check the inbound partner profiles.
    Execute function
    I am not getting exactly what inbound partner profile could not be found or what is the problem here . Can anyone suggest me what should be the problem and solution on it ?

    Please advice what was the solution.

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